Author Topic: Robservations 9/4/02 - #630/631 - Barnabas & Vicki Try to Reason With Nick  (Read 2190 times)

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630 - (KLS) - Dusk on the great estate of Collinwood. An unseasonable storm besieges the house, a fitting welcome for Barnabas Collins, who has returned from sanctuary, forced back by one evil man's frantic efforts to reinstate himself with his master, the devil.

Barnabas, looking fit, stands, waiting impatiently in Nicholas' living room. Nicholas comes out and welcomes him back--I'm glad Julia released you. You gave her no choice, says Barnabas sarcastically. Nicholas reminds Barnabas that he's given him protection--Angelique won't harm him as long as they are working together. Barnabas wonders why they should resurrect Eve--so Adam can kill her again? No, says Nick, this will be a very different woman--I have learned from my experience. Nicholas expresses little interest in hearing about Barnabas' conscience qualms. We must start right away, insists Barnabas, but there is no assurance of success--Eve has been dead too long, plus they need a life force. Although Barnabas has no one in mind, Nicholas does, and he smiles, thinking about it. (Does Barnabas look tan to you?)
Barnabas asks Nicholas if he's summoning another Danielle Roget? No, Blair assures him--don't ask me questions. It concerns all of us, says Barnabas. Nicholas says you and Julia are technicians I am hiring--your payment is your continued life. (what a prince-of darkness!) Nick taunts Barnabas--it's a shame you can't harm me physically--do you envy me my powers?--would you like to have them? Barnabas turns away, not responding. Nicholas says, if I were an ordinary man, you would be a good enemy; I would be afraid of you then--but I'm not ordinary, as you know. Barnabas wants nothing further, and Nicholas escorts him out, promising to have the body at the Old House tomorrow so they can perform their act of magic. I will arrive with the life force before midnight, he adds. Barn warns him not to bring a woman who is drugged or under a spell. Nicholas says he has a way of getting women to do what he wants--I will see to that. He bids Barn good night and lets him out into the storm, wearing a self-satisfied smirk. It's 7:10 PM and he gazes out the window.

8 PM - Nicholas pours a drink for Maggie. She sees a pretty Egyptian urn that he says was made before "your Christ was born." He asks her to put it down and talk to him, then hands her a drink. In certain circles, it's valuable, I'm told, says Blair--it belonged to Cleopatra's favorite seer, who predicted her death. He hands Maggie an opal, a stone she calls bad luck and puts down. I don't believe in luck, he says--I want to tell your fortune. He drops the opal into the cup filled with water. She asks if she'll hear strange voices. I hope not, he says--just believe. She drops the stone in the cup and they watch the ripples. In a cold, somber voice, he tells her she will have a long, happy life. Maggie says it sounds as if that upset him. Of course not, he says, as long as you spend it with me. She looks unsure, and Nicholas says he knows she is thinking of Joe--I'm leaving Collinsport and won't be back, says Nicholas. I do care, she assures him. He wants her to come with him, marry him--I want to see the world, the kind of life I can give you--don't be held back by something that is over. I know it's over, says Maggie--I care for you, even if it isn't love.
I must leave soon, for business reasons, says Nick, and I can't control that--you want to go with me, right? I can't imagine this place without you, confesses Maggie. Then don't try, coaxes Nicholas-come with me--marry me!

Betsy Durkin, who has taken over the role of Victoria Winters and is one of my least favorite replacements, comments with surprise at Nicholas' proposal. Yes, says Maggie, but Vicki, shrilly upset, says she shouldn't marry someone who SAYS he's Cassandra's brother. Maggie asks if she knows something about Nicholas she doesn't, but Vicki says they don't know enough about him. Maggie says she never knew she was so suspicious. I don't trust him, says Vicki--please think. You're against is without giving any reasons, accuses Maggie--all right, you don't like the man I'm going to marry, it's happened to friends before--we won't be living in Collinsport anyway. She turns to leave, closing the door behind her, disappointed that Vicki isn't happy for her. Vicki decides she has to do something about this, so she dials Blair himself.

At Blair House, Nicholas drops the opal into the cup again, looking unhappy, impatient. He pours himself a drink. There's a knock at the door--it's Vicki. He invites her in with a hearty greeting and offers her a brandy, which she staunchly refuses. He tells Vicki he wants to get better acquainted, she and Maggie are such good friends. You can't marry her, insists Vicki, and I'm making it my business-- Maggie doesn't know about you, what you are. Tell me first, he invites silkily, I've been described many ways. "You're not human," she accuses. I thought proof of humanity was the ability to love, he says. Cassandra was a witch, she says. Which makes me a warlock? suggests Nick. Yes, says Vicki--I knew Cassandra in the past, when she first came to this country, as Angelique--I was here and hanged for what she did--when she lived here as Cassandra, I watched what she did, and the day Cassandra disappeared, you showed up, as though we had to have some eye of evil constantly staring at them. "Well I won't let you marry Maggie, I won't!" insists Vicki. He glares at her, advancing on her. "Don't come near me!" she orders, gulping, but unafraid.
Nicholas accuses Vicki of being afraid of him and asks, do you believe all you said? Yes, she says defiantly. He grabs her arm. What if you're wrong? he demands. I'm not, says Vicki. He releases her, saying he doesn't want her to think of him as cruel, as well. He apologizes. If I were a warlock, I wouldn't have to resort to physical violence, he points out reasonably--I could wave my hands and make you disappear, right?--Maggie won't believe you. I will MAKE her believe it, insists Vicki. Nicholas orders her to stop. "I love Maggie Evans," he says. "Now if you believe those other things about me, please believe that, too. I have given up a great deal for that love." He doesn't care as long as he has Maggie, he doesn't care! Vicki is horrified to realize he is asking her to stay mum. She can't! She can't. He orders her to be careful. I wasn't afraid to come here, she retorts. He warns her she may lose Maggie's friendship, but she says that wasn't what he meant and he knows it--I am giving you the chance to break off with her before I go to see Maggie, she says. I think you recognize honesty and love, he says, and I can't stop you going to Maggie, but after you finish talking to me, Maggie will come to me, and I will make her forget what you said---without using any powers. He helps her into her coat and bids her good night. Vicki tells him she isn't going to see Maggie yet--if Nicholas truly loves her, he will think about it, and will see it is impossible. After the leaves, he furiously smashes something into the fireplace, saying that it would have been that easy--she could have left and not remembered even coming here! Why didn't he do it? Maggie Evans, he says, makes me human--but Vicki can never be allowed to go to Maggie!--whatever stops her must be arranged so it can never be traced to him, never. But there IS a way. He has depended on his own powers for so long, he forgot--there is another way! He races from the room and down into the basement. He counts the flagstones and begins to pry one of them up with a crowbar.

Vicki returns to Collinwood and turns off the lights. The front doors blow open. It's Barnabas, and he apologizes for scaring her. She asks how he's doing, and why he's there so late. He explains that he and Julia are going over their book about Lang--he works best at night. She It's so good to see you, she says, taking his hand in hers. She suggests they have dinner soon and wishes him good night. He watches her walk upstairs, surprised.

Down in his basement, Nicholas has unearthed a coffin--with Tom Jenning's body inside, stake sticking from his chest (these vampires don't turn to dust upon staking). Nicholas removes the bloody stake and orders Tom to rise. Tom stirs and sits up in the coffin, reaching for Nicholas. "No!" shouts Nicholas, brandishing the stake. "I am your Master, I have saved you. If I use this on you again, you will be condemned to darkness forever. You will do as I tell you to do!" Tom rises and stands.

Vicki lies in bed, turns of the light, settles down for sleep. A dog howls. Tom crawls in through he window, stalking her. He hovers over her bed, smiling, fangs bared.
Vicki awakens, sees him, and screams. Tom's tongue pulsates as he anticipates the taste of Vicki's sweet blood.

NOTES: EXCELLENT scene Vicki and Nicholas in that ep. I never did like BD as Vicki, but she sure was spunky here. Then again, as Lou Grant once said, I hate spunk! LOL! HAA put in excellent performances as Nicholas, with everyone. His resurrection of Tom scared me then, scares me now, and oh, what a wicked vampire is Tom, ululating his tongue in such a naughty way!

631 - (Betsy Durkin) - Under a turbulent sky, Collinwood sleeps. None within its great walls can know the terrors this night will bring. Not far away, in a house by the sea, there is another who sleeps--the sleep of the living dead. In a moment this condemned soul will be unleashed by a man who is waging a desperate battle against time.

Nicholas resurrects Tom Jennings by removing the stake from his heart and ordering him to rise. Tom goes for his savior, but Nicholas threatens him with the stake. Tom will do what HE tells him to do. Like a zombie, Tom climbs out of the coffin.

Vicki turns off her light and settles down for sleep. A dog howls. Her curtains billow, then part as Tom enters her room through the window. He approaches the bed, fangs bared, and Vicki awakens and screams. (Not much tongue movement in this recreation of this scene.)

Vicki, screaming, climbs from her bed, ordering Tom to stay away. She faints in his arms and Tom, mouth open, is about to strike when Barnabas enters her room. He calls to Tom, who quickly climbs out the window. Barnabas lifts Vicki's head and checks her throat, then lifts her in his arms.

At Blair House, Nicholas taps his fingers on his knee, waiting for the outcome of his dirty handiwork. He looks impatiently out the window, checks his watch. There's a knock at the door. It's Chris, and Nicholas stares at him in shock at first. Chris explains that he's Tom's brother, and wants to speak to him--Tom was working on a job at Blair house the night he was attacked in the woods--how was Tom's behavior that night?--did he seem to think someone was menacing him?--I want to find out if my brother was murdered.
Nick says he can't imagine anyone wanting to murder Tom, then turns and sees Tom himself, standing at the window, reflected in a flash of lightning. Chris agrees with Nicholas, but he feels something more than an accident happened in the woods that night. Nicholas, distracted, turns to Chris, who says he doubts his brother's death was an accident. Nicholas says he wasn't allowed in to see Tom in the hospital, then explains that he's lived here a few months, and describes himself as "retired." Chris had hoped. . .he looks at the window--I thought I saw someone there, he says. Nicholas comments that he can do without prowlers. Chris suggests it was his imagination. Nicholas says it's late, he'd like to retire. Chris thanks him for his trouble. They bid each other good night. Nicholas looks perturbed and more satanic than usual.

Vicki regains consciousness to find Barnabas with her. He assures her she's safe now. I recognized Tom, she tells him--but he's dead! No, says Barnabas, it was Tom. Impossible, says Vicki, dead people can't come back. His kind can, says Barnabas, but he doubts she would understand. Vicki objects--a person can't be alive and dead! (but this is DARK SHADOWS!) Tom can, says Barnabas, shocking Vicki--there are very few such people--they exist under a terrible curse--of the living dead--they cannot live in the light of day, but in the dark of night, they cannot die--they feed on the blood of other human beings, and they are called VAMPIRES. (Barnabas sounded like a professor giving this discourse to Vicki.)
Vicki says she never knew such things really existed. (ghosts, warlocks and witches are OK, but not vampires?) They do, says Barn, and you were almost a victim of one. Vicki reminds Barnabas Tom worked for Nicholas before he died--perhaps he was responsible for turning him into this! Yes, agrees Barn uncertainly. Vicki realizes Nicholas sent Tom to kill her--he warned her not to interfere--she explains that Maggie is considering marrying Nicholas and she went to try to talk him out of it. This disturbs Barnabas--you shouldn't have handled Nicholas alone, you should have come to me. Vicki realizes that now. She describes to Barnabas how, when she promised to go to Maggie and tell her all about him, Nicholas threatened her--I never thought he'd try to kill me. Barnabas assures her Nicholas has killed many, and would have no compunctions about killing her. He sits back on her bed, takes her hand, and tells her to be very careful and not have anything further to do with this--I'll tell you everything, someday soon, but not now--Maggie will be safe, he promises. Vicki agrees, looking at him trustingly.

Harry goes to Nicholas' house and tells him he followed "them" when they took the body out of the morgue, in a plain, unmarked box. The Sheriff was giving the orders, and she was taken to the Collinsport Cemetery. She was buried 15 minutes ago. There's a knock at the door. Nicholas sends Harry down to the basement for a shovel and a ladder. His visitor is Barnabas. We didn't need to see each other until tomorrow, says Nicholas. If you expect tomorrow to happen, warns Barnabas, you will see me now. Nicholas says he's arranging for the body, and Barn suggests he cancel those arrangements. What do you mean? demands Nicholas. Your scheme to kill Vicki failed, says Barnabas. Nicholas denies he did such a thing. Barnabas calls him a liar; Nicholas warns him to be careful. Barnabas tells him he can only be intimidated to a point, and before the experiment can be resumed, he demands that Vicki's safety be guaranteed. Nicholas is furious, but Barnabas continues--you sent Tom to her before and as long as it's dark, can send him again--if that happens, he will be making a grave mistake. Nicholas, looking like he wants to rip off Barnabas' head, finally spits out that he can consider Vicki's safety guaranteed.
Barnabas also insists on another condition--I don't know what diabolical plan you have for Maggie ("I plan to marry her," Nicholas curtly responds, "I would hardly call that diabolical"), but Barnabas points out she doesn't know what he is--it would be insane for her to marry you, and I am making it my business--stay away from Maggie as well as Vicki, or Eve will not live again. Barnabas' tone is low and menacing. Nicholas reminds him he could send him to the tortures of the damned if he chose. Barnabas retorts that isn't to your advantage. Fortunate for you, says Nicholas--I want Eve to be brought to life--so I will stay away from Maggie and Vicki--and destroy Tom Jennings. Nicholas bids Barnabas good night, stony hatred in his voice, and warns him that he and Julia must be ready by sundown tomorrow. Barnabas leaves. Nicholas makes a gesture of pure fury before screaming for Harry to come upstairs. It's apparent the debonair Mr. Blair is losing control. Harry assures him he has everything. Nicholas says he must decide whether to find Tom or go to the graveyard first. He checks outside and decides Tom will have to return by dawn--I will deal with him then--we are going to the graveyard and dig up Eve, he tells a horrified Harry. Barnabas stands outside, looking at the house.

Harry is not thrilled to hear about this grave-robbing plan, and tells Nicholas he can't do it. Nicholas shouts at Harry, if you don't get that body out of that grave, I'm in trouble, and it will be passed down to you--this will be the last request I will ever make of you; after tonight, you will never see me again. Barnabas watches as Harry and Nicholas leave the house, discussing going to the cemetery. Barnabas heads off, tailed by Tom Jennings. A dog howls. Nicholas and Harry arrive at the grave. The warlock orders him to stop digging. Harry is fearful about getting caught, but Nick assuages his fears.

Barnabas enters Blair House. The door opens. Tom follows him.

(Eve was buried in a nice coffin for someone with no last name, I must say.) Nicholas orders Harry to open the coffin, which he does, without looking himself. They lift it to take it to the Old House. Harry wants to know why. Impatiently, Nicholas tells him to stop asking questions-- just get on with it. Barnabas finds Tom's unearthed coffin and realizes there isn't much time--I can't stay in this room without being seen, he deduces, and goes upstairs and await the dawn. He glances out the window and sees that the sky is growing light, but is grabbed around the throat by Tom. They struggle violently, Barnabas choking. He escapes the vampire, grabs two candlesticks and makes a cross out of them. Tom screams, "Take it away!" Barnabas tells him it's all over--look out the window! Tom begs for mercy; Barnabas tells him he's staying near the window until the sun comes up. Tom offers him anything, anything, cringing. Barnabas tells him he knows what he's going through--I feel sorry for you. If that's the case, begs Tom, don't do this to him! Fang bared, Tom screams, "Stop it!" He covers his face as Barnabas assures him it will be over soon--your time is up. "It's not too late!" pleads Tom. Barnabas continues to hold him in the thrall of the crossed candlesticks. "You're time is up!" cries Barnabas.
Tom, bellowing, "LET ME LIVE!  LET ME LIVE!" covers his face and fades into nothingness. Barnabas uncrosses the candlesticks, looking sick to his stomach, realizing he has destroyed this vampire for the second time.

NOTES: Loved the second Barnabas--Tom fight scene. HAA is turning in such marvelous performances, it's mesmerizing to watch him. I loved his confrontation with Barnabas today. He's trying so hard to maintain his debonair, Master of the Universe attitude, but he knows this is his last chance, and if he blows it, it's back to hellfire and perpetual agony.

How hard must it have been for Barnabas to describe to Vicki, in such detail, what a vampire is? It must have really hurt, and of course he could never tell the woman he loves, "And I was once one of the living dead myself, and I coveted your blood!" I'm sure he'd see what a romance killer that confession would be!

I still can't get used to the new Vicki, but I never could. Betsy Durkin was nothing like Alexandra Moltke, and I never could understand their choosing her to take over Vicki's role.

It was kind of sad to see Tom Jennings destroyed--again. He didn't want to go, and it was cruel of Nicholas to bring him back and promise to destroy him. Poor Barnabas was forced to get rid of Tom yet again!

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 9/4/02 - #630/631 - Barnabas & Vicki Try to Reason With Nick
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2002, 01:39:27 AM »
...and oh, what a wicked vampire is Tom, ululating his tongue in such a naughty way!

You got that right!

I didn't know whether Tom was going to bite the New Vicki or pleasure her!

BARNABAS: Here at Collinwood, old hates don't die. They lie in wait for the innocent and unsuspecting...

QUENTIN: We're guaranteed to make you believe (spells) exist. Our entire family can be explained in no other way...


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DVD episodes for June 17th and 18th.
The 7th and 8th episodes on Set#11/Disc#2 (2nd and 3rd episodes on MPI tape Volume #80)

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Re: Robservations 9/4/02 - #630/631 - Barnabas & Vicki Try to Reason With Nick
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2005, 01:10:49 AM »
In that episode, I think that Harry wears the same blue jacket as Joe Haskell did.
Spencer H. Karter