Author Topic: Robservations 9/11/2 - #641/642 - Insane Love/Who is Magda?  (Read 1712 times)

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Robservations 9/11/2 - #641/642 - Insane Love/Who is Magda?
« on: September 10, 2002, 10:28:46 PM »
641 - (Joan Bennett) - The great house of Collinwood is calm now, but it is a false calm, for in the neighboring village, a murder has been committed--the torn body lies in the Blue Whale tavern awaiting discovery, a vicious crime committed by one who is not a man when the moon is full.

Amy awakens screaming, crying; Vicki comes in to comfort her. Amy hugs her and cries, "Something's happened to my brother!" she sobs pitifully. Vicki tells her she's had a nightmare, but Amy denies it was a dream. When Liz enters, Amy runs into her arms. Chris! Amy bleats. Sympathetic, Liz goes to call Chris in his hotel. Vicki asks the little girl what she thinks happened to Chris. Amy doesn't know--I just saw him, he was in the dark, outside, all alone--I couldn't see his face, but he was crying, I could tell, and he's too big to cry! Vicki tells her no one is ever too big for that. Amy wonders why he was crying, what would make him cry? Liz uses the downstairs telephone to call the Collinsport Inn. She asks for Chris, but there is no answer in his room. Liz asks them to check again, but there is still no answer. Vicki assures Amy Chris wasn't crying--you just imagined he was. No, protests Amy. It happened in your mind, says Vicki. I wasn't sleeping, protests Amy. A daydream, then, suggests Vicki--if you love someone very much, you can sense what's happening to them (like Jeff/Peter)--I know that for a personal fact. Do you believe me? asks Amy.  I do, Vicki assures her. Liz comes upstairs and lies to Amy that Chris was fine, and sorry his sister was worried about him--you shouldn't worry anymore, admonishes Liz. Amy says she has no one else to worry about. Not true, says Liz--you have everyone here to worry about (a full time job, for sure). Amy agrees--she never thought of that before. Both women gently touch Amy, reassuring her. Vicki tucks her back into bed again. Amy asks for a kiss goodnight, and Vicki complies. Amy smiles, looking much happier. She kneels by her bed and says her prayers. This kid is just so adorable!

In Vicki's room, Liz laments lying to Amy, but felt there was nothing else she could do--I can't understand where Chris is--I plan to call him tomorrow and tell him about this--I'll ask him to lunch. Vicki picks up the watch she'd given Jeff and Liz sadly tells her not to start thinking of Jeff. Vicki notes the time on the watch--11:25--was exactly the time Jeff disappeared--I noted the time when I went to call Stokes. It doesn't do any good to think of that, says Liz. I can't let it go, says Vicki--why didn't I realize it stopped when Jeff disappeared before? Does it change anything? asks Liz. I knows you won't believe this, says Vicki, but Jeff never had this watch in this house, yet I found it here--he left the watch as a sign to me--if only I could understand why.
Liz begs Vicki--for your own sake, her happiness, stop believing this. Wouldn't you if you were me? asks Vicki. Liz sighs and agrees she would, for a while, anyway. She kisses Vicki and encourages her to get some sleep, wishing she could be of more help. Vicki says her presence is enough, and thanks her. Liz leaves after turning off the light. Vicki takes off her robe and slips into bed. The watch begins to move, to tick. Vicki senses Jeff's presence. The door opens; she calls to him. She picks up the watch and asks him to let her see him--I miss you so! Please, she begs. She sees the watch is working and presses it to her face. "You are here!" she exults. Amy comes running in, begging, please let me sleep with you tonight. She rushes into Vicki arms, embracing her. "Oh, Jeff!" laments Vicki. The door slowly closes. He's gone, Vicki realizes. She kisses Amy's head, holding her close.

7 AM - Collinwood's foyer - Liz tells Stokes that while she knows Vicki sent for him, she fears what she will ask him to do. Stokes promises to help as much as possible, but Liz wants Vicki to forget Jeff Clark--it's for the best. Don't encourage her, says Liz.

Amy picks up Jeff's gift and asks Vicki why she has a man's watch. Vicki tells her not to play with it, apologizing for being brusque--it belonged to my husband, explains Vicki. It's stopped, you should wind it, advises Amy, but Vicki says no--she has it because it was his, and he wanted her to keep it. Liz and Stokes come in. He tells her he's sorry to hear what happened. Amy giggles and comments that Stokes is funny. He takes his monocle in his fingers and says, "I beg your pardon." She tells him she likes him. Stokes remarks that he's pleased his appeal extends to all ages now. Vicki makes introductions, and they shake hands. Amy wonders if Stokes is going to help with her schoolwork, and Liz says she hears Amy's arithmetic needs lots of attention, so come along. She leads Amy out. Vicki gazes at the watch and Stokes notes how early it gets dark this time of year. Vicki asks if he senses a presence; she can't tell anymore, but she feels Jeff with her constantly. Stokes remarks it must be a great comfort. It isn't, says Vicki, I want to be with him--no, that's not right, I HAVE to join him. Why did you send for me? asks Stokes--I'm not a wizard who transports people through time. I know that, she says. Is he here, listening to them? If so, he'll give her a sign, says Stokes, a sign to forget this insanity. Is loving insane? she asks. It has been known to be (make a list of DS characters whose love was insane.)
I won't accept that, Vicki insists--you have my husband something that last night, that made him know he'd lived before and enabled him to be called back. Stokes admits to giving him three Indian herbs. Vicki wants them, too, but Stokes refuses--I can or cannot, wish to, or not, but not must. She asks him not to wordplay. Stokes says she's right--what he gave Jeff made him available to be called back--but the herbs didn't take him there, he BELONGED there. And I belong with him! bleats Vicki--I want to try the herbs. Too dangerous, objects Stokes. I'll take all the responsibility, says Vicki, and am willing to write down that I forced you to give the herbs to me--if Jeff gives me a sign, will you help? she asks. Do you feel his presence? Stokes asks. Vicki begs Jeff to help her; she knows he wants her with him, if he is there, tell Stokes to help her--make him help her! Stokes touches her shoulder and tells her Jeff apparently feels her place is here, her time is now--and I agree, says Stokes--the only way you can join Jeff is to die. (oh, don't tell her that!) Vicki considers this.

Liz tucks Amy in, reminding her she slept poorly last night. Amy wants a kiss from Vicki, too (this child is starved for affection), and Liz says perhaps she'll check on her later. Good night, says Amy. She lies in bed, thinking, then gets up, opens he windows, and hears the widows wailing. "You're crying," she says. "Why? Who are you?" She gazes around, looking for the source of the sound.

Vicki begs for Stokes' understanding--she was in the past, that's where she met Jeff. She wasn't dead. But she was in jail being tried for witchcraft, he reminds her. Yes. Does she want to go back to that? I could go back to an earlier time, suggests Vicki. And know what's ahead of you? asks Stokes--he was hanged for murder--is that the life the two of you want, knowing how it must end? We could change it, says Vicki. Stokes reminds her history isn't so accommodating. He takes her arms and reminds her that she's seen his grave--forget about him! What can I do? she begs--I refuse to forget about him, there must be some answer--Jeff, she begs, tell me what it is. Forcefully, Stokes takes her shoulders and tells her to give him up--I don't know what to do, either. I'll never give him up! screams Vicki. Stokes pursues her out of her room.

Amy stands at her window asking, "Why are you called the widows? Why? Tell me! Let me help you." The wind blows. Amy calls Quentin on the old phone. No response. She hangs up, distressed, and returns to the window.

Liz finds Vicki in her coat, racing for the door. You can't go out, insists Liz--not with the recent attacks. Stokes and Liz both beg the distraught woman to stay. I'm not a child, says Vicki--leave me alone. She leaves the house. Liz wants to follow her. Stokes asks if Vicki has ever spoken that way to her before. Never, says Liz.
Then think of why she did now, advises Stokes--following her can only cause trouble between the two of you, at a time she needs a friend. Liz brings up the animal she saw, and last night's murder. Amy pads downstairs and asks if they hear them crying--the widows. This gives Liz a start. I heard them outside my window, says Amy--who are they? Liz opens the front door. Stokes asks her what it means. Liz explains--when you can hear the widows on a stormy night, someone will die. They both look very solemn.

Vicki appears on Widows' Hill, staring down at the angry water below. She stands on a rock, remembering Stokes' words: "The only way you can join him is to die." The wind blows her hair as the words "To die" echo in her thoughts, and she sways, looking as if she's about to either jump or fall.
NOTES: Is Vicki going to take the jump in order to join Jeff? Who agrees with Stokes? Should she just forget him, since the two of them are from two completely different times? Or should he help her rejoin Jeff, wherever he is now?

Isn't Amy a spooky little kid? She seems to have an affinity for ghosts. She was able to translate the widows' wails.

No Barnabas or Julia, boring episodes, but I love Stokes and Amy and David are a hoot together.

Sorry, gang, I REALLY don't like this Vicki!

642 - (Nancy Barrett) - There is a storm raging over the great house of Collinwood, a storm that cannot shut out the sound of the widows' wailing--for theirs' is a legend that when death is near, the widows rise from the dead and commence their wait for the one who is to die.

Vicki seems to contemplate suicide as she stands on Widows' Hill. She wonders--is this the only way she can be with Jeff? Liz and Stokes come upon Vicki. Liz, anxious, wants to rush to her, but Stokes grabs her, stopping her--if you do that, he warns, you might force Vicki to jump. Vicki, in the meantime, screams for them to stay away from her. Stokes asks Vicki to listen to him, please.

The wind blows Vicki's hair as she balances perilously close to the edge. She tells them she loves Jeff, and wants to be with him. Liz and Stokes beg her not to jump. Jeff wants you to live, Liz reminds her.
I can't, protests Vicki. Stokes reminds Vicki that Jeff isn't responsible for her standing there, but there may be another way--you must wait for word from Jeff, who is trying to reach you--as long as you believe it, let Jeff tell you what to do. Vicki bursts into a storm of crying. Stokes comes over and eases her away from the precipice. Liz follows after them.

Carolyn and Chris return to Collinwood. She asks him to come in, but he says he shouldn't. Noticing that she's frightened, he decides to come in. The house seems gloomy, complains Carolyn--that poor girl at the Blue Whale. . .I didn't pay much attention to her, but what a terrible way to die. Chris, uncomfortable, wants to return to town, but Carolyn offers him a brandy, asking him to stay until someone else comes home--I don't want to be alone.
He agrees. Carolyn says the animal who killed the girl is definitely the same one Liz saw--that the animal broke through a window to get to that girl. . . Chris appears to not be listening, but he says he's more upset about the girl even than Carolyn. He didn't know her, but. . . Carolyn comments that he's difficult to figure out. Chris wryly advises her not to try. She asks if he's challenging her. Chris starts to leave again--I forgot--I was supposed to stay. She finds him both rude and mysterious, and asks why he doesn't want anyone to notice him. Liz comes in asking for Julia. Vicki is hysterical, clamoring, "You should have let me!" Liz and Stokes help her upstairs, Liz assuring Vicki it's going to be all right. (Stokes is really nice to be of such help.) Carolyn asks Stokes if the animal attacked Vicki. No, says Stokes, who is standing on the bottom stair--she was attacked by fate, that's all.

Up in Vicki's room, Liz encourages the sobbing girl to cry as much as she wants to--I know how terrible this is for you--I'm trying hard to understand. Vicki realizes that. Stokes knocks on the door. Vicki tries to compose herself. He apologizes to her for the things he said. She says she should have listened; she panicked, thinking she'd never see Jeff again unless she. . .the curtains billow. Vicki screams, "LOOK!" Liz closes the window, noting the silence. Vicki picks up the watch and sees the watch is back at 11:25 again. Liz advises her to stop thinking of Jeff (rather callous, that), and Vicki says it's all she can think about. She says he's here, the watch has started again. Liz says no one else is in the room, and asks Stokes if he feels any presence. She asks him to tell Vicki no one is here, but replies that he can't. Vicki, smiling, is sure her husband is there--don't leave me, she begs--tell me what to do--don't keep putting me through this--tell me what to do. The room is filled with the sounds of an astral manifestation, then a glowing blue orb. Vicki is thrilled, sure it's hubby. The other two stare at her. She's very disappointed when the orb fades. "You saw it!" she says to Liz and Stokes. We know he's been trying to reach me, but why can't he do it? Stokes says he might know a way. He tells Liz to stay with her--I'll be back, he promises. Liz tries to comfort Vicki, apologizing to her for ever doubting her. They hug.

Downstairs, Carolyn tells Chris she's sure Vicki is upset about Jeff, and Vicki doesn't want their help. Stokes comes in and tells them Vicki is feeling better. He and Chris introduce themselves. He asks Chris for a favor--I need another man in case the spirits want to speak through him--spirits prefer to speak through their own sex when seeking a voice, explains Stokes--understandable--do you mind, Chris?--I want to hold a seance in the drawing room. He asks if Chris will help, and the young man refuses, which surprises Carolyn. Chris doesn't believe in this stuff. Stay and learn, suggests Stokes--we stopped Vicki from killing herself tonight, but she will try again unless Jeff forbids it. Carolyn insists that Chris stay, and he looks like he wants no part of it.

Stokes tells Liz and Vicki he wants to hold a seance. Liz isn't pleased--I don't want to put Vicki through this, I can't let her take a chance on being sent to the past again. However, Vicki is more than willing. Troop downstairs to start things happening.

Carolyn lights red candles on a standing sconce that looks like it belongs to Barnabas. She tells Chris she was afraid of her first seance, too, but he assures her his reluctance isn't fear. What, then? she asks--why are you so nervous? I don't know, says Chris--I don't like this whole business. Vicki comes in and thanks them both for helping her through this. Chris is sorry it must be this way. Stokes asks Chris to make sure the windows are closed, then tells Vicki to sit at the table, which also has three candles on it. He seats the other ladies, then Chris, and turns off the lights himself. Stokes sits down. Vicki tells the others not to worry--I want whatever is going to happen to happen. Stokes has them place their hands on the table, fingers touching. This is a most important contact, he wants, don't break it--clear your minds of all interfering thoughts--wish the spirit to appear and accept him when he comes. Stokes calls to Jeff Clark. "We are hunting you, begging you to come here, to appear before us." We see each face at the table in turn. Stokes tells Jeff, we know you are trying to communicate with your wife--speak through one of us, he suggests. They hear the same weird sounds they heard upstairs. Stokes asks Jeff to give them a sign. Please, Jeff, begs Vicki. Stokes senses a presence. Is it Jeff? No, says Vicki, not Jeff. If there is a spirit, says Stokes, tell us who you are and why you came here. Liz felt someone turning her head, eyes staring at her, a hand. . .Stokes asks if she wants to end the seance. No, says Liz, she's gone--it was definitely a woman's hand. She tells Stokes to go on. He starts again, asking whoever is in the room to tell them what it wants, they will help it find rest. Speak to us!
It's Carolyn who goes into a trance. Chris is concerned, Stokes reassures him. Carolyn says, "I heard the widows wailing. You must. . .you must. . .stop him!" Who? asks Stokes. "He must not come back!" cries Carolyn. Stokes asks if it's Jeff. "No," intones Carolyn, but she can't seem to say who. "You must stop them!" she begs--"He must stay where he is." Stokes asks who she is, and she responds, "Magda! My curse. . .my curse!" She screams the words. Stokes asks what curse. Carolyn screams and Chris grabs her into his arms, halting everything. "Stop it!" cries Chris. Stokes tells them all that whoever was there, is gone. Vicki, sobbing, runs from the table. Chris continues to hold Carolyn in his arms. Angrily, Stokes demands to know why Chris did that.
Chris kisses Carolyn's head, not answering, tightly clutching her.

NOTES: Interesting to have a different ghost show up than the one requested, isn't it? Another fascinating facet to this budding storyline. Who is Magda? What is her curse? Why did Chris so violently end the seance, and why his reluctance to be part of it? Will Jeff appear to Vicki again? Will he encourage her to die so they can be together or encourage her to remain part of her time and forget him?

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 9/11/2 - #641/642 - Insane Love/Who is Magda?
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2002, 01:01:49 AM »
 Liz advises her to stop thinking of Jeff (rather callous, that), and Vicki says it's all she can think about.  

At this point, Vicki should have said, "I'll stop thinking about Jeff when you stop thinking about being buried alive."  


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Re: Robservations 9/11/2 - #641/642 - Insane Love/Who is Magda?
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2002, 07:49:47 AM »
At this point, Vicki should have said, "I'll stop thinking about Jeff when you stop thinking about being buried alive."

Note to self:  Add ProfStokes to the list of cousins whose messages I will not read while I'm taking a drink.


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Re: Robservations 9/11/2 - #641/642 - Insane Love/Who is Magda?
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2002, 04:58:47 PM »
Is Vicki going to take the jump in order to join Jeff?  Who agrees with Stokes? Should he help her rejoin Jeff, wherever he is now?

I'm for Stokes doing anything to get the New Vicki off the show as quickly as possible. During the scene on Widows' Hill, I kept rooting for her to take the big leap!
BARNABAS: Here at Collinwood, old hates don't die. They lie in wait for the innocent and unsuspecting...

QUENTIN: We're guaranteed to make you believe (spells) exist. Our entire family can be explained in no other way...


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Re: Robservations 9/11/2 - #641/642 - Insane Love/Who is Magda?
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2004, 08:29:39 PM »
DVD episodes for July 6th and 7th.
The 7th and 8th episodes on Set#11/Disc#3 (2nd and 3rd episodes on MPI tape Volume #82)