Author Topic: Idle Thoughts--You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down 10/25-11/01  (Read 2053 times)

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Offline Luciaphile

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Idle Thoughts--You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down 10/25-11/01
« on: November 07, 2002, 08:54:46 PM »
Fashion notes first . . .

The mourning duds overall. I approve. Judith had that whole jet jewelry thing going on. Armbands on the men (although they couldn't find a black or gray suit for Carl?)

Rachel's red dress. What Linda said. And not just her first day--the mistress of the house has just died and she chooses to wear red??? Flake.

Don't think I ever really paid that much attention to Angelique's brown gown before people on the boards brought it up, but it was really a lovely dress.  Her hair was a bit too Nellie Oleson for me, but the outfit was stunning.

You can tell that Dirk really gets off wearing his riding breeches and the leather gloves. Tells you everything you ever wanted to know about the character.

Onto the shows . . .

I notice that Edward is a lot more concerned with the secret than with his grandmother's well-being. But then that seems to be a running them throughout these shows.

Watching Barnabas ragging all over Magda, once again the lesson is brought home: this is not a guy you want to work for.  

Heh. Carl is on the scene.  I'm totally with Carl here: the look on Frid's face when Carl had the gun against his temple was priceless.  How the two actors kept from bursting into laughter for this scene is beyond me.  Question though: "FIB?" What the Frank? There was something wrong with "Bang?" And just have to say that Carl is apparently nearsighted--"you have such a kind face." Considering that the makeup person was apparently trying to recreate the look of Herk Harvey from Carnival of Souls and being damned successful at it, that's the only possible conclusion.

Some fascinating backstory was dribbling out of Edith's mouth there--mostly contradictory, but interesting nonetheless.

Very much enjoyed the family confab: "She told someone the secret and it was ONE OF YOU!" Writing was excellent as were the performances. A great example of DS at its best.

Kind of interesting watching the pre-will dynamic between Judith and Edward. She's doing the major sucking-up thing and he's being a prick.

I loved the scene when Rachel comes rushing in with her "oooh, I saw lights in the tower room and Quentin told me no one ever goes there. What can it mean?" schtick (answer: it's none of your business. You were hired to teach the children not turn into the electric light police). It's like perfect tag-team. Edward and Judith exchange the briefest of glances. Rachel's back is to Judith. Judith positively sprints out of there and up the stairs (showing a bit of leg at one point). Edward takes Rachel outside and then we see Judith back downstairs trying to regain her breath.

Word to kuanyin. Some curtains for the tower room would be a wise investment.

I see the family (or DC) was too cheap to get Edith a coffin that she could actually fit into (her hair was sticking out the top). Still, given the past way the family's buried relatives (e.g. Jeremiah), I suppose the old bag was lucky she rated a box at all. And of course, she doesn't seem to spend much time in it.  Hehe.

Glad to see HAA back again as Evan the Incompetent. It was funny watching Quentin who seemed genuinely surprised he'd been cut off.

I find it hysterical that Barnabas is so paranoid about the siblings discovering the secret when the only reason anyone gives a damn is because they think it has cash value.

Lord, what a sleaze. You could practically see Barnabas' eyes light up at the sight of Rachel. Talk about not keeping one's eyes on the prize. Psst, Barnabas. Remember why you're there? David's dead, possessed family estate, werewolf protegee? Does this ring any bells? Forget about getting a new girlfriend.

And then there's Dirk. Yet another creep in the Roger Davis' canon. Still manhandling the women in his life. Still bursting blood vessels at every perceived or imagined slight. Still a loser.

Nice to see that Angelique's monomania continues unabated. But I won't go there. I'll content myself with being amazed at her little voodoo dolly. Now that was some fast crocheting. One minute she's peering through a window, the next she's got a whole doll crocheted and everything.

Rachel is as dense as a London fog. Doesn't pick up on any of the vibes flying fast and thick. Doesn't get the hint when Beth gives her the freeze. Judith gives her the look of doom and she still persists. Something very wrong there.

The ending bit with that cat-that-swallowed-an-entire-flock of canaries-grin on Bennett's face is priceless.

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Re: Idle Thoughts--You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down 10/25-11/01
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2002, 10:27:52 PM »
WOW, Luciaphil, you are on a roll.
    Rachel the flake
    Evan the incompetant
    Edward the prick
    Edith the old bag
I am so loving this!
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Re: Idle Thoughts--You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down 10/25-11/01
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2002, 01:06:39 PM »
LOL!  You sure got that right about Barnabas and the reason he's suppose to be back there in the first place! HELLO, Does he remember the name David?  Even Angelique apparently remembered this!  Yet, he conviently forgets everything as soon as he sets his eyes on yet another Josette clone.

What kind of a Governess is Rachel suppose to be anyway? She spends most of her time spying on everyone's conversations, snoops all over the house anytime she pleases, can't take a hint from anyone and above all can't take NO for an answer!  And stealing that key from the Pantry really put the icing on the cake. After that incident, any normal wealthy family would have let her go right then and there!  But I know, this isn't any "normal" family we're dealing with here.

What really got me was when she had the nerve to tell Judith that she really wasn't too good in Arithmatic!!  What a nut!!  Anyone who tells this to their Employer definetely isn't all there![smash]
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