Author Topic: Robservations 8/26/02 - A Concerted Effort to Save Barnabas - #620/621  (Read 1374 times)

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620 - (Alexandra Moltke) - A moonless night at the great estate of Collinwood and a secret drama takes place. A drama which, if known, would shock and horrify every member of the family. For Barnabas Collins has disappeared, the victim of a vampire, and the two who know this fear for his life. This night, a lonely figure waits, shielded by the trees, staring at the mysterious house on the property. She is positive that somewhere in this house is the answer to all of the questions: Where is Barnabas? Who is the vampire who is determined to kill him?

Wondering. . .why didn't Ang just dematerialize? Why did she resort to walking to the hut?

Julia is horrified to realize that Angelique is the vampire. She IS! Cassandra came back as Angelique! She will turn Barnabas into what he was, frets Julia, and cautions herself not to panic, but to think--if Barnabas is in that house, he's either so weak he can't escape--or. She must go in the house and find out! She heads determinedly to the house. She goes inside, fearful, looking around. She enters the drawing room of Blair House and is accosted by Adam, who turns on the lights and demands to know what she's doing here. Get out, he orders her, you're not wanted here. He nearly falls; she asks to examine him. He insists nothing is wrong with him, touching his shoulder, but she says something is wrong with Barnabas--does he know where he is?--is he in this house?--tell me, she begs, for your sake as well as his--you haven't forgotten when you were so ill in the root cellar, with Carolyn?
I haven't, says Adam, but I can't tell you. Julia is sure Barnabas is in the house, and wants to search. Adam shakes his head--you don't believe me? I must see for myself, Julia insists. I do not lie, says Adam, he isn't here--if you can make him well, find him, don't waste time, begs Adam, make both of us well. He rises and tells her to stay out of this house. He's very weak, too, and in pain.

Collinwood, Adam's old room - Barnabas lies on the bed. Vicki returns with the cross he requested and hands it to him. He takes it. I need it so, he murmurs. He holds it against his chest, relieved.
Vicki asks why he insists on staying here, not letting her get a doctor. No one must know, he insists. She points out he's no better. I will be, he assures her. She wants to get Julia. Barn says she's already saved him by bringing him there, keeping his secret--he doesn't need Julia--I need no one but you, Vicki, and nothing but this, he says, clutching the cross and drifting off to sleep. Vicki, fearing he's worse, takes his pulse, but is reassured to find he's just sleeping. She is very disturbed by all this.

Angelique wanders the woods, tearing a branch to pieces. How could Barnabas ever leave the hut, she wonders. Someone must have helped him--where is he now? What should she say to Nicholas--what will he do to her? She begins to call Barnabas to come to her--I need you, come to my coffin, wherever you are--you need me now. "Come to me!"

Barnabas stirs restlessly. Vicki asks what's wrong. I had a nightmare he says.

Angelique tells him he has the strength to come to her, wherever you are, leave and come to me, hear me.

Barnabas moans in his sleep, "No!  No!" He clutches the cross tightly.

Angelique returns to Blair House and looks in the mirror (why didn't Nicholas do that?) She asks the mirror to show her where Barnabas is. She sees the image of her victim, with Vicki seated beside him--and a cross in his hands! She orders him to rise from his bed and come to her now. Then she spots the cross and, with a cry of hatred, turns away from the dreadful sight. She covers her mouth with her hand--he has a cross!  Adam comes in and asks her what's wrong. She grabs him and tells him he must help her. No, he protests, afraid. I can't control Barnabas anymore, says Ang, he has a cross that protects him, and as long as he has it, he can do whatever he wants--he can kill Eve! Adam, backing away from her, falls onto the sofa. She tells him Barnabas is in his former room, lying on his bed. He's planning to come kill Eve--I swear it. Adam vows that won't happen, but he can barely move. Vicki is with him, explains Ang, do whatever you must with her, but find the cross and destroy it Then Barnabas will be as he was before. Adam insists he cannot go. Ang says Barnabas is weaker than you are, and I know you can get there--please try, she begs. He assures her he will go and take, that cross! Ang is relieved.

Vicki rests her head against the stone chimney, awakening when Barnabas thrashes in his sleep, muttering, "No, no, don't let her come." Vicki asks who. Barnabas has dropped his cross and frantically reaches for it. Vicki gives it to him and asks who is scaring him so. No one, he replies,  but Vicki tells him what he said. All I need is the cross, says Barnabas, and drifts off again, smiling. Vicki touches his forehead, calling his name. She's frightened--you'll die if I don't go for help, she says. Adam stands at the door, listening, and hides when Vicki leaves (how fortunate for Ang and Adam!). He enters the room, goes over to the bed and grabs the cross from Barnabas' hands. Barnabas instantly awakens, rises from the bed, tells Adam, "No, no, the cross will save us both!" Adam doesn't listen; all it takes is one push to send Barnabas falling to the floor, unconscious. Angelique orders Barnabas to come to her now, she will wait for him. Come to me, she says.

Vicki goes to the Old House, calling for Julia, who finally comes out. She tells her Barnabas didn't want her to tell anyone, but he's been in the West Wing and won't see anyone.Julia grabs her doctor's bag. Vicki asks if she knew he was sick. Julia does, but won't tell Vicki how she knew--when did you find him? In the woods, answers Vicki--I think he's dying. The women hurriedly leave.

Angelique tells Barnabas he knows he must come to her, he can't deny her what she wants, what she needs. "Barnabas Collins, come to me now." He awakens. "I will meet you in the woods. You know you want to come to me." Barnabas rises. She tells him she will give him the strength to come to her now, now, now! He drifts to the door, leaves, in a trance. Angelique, pleased, sits down. Adam brings her the cross and tells her Eve is safe. She turns away, she doesn't want that--burn it! she cries. He thinks it has power and can free Barnabas, but she becomes hysterical and again orders him to destroy it, leaving the room in a rush.

Outside the West Wing door, Vicki tells Julia Barnabas wanted a cross but didn't want to see anyone. I left him with the cross, says Vicki, a fact which relieves Julia. Vicki tells her she's going to be shocked by Barnabas, who won't want her help--he's that different. Julia assures Vicki she'll deal with him, but when they go into the room, Barnabas is gone.

Angelique waits in the woods. Barnabas shows up. "You've come," she murmurs. Why did you leave the hut? she asks--I told you to stay. I couldn't, he says. You should have known I would find you, she says. He turns to her, defensive, ashamed, accusatory. "And send Adam to steal my cross!" That was necessary, she says. "Necessary if I am to die," he says--"don't you think I know that?" And yet you came to me, she says. He sits down and says, with wonder, "What is this power of yours? Once I had it, too--once others felt drawn to me as I am to you now. Did I understand then, the feelings, the regrets, the hatred that they must have had for me then?" "Hatred that you have for me now?" she asks. He gazes up at her and says, "You're going to kill me tonight." She replies, "We'll be together forever, Barnabas." You never gave up, he says. "I have loved you. . .for so long," she says softly--"And at last you need me--as I have always needed you. Yes, finally we will be together." He says, "An eternity together," and she says, "We will never die." We'll both have our nights, he says regretfully, and days spent in coffins, that's how we will be together. She reminds him it's the only way they can be. If Nicholas will even permits it, he says--he'll be angry enough to come to our coffins and destroy us--when he does, Adam will die, do you know that? I don't care about Adam, she says. Barnabas reminds her Nicholas will. She asks if he's afraid of Nicholas. Barnabas tells her you should be, too. No, says Ang, I'm not afraid of him anymore--Nicholas wants to be human, and every day he becomes more like a mortal man--and no mortal man can spoil my plans. She turns to him, smiling.  "Come to me. Come to me now. Let us start our journey together." Defeated, he rises and moves into her waiting arms.

Julia tells Vicki they must find Barnabas. Vicki wonders how the weakened man could have left the room--he must have known I was going for help. Vicki wants to get Roger and everyone to search for him, but Julia says no--she and Willie will find him. Vicki is puzzled about why the sick Barnabas won't see a doctor, what's wrong with him? No questions, says Julia, and Vicki demands to know when she CAN ask them (Julia's putting off Vicki in much the same way she put off Stokes).
After we've found him, says Julia--Barnabas wanted this kept a secret, I don't know why, but he has his reasons--if everyone learns he's missing, it will embarrass him--go along with me as you went along with Barnabas, urges Julia. Vicki request an explanation later, which Julia promises to provide (yeah, right!).

Barnabas is lying in Angelique's arms as she delicately withdraws her fangs from his throat. The look on her face is one of ecstasy; his blood stains her lips. "I am dying," says Barnabas. She lifts up his head. Don't be afraid, Barnabas, she says softly. He calls to Vicki. Angelique tells him not to think about her. "I love her," Barnabas says. "As you will love me," says Angelique, her face filled with hope--"Now and forever." The rooster crows. Angelique stands. It's nearly dawn, she says--"I must leave you now, but I will come to you, at dusk. They will find your body here, and then your spirit will meet with mine, never to be parted, never.
And you will be as I am, forever!" Barnabas raises his head and repeats, "Forever."

NOTES:One of the very best, most suspenseful, marvelous eps ever on DS. Those last scenes with Angelique are so powerful, it's impossible to look away. Despite Barnabas' gaffe in saying Nicholas will bring a hatchet and a stake to kill them in that last scene (lack of blood to the brain, I'm sure), his defeated posture, his voice, his entire demeanor, show he knows he is going to die and the woman he hates is going to be his executioner-and his lifelong vampire companion, if she has her way. SO GOOD, and the performances of Frid and Parker have rarely been sharper. BRAVO, DS!

621 - (Humbert Allen Astredo) - Dawn over Collinwood, and those that sleep do not even dream of the fate of one of the family. A man left to die in the woods by a woman who thinks that at dusk he will rise inhuman, invincible, as evil as she is, and that together their nights will last for all eternity. But in the Old House on the estate, another woman who fears the man's fate, tries desperately to do something about it. (Humbert Allen Astredo does a wonderful intro. His voice is sexy and confidential.)

Barnabas lies in the woods, unconscious, his head pillowed on a large rock. We get a glimpse of the gaping wounds Angelique left on his throat.

Julia gazes at the clock in the Old House--4 AM. She glances out the window impatiently and watches the growing dawn. She calls upstairs to Willie, asking if he's dressed yet. He comes down, wanting to know what the rush is, and she tells him they must find Barnabas. Vicki, who has been hiding him in the West Wing, wanted to have everyone out looking. "He'd dying, Willie!" she cries. Willie is horrified. She tells him that Vicki came for her, although Barnabas begged her not to--we are his conscience, Willie, you and I," she explains. Barn wanted to be free of them, and when Vicki came to find her, he was summoned to leave the room, forced to leave the room--Julia is certain, she knows so well, the feeling, the sound of those dogs howling, that voice in your ear, urging you out--"Come to me, come to me"--now he's unconscious somewhere, dying, perhaps. . .no, she won't think that. Julia shudders when Willie reminds her if he does die, he'll be a vampire again. She nods. Willie asks who did this to him, and Julia says, hatred in her voice, answers, "Angelique--Angelique Collins!"

Willie doesn't know who Angelique is. Julia reminds him of Vicki's portrait, the blonde woman with the strange, intense eyes. That portrait is 200 years old, protests Willie. "Barnabas Collins was married to Angelique," reveals Julia--"SHE is the vampire!" Willie insists that they should go destroy her immediately, but Julia says they have to find Barnabas first.

Blair House - Nicholas comes in jaunty, happy, and turns off the hall light. He finds Adam on the floor, in bad shape. He tries to rouse him, demanding to know what happened. Nick asks him if Angelique touched him. No, says Adam.
Nicholas swiftly realizes Angelique did touch Barnabas--will I never learn about her? He pours Adam a glass of brandy, holding him up. Adam is sure he's going to die, but Nick assures him he won't. He helps the big guy up onto a love seat, where Adam looks quite ill. Nicholas asks if he saw Ang after he left last night. Yes, says Adam--she left after Nick himself did, but she came back.

Woods - Julia calls to Barnabas, looking around all the tress. Willie, too, passes by a rickety tree, calling to Barnabas.

Adam tells Nicholas Angelique returned and went out again. Of course she did, realizes Nicholas, and she summoned Barnabas to meet her somewhere. And shortly after she left, Adam began feeling terrible. Yes, agrees Adam, I was going to my room, stood up, felt weak--I don't remember anymore. It occurs to Nicholas that Barnabas Collins might be dead--has Angelique finally succeeded at last?

Julia searches, holding the collar of her jacket closed. Willie, frantic, searches too. They meet. Willie says they could look forever. Barnabas was very weak when he left Collinwood, says Julia. Willie suggests that if Barnabas met Angelique, she'd have taken him somewhere. She had to be in her coffin at dawn, Julia reminds him. That's where Barnabas must be, says Willie, but Julia disagrees--Angelique isn't like Barnabas--she killed Tom and just left his body in the woods--she doesn't care what she does.
Willie has a feeling they won't find Barn, as does Julia, but she won't give in to it--and neither will you, she insists.

Nicholas tests Adam's pulse and clenches his fist in worry. Was the message on Lang's recorder true--this strange affinity between Barn and Adam--can Adam live and Barnabas be dead? If Barnabas is dead, will Adam die? There are no answers, only more questions, he muses, he must find Barnabas! The mirror! It's gone, however, Angelique thought of everything. Nicholas asks Adam if he's seen the mirror. It was there when Ang sent him to Collinwood, replies Adam. Nicholas is furious, realizing she knew what she was going to do to Barnabas, and took the mirror because she didn't want him to find out--and she's in her coffin, dead to any question he might ask! Well, she will not get away with this, he hisses.

Old House - Julia and Willie return, both discouraged. Julia says she found herself feeling they might come home and find Barnabas here. Willie asks Julia if she forgot--when Tom had her in his power, Barnabas got a stake and mallet, went to the coffin, and destroyed Tom--and it was as if Julia had never been bitten. If they can find her coffin, and if Barnabas is still alive. . .how are they going to find out? Her coffin is at Blair's house, it has to be, insists Julia--she isn't sure. Willie knows Barnabas doesn't trust Blair, who will be there. Julia orders Willie to get her stake and mallet. She has some blood plasma downstairs. Willie runs out, she heads downstairs.

Adam is very weak, moaning feverishly. Nicholas hears a knock at the door but is loath to leave Adam. He decides to see who it is, and closes the living room doors before admitting Julia. He tells her it isn't a good time, but she says she has come to save Adam, so he'd better let her in. He drops his barring arm and admits her, confessing that he was wishing there was someone he could call--Adam isn't well, although he isn't sure how she knew that. Julia tells him they must be very honest with each other. He says he'll enjoy being honest with her. He leads her to Adam. She looks him over. "Help me," the big guy whispers. She assures him that both she and Nicholas will help him. He tells her he has no healing powers (what about Carolyn?), but she says he has knowledge. Is that better than medicine? he asks.  n this case, yes, says Julia--where is the coffin? she asks. He smiles, "The coffin?"
She asks where Angelique's coffin is, but he pretends he knows of neither coffin nor Angelique. She gets annoyed--there is one way to save Adam, and that's what Nicholas wants, and she wants to save Barnabas, if possible--you must go to that coffin, says Julia, and I have the instruments that will make both healthy again. She places a stake on the table. Nicholas, his voice a combination of dark and light, tells her she's been reading too many Gothic novels. "Why do you keep pretending I don't know about you?" she demands. Nicholas counters, "Why do you insisting I'm pretending anything?" But you are, insists Julia desperately--do you want him to die? Nicholas suggests that she does, considering she's done nothing for him since she came into the room. Julia says he should have a blood transfusion, but in lieu of that, she will give him some injections. He suggests she is psychic, prescribing without an examination. You forget, she says, I am an authority on this particular disease. She tells Nick to roll back Adam's sleeve and tells Adam he will feel a slight sting--I am doing this, she reminds Blair, but it doesn't mean I've forgotten the only known cure. They both look at the stake. Adam moans after Julia gives him the shot.

In the woods, Barnabas awakens and moans, too.

Julia administers a second shot, which revives Adam--and Barnabas-further. "Help!" calls Barnabas. "Someone, help! Help!"

Willie hears Barnabas calling and races to his side. Julia listens to Adam's heart and tells Nicholas I must warn you--this will provide only temporary relief. Nicholas thanks her--Adam does seem better. He knows she is thinking about Barnabas, but she says she doesn't have to admit that to him. I've done everything I can to make you be honest with me, says Julia. Nicholas wishes he could convince her he isn't as she's decided. "Then you have won again," she retorts, "and I mind very much." She tells him she's leaving the stake with him. He takes it in his hand. "A memento of your visit?" Yes, she says, and if you're the wise man I think you are, you will use it.

Willie helps Barnabas back to the Old House. Standing in the doorway, Barnabas covers his eyes, complaining about the light--the sun is so bright! Barnabas insists he wants to stay downstairs, and Willie helps him into a chair. Close the drapes, begs Barnabas, please. Willie does so, then, excited, tells him they almost gave up looking for him--but I tried one more time--I have to check on Julia--she might be in trouble at Blair's house. Barnabas asks where she is. Willie changes the subject and asks him why he never told him he was married to Angelique. "Angelique?" asks Barnabas--Julia knows about her? Yes, says Julia, entering the room--"I do, Barnabas." He gazes at her, wide-eyed.
She assures him there will be no recriminations--you're alive. Willie joyfully tells her he heard him calling in the woods. She tells Barnabas he must have a transfusion. "No," he objects. Julia promises to help him fight Angelique. "Why are the days so long?" demands Barnabas. Julia exchanges an anguished look with Willie, both terrified. Julia sends Willie to Collinwood to use the phone--call Windcliff to send an ambulance to the Old House. Barnabas continues to protest her plans. Julia tells him she will help him stay alive--SHE won't know where he is and he won't be able to leave the hospital. "Barnabas, you are going to Windcliff. If you stay here, Angelique will kill you--tonight."

Blair House - Adam's condition has improved. Nicholas is standing there, hand on the stake, musing that Dr. Hoffman is right--there is only one end for Angelique--she will ruin his plans, kill Adam, bring down the Master's wrath. He has warned her, she has not listened, she became what she is as a punishment, but now she must be punished again, and this punishment must be the last! He heads down to the basement, stake and mallet in hand, and places his hands on her coffin. You will feel no suffering, no pain, he says comfortingly--you will cease to exist without ever knowing it. He opens the coffin.

NOTES: Will Nicholas destroy Angelique? Is Barnabas really going to be safe, or is Angelique going to pursue him and turn him back into a vampire so they can be together forever? If Julia sends him to Windcliff, will that really keep him safe, or will the witch-turned-vampire find him there and finish what she started?

Weren't the scenes between Nicholas and Julia crackling? I loved the two of them opposing each other! Will Nicholas get what he wants, or will Adam die? Angelique insists she doesn't care about Adam--will losing Barn piss her off so much she takes revenge on the creature who means so much to Nicholas?

Willie sure was shocked to learn that the vampire-turned-human Barnabas had once been married to a witch named Angelique. I wonder how he'll react when he hears the whole story--or has Barnabas ever related the story to Julia about the lovely blonde he had sex with almost 200 years ago who retaliated in a most inhuman way?

Love, Robin


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