Author Topic: #0401/0402: Robservations 03/18/02: Ben Shows Barn He Can Write  (Read 1203 times)

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401 - (Alexandra Moltke) - A seance has been held in the great house at Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space and sent one girl on an uncertain and frightening journey into the past, back to the year 1795.  There, each of the Collins ancestors resembles a present-day member of the Collins family, but the names and relationships have changed, and Victoria Winters finds herself a stranger in a sea of familiar faces.  There are those who believe she has practiced witchcraft and would destroy her.  But one member of the Collins family is besieged by doubts.

Collinwood basement - Barnabas awakens the sleeping Ben, who has been imprisoned in a cell.  He questions him about the witch.  It was just a story I made up, says Ben evasively.  I don't believe you intended to rob Abigail, protests Barnabas.  I'm certain there is a witch in this house, and it's one of two people--Victoria. . .or Angelique, my wife.  Ben insists he doesn't know anything.  There's no reason for you to rob Abigail, says Barnabas, who has neither money nor jewelry in her room--are you afraid of the witch?  There is no witch, says Ben, reminding Barnabas that he never used to believe in witches, either.  I used to be a rational man, says Barn, but things have happened here that defy rational explanation--I'm beginning to believe in the forces of evil. If Vicki isn't the witch, continues Barnabas, she's in danger--and he explains how Trask spiritied Vicki away. Ben is concerned, but refuses to budge.  We've been friends a long time, and I've never known you to lie to me, says Barnabas quietly.  Go away and leave me be, pleads Ben.  Barnabas grabs Ben, demanding he tell him the truth.  Frightened, Ben grabs a china vase and hits him over the head with it.  When Barnabas collapses, Ben, instantly horrified at what he's done, escapes the cell and runs off.
Joshua, alerted to Barnabas' presence in the cell by Riggs, enters.  Barnabas rises to his feet painfully and sits on the cot, head bowed.  Outraged, Joshua demands to know what he's done to deserve this behavior.  Barnabas denies helping Ben escape; he struck him over the head. You're forbidden to enter this house, Joshua reminds his son.  I had to question him, insists Barnabas, it's possible he was telling the truth about the witch.  Joshua says he still isn't convinced the supernatural is at work here. Barnabas reminds him of his fahter's own mysterious disappearance--how can you continue to deny the possibility of the supernatural?  Grudgingly, Joshua admits it could be true--but the witch has been caught, he says. Learning that Vicki is in the Collinsport Gaol, Barnabas asks his father to use his influence to help her.  I suspect she's guilty, retorts Joshua--Miss Winters is a stranger to me, I owe her nothing--now good night, sir!  (sooooo cold!)
Collinsport Gaol - The jailer brings Vicki out to Barnabas, then leaves them alone.  She's very happy to see him.  I'll try to help you, he promises, and asks her to tell him exactly what happened.  She describes the strange fire which gave off no heat, but rather an icy coldness.  Fire and ice, he says, stunned, and then tells her there was no evidence of fire in her room.  I'm innocent, she says, perturbed.  I believe you are innocent, too, he assures her.  The jailer takes Vicki back to her cell.  Barnabas remembers the words he overheard Angelique speaking in her old room and decides he has to find Ben.
Fishing shack - Inside, Ben slugs booze from a jug.  He's going to leave Collinsport, he vows.  He's dismayed when Barnabas, hastily promising not to turn Ben in, enters. Ben apologizes for hurting him, but Barnabas says he understands.  I wanted to let you know you're safe from the witch, says Barn craftily--she's been caught and will be executed.  Who are you talking about? asks Ben.  Why, Victoria Winters, replies Barnabas.  Are you sure of her guilt? asks Ben, disturbed.  I am, says Barnabas--the evidence was overwhelming.  Ben ponders Vicki's possible fate, unhappy, and reminds Barnabas that he suspected someone else.  I'm certain of Vicki's guilt, says Barnabas, because of you--you're my friend, I can trust you--if Angelique was the witch, you'd have warned me.  What if the witch cast a spell on me that prevented me from speaking her name? queries Ben.  I've been teaching you to write, Barnabas reminds him, and points to the dirt on top of a barrel--write her initials.  Fearfully, Ben writes a "V" in the dust.  V--for Victoria? asks Barnabas, perplexed. After hesitating a moment, Ben adds the crossbar, making the "V" an "A".  A--for Angelique, says Barnabas, pleased that Ben "spoke up."

NOTES:  One of the best episode endings ever!  Now Barnabas knows he married a witch, and someone, one senses their relationship won't be of the Samantha/Darren variety.  How will he handle this?

Great scenes between Frid and David.  Together they made magic.  Edmonds and Frid were excellent too.  Can you believe how coldly this father continues to treat his son?

402 - (Joan Bennett) - A seance has been held in the great house at Collinwood, a seance which has suspended time and space and sent one girl on an uncertain and frightening journey into the past, back to the year 1795. There, each of the Collins ancestors resembles a present-day member of the Collins family, but the names and relationships have changed, and Victoria Winters finds herself a stranger in a sea of familiar faces, some of whom believe she is a witch, for witchcraft is certainly being practiced at Collinwood, and only one man knows who the witch is.

Barnabas painfully tells Ben he overheard Angelique's fire-starting incantation and knew from that point that his wife was the witch.  To think that Victoria Winters is in prison while Angelique is free! He asks the shame-faced Ben how he found out, but Ben says he really can't tell him anything--just, whatever Barnabas thinks she did, she probably did. Josette and Jeremiah. . .Barnabas frets over the realization that he killed his uncle and friend thanks to Angelique's love potion; he takes pleasure in the idea that Jeremiah now is haunting his witch-wife.  She made Barnabas ill, too, proving she has the power to cure and kill.  Ben assures Barnabas grimly that Angelique can make anything happen.  Why did she do all this, demands Barnabas. Because she loves you, says Ben. Love? explodes Barnabas--she ruined my family!--no, she did this out of hate, and I'll teach her the meaning of hate! Be very careful, warns Ben, but Barnabas seems far less concerned for his own safety than finding a way to kill Angelique--revenge isn't sweet for Barnabas, but a necessity. Ben offers to do it himself, hide in the woods with a gun and shoot her, but Barn insists he must do it himself--Angelique took his reason for living away, and it's payback time!

Barnabas returns to the Old House. He's purchased a vial of poison--one drop will kill Angelique; all her magic won't save her from this!  When she comes downstairs, she's thrilled to see him, warm, affectionate. She wants to know where he was, and what he was doing, and he asks her the same questions. Why, I have no secrets from you, she laughs, clinging to his unyielding body. She hardly dared to dream that they'd be married, she says, to which he replies, "You dared, I think." Although it would be prudent for him to pretend he loves her, he's icy cold, and she notices his reticence. He suggests they have a drink together, and while she gazes out the window, prattling on, he slips a good 2-3 drops of the poison in her drink.
He sits down in the chair and she kneels at his feet, resting her arms across his knees. The double entendres continue and she grows more puzzled by his attitude. She admits she wants to go on a honeymoon; once they're away, alone, her love will make him forget all the terrible things that have happened.  He denies this is possible. Angelique keeps raising the glass to her lips, but never actually drinks the sherry. (There's an amusing exchange about how Angelique can't make anyone disappear and Angelique remarks that that is Miss Winters' province). However, when Naomi, the sherry queen, shows up, Angelique quickly offers her glass to her mother in law. Barnabas hastily claims there's a chip in the glass and before his mother can drink the deadly sherry, he knocks it from her hand, spilling it on the floor. Angelique, angry, leaves to get a cloth to mop it up, but she checks the glass for the non-existent chip and sniffs the remnants suspiciously. While Ang is out of the room, Naomi tells Barnabas a wedding gift arrived from France for him and Josette. Naomi desribes how Ben inexplicably stole Abigail's hair ribbon, which the latter claims was to be used by Miss Winters to cast a spell, and laments that nothing makes sense anymore. Her son promises her all that is going to end, and Angelique, who insists if she heard of a man stealing a ribbon, it would be for a woman he loved, overhears his last statement.  Naomi, heartbroken, wishing everything could be as it was, leaves. Thwarted in the poison-the-wife caper, Barnabas opens a drawer in the desk and pulls out a knife, testing its sharpness with a determined look on his face.
The huge package, once unwrapped, turns out to be Josette's portrait, intended as a gift for Barnabas from Miss duPres. Barnabas gazes sadly at it, then opens the accompanying letter, which says she told her father Barnabas didn't need this portrait; he'd have the real thing! Barnabas crumples the note with anger and sorrow and tosses it into the fireplace. Angelique, in a fetching blue nightgown, enter and observes the way he's looking at the portrait. She comments that isn't a wedding gift for THEM and wants to put it in the attic, but Barn says he'll offer it to Andre. She can't understand why he's looking at that portrait the way he is, has he forgotten what Josette did to him? What was that? demands Barnabas. She fell in love with Jeremiah, answers Angelique, as if to a child. Did she?--or was she under a spell? counters Barnabas.  Ang isn't happy he's being so kind to his former fiancee; a month ago he called Josette fickle and callous. I have a right to change my mind, he says. Angelique, shouting, accuses him of still being in love with Josette, then immediately reins in her temper. I love you, and I'm jealous, she admits, sorry. Angelique, what is love to you? he asks softly. You know what I think it is, she responds. "Do you?" he counters.
Later, his face a mask of pure hatred, Barnabas creeps into their bedroom and raises the knife above the body huddled under the covers, and viciously thrusts it in.

NOTES:  Amazing performances.  The little cat and mouse game between Angelique and Barnabas was riveting.  It's obvious that he gave himself away, when he should have been pretending to love her as much as she loves him. But he couldn't pretend, and that will prove to be his downfall.

Love, Robin