Author Topic: Continuing the journey....Episode 2, 1991 revival.  (Read 782 times)

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Continuing the journey....Episode 2, 1991 revival.
« on: January 12, 2013, 03:47:22 PM »
This whole episode...sigh. The previous episode only had a few bits, far and between, that were taken out of House of Dark Shadows. But in here this episode is really nothing more than a basically line by line, scene for scene remake of HODS.

Really, was it necessary for DC and the writers to rehash a lot of the elements of HODS into the first two episodes of the series? As I say, I am a big fan of HODS, but I see no reason why they couldn't have introduced Barnabas and the characters into the show with some more original material.

Still the episode does offer one new twist....the relationship of Roger and Maggie. I don't think they're in love, they're in lust is more like it to me. I believe they're both bored with the direction their lives have gone and as they say misery loves company. Though when they're getting it on in bed they're far from miserable.

I think Sam knows, or at least suspects that something is going on between them, that's why he wants to fetch Maggie when Roger uses an excuse to get her away from the Blue Whale. Sam is not pleased when Roger says he will bring Maggie back.

I like to think that Barnabas would not have attacked Daphne at all in the first place if he had been aware she was a Collins, but in here he so ruthlessy dispatches her by willing Joe to fall asleep and luring her to the terrace. At the end of the episode he tells Julia he loathes himself by committing acts which sadden and repulses him, but you would never know it by watching the way that he feeds on Daphne....

I wish I could find more to say, but as I say #2 does not offer any originality in execution and twists, save for the Roger/Maggie flings.

I still want to continue on with the show, because I do seem to remember that after this episode the series does carry on away from HODS and comes into its own from here on out. Can't wait.

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Re: Continuing the journey....Episode 2, 1991 revival.
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2013, 04:23:30 PM »
only very recently when i purchased HoDS on dvd did i realize just how closely the 1991 series mirrored it. there are several scene and situation that are virtually identical right down to the costuming.

the revival has much going for it although i greatly dislike the entire 1795 arc crammed into just six episodes.

much of my ambivalence about it is rather shallow and based on the aesthetics of it. i find the 1991 period and setting to be rather unsightly. perms, mullets and acid washed jeans set amidst palm tree and the blinding california sun and the day-for-night glitches are huge distractions/detractions for me.

i realize that the technical incongruities were exacerbated when it was transferred to video but i can never get past that.
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Re: Continuing the journey....Episode 2, 1991 revival.
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2013, 04:41:31 PM »
Really, was it necessary for DC and the writers to rehash a lot of the elements of HODS into the first two episodes of the series? As I say, I am a big fan of HODS, but I see no reason why they couldn't have introduced Barnabas and the characters into the show with some more original material.

The sad thing is that DC had freely admitted that he didn't have an original thought in his head when it came to DS. Anything that was a new twist in the '91 DS came from the writers who took over after the DC, Steve Feke, Hall Powell & Bill Taub scripts. And that's but one of the reasons I was very happy that DC wasn't to be all that closely involved in the potential '04 DS.

All that being said, and as I've mention before, it's very interesting to note that when the first three eps were combined for the "miniseries," many critics said they enjoyed the second night (Eps #2 and #3) more than the first night (the pilot) - but I supposed that could easily be because they had never seen hoDS, so, unlike those of us who had, they had no idea what was going to happen and that what did happen was quite often a word-for-word, shot-for-shot rehash of hoDS (and some of DC's 1974 version of Dracula).  [snow_sad]

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Re: Continuing the journey....Episode 2, 1991 revival.
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2013, 11:26:44 PM »
I always thought the '91 DS version would've been better if it had been introduced as a miniseries that established pre-Barnabas storylines (even if they were taken from the OS), with mentions being made of Barnabas (such as Vicki asking about the portrait) to establish characters and background.  The miniseries could've built up to Willie releasing Barnabas, after the previous plots were done and resolved (maybe in a two-week, every-few-nights well-done prequel) with the last scene being Barnabas ringing the doorbell and telling Mrs. Johnson his name, and from there go into a weekly series.  And trash the HoDS rehash.  That was just silly to do so.


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Re: Continuing the journey....Episode 2, 1991 revival.
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2013, 05:37:11 AM »
ILB sweetie, what happened?  Email my screen name @ this site!