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Discuss - Ep #0276
« on: August 13, 2012, 03:40:16 PM »
Robservations - #276

And if you'd care to look back, the first WP discussion topic for this ep:
Re: Discuss - Ep #0276

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0276
« Reply #1 on: August 13, 2012, 05:08:40 PM »
Another episode packed with goodies!

Wonderful scene with Barnabas and Willie conversing over Jason's dead body. Even though Jason tried to kill him, Willie is horrified that he's dead and recalls that they were very good friends. Barnabas talks at great length (for him) about someone he loved dearly who died young.

After Barnabas helps Willie carry off a corpse for the first and last time, Sarah retrieves Jason's cap from the floor--and places it atop Barnabas's coffin. She must be utterly bewildered by the things she's seen Barnabas do. Although she can't understand why he's doing them, surely she knows they're evil. Now that she has seen the worst that Barnabas can do, how will she respond?

Drs. Hoffman and Woodard have a territorial dispute as to whose patient Maggie is. Dave shows Maggie her father's drawing. Sarah! Maggie says delightedly--even though she never learned Sarah's name. But things go rapidly downhill from there as Maggie remembers the rhyme that Sarah taught her to help her escape, and then "London Bridge." Julia is furious, but Dave thinks that finding Sarah could blow the whole case wide open!

Another great scene in the mausoleum as Willie buries Jason in the secret room. Now he has even more reason to hate this place.

In the outer room, Willie reads off the names on the plaques and Barnabas describes them briefly. Willie recalls seeing the portrait of Naomi--it was when he was looking through the books in the study at Collinwood, hoping to find jewels.

Barnabas acknowledges for the first time that Sarah is his sister. Willie asks if she was the friend he was talking about in the basement, but Barnabas answers only, Perhaps. But when Willie muses, It's strange to think about you caring about someone, Barnabas slams the door by replying, We've lingered here long enough.

After her "big brother" (as Sarah first described him when she met Maggie) and Willie leave, poor Sarah emerges from the shadows with her doll. Sitting on her own tomb and cradling the doll in her arms, she rocks back and forth slowly, consoling herself. How sad.

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0276
« Reply #2 on: August 13, 2012, 06:56:25 PM »
And how could I forget:

Farewell, Jason McGuire! You were a scoundrel if ever there was one!

Offline Lydia

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0276
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2012, 08:37:08 AM »
I assume that the body we saw in the basement after the opening credits was not Dennis Patrick because we never got a good look at the face, but did seem to look like Jason as Barnabas and Willie carried it up the basement stairs.  If it was indeed Mr. Patrick, let's be glad that neither Frid nor Karlen didn't stumble and drop him over the edge.

Jason gets the fate that he told Liz he had given Paul Stoddard: an unknown grave beneath a stone floor.  It doesn't seem quite fair, since in fact Jason didn't do that to Paul.

There's more fuss made over Jason's burial, I think, than over any subsequent clandestine interment on Dark Shadows.  It's very quaint.

Offline DarkLady

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0276
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2012, 04:08:24 PM »
I remember reading somewhere--can't remember where--that DP did play Jason's corpse. I think this is also the last time we see anyone actually carrying a man's body offstage.

I will try to remember, when watching all the clandestine burials to come, whether any of them are more elaborate than Jason's!  [ghost_grin]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0276
« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2012, 06:31:59 PM »
The archways in the basement by the steps Are missing and while had had noticed they were the same design as the one in the mausoleum, I had not realized that they were one and the same.
Julia's fishtank is cloudy. Dr. Woodard comes across as rather arrogant to presume and then fore his will on a other doctors patient who is a specialist while he is some country bumpkin.  He's rather whiny and I find that
Beyond annoying and am feeling he is going in the second Burke category
you know there's a whole wing that's closed off all the time; the west wing, I go there lots of times


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0276
« Reply #6 on: August 26, 2012, 10:52:26 PM »
Jason gets the fate that he told Liz he had given Paul Stoddard: an unknown grave beneath a stone floor.  It doesn't seem quite fair, since in fact Jason didn't do that to Paul.

No, but he did deceive Elizabeth into believing that's what he did to Paul. Was it fair of Jason to lie to her and then come back many years later and force her into paying him off, employ him and then to marry him for his silence on something he absolutely knew for a fact was a hoax?! I think it was poetic justice that Jason should end up being the one being buried secretly.

Julia and Woodard are at odds over Maggie again. Woodard and Julia are friends for a long time, so he had to have known how possessive she can be over her patients, which makes me think that perhaps he really should have found another doctor for Maggie, one who wouldn't be so stubborn, unsympathetic and a bit more willing to at least call him about the patient once in awhile. I don't think he's being so unreasonable wanting a report once in awhile about Maggie's condition...after all Sam and Joe probably want to know how she's doing since evidentually their last visit to her convinced them to stay away.

I always believed that Sarah chose to stay away from Barnabas so long because she didn't approve of his evil actions (can't say I consider his strangling of McGuire one of them, but certainly his kidnapping of Maggie was appalling). Had Barnabas maybe restrained himself, not killing anyone or kidnapping them, she might have been more willing to appear to him.