Author Topic: #0323/0324: Robservations 01/22/02: Willie Hovers on the Edge  (Read 1804 times)

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#0323/0324: Robservations 01/22/02: Willie Hovers on the Edge
« on: January 21, 2002, 05:05:26 PM »
323 - (KLS) - The great house on the Collins estate is dark, and a stillness pervades the night. But not far away, the stillness will soon be shattered. And for one man, the night will end in violence.

At the Evans cottage, Joe comes in and informs all that Willie Loomis was the intruder, and is miraculously still alive. Sheriff Patterson calls Dr. Woodard, ordering an ambulance.
Maggie can't quite believe that Willie was the man responsible for kidnapping her--he's been so calm since going to work for Barnabas, she tells the sheriff.

At the Old House, Julia finds Barnabas upset over Sarah's not appearing to him. She offers congratulations for his decision not to kill Maggie as a result of her advice, but he nastily informs her that it was Sarah who prevented that murder, not Julia or her nonsensical letter. Sheriff Patterson arrives to give them the news about Willie.
Barnabas, putting an expression of shocked horror on his face, wants to know if Willie will live to talk. He's in a coma, says Patterson grimly, and probably will never recover. Wanting to express his sympathy to Maggie, he, Julia and Patterson head to the cottage.

Cottage - Patterson shows Barnabas and Julia where Willie was shot. I can't believe Willie is the kidnapper! says Barnabas, who goes into the cottage with the others and tells Maggie how sorry he is for what Willie did.
It surprises both Barnabas and Julia to learn from Sam and Patterson that Willie fell into a trap they'd set up to capture him. Julia carefully questions Maggie, probing her memory, but the young woman remembers nothing.

Back at the Old House, Barnabas paces, worrying. Julia joins him. She's just returned from the hospital, and assures him that it would be a miracle if Willie pulls through. Barnabas is also concerned about Maggie's memory, but Julia says that if this night didn't jar her memories, nothing will. You'd better be right, threatens Barnabas.

Cottage - Sam and Joe, both exhausted, drink a night cap together. They look in on Maggie, who is sleeping.
Barnabas, alone at the Old House, considers the situation--with Maggie's memory dead and Willie dying, the only obstacle to his secret is David. He gazes out the drawing room window, evil intent on his face.

NOTES: Poor Barnabas, think of all the good he could do if he could only admit to everyone, "Hey, I'm a vampire, but a good guy, anyway, with a soul, and even though I've done some really terrible things, I'm ready to be nice to everyone and get all my blood from Windcliff." Once they got over that and accepted his terrible secret, how much easier his life would be!

I felt so badly for Willie, knowing how seriously injured he was, and innocent of the crime, too. Barnabas and Julia were willing to make him the sacrificial lamb in their plans, and that seemed so cruel, on top of everything else he endured. Who else is going to guard Barnabas during the day, if Willie dies? Barnabas doesn't always consider the practical aspects of his plans.

Julia and Barnabas were surprised to hear that a trap had been set. Suppose Barnabas showed up at the cottage instead of Willie? Would he have been captured? Probably not, but he surely would have been spotted, and his carefully put together life as a normal man shattered. It almost seems as if the angels are on Barnabas' side, doesn't it?

324 - (Alexandra Moltke) - We live under a delusion here at Collinwood. We believe the evil that has plagued our days and nights has been done away with. But there is a little boy who believes the evil is still in our midst. He alone among us continues to live in constant fear.

Foyer, Collinwood - David wants to leave the house to search for Sarah, but Liz won't hear of it. He refuses to tell her what he wants to discuss with his little friend, and dashes upstairs. Vicki comes back from a visit with Maggie, and in the drawing room, Liz asks about her. Willie is still in a coma, explains Vicki, and not expected to live through the day.
Liz is concerned that David wants to see Sarah so badly, and asks Vicki to try to find out what is bothering him.

Vicki questions David in the study, but he maintains that he isn't frightened by anything. Julia joins them. When Vicki suggests to David that they walk to the Old House, he not only doesn't want to go, he insists that she shouldn't, either--it's dangerous!
Vicki orders him up to his room, and he leaves. Don't bother going to the Old House, advises Julia, Barnabas is out. I suspect he sleeps during the day, teases Vicki, because he loves the night so much. Barnabas is one of the most dedicated night people I've ever known, agrees Julia. Vicki goes. Woodard joins Julia, and she asks him about Willie's condition. I suspected him all along, insists Julia--and about that supernatural thing, well, Dave, that was just to keep you quiet. Dave wonders what Sarah's story is, and asks when Julia is going to return to Windcliff. I intend to remain at Collinwood for a while, she informs him. He thinks she's involved, romantically, with Barnabas, and assures her he thinks that's great. I didn't say HE was the reason I'm staying, she says demurely.
You don't have to, chuckles Woodard, then leaves.

Julia enters the drawing room to find Vicki deep in thought. They discuss David, both worried about why he's suddenly afraid of the Old House. Could his fears be connected to Barnabas? Asks Julia. Vicki doesn't know. Julia offers to speak to David, but Vicki tells her Liz is doing that right this moment.

David's room - Maggie's kidnapper has been caught, Liz assures David. Willie is innocent, insists David, agitated. He runs from the room--I must find Sarah! He says.

Vicki and Julia, still talking about David, hear him racing downstairs. He runs over to Barnabas' portrait, Liz in pursuit.
Vicki and Julia converge on the scene, and David tells them Barnabas' eyes are blazing from the portrait!

NOTES: Is Barnabas playing cruel games with David, watching him, threatening him, through his portrait? The boy seems certain that Willie is innocent, so does that mean he believes Barnabas is guilty? Does he know his cousin is responsible for everything, or just suspect?

How cute that Dave Woodard teases Julia about being involved with Barnabas. He thinks it's great, and she certainly doesn't deny it. It seems as if she's in love with the vampire pretty deeply at this point, beyond that of no return. "Dedicated night person"? another classic line!

Why does David want to speak to Sarah so badly? She's been so coy about revealing information to him before, and no matter what Barnabas thinks, his little sister has NOT been spreading the word about what he is. In some weird way, she appears to be protecting Barnabas, but she does help people in ways that could potentially lead to her big brother, but I think that's her desire to find a family more than a design to get Barnabas in trouble.

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 1/22/02 - #323/324 - Willie Hovers on the Edge
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2005, 10:03:00 PM »
NOTES: Poor Barnabas, think of all the good he could do if he could only admit to everyone, "Hey, I'm a vampire, but a good guy, anyway, with a soul, and even though I've done some really terrible things, I'm ready to be nice to everyone and get all my blood from Windcliff." Once they got over that and accepted his terrible secret, how much easier his life would be!

I feel certain that Raineypark would agree with those sentiments!

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Re: Robservations 1/22/02 - #323/324 - Willie Hovers on the Edge
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2005, 10:46:27 PM »
I wished they VidFIRED and put the COLOR back on that episode #323 just like DOCTOR WHO's early Color episodes.

For those who haven't heard of VidFIRE, it's a process by Dr. Finkelstone to restore the kinescopes (or telerecordings) of DOCTOR WHO episodes in it's video forum. And I wished they colorized that episode too if they VidFIRE it and look like in it's original airing.

Why KLS was in a B&W kinescope episode, not Alexandra Moltke?
Spencer H. Karter