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Discuss - Ep #0306
« on: September 25, 2012, 12:05:18 AM »
Robservations - #306

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2012, 12:24:24 AM »
Barnabas claims Julia has screwed up ever since they started the experiments. He has a lot of gall here. Julia saved his bacon by erasing Maggie's memory twice. And was Julia to know that Sarah was going to help Maggie escape from Windcliff? Graditude and understanding are two words whose meaning are totally foreign to Barnabas right now.

Barnabas blabs to Vicki that Burke is having him investigated and it makes her angry at Burke. I will say that Barnabas is excellent at manipulating the situation at hand.

David is reluctant to tell Vicki about Sarah, and it's understandable considering Vicki dismissed her as just a product of David's imagination. But once David gives his description of Sarah, Vicki figures out she must have been the little girl that she saw at the top of the stairs the night of the costume party at the Old House a few weeks ago. Nice to see that Vicki still has a bit of sharpness in her.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2012, 12:20:29 PM »
So what did Vicky say the other day when Burke told her to avoid Barnabas?  Whatever it was, it does not seem to have been, “Yes, sir!”

Do they use the same coffin for the Old House basement set as they do for the mausoleum?  I never can keep the Old House one in my mind for long enough to say for sure, but at this point, I'm figuring they don't feel any need to spring for a second coffin, since Barnabas is scheduled to be destroyed by Halloween.

And what does Sarah know about the former occupant of the coffin in the mausoleum?

Reading my post from five years ago about how lucky Barnabas is to have an appreciative audience in Julia, I wonder: would he even be trying the “put Vicky in the middle” angle if it weren't for Julia?  She has put ideas in his head that weren't there before.

And once again I'm bowled over by the last scene of this episode.  “Sarah, I'm your brother.”  Barnabas is defining himself by his relationship to her.  What with Julia and Sarah, his existence isn't the simple, focused thing that it was when he was first released from his coffin.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2012, 03:37:40 PM »
I suspect that Sarah knows exactly who was the former occupant of the coffin in the mausoleum. With massive understatement, she tells David that he "went away." Even though Sarah doesn't answer his questions and insists that the former occupant did leave the coffin, David is delighted to have yet another secret to keep.

Vicki has made the connection between David's little friend and the "girl at the top of the stairs," whom she glimpsed at Barnabas's party.

Barnabas has one of the great lines of the show in a defining moment of his relationship with Julia: You are a meddlesome and domineering woman. If the modern man is willing to tolerate your kind of woman, that's his problem, but I will have none of it.

He tells Julia he will handle Burke with finesse: "a quality that seems lacking in your world."

I love Barn's feigned innocence when he tells Vicki oh, so reluctantly that Burke is having him investigated. What should I do? he asks her with becoming diffidence. Of course Vicki instantly says she'll speak to Burke and make him stop. Then Barn has the gall to apologize for troubling her. Finesse indeed! I just hope JF enjoyed these bits as much as we do.

Julia returns to Collinwood, and she and Barn keep up their pretense of distance by addressing each other as Mr. Collins and Miss Hoffman. Barnabas listens tensely as Vicki tells Julia that David saw his friend Sarah again and that they played in a secret place. Barnabas leaves hastily.

David comes downstairs and announces that he's hungry, but Vicki says she'll have Mrs. Johnson fix him something. She refuses to let him go to the kitchen--most likely because he won't clean up after himself.

Another fabulously moment from JF: From outside the mausoleum, Barnabas hears Sarah playing her flute, but when he draws near the gate, the music stops. No, Sarah, don’t stop, he begs her. Inside, Sarah sits on her stone coffin, listening intently--and silently. His face and voice suffused with sorrow and longing, Barnabas says, It’s your brother, Barnabas. I’ve come to take you home again. But when he enters the mausoleum, it’s empty. If a vampire could shed tears, Barnabas would be near weeping. Leaning his head against the cold marble of her plaque on the wall, he pleads, Sarah, come back. Please come back. I need you, Sarah. I love you, and I need you. But the only reply is silence.

Lydia, your observation about that scene is great! Barnabas learning just how little control he has over the people in his orbit.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306
« Reply #4 on: September 26, 2012, 12:10:53 AM »
Did Sarah appear at the top of the stairs? Does that put her in the timeline before Maggie's kidnapping?

Thank goodness David had the skills to save the crypt scene. I do like the way David's character is written. Sometimes I wonder if he's ad libbing.

This episode started off a hot mess with delayed music & sound cues & entrances, forgotten lines, equipment noise, etc. and continued throughout with bad camera angles.

Barnabas is obnoxious with Julia. He is obviously feeling better. And he put Julia in her place somewhat civilly, though rudely. He didn't threaten to kill her for once, let's put it that way.

I very much liked the scene with Vicki and Barn though Frid really messed it up. He had some particularly fine moments though, I will give him that.

I like how David doesn't lie but doesn't snitch either. So instead of lying as a way not to be rude or get in trouble he's honest and then clams up.

So Sarah isn't ready to face Barnabas. Any guess why is just as good as any other. Why does Barn need Sarah? What can she do for him? Is he going to beg her to not expose him? I wonder if he's even considered that she might need him?

I'm tiring of the same six or seven characters every day.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2012, 12:25:03 AM »
Did Sarah appear at the top of the stairs?


Does that put her in the timeline before Maggie's kidnapping?

No. Sarah appeared at the top of the stairs after helping Maggie escape and after Barnabas killed Jason McGuire. Barnabas held his party as a way to cheer Elizabeth up after everything she had been through.

I like how David doesn't lie but doesn't snitch either. So instead of lying as a way not to be rude or get in trouble he's honest and then clams up.

Well, he does have this big secret to keep, and I'm sure he's enjoying that part at least.

So Sarah isn't ready to face Barnabas. Any guess why is just as good as any other. Why does Barn need Sarah? What can she do for him? Is he going to beg her to not expose him? I wonder if he's even considered that she might need him?

I think that somewhere way deep down, Barnabas is consumed with guilt and remorse over what he's done. He's already told Julia (and us) how pure, sweet, innocent, etc. Sarah was, and about the "holiness" of her affection. I think he desperately needs her forgiveness, although he'd never admit it.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2012, 04:07:08 AM »
Thanx for answering my questions, DL, I don't know why I insist on changing Sarah's storyline. Maybe it'll sink in this time. Your thoughts re: Barn's guilt over Sarah make sense. Maybe I'd be more sensitive to it if I liked either of them.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2012, 04:17:10 PM »
A question of chivalry came up in episode #307 and it reminded me of something that came to mind in this ep. We know why Barn went to Vicki about Burke spying on him. But Vicki doesn't know that. Do any of you find it odd that the writers didn't have Vicki question why Barn wasn't being a man and going to Burke himself or even asking if he had brought it up to Liz or Roger as heads Of the family, which is what one might have expected him to do?

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306
« Reply #8 on: September 27, 2012, 12:27:45 AM »
Maybe he's just relying on her naïveté and knows that she'll do what she thinks is right. Plus, if Barnabas himself did challenge Burke, it would give Burke all the more reason to investigate him and maybe find out the whole truth. As it is, we have yet another instance of his manipulative behavior.

In choosing Barnabas over Burke in this roundabout fashion, isn't Vicki giving us a clue to where her heart really lies? Although of course she doesn't know it herself. She doesn't seem to be given to much reflection--but then, neither is anyone else at Collinwood.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306
« Reply #9 on: September 27, 2012, 03:39:44 PM »
If she only knew how similar the two men really are! Burke has changed somewhat though.

I understand that it had to play out this way. It makes sense that Barn went to Vicki, he had to to plant seeds of doubt, I was just thinking that Vicki at some point should have thought about the fact that Barnabas came to her at all. But I am thinking now as I type that Barn did first reference his behavior at the announcement of her accepting Burke's proposal. So I guess why not mention Burke's investigation.

I just thought that Vicki should have questioned Barn's approach to the "problem" of Burke. A gentleman shouldn't air out his problems to a lady. I'm gonna watch the ep again because now I am starting to confuse myself. Barn did say that he had two things to talk to Vicki about so he's really not off my hook.

Now that I think about it, Burke called Barn out on this issue by saying Willie told Barn, and Barn came and cried on your shoulder. So if she hadn't thought of it then she knows it know and it didn't seem to phase her one bit.

I'm not sure I'd go as far to say that Vicki's heart or head is with Barnabas but she sure is acting similar to someone with a secret crush, I don't think it's that but she sure has the symptoms. I do think she is extremely fond of him and has a great deal of respect for him. But I do think she is totally in love with Burke.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2012, 03:52:30 PM »
I think that the way in which Barnabas told Vicky about Burke's investigation of him was very flattering to Vicky - deferring to her judgment and saying he didn't want to make trouble, but knowing that Vicky would be sympathetic and would know what he should do.  So Barnabas scored two points - first by getting Vicky mad at Burke and second by making her feel admired and respected by himself.  dom, you speak of chivalry, and I think of the age of the medieval troubadours and courts of love and all that jazz - Barnabas and Burke submitting to the judgment of a beautiful woman.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2012, 04:07:12 PM »
I guess flattery gets you everywhere.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0306
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2012, 06:54:59 PM »
The fact that David's shadow is behind him when clearly the only light source can be from the door after dusk
Is distracting. Sarah forgot her lines, then David said them, which prompted her to remember and she said them.  When he finally gets home it's after nine.
Barnabas  has been spouting every other day that someone must die! Suddenly heck says problems. Are not always solved by violence.
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times