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Discuss - Ep #0492
« on: July 03, 2013, 04:06:43 PM »
Robservations #492

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0492

Offline dom

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0492
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2013, 04:27:24 PM »
This ep picks up exactly where the last episode left off – thank you. Adam gives up the ghost and retrieves his arm back into the lab and goes on a rampage busting up the place. Barn decides the only thing to do is kill him with the gun in Lang’s office. When he & and Julia return all is quiet in the lab and they carefully enter. After a brief search by Barn, Adam’s found hidden under a sheet sleeping. Julia reasons Adam is a newborn in a man’s body and sees hope where Barn sees none. Julia encourages Barn with a morality speech to let Adam live, convincing him to keep Adam locked away in the Old House basement until they can rear him to mental adulthood. Meanwhile, at Collinwood we see Mrs. Johnson casually dressed, minding David who is still mute. As she fusses over the boy Cassandra walks in. David backs away in fear but this is seemingly lost on Mrs. J. Cass offers to watch the boy but Mrs. J. won’t have it, insisting that he is more accustomed to her care. Mrs. J. goes to get David some broth. While she is away Cass decides Mrs. J. must be freed from attending to David in order to have the dream. She takes her spell off David and puts him to sleep. When Mrs. J. reenters the drawing room, David wakes to the sound of her voice and is able to speak, and has no memory of the past 48 hours as per Cassandra’s reversal. Cass lulls Mrs. J. to sleep and she has the dream – led to the room of doors by David - her final door reveals a flock of roosting bats.

Afterthoughts: You got to give Barn some kind of credit, when he has a problem he doesn’t waste much time dilly-dallying around on how to put an end to it, lol. Even as a young man his first instinct was to kill Jeremiah in a duel – so I don’t know how much of his killing instinct can actually be blamed on his vampirism. Adam gets another shot at living – Julia always did have a moral slant to her – anything but killing if at all possible. Blackburn’s DC performance was better than most, quite good actually– seeing the bats makes me think we are getting closer to the curse returning to Barn – and Mutual Of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom. And how about Mrs. Johnson’s threads! That was a rare sight. I don’t ever recall seeing her in anything but black but I am sure my memory is failing me. Do you suppose Cassandra actually goes shopping or does she just poof her way into a new outfit – shades of Samantha Steven’s or should I say, Serena? However she attains her threads, it was a nice outfit. And the wig is still fitting properly though I wasn’t that thrilled with the styling today. David has huge feet; it practically looks like he’s wearing clown shoes. Nice tender moment, Mrs. J. Speaking of her fondness for David. The writing seems to be getting generally better. There are a lot less things to criticize or question because of it. Little things like Jules cautioning that Adam might be behind the door waiting to ambush them. Mrs. J. asking if Davy lost his voice again during the dream, etc.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0492
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2013, 06:34:10 PM »
You're right, dom--Mrs. J's new outfit makes her look closer to CB's true age, younger in any event.

Barnabas and Julia walk down several steps outside the door to Lang's laboratory, but in Lang's gothic house, they should walk straight along a level corridor. (The set seems to be recycled components of the Blue Whale/Eagle set.)

Perhaps Julia is "remembering someone" when she uses all of her powers of persuasion to keep Barnabas from killing Adam.

Adam has pretty much wrecked all of Lang's equipment. This is one experiment that will never tested by the scientific method because it can never be duplicated.

Once David is "cured," Mrs. J admits to Cassangelique that she is very fond of him. Cassandra tries to get her to rest but she is afraid of going to sleep on account of the dream. Under the guise of kindness, Cassandra sits her down on the sofa (much against Mrs. J's will--she follows the Collinwood servants' handbook much more carefully than Ben did) and sends her to sleep too.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0492
« Reply #3 on: July 03, 2013, 09:42:53 PM »
Dear Dom:  I always assumed Cassandra enjoyed playing "mistress of the manor" to the hilt, now that she's actually married to a Collins for more than a week, and therefore finds time between tormenting her victims and scheming up new ways to push the Dream Curse forward (and to keep her hair at its tamest) to traipse down to Brewsters for some much needed retail therapy.

Ask Gothick about the butterfly peignoir. 

(Oh, Gothy -- my brother dropped a bunch of my old DS stuff from high school off last week, and somewhere in the pile was your old story, "Many Secrets"!  I can't wait to dive into it again!!!  Lunch at the Lavender Guppy ...)
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0492
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2013, 04:19:13 AM »
Angandra uses hypnosis maybe, instead of magic to make David forget?  I hope David remembers to forget.  Anyway, I'd already observed that the memory trick was something Julia could do, that Angelique couldn't.   Ang = Sandman to Mrs. J, who falls asleep on duty.

And I'm not done watching it yet.   Wild Kingdom, chuckle.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0492
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2013, 07:42:49 PM »
Barnabas decides in another of his harebrained schemes to kill Adam. At least he is consistent with the go to plan. Julia thinking clearly says he is like a child born as an adult and the strength of a dozen men. David's sweater has metal buttons on it which were usually very unique and if you lost one caused much ado. Mrs J has the first dream sequence which I find creepy. The bats.
At the end is an interview with Ben Martin who seemed to be Kathryn Kringstads boyfriend when he was in town and was a photographer for Time. He took lots of pictures. It felt like they were scraping the bottom of the barrel here.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0492
« Reply #6 on: June 17, 2015, 07:01:52 AM »
The scene featuring Cassandra and Mrs. Johnson really did begin to feel a bit like The Battle of the Wigs.

I don't quite get why Cassandra couldn't have just made David forget everything he saw in the gazebo right from the start rather than robbing him of his ability to communicate. Another bit of pointless theatricality by Cassandra.

In episodes like this one, it's hard to remember that Mrs. Johnson - with her concern for David - was originally installed in Collinwood to spy on the Collins family for the by-now all-but-forgotten Burke Devlin.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0492
« Reply #7 on: June 18, 2015, 12:05:08 AM »
I love Mrs. J's humanity. Though I don't remember the particular scene or even the storyline, I do remember turning that corner with her and how it endeared me to the character. And how awesome it was whenever she had occasion to display her loyalty to the family thereafter.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0492
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2015, 07:35:20 AM »
It's nice when things have been spinning out of control for awhile on the show, supernatural activity all over the place to the point where we almost forget it's supposed to be bizarre, and they then drop Mrs. J into a scene after another long absence (I guess Clarice worked elsewhere a lot, but always came back)-- and it's almost as if Mrs. J has been gone as long as Clarice has been-- and she doesn't know anything about it.  She blunders into seeing something strange and tragic happening, like Joe attacking Barnabas, and then we see it all through her eyes, and we remember how twisted it all really is.  Her helplessness is affecting in that one...
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