Author Topic: #0333/0334: Robservations 01/29/02: David's Saviours  (Read 1271 times)

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#0333/0334: Robservations 01/29/02: David's Saviours
« on: January 28, 2002, 06:52:31 PM »
333 - (Grayson Hall) - The fiery evening sun is setting over Collinwood, and in a moment, darkness will descend. A small boy has broken into the Old House on the great estate, determined to discover its secrets. His curiosity is about to place him in the greatest danger he has ever known.

Barnabas advances on David, a figure of sheer, unadulterated terror. David begs, "Don't hurt me!" as Barnabas grabs him. They hear Julia upstairs, calling for David, and the boy frees himself from Barnabas' grasp and runs upstairs to her. While David says his cousin was going to kill him, Barnabas angrily says he was only planning on giving him a spanking (to death).
David admits to swiping Liz' keys. Barnabas says he's going to keep that extra set of keys and takes them from David, and insists the boy deserves punishment for breaking and entering. He makes him promise not to break in again (and David's promises are gospel, right?) However, he does plan to let him go, for which David is clearly grateful. He races out the door leaving Barn and Julia staring at each other worriedly. He locks the front door and tells her that David saw his coffin, filling Julia with dread. He sits down and she can see he's got a plan. What is it? "You'll see, doctor," he promises.

Burke and Woodard discuss David's latest disappearance, and both are concerned about him and his wild fantasies. Dave questions Burke about the "wild theory" he once purported to have--did it involve Barnabas? Yes, Burke admits. Before they can exchange further info, David bursts in and tells Burke Barnabas has a coffin in his basement--he's really dead, just like in his dream! Julia comes in then and orders David to forget his dream.
Julia explains to the two men that she found a hysterical, hallucinating David at the Old House. Barnabas does NOT have a coffin in his basement; she's been there! David accuses Julia of lying and says she's only trying to protect Barnabas. David begs Burke to go to the Old House and check out his story. Roger joins this fray and insists David apologize to Julia for calling her a liar. Julia volunteers to take him to his room, but David orders her to keep away from him. Roger, furious, orders David upstairs, and David continues to beg Burke to check out what he's said. After David goes upstairs, Roger offers an apology to Julia, but Woodard still wants to check out the boy's story. Roger accuses Woodard of thinking there's something sinister and dark about Barnabas, and Julia says such an investigation would insult Barnabas.

Nevertheless, Burke and Dave Woodard insists on going, even though Roger accuses them of making fools of themselves. Utter nonsense, sniffs Roger, and Julia agrees, but you can see she's very concerned about the outcome of all this.

Barnabas plays it cool when Woodard and Devlin come to the Old House. He says David's imagination is really getting out of hand--a coffin, in my basement? Burke, playing the macho man, insists on looking, refusing to take Barn's word that there IS no coffin in his basement.
Why, how can you take the word of a disturbed child over mine? demands Barnabas of the two other men. He COULD ask them to leave, and gets angry enough to do so. Burke promises to return--with a warrant--and Barn pretends to capitulate. They go downstairs. Barnabas makes a big deal out of lighting candles, and the two men clearly see that the only items in the basement are trunks and debris. Burke looks around, but he and Woodard are forced to admit to being wrong. They apologize, agreeing that this was all in David's imagination.
Barn accepts the apology in a hurt tone, but he turns his back to them and smiles at us. Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!  [8693]

NOTES: GREAT SCENES! Barnabas comes up smelling like a rose, while David appears crazy. The vampire has more lives than a cat!

334 - (Alexandra Moltke) - At Collinwood, no one is safe from the nameless terror that hovers so close. Tonight, young David Collins has reason to hope that the fears we have all had will soon be put to rest.

The Dr. Woodard most of us don't like much at all appeared today. Damn that strike, anyway! We got to hear some Sixties psychobabble in the form of Dr. Fisher, a shrink called in to help David, and Sarah finally appeared to a new person.

David, waiting in his room for Burke and Woodard to return, tells Vicki he fears for their safety. He gazes anxiously out the window.
Meanwhile, Dave and Burke are standing outside Collinwood's front door, wondering how the hell to break the bad news to the kid--there was no coffin! Burke brusquely says he doesn't like Barnabas, and Dave says he finds him strange. In any event, they must break this news gently.

Roger lets them in and chides them for being two hysterical grown men searching an empty basement for a coffin. He agrees with Barnabas' lack of hospitality under the circumstances and said he would have behaved the same way.
He tells them David acts as he himself did as a boy, frightened of Collinwood. Roger says he used to fear the dead in the Collins portraits staring down at him. Burke and Dave head upstairs, leaving Roger, who has flatly refused to accompany them, gazing at one of his ancestor's portraits with a scared expression on his face.

Dave and Burke ask to speak to David alone, so Vicki leaves the room. They gently tell him there was no coffin and David immediately becomes very upset, dismayed, adamant. There was!!!! He says he fears for his life, and thus breaks his promise to Sarah and tells them about the secret room (and another empty coffin) in the Collins mausoleum.
The window in David's room abruptly blows open and they hear the angry, discordant sound of Sarah's flute. David knows she's pissed at him for his revelation, but he was desperate. He explains to Dave and Burke how he hid in the secret room's empty coffin when Barnabas and Willie came in. They finally agree to take him, although they are reluctant. David forlornly asks them to stay close, and not to tell Barnabas where they're going. As they leave, the window blows open again, and Dave, a quizzical, sad expression on his face, closes it.

At first, Roger refuses to allow Burke and Dave to take David to the Collins mausoleum, defending Barnabas, behaving veddy veddy insulted. When Vicki takes David away to get him a coat, however, Roger's face seems to crumple, and he tells Woodard how very worried he is about his only son. He fears he's losing it, thinks he needs psychiatric help.

After David leaves with Dave and Burke, Roger asks Vicki if she's still going to marry Burke, and she says she is, but she'll stay at Collinwood as long as David needs her. He fears his son is standing on a high-wire and about to fall off, he confesses, clearly worried.

David takes Woodard and Devlin to the mausoleum, but when he tries to pull the ring in the lion's mouth, nothing happens. Burke and Dave give it a try, and the door doesn't budge. David, seeing the other two think he's delusional, tugs desperately at the ring, to no avail. David insists Barnabas got there first and did something.
Woodard tells David he must admit there IS no secret room. David finds Sarah's flute lying on top of her coffin and eagerly takes it. It's her way of proving he's telling the truth, he insists. Woodard takes the flute and gazes at it. Well, they didn't find what they were looking for, he admits, but at least they found something tangible!

NOTES: Barnabas is thwarting David at every turn, without touching the kid. At least Sarah's leaving her flute convinced Woodard that there might be more to all this, but Burke appeared to think David was having mind problems, and the trip to the tomb was a waste of time.

Who is going to win this one? Will Sarah help David even though he revealed what she ordered him not to? Will she wash her hands of him from now on?

Poor David, what will become of him?

Love, Robin