Author Topic: #1022/1023: Robservations 07/16/03: Yaeger Lusts For Maggie  (Read 1234 times)

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1022 - Quentin comes running into Maggie's room. Still in the thrall of her dream, she shrilly orders him, don't touch me! Gazing at him in terror, she fully awakens and realizes who he is--I did call out to you, she says. He realizes she's trembling and asks, are you afraid of me? She throws herself into his arms--I had a terrible dream, she cries. He comforts her--it's all right, he assures her--what was it about?  It's over, she says, I'd just rather forget it. Is it something you don't want to tell me? he asks.  Of course not, she assures him, without conviction, it's just something I'd rather forget--really--it's like it never happened. Do you want me to stay with you? he asks. No, you have work to do, she says, but her eyes belie her words--I'll be all right, I'm sure. All right, he says, and leaves. She huddles against her pillow, wondering how she could think her husband could harm anyone--it was only a dream, and he could never do anything like that.

Drawing room - Angelique looks through some books piled near the booze and finds one titled THE SEVENTH LEVEL OF WITCHCRAFT. She thumbs through it, hears someone coming, puts it back and selects a different volume. Maggie enters--what are you doing up so late? she asks. I  couldn't sleep, says Ang, I came down to find something to read--and you? Nervous, Maggie says I couldn't sleep, either. Are you all right? asks Ang--you look so worried. No, I just couldn't sleep, says Maggie. She finds the table and chairs, looking much as they did in her dream, and remarks, it's the one where Angelique was killed, wasn't it? Angelique smiles. Maggie continues, Quentin was sitting here and Angelique was sitting there. Angelique smirks with delight.  And just before she was killed, continues Maggie, Quentin got up, went over to her and...she makes motions as if she's strangling someone, then covers her face with her hands. No, he couldn't have! cries Maggie. You're talking as if you were there at that seance, says Ang, as if you saw Quentin strangle Angelique. No, says Maggie, I had a dream, and in the dream, Quentin...he...couldn't have killed her, he couldn't. Of course he didn't, soothes Angelique--you've got to stop thinking about it. How? Maggie asks--I even dream about it--how could I dream something that actually happened, where did it come from?  I don't know, says Angelique--do any of us know where our dreams come from?  I suppose not, says Maggie--perhaps you know--why did Quentin attack Angelique that night? There was a voice that kept saying something about Angelique and Bruno, Angelique explains
--everyone knew it wasn't true, everyone knew Angelique was devoted to Quentin, but Quentin loved her with a love that drove him insane--even the idea of her with Bruno made him almost mad--if he'd loved her less, perhaps...I really shouldn't talk about it, Maggie--Quentin didn't kill Angelique, he loved her far too much...oh, I am sorry, I shouldn't have said those things to you--I hope you'll forgive me, I was just trying to convince you...  No, it's all right, Maggie assures her, I understand. Why didn't you stop me? asks Ang. Why should I stop you? counters Maggie, you were telling the truth. About to cry, Maggie hurries from the room. Angelique grins.

9 AM - Angelique sits by the fire, staring into it. Quentin opens the mail, angrily discarding letters.  He finally picks several up and, furious, tells Angelique, I told Liz I didn't want a costume ball held this year--and what does she do but send out invitations, and everyone is accepting!  It's partly my fault, I'm afraid, admits Ang--I helped Liz with it. Chastened, Quentin says. Liz knows there's trouble enough about here. All the more reason I said we should have the ball, says Angelique, everyone looks forward to it so much (how would ALEXIS know that?), and besides, Liz thought it the perfect time for Maggie to meet all your friends. I'm not so sure Maggie is up to that, says Quentin--she's had trouble enough, and a party now is absurd! He tosses some of the acceptances onto the table and stalks out. Angelique picks them up, grinning, looking after him.

Cyrus' lab - The doctor tells Maggie, firmly, Angelique was not murdered--she died of a stroke, I signed the death certificate myself! Upset, crying, Maggie doesn't respond, but finally says it's just frightening--I don't know who to believe anymore. You should at least believe me, says Cyrus. She apologizes--of course I do, she says. I hate to see you this upset, he says. I'll be all right, really, she assures him. He takes her hand and says, I missed you so much--I just wish there were more I could do. Just talking to you has done more good than you could imagine, she says--I do believe you. He finally releases her hand and says, I'm glad to hear it. I wonder, she says, if you know how kind you really are. (What's this, the doctor has a crush on Maggie?) She thanks him again.  You're welcome, he says--and don't hesitate to come back here and visit me if there's more I can do--will you? Their faces are romantically tilted as she promises, I will, smiles, and thanks him again.
Seeing the intense way he's staring at her, she asks, is there something wrong? No, he replies--sorry, just me, absent-minded Cyrus Longworth, staring at something he doesn't even know he's staring at--sorry. She thanks him again and leaves. He realizes she left behind her gloves and holds them, then rubs them orgasmically against his face. (Oh, boy, this man has it bad--where is fiancee Sabrina?)

Lab - We see the cute little lab animals in their cages. Cyrus looks through a microscope. You're always working and I'm always interrupting you, says Buffie--listen here, when I get something on my mind, I can't get it off--I mean not until I've settled it, at least--you know where John Yaeger is. I'm afraid I don't, insists Cyrus. You know a lot more than you're letting on, she says, and for some reason won't tell me--you must think I'm a fool--what kind of work could Yaeger do for you?--if he picked up a test tube, he'd break it. Cyrus finally raises his head from the microscope and looks at her, calling he "Miss Harrington." You used to call me Buffie, she reminds him (when)?  Whatever association I had with Yaeger is strictly between us, says Cyrus. Buffie pursues--no it's not--you know what I think?--I guessed what he does for you--he LIVES! WHAT? demands Cyrus. Yes, he lives while you work, says Buffie--he's having a ball while you're making pretty colors in those test tubes. Provocatively, moving closer to him, she says you wouldn't need Yaeger if you'd just let yourself go--come on, she says, slipping her arms around him, try. He moves away--no thanks, Miss Harrington, he says coolly. Miss Harrington again, no thanks, she says, picking up Maggie's gloves and adding bitterly, "You wouldn't have said that to the person who left these, would you?" He ruses over to grab the gloves from her--put them down! he orders.  Why, who do they belong to? she asks. Mrs. Collins, he says. Oh, she visiting you? asks Buffie. She just dropped by, says Cyrus. You don't have to get so defensive about it, she says--funny, I knew her when she was growing up here, before they moved--she comes back here, marries Quentin Collins, and I meet John Yaeger. Did you know her well when she was a child? asks Cyrus. I always knew she'd be someone special, so bright, so pretty, so ladylike, says Buffie with more bitterness. She looks at her reflection in the mirror and says, I bet when she looks in the mirror before she goes to bed, she doesn't hate herself--and there, Dr. Longworth, you have a vital clue to Miss Buffie Harrington, who is no lady at all!--John Yaeger tried to turn me into a lady. She unfastens a necklace at the back of her neck and holds up a string of pearls. Yaeger gave me these, she says, I thought he was kidding, first time I wore them, he grabbed them and broke the string--I just had them re-strung--only I'll never be a lady, you reminded me of that--give them back to him when you see them--"I'll stay in my league, let Maggie Collins stay in hers." She hands them back and leaves, obviously pissed off. Cyrus gazes at the gloves in one hand, the string of pearls in the other, looking all gooey-eyed.

Unfortunately, Quentin finds Maggie reading THE SEVENTH LEVEL OF WITHCRAFT.  Have you seen Elizabeth? He asks. I think she's in town for the day, replies Maggie. Coward--she's probably hiding from me, he says sourly. What are you talking about? she asks.  He briefly mentions the costume ball, but when she asks for details, refuses to elaborate. Are you reading "this"? he asks.  Yes, says Maggie.  He takes it away--you can stop it right now, insists Quentin--I told you time and time again I want this subject ignored and forgotten.  How can it be? she asks, considering everything that's been happening around here lately--the way you suddenly got ill, then suddenly recovered, and everything else that's been happening around here.
I want this obsession with the occult ended, once and for all, says Quentin, and I mean it! He stalks from the room.  Maggie watches, resigned. She answers the door to find Cyrus, and warmly invites him in. He returns her gloves.  That was very dear of you, very thoughtful, she gushes--I can't tell you how much I appreciate it--she squeezes his arm to show just how appreciative.  He closes his eyes as if she'd caressed him in an intimate spot, then blathers, I was just driving by. Can you stay a while? She asks.  I'd better not, says Cyrus--I have so much to do.  As usual, she teases, thank you, anyway--good night. He goes. She places her gloves on the foyer table and looks longingly upstairs.

4:30 - Cyrus' lab - He returns and quickly starts to open the safe. No, I mustn't, he cautions himself, I know I mustn't--she's Quentin's wife, Quentin's my best friend, has been all my life! Buffie's right--so soft, so quiet, so special! What did Yaeger achieve with Buffie--nothing at all!--but with, I wouldn't do it, there have to be limits, even for John Yaeger! No, there are no limits for Yaeger, he would never give in so easily, never keep saying, over and over, no, no, no--his word is yes, nothing stands in his way--nothing! He opens the safe, takes out the potion and swiftly downs it.  Immediately, he is beset by the pain.

Collinwood foyer - Maggie answers the phone.  We've never met, says John Yaeger, but I thought it would be valuable for us to introduce ourselves to each other. (he sounds like a dirty phone call!)  Who are you? she asks.  I heard you have an interest in knowing the exact details of what happened at a certain seance, hints Yaeger. Please tell me who this is? she repeats. As a matter of fact, he continues inexorably, I understand there were two seances that interested you. I'm sorry, says Maggie, but unless you tell me who this is... Please, Mrs. Collins, he says, isn't this an opportunity you've been waiting for?  No, she says, the seances are no longer of any interest to me. Perhaps, but if that isn't the case, you can meet me at the docks, at six o'clock sharp, he says. The docks, she says, I have no intention... Would you rather go to a place where we can be seen and overheard? he asks--six o'clock, Mrs. Collins--the docks.

Later, awaiting Maggie, Yaeger is spotted by Buffie, who says, "Look who's back." If it isn't Miss Harrington, he says, do you always walk the streets this late at night alone?  I was on my way to the Eagle and saw you walk down here, she says. Now that you've satisfied your curiosity, he says, I expect you're eager to continue on your way.  Angry, she says, I certainly am, and starts to leave. Thank you for returning the necklace, he says--now I know what a mistake it was to give it to a person such as you. I didn't want it anyway, she says.  Of course, he sneers, it wasn't cheap enough or vulgar enough for you, was it?--well, I tried to make a lady out of you, but I  reluctantly concede my defeat. Without another word, she walks away.  He giggles, pleased that he hurt her. Maggie appears, looks at him, turns away.  Well, he says, Mrs. Collins, good evening. Are you the gentleman who called me? she asks. At your service, he says. Who are you? she asks. Your friend, Mrs. Collins, he says, your friend. Please tell me what you have to tell me, she says. Yes, I'll tell you, he says, I was only going to say that I find you inescapably charming. Oh, in that case, good night, she says curtly.  Yaeger stops her with two words: "Your husband." He continues, speaking into her ear,  "Your husband was seen choking his wife at that seance." Go on, she says. I'll go on, he says, but I hope you know I'm doing you a very big favor in giving you all this information
--I was wondering if you'd give me a favor, too." The lust in his eyes leaves Maggie no doubt what he's after, and she tries to run.  He grabs her, covers her mouth, drowning out her screams. Speaking against his hand, she orders, let go of me! Holding her body pressed against his, he says, looking as orgasmic as Cyrus did when fondling her gloves, "Soon enough, Mrs. Collins, soon enough!" And locked together, they struggle.

NOTES: What's this? Cyrus has suddenly developed a crush on Maggie? When? Why? He was so cold to Buffie, and he actually went to see her a couple of episodes ago, intending...what? Does he think she's with Barnabas now? Now that lust has been transferred to Yaeger, who has Maggie in his clutches. Will he rape her? Kill her? He sure looks as if he's having a great time just holding her struggling body close to his. Cyrus, you've sent a beast to do a man's job! Perhaps Yaeger will take care of Angelique's little problem for her, by doing away with her enemy before she does it herself.

Poor Buffie, we really did get a better idea of who and what she is.  She hates herself, envies Maggie, but she has plenty on the ball herself, more than Maggie, IMHO. I suspect if Buffie were in Maggie's shoes right now, Hoffman would have been long gone, and Angelique exposed.  Buffie isn't a mealy-mouthed woman, despite the way she allowed Yaeger to treat her. Methinks they decided to go another way with Cyrus/Yaeger, and we will be shortly seeing the last of Buffie. And that's a big pity.

When did Yaeger give pearls to Buffie, and did we ever see him attempt a Henry Higgins on her and try to turn her into a lady? We mostly just saw him verbally and physically abusing her, and one wonders if Sci Fi hasn't been cutting a lot out of these episodes and taking away pertinent plot information.

I love Elizabeth Eis in this role, she's wonderful, and Pennock is doing splendidly with both Cyrus and Yaeger as he pours on the evil in one case and the nebbish in the other. Both are excellently done.

Quentin is ridiculous, taking the witchcraft book away from Maggie and ordering her not to read it anymore. Who does he think he is? I do not much like this Quentin, but I suppose I can understand his reasons for wanting to oust all hints of witchcraft from the house. Angelique must have left it around on purpose, hoping to tempt Maggie into reading it and have Quentin catch her.

1023 - Yaeger licks his lips greedily as he struggles with Maggie, and we can only imagine what he has in mind for her if he can only pin her down to the concrete.

You're so much more spirited than people say, Yaeger breathlessly praises Maggie, grabbing her face in an effort to shut her up. She's still able to cry out for help, however, so he turns her around in his arms and assures her, I'm not going to hurt you--far from it! (heh heh heh!)  Buffie appears--let her go! she shouts at Yaeger.  He does, gazing with hatred at Buffie.  Are you all right? Buffie asks Maggie. Thank goodness you're here! cries Maggie. Yaeger threateningly approaches Buffie.  I'll call the police if you take one step closer, she warns. Go ahead, he sneers, tell them all the sordid experiences, while she's here. (Wonder what went on behind closed doors between Buffie and Yaeger?)  He turns to Maggie and sarcastically says, "I'm sure she's going to love explaining what she's doing, meeting a stranger on a deserted street
--I'm sure your husband will enjoy it, too--I can't wait to hear his reaction!"  Shaking, Maggie begs, just stay away from me. Yaeger turns to Buffie and asks, have you changed your mind about going to the authorities? You heard her, leave us alone! commands Buffie. In due time, says Yaeger, now that I've met Mrs. Collins, I can't wait for a second encounter--and I promise you, you're going to enjoy our meeting--as much as Miss Harrington did. I told you before I never want to see you again, and I meant it! blares Buffie. She turns away. Did you?--I doubt it, chortles Yaeger. He buttons his coat and says, "Mrs. Collins--till we meet again." He leaves. Maggie, wanting an explanation for this horror, stares at Buffie.

Yaeger returns to the lab and takes off his coat, tossing it onto a chair (messy, too)!  He looks at his hands and says, oh, Maggie...Maggie, I touched you with these hands!
And someday (he caresses his mouth), these lips are going to touch you, too! (pretty kinky, especially for these times.)  And nobody is going to stand in my way, not even Quentin Collins--and he releases the sword from the cane to show he means business. He hears knocking at the upstairs door--the police? he wonders. Perhaps I underestimated her!  He grabs his coat and cane and goes to the back door, considering escape, but realizes they might be out there, too--I can't take the chance. I'm coming! he yells.  Frantically, he opens the safe and takes out the antidote, drinks, cries out in pain, and transforms back into Cyrus, who closes the safe and replaces the map over it. He goes upstairs--his visitor is Maggie.  I'm sorry I didn't hear you knock, he says. I never would stop by this late, she says, upset, but....What's the matter? he asks--you're frightened. Yaeger phoned me, she explains, and I did something stupid--Yaeger claimed he knew something about the seances--"You didn't tell him anything, did you?"  Of course not, Cyrus assures her. Yaeger told me if I met him, he'd tell me something I wanted to know, and when he saw me--"Is it true he's a friend of yours?"  No, protests Cyrus, he did help me with some experiments, but ever since then, I've considered him very much my enemy. I can't tell Quentin, says Maggie, I'd be too ashamed--you're the only one who can help me--get rid of John Yaeger! she begs.  Clinging to the chimney, Cyrus promises, I'll do everything possible. "Cyrus," says Maggie, crying, "do you know what he almost did?--if Miss Harrington hadn't heard my was horrible--he was holding me, and touching me, and laughing!". Cyrus feels terrible, guilty. She leans her head against the chimney.  I give you my solemn word, says Cyrus--you'll never see Yaeger again. If I could believe that...she says, going into his arms for comfort. Trust me, says Cyrus, holding her close, please trust me.
I do, she says, I trust you almost more than anybody I know. He looks as if he's in agony...Thank you, she says--good night.  She leaves. Become Yaeger and go after her! Cyrus urges himself--he'd never miss such an opportunity, why do you just stand here, you can have her, now!  He takes down the map again.

Cyrus mixes together his bubbly red brew, pouring crimson liquid into white powder. He gulps before he raises it to his lips, then stops himself--"I'm not going to do it! Maggie, I won't let Yaeger hurt you!  I remember how you looked when he tried to force you to...he's evil!  Maggie, I'm not going to let him touch you again!"  But there's Yaeger, he argues with himself--I made myself into him because that's who I want to be--Yaeger--there's no distinction between us, what Yaeger does is done by Cyrus Longworth! He gazes at himself in the mirror, saying aloud, I was the one who was so cruel to Buffie! I was the one who killed Horace Gladstone! I was the one who walked up those streets of Collinwood and I almost...he smashes the mirror with a metal pitcher, vowing, I will destroy John Yaeger forever!  He takes a metal tray and begins hammering at the equipment, breaking glass, sending liquids pouring onto the floor, screaming, "Destroy him!"  After wrecking all the test tubes and such, he puts down the tray, opens the top desk drawer and takes out his notebook, which he drops onto the tray. He covers it with something flammable and sets it alight with a match. It begins to burn.  "Now, John Yaeger is destroyed--forever!" he declares.

Roger sarcastically greets Maggie, referring to her as the mistress of Collinwood--you're just the person I wanted to see, he says. I have something to do, will you please excuse me? says Maggie.  It will only take a moment, he says--I want to express my feelings about the costume ball--I think it's in highly questionable taste, considering its traditional association. What are you talking about? asks Maggie--traditional association?  I'm not surprised, he says with irony.  I don't know what you're trying to get at, she says, but anything that has to do with the costume ball does not interest me now--do you know where Quentin is? Out, says Roger abruptly. Where? she asks. I don't know, my cousin was buried more deeply than usual in his famous mood. (I love this guy.) Why? she asks. You're his wife, you tell me, says Roger. Did it seem to have something to do with me? she asks. Nastily, Roger says, I'm afraid you flatter yourself--my cousin's mood is brought about by something that touches him more deeply than you do, I'm afraid--oh, I don't say this to be unkind, but I do have an affection for accuracy. Looking at him with annoyance, she asks, is it just your need to be cruel? (Good one, Mags!) Interpret it as you wish, invites Roger, it's one of your prerogatives as the new mistress of Collinwood.  He heads toward the kitchen and exits. From the top of the stairs, Angelique asks, "Well, what was that all about?" Just Roger being his usual friendly self, says Maggie. What did he say? asks Ang.  It's not what he said, says Maggie tiredly, it's just so many things.  Is there anything I can do? asks Ang. Perhaps you could tell me, says Maggie--come into the drawing room.  Maggie closes the doors and asks, did Angelique write you often when you were traveling, living in Florence? Not often, says Ang, but when she did write, she made up for it--why? You've seen how Quentin can be, says Maggie, his moods, so erratic--one minute he's loving and gentle and kind, the next, he's simply lost and withdrawn, as if he had some secret he was hiding, or brooding about. I've seen them, says Angelique--what do you want to know? Did Angelique ever mention in any of her letters to you if he was like that? asks Maggie. Oh, no, says Ang, she always spoke of how happy and loving he was, talked of the things they did together, what he said, all the wonderful things Quentin did for her. "Thank you, Angelique," says Maggie, stopping her, that's what I wanted to know. (Slip of the line; she should have said Alexis.)  As Maggie opens the double doors, the first Mrs. Collins reminds her how happy she and Quentin were. You know I think I could bear almost anything in this world, says Maggie, except that one thing--to be left out of Quentin's life, and I am shut out, I really am. Sadly, she leaves the room. Angelique thinks to herself, Maggie will learn more about her precious Quentin tonight, dear Maggie--"All that I choose to reveal but none of what you learn will help you--quite the opposite."  We get a close-up of her cruel eyes.

Angelique enters the partially darkened drawing room, where Roger is having a drink. Did I startle you? she asks.  For a moment, he says, I thought Angelique was standing there--forgive me, but I'll never get used to your resemblance to your sister, especially when the lights are low. "And the brandy plentiful," she remarks somewhat bitterly (and in a most Angelique-like way, I bet). Possibly, he admits. She pours herself a drink, then says I'm afraid it will take more than dim lights and a few glasses of brandy to bring Angelique back. That is true, agrees Roger. Maggie comes running in, dressed in a housecoat, and asks, has Quentin come home yet?  I don't think so, says Angelique. Roger advises Maggie, Quentin probably won't be home for some time--there are days when a man wants to be alone with his memories.   "Roger," snaps Maggie, "you always say things like that, and you never explain them."  Very well, he says, flicking his fingers against his glass so they make a ping sound--today, I shall be crystal clear--today is the anniversary of his marriage to Angelique--that has affected him, no doubt--am I still being obscure and enigmatic?  Angelique chides him, "Roger, that was cruel and unnecessary."  The lady wanted a certain piece of information, says Roger, and I simply gave it to her--and to further alleviate any anxieties you may have about your husband, I will only tell you this--I don't think he'll be back tonight--pleasant dreams--he leaves.
Maggie covers her face with her hands, miserable. Angelique asks, why did Roger do that?  Maggie bitterly replies, "Because he enjoys it!" You look tired, remarks Ang. I'm more tired than I can tell you, says Maggie. Why don't you try and get some sleep? suggests Ang. I don't think I can, says Maggie. Come on, try, says Ang, urging Maggie towards the stairs--Roger was being sarcastic, but I really mean it--pleasant dreams. Thank you, Alexis, says Maggie.

Midnight - Angelique turns out the last lights in the drawing room, then sits before the fire and urges Maggie to sleep--and while you sleep, you will hear my voice, but you will not know it is mine. You will hear me and obey me, for I will lead you to what you want to find--to the secret of Quentin's life.

Maggie dreams. Angelique's voice says, you are asleep, but you hear me--follow my voice...follow...follow...follow... Maggie rises from her bed and leaves the room. She finds a curtain, and when she parts it, darkness.  Angelique's music plays. Come into this room, Maggie, bids Angelique, and learn the secret. Maggie enters Angelique's room. The table holds the secret, says the voice. Underneath, beside the ornament, push the button. Maggie finds a secret door in the table. There before you lies the secret, chants Angelique. Maggie awakens and, while she mutters to herself that it was only a dream, climbs from her bed and leaves her room.

Down in the drawing room, Angelique smiles, knowing exactly where Maggie is going.

Indeed, Maggie goes to Angelique's room, opens a secret drawer and finds inside a packet of letters tied with a blue ribbon. What is this? she wonders.

NOTES: OK, so Maggie isn't the sharpest tack in the pack, going to meet John Yaeger when she doesn't even know him. The fact that he knew something about her very personal life had to be a good hook, but she almost got raped (notice they never said that word) and only Buffie's timely intervention saved her from that fate. Yaeger seems like such an animal, doesn't he, forever licking his lips and getting these glazed, orgasmic looks in his eyes? Cyrus, too! Ewww! How ironic that, unable to confess her stupidity to her husband, Maggie goes and confesses all to Cyrus, who, unbeknownst to her, is the alter ego of the man who just tried to attack her--and who would have used Cyrus' equipment to do so!

Terrific performance from Pennock as the man trapped between two identities, knowing how evil Yaeger is, but unable to go after Maggie without his ugly assistance. As repulsed as Cyrus is by what Yaeger did to Maggie, or almost did, he still wanted to turn back into him, pursue her, and finish what he'd started before Buffie stopped him.

What has Angelique led Maggie to, and how will it affect things between her and Quentin? It's getting complicated!

Love. Robin