Author Topic: Robservations 5/28/03 - #956-957 - Return of Willie!  (Read 1454 times)

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Robservations 5/28/03 - #956-957 - Return of Willie!
« on: May 26, 2003, 02:54:39 PM »
956 - Willie (John Karlen) does the intro, so we know who's back today!  He describes how Angelique works her magic to make Maggie and Quentin fall in love, matching pitchforks on their hands, because Barnabas again rejected her.

Quentin, what we're doing is wrong, says Maggie, drawing away from his kisses, you must go.  I could never do that, never leave you alone, he grins, and you don't want me to go, anyway. No, I don't she agrees, and they fall into another kiss--which is witnessed by a wide-eyed Amy.

I feel so disloyal, Quentin, says Maggie. To Barnabas, he says, drawing her around to look at him--now, Maggie, you mustn't feel that way, he says softly (sexily), I couldn't expect us to try to fight it, nor could we, even if we wanted to--you know that, don't you?  Yes, she agrees. We can still help Barnabas, says Quentin, and fight with him against Jeb--whatever we feel won't interfere with that. Overhearing this, Amy's lip curls angrily. Quentin caresses Maggie's face--be very careful, he urges--if Jeb finds out you aren't one of us...promise not to make any mistakes with him, he begs.  I won't, she promises.  I wish you weren't involved at all, he frets.
I had no choice; says Maggie, he made me open that box, and would have killed me if he realized he failed to bring me under his control. Amy, unseen, hurries away. Maggie, whatever he orders you to do, he says, you must check with me first. I will, she swears. I can't lose you, he says, not the way we feel now. She leans toward him urgently.  Do you think we should tell Barnabas? asks Quentin.  It's my place to tell him, says Maggie, but I don't know when--she throws herself into Quentin's arms for another smooch.

Liz is reading in the study when Amy joins her. Maggie Evans opened the box, reveals Amy--"Our box!"  How did you know that? asks Liz--Jeb secretly told me, but no one else was to know--did he tell you, too? No, says Amy.  Who did? asks Liz. She's fighting against us, Mrs. Stoddard! reports Amy--her and Quentin and Barnabas--I thought Barnabas was one of our leaders--what's happening?  Explain exactly what happened, says Liz.

Maggie and Quentin realize the pitchforks have disappeared from their hands.  It's strange, he says--but won't tell her what he means, behaving suddenly curt towards her. It's over, isn't it? she asks, so quickly you don't feel as you did a few minutes ago. Do you? he counters. I feel embarrassed, she admits--the mark had something to do with the way we felt. Don't be such a romantic, he says, the two of us just looked at each other for a few moments. Yes, and it won't happen again, she says. Angry, ashamed, he agrees--I'd better go--I did mean one thing--I'm worried about you, as is Barnabas--you must get out of this house, it's not safe here. Maggie reminds him--if I go, Jeb will know I'm working against him--I can't go unless he orders me to. I see that more clearly than anything else at the moment, he says.  Their passion gone, they agree not to talk about it anymore.  We don't really have anything to say to each other, notes Quentin--I won't remind you of it again. Please don't, she says. He bids her good night and leaves. She watches him go, then remembers discarded Barnabas' ring, which she fishes from the fireplace. Liz enters and asks, is something wrong?  No, says Maggie, I dropped something.
Could you carry some books from upstairs down to the study? Asks Liz--I'm only asking you because Mrs. Johnson has gone to bed. Maggie agrees. They head upstairs. Amy hides in a corner, watching them go. She grabs her coat and leaves Collinwood.  A grinning Willie Loomis stands there--I was just about to knock, he says. I remember you, she says.  Where are you going this time of night? asks Willie. On an errand, she says. Tell Julia or Barnabas I'm here first? he asks. They aren't here right now, she says.  Willie is puzzled--I was just down by the Old House and no one was there, and Julia is expecting me--are you sure she's not here?  "I know who's in the house and who's NOT, Mr. Loomis," says Amy curtly. Yes, I suppose you do, he says--I'll just wait--is Maggie in? No, says Amy, she is out, too, and won't be back until late tonight. I must make a phone call, says Willie, I didn't expect to be this long--go along on your errand--are you sure they know you're going out? Yes, Mrs. Stoddard sent me, says Amy, I left my bicycle outside and it's going to storm. Sure, says Willie, I'll go make my phone call, you should go before it starts to rain. Willie dials.

Liz leads Maggie to the tower room.  I must clean it out, says Liz.  Maggie enters--this room is like going into another time, she says--I wonder what they used it for? Maggie turns on a light.  Liz closes the door, locking her in. What are you doing, Mrs. Stoddard? cries Maggie--let me out!

Why have you done this--why? pleads Maggie.  Liz stands there, not responding, and finally leaves even as Maggie continues to call to her. She's found out! realizes Maggie--she overheard me and Quentin, it's the only possible explanation--what is she going to do?  Maggie walks to the window.

Willie, downstairs, blows kisses into the phone, telling, "Precious" I can't help it, I want to be with you so bad, but I have to wait--I'll get back ASAP. Liz calls to Willie, who, after blowing a few last kisses into the phone, hangs up.  I bet you're surprised to see me, Mrs. Stoddard, he says.  I certainly am, she agrees. Julia sent for me, says Willie--is she or Barnabas in?  No, says Liz. Taken aback, Willie asks, can I wait for them?  Willie, she says sternly, Barnabas won't be coming to the house tonight--I'm sure of it. Julia will, she still lives here, huh? asks Willie. Yes, but I don't know when, says Liz--Julia doesn't tell me how she spends her time. I guess not, says Willie.  He smiles--do I look different to you? he asks.  I don't think so, says Liz. "I'm going to get married," reveals Willie (and he is so adorable)!  He grins. Congratulations, she says without feeling.  Can you imagine, old Willie Loomis getting married--bet that's going to shock a lot of people, he says--they'll never understand it, not when they see her, she's just out of this world. Nastily, Liz says, I haven't got time to chat.  Sure, I understand, says Willie--it's been nice to see you
--if I don't see you again...  She eyes him cruelly. I'm going to tell Maggie the good news, he says--don't you go telling her, OK?--do you  know where she is?  I haven't the faintest idea, says Liz--go to the Old House, I'm sure Barnabas will be there soon. Bye, Mrs. Stoddard, says Willie, puzzled by her cold reception. He leaves.

Woods - Willie walks along, pondering how Liz treated him--she's always been real nice, and she looked so funny when I mentioned Barnabas and Maggie--what's going on here? Willie hears rustling in the woods and hides. He spots Amy passing by. She went out for her bike, he recalls, where is it? He follows her.

Liz calls to Amy, who has returned to Collinwood--I was afraid you'd seen Willie in the woods, but you didn't--we don't want any questions. Is Maggie locked in the room? asks Amy. Yes, says Liz, is he coming? She closes the door. Willie has overheard this last tidbit of conversation and considers it.

Was  it right to tell Jeb? Liz asks Amy. He was very glad, replies the little girl.  Why did Maggie turn against us? laments Liz. The only important thing is she did, says Amy, and he's coming to take care of it soon!

Hallway, second floor - Willie enters through a window.  He calls to Maggie through her closed bedroom door, then the door to the west wing. Where is she? he wonders, upset, where??

Collinwood drawing room - Amy and Liz wait. Jeb isn't coming here in his alternate form, is he? Liz frets to Amy--he mustn't, it will start all that talk about the murders, and the police will know Philip is innocent. Jeb was very angry, says Amy--don't be sad. Poor Maggie, says Liz. "Mrs. Stoddard, she's a traitor!" bursts out Amy--I think you've forgotten that! Yes, you're right, says Liz, and now I think you had better go and see if Maggie's all right. I agree, says Amy, I'll tell her Jeb is coming. Yes, tell her that, says Liz, pleased. Willie, having overheard this, runs from where he was eavesdropping. Amy heads upstairs.  Willie follows.

Maggie, fearful, leans her head on the bedpost. Maggie? Amy calls.  Maggie, glad she's being freed, says, unlock the door--there's been a terrible misunderstanding--I'm locked in here--please, unlock the door. I can't do that, says Amy. You must, insists Maggie, please. Only Jeb can, says Amy--he's coming now. Amy, begs Maggie, please remember we've been friends, don't leave me here, please, don't let Jeb come here!  Amy passes right by Willie, who is hiding behind the chimney. Maggie hears the door being unlocked and assumes it's Jeb, but it's Willie. Maggie runs into his arms and he hugs her, saying something I can't hear (too many bad chicks around here?), asking, what's going on around here?--but at that moment, Amy closes both of them in the tower room. Willie tries to force the door open, insisting, "It's a trap!"  On the other side of the door, Amy grins, the creepiest, most self-satisfied damn smile I've ever seen (the lighting on her in this scene is amazing). Willie turns to Maggie--that kid did this, he says.  Upset, Maggie cries, please help me out of here, now I've gotten you involved in this. She sits on the bed and begins to cry.  Willie sits beside her, holds her, begs her not to--we'll get out of this--Willie will figure something out--I always do, don't I?

At the front door of Collinwood, Liz tells Amy, I wish Willie had never broken into this house--he told me all about the life he was going to have. He tried to save Maggie's life, Amy reminds her. True, says Liz, and there's nothing I can do about it now--she leads Amy back into the house, asking the child, take my hand. The two of them enter the drawing room together. The front door closes.  There's a trail of slimy seaweed on the floor.  We hear the sound of Jeb's unmistakable breathing.

Willie, grunting and complaining, struggles fruitlessly to open the door, then turns to Maggie and says, I always thought I could have gotten out of any place. Not this room, she says. What happens now? he asks. Hearing the breathing, she shushes Willie--did you hear that?
Breathing, says Willie--who breathes like that?  Maggie, terror-stricken, goes into his arms. "Willie!" she says. What is it, Maggie? he asks. It's coming from outside the door, she says.  The sound grows louder. The camera pans back, showing the two of them holding onto each other desperately, terrified by the sounds coming from the other side of the door.

NOTES: Not such a great episode, especially after the last two wonderful ones, but it was grand to see Karlen back as Willie, trying to save his once-favorite lady and blowing smooches into the phone to what we assume is his fiancee. It's too bad Liz was so nasty to him, but his recollection of her is not quite correct, as we will see when Willie appears in the early Barnabas eps--she never liked him much!

Denise Nickerson is flawless as Amy, and chilling as she turns the tables on Liz, reminding her of their cause and the necessity of getting rid of Maggie.

As for Angelique's spell on Quentin and Maggie, it disappeared as abruptly as it came over them, and what will happen next? Such a troublemaker is that witch! It was funny to see them both come out of it and act so coolly and embarrassed toward each other. They do make a nice-looking couple, though.

957 - Maggie and Willie cling together, listening to the dreadful breathing. Suddenly, it stops, and someone else screams--Jeb, who, terrorized, backs away and leaves, in purely human form. Something or someone unlocks the tower room door, freeing Willie and Maggie.  It's another trap! cries Maggie. Willie looks around--no one is here, he assures her--and she's got a lot of 'splainin' to do--we've got to get out of here!  Maggie, certain someone is waiting for them at the end of the corridor, is too afraid to go. We must take that chance, insists Willie, dragging her along. The candles glow.

Old House - Barnabas sits in his favorite chair, grimacing in agony as Julia injects him again. I don't understand this, he says, you've been giving me these injections for a week, why haven't they taken affect yet? Julia, sporting a new, chic hairdo, says, they've taken some effect, but you can't know about it yet. He fastens his sleeve.  You must trust me, she says--Jeb could find your coffin. Not where it's hidden now, says Barn, slipping into his jacket, it's you and Maggie I'm worried about, living in that house--Liz knows you're against them, how long before they find out Maggie's against them as well? The front door slams.  Maggie and Willie, hysterical, enter. What happened? Julia asks Willie.  Barnabas, they know about me, says Maggie, they tried to kill me--we heard the breathing, we were locked in a room. Julia puts a comforting arm around Maggie while Willie earnestly tells Barnabas, I never thought we'd get out of that house; we crept down the back way. Where were you? asks Barnabas.  We were in the tower room, locked in, wails Maggie, and Amy and Liz...  Julia takes her bag and starts leading Maggie, who complains of feeling weak, upstairs--I'll take care of her, promises Julia. I can't believe Liz would do such a thing, says Maggie.  Liz isn't herself, Julia reminds her. As the ladies head upstairs, Willie, upset, asks Barnabas what's going on here--while Maggie and I were locked in the room, she tried to explain it to me, but she didn't make much sense--does it? Unfortunately, yes, says Barn. But Mrs. Stoddard and Amy like Maggie, insists Willie, I don't care what they believe now!  So they found out about Maggie--I'd hoped for more time, laments Barn. What have they got? asks Willie--some kind of monster or something--when I heard that breathing!  So, he was going to kill again, muses Barnabas, even though it would reopen the investigations of the murders--yes, Willie, the murders. Barnabas, what it is? asks Willie, his expression contorting as he considers the possibilities. Don't even ask, advises Barnabas, just tell me how you escaped. It was weird, Willie, I've been through lots (an understatement!), but this...that thing behind the door, and the door starting to give, and the lights go out, and suddenly, the breathing stops--some man screamed!  Jeb, realizes Barnabas. Someone runs away, continues Willie, and Barnabas, you won't believe this, but a key turned in the lock, and there was no one there--I tell you, Barnabas, no hand turned that key, because I opened the door right away, and there was no one there--whatever let us out was no more human that what was trying to get in!  Barnabas doesn't get it.  No wonder you sent for me, says Willie--all of you are in real trouble now.  More than you even realize, says Barnabas ironically. Willie stares at him, lip trembling, then says, "What? Barnabas, you mean...?"  Barnabas nods sadly, saying only, "Every morning, I go to the coffin." Oh, no, Barnabas, whispers Willie.
My punishment for fighting them--but it won't stop me, Barnabas vows. Tell me what's happening, says Willie.  You've gone through enough and deserve to know everything, agrees Barn.

Julia gives Maggie a sedative and water--you'll feel better in just a few moments, she promises. Julia! Maggie says, I failed all of you, and Barnabas--Quentin and I were talking and Amy or Mrs. Stoddard must have overheard...I'm afraid, so afraid! I know, says Julia. Strange, says Maggie, the key turning in the lock--who could have done it, who? Maggie twists her head on the pillow, unable to deal with it. Try to forget, urges Julia.  I'll never do that, insists Maggie. You're safe here, Julia assures her, you know that. Barnabas knocks at the door and enters. I'll go downstairs and see Willie, says Julia--Maggie, get some rest. Julia leaves. So many strange things have happened, says Maggie. What terrible thing have they done to you? he asks. You're not to blame for anything that happened, she says.
How close I came to losing you, he says, sitting on the bed--what providence drove Jeb away?  I wonder why he changed to human form? says Maggie--thank God he did. I never thought he'd change into his creature form again, says Barnabas--when the antique shop burned, the only place he could change was gone--they sanctified another room--sanctified--they made another room incredibly evil--we must find a way to stop this, he cries, and quickly--I can't have you in this danger!

Willie leans against a column in the drawing room--Julia, this is terrible--Barnabas being this way again...  I know, she says, but those injections, until they work, Barnabas is in more danger than ever in his life. Willie doesn't respond.
That's why we need your help so, Willie, says Julia...what's wrong?  Not that what you said doesn't mean anything, says Willie, it's Roxanne--she's sitting in the room on Route 31 this minute, tomorrow, we're going to NY, where her family is, her sister, Sue Agatha, and we're going to get married, Roxanne and me. Julia smiles. Guess you never thought anyone would love old Willie? he asks. No, I never though that, says Julia, still grinning. Somebody does, says Willie--Roxanne, pretty and refined, and genteel, a regular lady!  (This is so touching.) That surprises me still, he says. She touches his shoulder--I'm very glad for you, she says. I knew you would be, says Willie. Why can't you and Roxanne find a nice house around here? asks Julia. I'm trying to tell you I can't stay, says Willie. You must, insists Julia. I want to, says Willie, but when Roxanne met me, I was working in this hospital, like I was for you at Windcliff--that's just what she thinks I do--I can't just go back to taking care of Barnabas (who has just come downstairs and is listening). I don't mean that unkindly, Barnabas has helped me lots before, never told anyone about him--but Roxanne has a mind of her own, she's packed full of questions--what will I tell her I dos for Barnabas?--especially him being the way he is now...I'm sorry, Julia, I just can't stay. Barnabas enters the room and says gently, "No, you can't, Willie--you have your own life to lead."  I'm grateful you understand, says Willie.  I do--more than you know, says Barn. Julia looks heartbroken. I hope we're still friends, says Willie. Of course we are, Barnabas assures him. And I'm sorry about what's been happening, says Willie. I know you are, says Barnabas. I'd better go, says Willie--"You can't keep a lady waiting, especially a lady like Roxanne, she don't like waiting."--I'll go upstairs to say goodbye to Maggie. Please do, encourages Barnabas.  Willie heads upstairs. Well? says Julia.  I hope Willie and his Roxanne will be very happy, says Barnabas. You could have talked Willie into anything! says Julia. But he's right! protests Barnabas. You need help! Julia desperately reminds him, more than you've ever needed anything in your life! Then I'll have to find it someplace else, insists Barn. He walks past her.  She sends  him a look of sympathy--and love.

Josette's room - Willie brings Maggie a cup of tea.  I'm grateful to you for trying to help me back there, she says. It's funny how things work out, says Willie--I was real nervous about seeing you. You shouldn't have been, she chides. I was afraid, says Willie, that one look at you would make me forget all about Roxanne, but I didn't.  I'm glad, says Maggie.  So am I, says Willie--real glad. Maggie smiles at him. I didn't mean that the way it sounded, says Willie. I know, she says. I hope someday you're half as happy as I am, he says--watch out for Barnabas--take care of him, you and Julia, because I don't want to feel bad about leaving him--he's all alone now--I never knew how awful it was to be alone, until I wasn't. He turns to go.  Maggie sips her tea.

Julia is still arguing with Barnabas down in the drawing room--you can't trust anyone else with your secret!  I've gotten along well enough with you and Quentin, points out Barnabas. But when they start hunting for you, by day, and they will, Julia reminds him...  "Who will?" demands Jeb's voice from the doorway--"Dr. Hoffman? I'm so glad I was able to come by while you were talking of me..." Julia and Barnabas stare at the intruder, frightened...

Jeb smiles at them.  What do you want? asks Barnabas. To see you, alone, says Jeb. Julia refuses to leave: No, Barnabas!  I didn't bring any silver bullets, Jeb assures them--Barnabas will be safe--for the moment.  Go, Julia, says Barnabas.  I suggest you look in on Maggie--Doctor? says Jeb.  Facing Barnabas directly, Jeb says, you won't be able to save her, anymore than you can save yourself.  If that's all you came here to say, please go! thunders Barnabas. That's not all, says Jeb--I made a mistake with you, turning you into a vampire, childish of me. Nicholas Blair told you that, I'm sure, says Barn. Yes, says Jeb, but you made a lot of mistakes, too, like burning down the antique shop--and making Maggie a spy was another. Forget Maggie Evans, orders Barnabas. NEVER! shouts Jeb--we're going to get Willie, too, that will be part of your punishment--and I want you here when I marry Carolyn--right here in this room! (Another change of venue for the wedding?) I'm able to do ANYTHING, boasts Jeb. I shall get you before then, says Barnabas venomously. Before when? asks Jeb--work fast, because I'm gonna find where your coffin is hidden. Barnabas warns, I'll see you finished before... Before WHEN? crows Jeb--before morning? Because you may not have much more time than that. GET OUT OF HERE! roars Barn. You're responsible for what happened in that hallway, accuses Jeb--I know it was you--do you think you can use my weaknesses against me?--well you won't, because I'm GONNA GET YOU, BARNABAS! I'M GONNA GET YOU!!" (And your little dog, too!)
He storms out. Barnabas walks toward the desk, thinking--*I* caused what happened in the hallway? What DID happen? What are Jeb's weaknesses? Werewolf, he's terrified of him, the werewolf and...ghosts? I don't know, he says aloud. Willie comes out and notes that his former employer is talking to himself, that's a bad sign. Forget about me, says Barn, get out of here, forget you ever came here--go away before Jeb finds and suspects you--he'll be so afraid he'll want to do something to you. This scares Willie, who nervously asks, "He will? Well, OK, Barnabas, if you say so." Get home safely to your motel, says Barnabas. I will, promises Willie--do you think me terrible for leaving?  No, says Barnabas, of course not.  I feel bad about leaving, says Willie, but I have a life...  Barnabas nods.  So long, says Willie, and leaves. Julia comes downstairs--I tried to stop Willie from coming down, she says, but he felt if he didn't leave here now, he never would.  I have something else on my mind, says Barn--whatever stopped Jeb from killing Maggie and Willie was supernatural!--we must find out what it was--I know that in the book, it says the Leviathans are more fearful of the sprits of the dead than any other people. Willie bursts back in and says, determinedly, "I can't do it, Barnabas, I can't leave, not now, not the way things are--Roxanne'll just have to adjust, that's all--it's tough for me, Barnabas, but I've come back."

 4:00 - Collinwood foyer - Julia returns home, black bag in hand. She puts her coat on the table and tells herself, Maggie is safe for the moment--what could have stopped Jeb from going into the tower room?--I can't believe a ghost--do we have some ally in this house that we don't know--if I go to the tower, perhaps I'll find something--some evidence of who was there besides Jeb! She heads upstairs. Jeb sees her and follows.

Tower hallway - Julia walks, looking around. Jeb grabs her from behind--tell me where Barnabas' coffin is! he demands. No! she gasps, trying to pry his arm from around her throat. I'll kill you if you don't, he threatens.  There's a weird, high-pitched sound, as if from outer space.  Jeb releases Julia--stay away from me! he cries--and flees.  Julia asks, "Who are you? What do you want?"  What sounds like a teakettle fills the air as she faces the unknown entity.

NOTES: What else can scare a Leviathan this much? Wait until you find out--you might hate it! Love the Willie/Julia/Barnabas scenes, they're so sweet. Barnabas is usually so selfish, especially in vampire mode, but it was Julia trying to insist he force Willie to stay; Barnabas wanted to let him go lead his life--very special scenes, especially for those who know Barnabas and Willie's original history. How fiercely Julia protects Barnabas from Jeb, and how delicious to watch something else save her from Jeb in the tower hallway! Who's the ally?  We shall see.

The scene between Maggie and Willie was a pleasure to watch, too. He feared seeing Maggie would rekindle old feelings and make him forget his fiancee; both of them were glad that wasn't so. It was unrequited love on Maggie's part, but Willie is a sweetheart, well-deserving of his own life. It was wonderful seeing him return to the Old House, determined to help his former employer (who, let's face it, treated him like crap at the beginning).

I liked this show, even if Jeb was way over the top again. Sometimes even over-acting is fun to watch.

Love, Robin

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Re:Robservations 5/28/03 - #956 Return of Willie!
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2003, 10:23:05 PM »
Robin, your numbering is still out of sequence.  I moved the eps up, so now you just need to tack #957 onto the end of this one.  That summary should contain scenes with Barn, Julia, Jeb, Maggie and Willie.  Thanks!

Offline ROBINV

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Re:Robservations 5/28/03 - #956 Return of Willie!
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2003, 12:45:36 AM »
Thanks, Midnite, I really appreciate your covering my a$$.  You know, this is all your state's fault.  My brain was fried in the 85 degree heat in SD, then I returned here for cool, rainy temps.  My jet lag is a killer this time.  I will find the missing ep (hopefully) and add it to this post.

Thanks again!

Love, Robin