Author Topic: Idle Thoughts--It's a Deadman's Wedding! 8/26-8/30  (Read 1934 times)

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Idle Thoughts--It's a Deadman's Wedding! 8/26-8/30
« on: September 05, 2002, 06:21:29 PM »
Fashion notes first . . .

Gee, I forgot how long Lara Parker had to wear that white dress.  This, in general, must have been an aromatic period on the DS spots.  She, Marie Wallace, Robert Rodan, and HAA all pretty much wore the same bloody thing for weeks at a time.

Vicki's wedding dress was actually rather pretty.  However, Moltke was definitely starting to show at that point.

Bennett looked lovely in that pink striped thing.  I don't know who vetoed the hair bows, but it's such an improvement.

But then . . . oh, no!  It's the debut of Elizabeth's scary bad acid-trip dress!  The pattern may have been cool at the time, but the dress itself always screams Grandma couture.

More Bennett (sorry, but she's practically the only cast member who apparently got to change).  I'm not wild about the smoky-blue matron of honor frock.  The jeweled collar and cuffs was yecch and did the makeup department only stock fuschia lipstick?

I gather the hair bow enthusiast  regained control, because Moltke was sporting yet another yarn bow and wearing a color best left in the Crayola box.

Onto the show . . .

When Barnabas requested that Vicki get him a cross, my first thought was, well, she'll have to get in the car and drive to town because you really get the feeling that this family wouldn't even know what a church was let only possess a devotional object.  But then Vicki pops back with something that wouldn't be out of place as a wall ornament of a large church.  

Watching Adam the bully cowering in front of Angelique was unexpectedly rather amusing.

What fascinates me about Angelique is that she honestly seems puzzled at why Barnabas would want to resist her.  She's a psychiatrist's dream.

"No mortal man can spoil my plans."  Sure one can.  All it takes is a stake.  Get real, hon.

So there's Barnabas and he's looking positively revulsed at the thought of eternity with her and she's completely oblivious.  This is not a good sign for their future bliss.

The HAA/Grayson Hall scenes are what make these episodes worth watching.

There is something incongruous about seeing Eve reading a fashion magazine.  Maybe she was hoping she could get a new dress though . . .

Roger Davis really likes to maul his co-stars.  It's a habit that's about to get exponentially worse.  He contented himself with pushing Marie Wallace out of the shot, but I am so not looking forward to seeing him manhandling Lisa Richards.

Watching Eve and Angelique together is like watching a match and gasoline in the same proximity and hoping that no one decides to light the former.  

So like how come when Eve goes back in time, she's Marie Wallace and not Erica Fitz?

"Gloria Winters"  Yep, yet another stellar actor seemingly dragged off the streets of NYC to the set of DS.   Although I have to admit, I loved the exchange where our jailer tells Peter he can have anything he wants except his freedom.  Peter promptly asks for pen and paper.  The jailer immediately argues about that.  And then that lovely line, "You're not going to be around long enough to get an answer."  

The more grotesque moment came when Eve implied to the jailer that she'd be interested in spending some . . . some quality time with him personally.

Poor Adam.  I could almost feel sorry for him.  He's just so totally clueless.  Eve played him like a fish on a line and he just fell for it.  Sap.

I really wish they had brought the Vicki's parentage storyline to a close.  They had the perfect opportunity to do so and they just went with a blah blah blah bland choice of dialogue instead.

And then the wedding gift!  I'm sorry.  I know that I was supposed to find the book suspenseful, but my reaction was more like, okay, so Vicki honestly believes that her boyfriend was back in the 1700s, in the hoosegow, managed to get to a stationers and purchase a very modern looking gift card and envelope, and then had the present sent from a modern post office?  Earth to Vicki.

Ya know, it's funny.  My girlfriend is getting married in a couple of weeks and I have to tell you, if her fiance came to her the day of the wedding and tried to back out for Jeffy-boy's reason, she would tell him "I don't care if you're a dead man or not" and haul his sorry excuse of an ass in front of the official marrying them, probably muttering about handmade centerpieces, and guests and whatnot.  Brides are too stressed at that point to put up with this stuff.

WTF?  Sparky (Jeff) is just as crazy as Angelique.  Roger should have run back to Collinwood and placed a call to the police (just had a thought, if the storyline were taking place today, they probably would have the station on speed dial).

Odd that I find Tom so much hunkier than Chris.  Why is that I wonder?

I wonder if much of Angelique's problems weren't due to sexual frustration.  She really gets into those spells.  

Next time--"Hell!" or "How We Ripped Off a Star Trek set"

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Re: Idle Thoughts--It's a Deadman's Wedding! 8/26-8/30
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2002, 10:45:25 AM »
The more grotesque moment came when Eve implied to the jailer that she'd be interested in spending some . . . some quality time with him personally.

LOL!! I had to do a double take on that one. I think the poor guy was just as shocked as we were when he heard this. But then again, Eve didn't always pick the greatest choice of men.

Poor Adam.  I could almost feel sorry for him.  He's just so totally clueless.  Eve played him like a fish on a line and he just fell for it.  Sap.

This was probably one of the few times that I actually felt bad for Adam. He looked so happy when Eve was giving him that whole love drama, but he caught on pretty quick though after that. I think he probably knew her better than she thought.

As for finding Tom being more hunkier than Chris, you're not alone on this. Maybe it was the messed up hair and that evil look in his eyes but I also found Tom to be more sexier than Chris. Also as Chris, D.B. seems to be more layed back and understandably spends alot of his time worrying & fretting over the weather forecast.  Tom, on the other hand was just so wild! :-)
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