Author Topic: #1042/1043: Robservations 07/30/03: Julia Stands Up to Barnabas  (Read 1285 times)

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1042 - Angelique returns to Collinwood to find Maggie in her coat, about to leave. Alexis, I'm going to the jail to talk to my husband about everything, says Maggie. I'm sorry to have to tell you this, says Angelique, mock-sorry, but you can't do that.  I went to see him myself, hoping to help he was like a madman, he forced me call Hamilton into the room where we were, and when the Inspector got there, Quentin hit him on the head from behind.
No! protests Maggie. The Inspector was unconscious for a few moments, says Ang, and I tried to stop Quentin, but couldn't Maggie, he's escaped! Maggie's face crinkles in dismayed disbelief.

Maggie, overcome, says I don't know what to do, say or think, or anything. I know, agrees, Ang, I don't either, after all, he is innocent. Innocent? repeats Maggie. Ang asks, "You don't really believe Quentin murdered Bruno, do you?  Quentin hated Bruno so much, says Maggie if only he hadn't threatened to kill Bruno before going to the cottage" she whirls around and cries, "He was standing over the body when Inspector Hamilton walked in!"  Don't you think it possible that Bruno was already dead when Hamilton got there? asks Angelique.  I don't know, confesses Maggie, I'm so confused, did you learn how Bruno died?  Let's discuss it in the morning, suggests Ang, you're very tired. HOW DID HE DIE? demands Maggie. He was strangled, admits Angelique. I see, says Maggie quietly. But we mustn't believe Quentin did it, insists Angelique, we mustn't.  We aren't fools, says Maggie quietly, we have to accept facts.  If Quentin were able to murder Bruno, says Ang, then it's possible he might also murder? Angelique, finishes Maggie. No! cries the blonde. I've tried so hard not to believe that, says Maggie, covering her mouth in misery why would he escape if he weren't guilty?--I think the time has come when we just have to accept what we've known for a long time...Quentin killed Bruno and as much as he loved her, Angelique, too.  I hope with all my heart what you say isn't true, says Ang. So do I, says Maggie, who starts to head upstairs, explaining, I just want to be alone for a while. You will be careful, won't you? asks Angelique. What do you mean? asks Maggie. Nobody knows where Quentin is, says Ang it's possible he's here at Collinwood. Quentin wouldn't hurt me, insists Maggie, he wouldn't hurt me, no matter what. I did see the Quentin I witnessed at the jail--he wasn't the Quentin we know, he was like someone we've never known before, says Ang, someone capable of killing. If he is here, says Maggie determinedly, I want to see and talk to him. She keeps muttering this as she goes upstairs, adding, I want to see and talk to him, and ask him again and again, WHY, Quentin, she was your wife, you loved her, she loved you, why, Quentin, why? Ang smiles, pleased.

Loomis House - Julia anxiously greets Carolyn, asking, where have you been? Out walking on the cliffs, she says, hanging up her coat--trying to forget all the terrible things that have happened. The police have just left here, says Julia--they were searching for Quentin, and almost found the secret room.
Searching for Quentin? asks Carolyn. He escaped from prison, explains Julia, they thought he might be somewhere on the grounds. Carolyn, surprised, asks how did he escape? A very curious coincidence, says Julia, he and Angelique were alone in the prison office; Angelique says Quentin forced her to send for Hamilton--when he came into the room, Quentin hit the Inspector from behind and escaped. Perturbed, Carolyn says, he should never have done that, it only makes him look that much more guilty. That isn't the only thing we have to worry about, says Julia, if Angelique helped him escape, it means it's part of her plan, and he's in greater danger from Angelique than he would be in prison. Does anyone have any idea where he is? asks Carolyn. No, says Julia, weve got to find him and persuade him to give himself up. But if he did kill Bruno...begins Carolyn. He did NOT, says Julia. How can we be so sure? asks Carolyn. If Angelique is involved, says Julia, we can be sure she's the one who caused all the trouble. Aren't you forgetting one thing? asks Carolyn, Angelique was murdered, too, we can hardly blame her for that murder, who do we blame?--even if Angelique murdered Bruno, there's still another murderer? Who is it? Yes, who? asks Julia.

1:40 - Collinwood - Maggie, looking totally bummed out, sits in a chair, takes off her earrings. She opens her dresser drawer and finds the ascot-choked statue. Hearing a knock at her door, she hastily put it back.  Carolyn comes in. I heard about Quentin, she says--is there anything I can do?  Maggie puts her earrings back on and replies, no, everything is fine, really. It's all so terrible, says Carolyn. Maggie agrees and shows Carolyn what she found in the drawer. The blonde remarks, it looks like it could have been used as a voodoo doll, to cast spells. She checks the monogram--it's Bruno's ascot--a doll like this could be used to kill someone, says Carolyn. where did you get it? I just found it in the drawer, says Maggie, ascot around its neck. Do you think Bruno could have died this way?  I don't know, says Carolyn, sounding unsure. How did it get here, who put it here? asks Maggie. You don?t think I could have it seems I've done things like this before? You didn't do it, Carolyn assures her. Quentin is convinced I do things like this, says Maggie. You did NOT kill Bruno, says Carolyn. You had nothing to do with this doll. How did it get here? asks Maggie. Someone planted it there, deliberately, insists Carolyn.  Quentin? asks Maggie. No, says Carolyn, not Quentin. Then who? asks Maggie. What about Alexis? suggests Carolyn. That's ridiculous, says Maggie. Is it? asks Carolyn. It took me a long time to get over my fears of Alexis, says Maggie. Don't start them up again!
Maggie, someone is doing these things! bursts out Carolyn, who else could it be? It could be anyone, that's what's so terrifying, says Maggie. Nevertheless, I'd advise you to treat Alexis with caution, says Carolyn. Maggie stares at her and asks, do you know something about her you haven't told me? No, I don't, says Carolyn reluctantly. For a moment there, says Maggie, you looked as if you were about to say something else. What was it? Nothing, replies Carolyn, just let me especially cautious with Alexis. Maggie, looking as if it's the first time she's heard this, stares at Carolyn, nonplused.

Loomis House - Carolyn asks Julia, did Angelique give you any idea where Quentin might be?  No, says Julia, not a word, she's enjoying one of her more coy moods. Julia, says Carolyn, I know how Angelique murdered Bruno...with a voodoo doll and an ascot that belonged to Bruno. How do you know? Julia asks. Carolyn explains what Maggie found in her dresser, planted there by Angelique to confuse her, or make her think Quentin murdered Bruno by black magic...I very nearly came right out and told Maggie the truth about Angelique there and then. You must not, warns Julia...if Angelique has any suspicion that Maggie or anyone else suspects her secret, she will destroy them. Maggie's better off being completely ignorant. Shrilly, Carolyn asks, isn't Angelique destroying Maggie as it is?  Maggie is safer in not knowing the truth, insists Julia...for now, anyway. I don't think we can afford to wait much longer, cautions Carolyn. I know, says Julia...I've been thinking about what you were saying before...that there was another murderer who killed Angelique...we must find out who that is so we can clear Quentin, and it will be easier to persuade him to turn himself in...when we find him. We have no idea who killed Angelique, says Carolyn. At the seance, questions Julia, who went to Angelique in the confusion...after Quentin? Carolyn thinks...Bruno, Roger, Cyrus, Liz, Buffie Harrington, who was working for us at that time, and Trask. Who was the first to go to her after she fell? Julia asks, Quentin? No, says Carolyn, it was my mother, and then Quentin, if I remember correctly. Any one of them could have done it, says Julia. Yes, agrees Carolyn, and I'm convinced we'll never know which one. She goes upstairs.

Collinwood - We focus on yellow roses. Maggie finds her door open, but is sure she closed it. She finds the dresser drawer open, the doll gone.  Angelique enters...I'm going for a walk, she says, just to get out for a while...will you be all right? Were you in this room just now? asks Maggie.   I beg your pardon? asks Ang. I mean, says Maggie hesitantly, clinging to the bedpost, did you happen to come in here sometime this evening?  Why on earth would I come in here? asks Ang. It's just that something's missing, says Maggie, I was just wondering if you happened to come in here and saw something unusual or...Icily, acting hurt Angelique says no, I didn't. I hope you don't mind my asking, says Maggie diffidently. She stops, steps forward and realizes some of Quentin's things are missing, too. Quentin Is in the house! says Ang. He is, agrees Maggie, and I must see and talk to him. Are you sure that's wise? asks Ang. I'm not going to be afraid, insists Maggie. It isn't a matter of fear, but of safety, says Ang. You're not deliberately doing this to frighten me, are you? asks Maggie.  Frighten you, repeats Ang incredulously--how can you say that, I'm trying to help you!--has somebody said something to you, about me? No, says Maggie.  Where did you ever get that idea? Ang asks. I'm sorry, says Maggie, I seem to be confused about a lot of things--sorry...please forgive me. It's all right, Angelique assures her, I know how upset you are...if you do think you'll be all right, I'd like to take that walk, get a little fresh air. Of course, please, says Maggie. All right, says Ang, and leaves. Maggie, nervous, reminds herself, I ran from this house before and swore I would never do it again...if Quentin is in this house, I've got to see him, I do, I really do! She leaves her bedroom. We pan to Quentin?s photo on the night table.

2 o'clock - A storm rages. Maggie leaves her room and walks downstairs. She hears a banging sound coming from the drawing room and finds all three windows blowing in the wind. She closes them, unnerved, and, clutching herself, backs into the foyer, where the front doors blow open, too, scaring her. She closes them and walks the foyer, looking around nervously. Quentin? she asks. She hears Angelique's theme playing and realizes it's coming from Angelique's room. She slowly walks upstairs, calling to Quentin, but gets no response.

Maggie finds the door to Angelique's room locked and rattles the knobs.  Quentin is that you? she asks, please! The music stops. Julia comes to her--what's wrong? she asks. There was music was playing in that room, says Maggie, and the doors were locked!  She's verging on hysteria when she sees the doors are opening now. What music? Julia asks. The music Bruno used to play for Angelique, says must have heard it, someone was playing the music--the doors were locked, and they wouldn't let me in. She turns and sees the doors ARE open. They were locked! She screams, they were! They find no one at the piano. It can't be! wails Maggie, there was somebody sitting there playing the piano and those doors were locked, I'm not going mad, I'm not!  Julia reaches out to touch've been going through a great deal this evening, sympathizes Julia. Don't touch me! cries Maggie, pulling away--there was somebody sitting at the piano, playing! You shouldn't be in this house all by yourself, says Julia...why not go see Carolyn and Will, just for the night. And leave here? asks Maggie. Yes, and you can rest over there, says Julia, Carolyn will take care of you. Maybe I should, agrees Maggie, maybe I shouldn't be here alone. I agree, says Angelique, entering wearing a scarf ascot around her head--that's why I came back from my walk...Mrs. Collins will be here with me...thank you, Hoffman! She is gazing at Julia with gritted teeth, assuring, Maggie won't be alone, at all. Julia, looking like she realizes she slipped up, leaves the room. Angelique watches her go, a wary expression on her face.

Drawing room at Loomis House - Carolyn sits in a chair, staring at the fireplace flames. She looks at the clock, then goes over to the window, thinking deeply, wondering who killed Angelique?...they'll get Quentin for Bruno's murder, anyway...why can't we all forget about that dreadful seance, put it out of our minds completely? She paces, upset, then sits on the sofa, and says no, Quentin must be cleared of both murders, cleared completely, Julia is right...we must find out who killed Angelique. She begins to have a vision, a memory, of Angelique lying on the floor, wearing her fancy blue dress and jewelry.
She sees a brooch with a blue stone lying on the floor beside the body and begins to scream. When Julia enters, Carolyn says, I remember...I know who murdered Angelique! Julia gazes at her, astounded.

NOTES: Does Angelique suspect something is weird about Julia? That would be bad.

Maggie has faith her husband wouldn't hurt her, and while he has been verbally abusive, we never have seen him hit Maggie or otherwise physically hurt her. The question is, Angelique has presented a new, even more violent Quentin here, one who had the nerve to attack an Inspector and stage a daring escape. Maggie at least asked Angelique if she was responsible for taking something from her room, but Ang bristled so much, indignant, that Maggie was forced to back down. Too bad she won't believe what others are telling her about Alexis.

Who does Carolyn think murdered Angelique? Presumably whoever owned that brooch or pin or whatever she saw lying next to the body. Who could it have been?

It's apparent that Angelique was trying to scare the crap out of Maggie, or perhaps drive her to suicide, and began making spooky things happen just after she left on her walk.? Of course, Julia showing up and advising Maggie to go to Loomis house messed things up, which is why she?s probably suspicious of her faithful servant now. Watch out, Julia!

Where is Quentin? Is he hiding at Collinwood somewhere?

Maggie was Miss Namby-Pamby in this ep again, even though she's determined to talk to Quentin no matter what. Once again, I was wishing she'd get some backbone. She's just the frightened ingenue, isn't she, another Vicki clone?

1043  Carolyn, who killed Angelique? must tell me insists Julia!--it wasn't Quentin, was it?--why won't you say? Carolyn, hand on her heart, shakes her head and, voice shaking, says don't ask me. We must find out who murdered Angelique, asserts Julia. Quentin will be caught and hanged unless we do something. Carolyn tries to leave, but Julia grabs her arm and declares, I won't let you. Let go of me! cries Carolyn.  Please? begs Julia. I was wrong, says Carolyn, I don't know why I said it, it was just a dream. Tell it to me, urges Julia. Dreams don't mean anything, says Carolyn, clinging to the banister. They often do, says Julia the shrink. Carolyn turns to face her and smiles--I don't remember it now, she says--it was a nightmare, I was thinking about all the questions you had asked about the seance...that's what caused it...I don't want to discuss it anymore. Carolyn runs upstairs, in tears. Julia looks helplessly after her. Barnabas returns. Is Carolyn very much in love with her husband? asks Julia. I presume so, responds Barnabas, hanging up his cape...she wouldn't want anything to happen to him, that I know. Is it possible that Will murdered Angelique? She asks. Julia! says Barnabas reproachfully. Carolyn is protecting someone, says Julia, it must be her husband...she told me she had a dream and knew the name of the murderer, and then she stopped talking, got afraid, ran upstairs without telling me. Barnabas' forehead creases as he considers it all; he doesn't speak for a few moments. He calls down to the basement, "Will!" You aren't simply going to ask him, are you? Julia queries. You forget, says Barn, that I have certain powers over Will...he will tell me the truth, he has leave us alone. Barnabas, protests Julia. He insists, we must find the murderer ASAP, clear Quentin. Will comes up from the basement. Julia, let Carolyn know I want to see her, too, instructs Barn. Julia nods, looks at Will, and heads upstairs. Will asks Barnabas, has something else happened? I thought when I came to this house I would have a little peace of mind. A writer does need peace, agrees Barnabas---tell me, Will, have you ever thought of writing a murder mystery? (Subtle as a brick, Barn!) Me, no, says Will. Why not? asks Barn. I don't know, answers Will...I don't have that kind of mind. Don't you? asks Barn--I would have thought you're the sort of man who seems to have violence and a great deal of passion in you. You have something on your mind, Barnabas, says Will solemnly, what is it? Did you hate Angelique? Asks Barnabas. Will grins--hated her?'ve been talking to the wrong people. Will laughs. She flirted with you, then ran back to Quentin, states Barn. Will turns and testily says, you want to know if I killed her, well, sorry, you'll have to find someone else. I liked looking at her too much to end her life...what would even make you think that?  Are you sure you're telling me the truth? asks Barn. How could I lie to you? asks Will evenly, an angry expression on his face. Carolyn appears on the stairs.  Barnabas dismisses Will. Looking from the vampire to his wife, Will asks, You don't think???  But Barnabas just says, 'Will',  in a commanding voice and Will, after one last glance at his wife, reluctantly turns and leaves the house. You treat him so badly, accuses Carolyn. Barnabas comes closer--I want to talk to you alone, he insists. It will do you no good, says Carolyn. Aren't you going to tell me about your dream? he asks, sounding just like a shrink. None of your business, she insists. I think it is, he says. You're wrong, she says. No, YOU'RE wrong, says Barn, to protect a murderer--Carolyn, who do you think murdered Angelique. I don't know, she responds. Look at me, he demands. She refuses. You will, he assures her. She turns and looks at him. You forget I have certain powers, he reminds her.I can make you speak if I know that, don't you? Yes, she answers, yes. Are you going to force me to use my powers? he asks warningly...who killed Angelique? She tries to resist, but he asks again, WHO KILLED ANGELIQUE?? My mother, says Carolyn, looking as if she's about to cry. Barnabas forehead wrinkles in confusion and disbelief.

I find it difficult to believe Elizabeth was the murderer, says Barnabas. He leads the crying Carolyn over to the sofa and says, try to compose yourself...tell me why you think this is. He sits beside her. I remembered leaning down by the body, says Carolyn. Angelique was dead, and as I stood up, I picked up something from the floor...a piece of jade/ I didn't think anything about it, but it wasn't from a necklace, it was the top part of a hat pin, one of my mother's. Did you actually pick up the jade the night of the seance? asks Barnabas. Yes, wails Carolyn, but I didn't know then that Angelique had been killed by a hat pin. The murderer actually broke it off? asks Barnabas. Carolyn sobs, Barnabas!  Why do you think that your mother murdered Angelique? Barnabas persists. Carolyn raises her bowed head from her hand. If you know, tell me, he asks gently. Carolyn stands up and says, my mother hated Angelique--she won't usually admit it, she simply refuses to discuss it--Angelique treated her badly, like some poor relation she had to put up with; if my mother wanted something done about the house, Angelique took great pleasure in seeing to it that it did NOT happen. You're sure that hat pin belonged to your mother? asks Barn. Yes, says Carolyn. Someone could have taken it from her, suggests Barn...I don't think Elizabeth has the temperament to kill. Carolyn looks at him. She lived too long in that household with Angelique, says Barn--unless there's another reason you haven't told me. Carolyn looks upset. Warningly, the vampire says her name. The night of the murder, she says, Will and I wasn't Will's fault, the way he was acting, she cries--Angelique simply looked at a man and he fell in love with her...but she was running Will's life; he wasn't writing anymore, all he did was haunt Collinwood just to see her...I couldn't stand it anymore, I went to my mother and told her I was leaving Will...she became very upset. So upset that she could have...begins Barnabas.
I don't want to believe that, says Carolyn, I don't want you to believe it, either...she's had such a sad life...Barnabas, promise me you'll do nothing about what I've told you. I can't promise you that, he says softly. I won't allow it, insists Carolyn--I?ll deny everything?if my mother did murder Angelique, it's my fault, I made her do it, going to her, crying to her in fear and rage--Barnabas, don't tell the police what I've told you, please. I promise not to say anything to the police until we have further evidence, says Barn...yet we cannot ignore the fact that the hair (hat) pin was your mother's.

Collinwood - Elizabeth plays solitaire while Will sits across from her, reading. Red eight on black nine, he says, smiling. What? she asks. He goes over and moves the card. Did you hear something or someone just now? she asks. No, he responds. Are you sure? she asks. I don't think you feel like playing, he says. She rises from the sofa, preoccupied...have you seen Maggie tonight? she asks. No, he says. Quentin is in this house, insists Liz. I doubt it, says Will. Do you, honestly? she asks. Is that why you?re so jumpy? he asks. Alexis says he's mad now, says Liz. I wouldn't pay too much attention to what Alexis says, advises Will. She saw him just before he escaped, says Liz, why would he come back here, Will? If he's innocent, to find whoever is guilty, I suppose, says Will. Liz, looking guilty, says I'd like to get out of this house, perhaps come and stay with you and Carolyn. Come on, you'd hate that, says Will. No, says Liz, I wouldn't. Frankly, says Will, Carolyn has all she can handle with Barnabas right now. This upsets Liz. You've got nothing to worry about here, says Will. Haven't I? she asks him.

Loomis House - Barnabas points out to Julia, three people who were at that seance have died since-- Cyrus, Sabrina and Bruno. Do you think there's a connection? she asks. I don't know, says Barnabas. I doubt there's a connection between Sabrina and Bruno, opines Julia...Maggie found a small clay doll with Bruno's ascot tied around its neck...she found it in her drawer. Angelique no doubt put it there, says Barn. Maggie thinks Quentin put it there, says Julia, to make her feel guilty. When Quentin ran to Bruno's, Angelique went upstairs, says Barn--tied that ascot around the doll, pulled it front of Quentin, Bruno clever she is...we must get that doll!that body at Stokes...the sleeping girl at the house there! What about her? asks Julia. If she moves, Angelique reacts, points out Barnabas. You said yourself we couldn't bring that girl back to consciousness, says Julia--then Angelique would die and we couldn't prove Quentin?s innocence. We can get to Angelique through her, says Barn. How? asks Julia. If we control some of her condition, slightly, says Barnabas, Angelique will collapse...then we can control her and she can do will give us time. Impossible, objects Julia, we don't know if we can change her condition. She moved when I touched her, says Barnabas.  For an instant, says Julia. You are a scientist, says Barnabas, you've had work with this before, you worked on the life force through Adam. But Stokes won't let me do it, says Julia. He won't know what's happening, promises Barnabas, smiling--we are going to bring that girl here. No, Barnabas, objects Julia. It's perfect, says Barnabas, we can find out that secret and at the proper moment, destroy Angelique forever. By bringing that girl to life? asks Julia pointedly. Barnabas looks at her meaningfully. It won't work, Barnabas, she says--if Angelique finds that body missing, she'll know you have something to do with it...she'll come and search this house.  I'll hide her someplace else, insists Barnabas, grabbing his cape. Julia, desperate, reminds him, Angelique, enraged, will find a way to destroy you even more quickly. Barnabas slips into his cape and says, I'm ready to do battle with Angelique. He has trouble releasing his cane from the coat tree, but finally does. Julia continues, insisting, you must find Quentin. No, the girl comes first! says Barnabas, stamping his cane on the floor. Julia walks away from him and says, You'll have to figure out a way to control that girl yourself, BarnabasI will not help you.  Stunned, Barnabas walks toward her and says, You forget, Julia, that I have had work transferring life force into Adam would be easier if you helped, but if you won't, I will do it alone... Barnabas, protests Julia.  He continues, I have someone who will help me...we will get that girl tonight.  He walks to the bottom of the stairs and calls Will. Julia stands by, silent and miserable.

Barnabas and Will enter the cemetery. Will asks Barnabas, how can you be so sure you?'e right about everything?--Stokes is a buddy of mine--every Wednesday, we go to the Eagle and have a few drinks together...he'd never suspect me of anything like this! Barnabas, flashlight in hand, turns to Will and assures him, I'll see how right you are when we find that girl in his house. How can you be sure there's a secret room in this place? asks Will, gesturing to the mausoleum. Because there is one in my own time, explains Barnabas, built during the Revolutionary War, to store's the perfect place to hide this girl. Will reminds him, I know every Collins legend and there's nothing about a secret room in any of them. They enter the mausoleum, where Barnabas notes, there's the same lion's head. He gives it a pull; the secret door swings open. Barnabas ducks his head and leads Will inside. There's a table, candelabra, a cot, a crate being used as a night table. Someone's been living here, observes Barnabas. Will puts down his flashlight and lights the candles, commenting, someone left in a hurry...the milk is still fresh! Who would live here? asks Barnabas, picking up a drawing from the crate/table. I wouldn't, says Will.  Barnabas shows him the drawing--it's the girl from Stokes, he says, I'm sure of that. How could I forget her face? rhapsodizes Barnabas. The artist, notes Will, is Claude North, but I never heard of him.
Is this where she lived before? speculates Barnabas, or he did? There's no way of telling, says Will. We must find out, insists Barnabas. It's certain you cannot hide her here, says Will. This room was my refuge for over a century in my own time, says Barnabas, strange that it should serve the same purpose for someone else...someone connected with HER.

To Carolyn?s consternation, Liz is looking over her hat pin collection when her daughter enters the drawing room. Are you going to Portland tomorrow? asks Liz. I don't know, answers Carolyn, I thought I might. Liz asks for a favor...on Great Market Street, there's an antique shop, Trillings, I phoned him, he'll give you a check for me. Why are you selling your hat pins? asks Carolyn. It was foolish to ever start collecting them, says Liz. Don't sell them now, begs Carolyn. I can't bear to have them around, says Liz, to know they're here...please, take them, get rid of them for me
...why do you look so upset? I want to talk to you, says Carolyn. Go ahead, encourages Liz. I want to discuss the seance, says Carolyn. There's been enough said about that, says Liz, rising from the desk, looking uncomfortable  I mean it, Carolyn, it won't do any good to talk about it further. But the murder, says Carolyn. If it was a murder, says Liz.  It WAS murder, and you know it! cries Carolyn. Liz angrily says I don't wish to discuss it...will you take the hat pins to Portland for me? I will, agrees Carolyn, if not tomorrow, then the next day. Liz closes the hat pin box, which in another time and place held the hand of the evil Count Petofi. (even inanimate objects made different choices!)

Barnabas and Will enter Stokes' cottage. Stokes is at the Eagle until it closes, Will assures Barn--there's nothing to worry about. We'll have to carry her out to the car, says Barnabas, and out the back way so we won't be spotted.  Will hesitates. Come, Will, orders Barnabas. Pale, Will says there's someone else in this room, don't you feel it, it's so cold in here, there's someone here. Will rubs his arms, trying to warm up. You're wrong, Barnabas insists. They hear a voice, Hoffman's?murmuring,  No, no, you will not enter, you will not! No, no!  Hoffman, cries Will, it's Hoffman's voice, it's her ghost. I will not let you! says the spirit. Barnabas looks stunned but determined. Will is petrified.

NOTES: Julia finally stood up to Barnabas, insisting she won't help him. Good for her, because we know he'll botch whatever he tries to do in this instance, as history has shown us. She knows WHY he wants the girl at Loomis House, and has put her foot down. It doesn't happen often, but I always feel like cheering when it does. Julia shows backbone and tells the man she loves to go to hell with his crazy scheme!

They sure are making it seem like Liz killed Angelique, aren't they? She's so preoccupied, wants to get rid of her hat pin collection...too easy, I say. They seem to be going out of their way to make her look guilty...too much so.

Hoffman is trying, in death, to thwart Barnabas' plans to steal Roxanne. Why doesn't she just appear to Angelique and tell her the truth? Wouldn't that mess up Barnabas and Julia's plans even more?

I love Carolyn and Will in this time. They're so passionate and obviously in love, even if it has gone off-track. She wants to protect him, he wants to protect her, and Barnabas seems to know it. The looks Carolyn and Will exchange in this episode are wonderful.

That last little scene with Hoffman's ghostly appearance was genuinely chilling. I loved every moment of it.

Will Carolyn bring the incriminating hat pin to Portland? Does she think her mother guilty, and will she risk her own freedom to protect her? Stay tuned!

Who is Claude North, and what is his connection with the sleeping Roxanne? Who has been living in that drafty, mildewy tomb?

Love, Robin