Author Topic: Robservations 8/14/02 #604/605 - Biting Into an Old Flame  (Read 1411 times)

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Robservations 8/14/02 #604/605 - Biting Into an Old Flame
« on: August 13, 2002, 08:27:50 PM »
604 - (Grayson Hall) - For the mistress of Collinwood, this night could prove to be fatal, for she is convinced that death has summoned her--and soon one young woman who waits for her will be convinced that Elizabeth Stoddard has indeed passed into the world beyond.

Jeff tells Vicki Liz can't be dead--she's breathing, faintly, but definitely. We must do something, says Vicki. Jeff suggests she's in a trance, she was acting weird when he found her, and conscious. He couldn't understand anything she was saying, but she spoke of death. Vicki goes to call her doctor, since Julia's at the Old House with Barnabas and there's no phone there.

Julia's room at Collinwood - Barnabas tries the hypodermic needle Julia gives him, which he says will enable him to kill Eve. Julia is worried about those ifs, and doesn't like it. (camera in shot.) The decision has been made, he insists--no turning back now--we can't allow Nicholas to go through with his plan, there'll be no peace for anyone. She says Nick's powers are terrifying, and if he finds Barnabas in his house, it might be the end of him. This doesn't bother Barnabas, and he refuses to consider postponing it, either.
She thinks he should, she's afraid of Blair!--you could even be walking into a trap--what if he already knows every move they've made, given that he's not human? Barnabas asks her why Nick would even know of their plan to destroy Eve. Julia can't answer, but nothing would surprise her. There's nothing further for him to know; she will fill it tomorrow evening before he leaves for Blair's house. It will look like a natural death-- 10 seconds after injection, she'll be dead, and it will appear to be a heart attack. Be at the Old House at 3 PM, instructs Barnabas. Stokes will already have the plans for Blair's house. Julia still doesn't think Barn should go alone, they should go together. No, says Barn, Stokes will arrange to bring Nicholas to the Old House, where Julia and Eliot will entertain him while Barnabas is taking care of Eve--nothing more to discuss. Julia asks if Barnabas thinks Adam will leave Eve alone in the house. We worry about Adam tomorrow, responds Barnabas. (Scarlett O'Hara did that, and it often didn't work.) They're both tired and have a long day tomorrow. They head out together.

Vicki is fretting over the doctor's sloth, and Jeff assures her it's only been 10 minutes. It might be too late when he comes, says Vicki, and Jeff tells her not to worry. She's got to live, Jeff! cries Vicki, burying her head in his shoulder. Julia and Barnabas come downstairs. Julia goes to examine Liz. Jeff and Vicki give her an update, and Barnabas is surprised to learn they found Liz in a cemetery. She was conscious when Jeff found her, but acting strangely. Julia tells Vicki she was right--Liz has no pulse and she can't detect a heartbeat. She's dead, Julia pronounces. Liz suddenly opens her eyes, sits up, covers her face and screams, "NO!"

Liz bolts from the sofa--she KNEW IT! She was right! They gather around her. Barnabas urges her to lie down. I'm not safe here, Liz insists. Julia tells Liz she must find out what's happened to her, and wants Liz to sit on the sofa and explain. Liz begs Vicki to tell them what they discussed, but Vicki encourages her to sit down--Dr. Hoffman will help her. Liz says no one can help her. Julia quietly tells Barnabas to get her bag and a glass of water for Liz. He leaves. Julia asks Liz what she thinks happened to her. That's not important, says Liz, but you thought me dead!--I was for a while. Not true, says Julia. Liz heard them saying she had no heartbeat or pulse, which Julia reasonably says proves she wasn't dead. They THOUGHT she was, and if she hadn't come to, they'd have buried her alive after a couple of days. Vicki corroborates that Liz did tell her and Roger of this very fear. She wasn't dead, says Julia, and there are cases on record of people in catatonic states having no pulse, no heartbeat, no breathing and yet continue to live. What can be done about it? demands Liz. Julia gives her a sedative and the glass of water Barnabas brought in. Liz refuses it. Julia assures her they're her friends and the sedative won't harm her.
Liz looks at the loving, trusting faces around her and agrees to take the pill. She swallows it with water. Julia leads her to her room, requesting Barnabas' help. Julia tells Vicki to have Roger come upstairs immediately.

Vicki tells Jeff how grateful she is to him for his help. She doesn't know how to thank him (but you sense Jeff does). He knows he acted like an idiot for treating her as he did, but he's changed and wants a chance to prove it to her--give me that chance, please? A knock at the door prevents her from answering. She assumes it's the doctor and goes to the door.

Back in Julia's room, Barnabas drums his fingers on the mantle. He asks Julia if Liz will be all right. Liz says the family doctor just arrived, but admits Liz isn't the woman she met when she first arrived--something terrible has happened to her. She's known patients with an exaggerated fear of death before, but nothing this serious. What's troubling Liz is more than a fear of death--she's tortured by the presence of death, they can't see it, but if you look into her eyes, you know somehow she CAN see it. Barnabas says this started the day Cassandra disappeared, but Julia says lately Liz seemed to be recovering--Cassandra hasn't returned, why would Liz have a sudden relapse? Barnabas asks if Nicholas would really want to bring Cassandra back. Julia doesn't know.

Jeff rubs his throat (memories of Ang, deeply buried?) Vicki tells him Liz seems to be feeling a bit better. The doctor is examining her. Jeff reminds her of his earlier question--is she still that much against seeing him? No, she replies, turning to face him, she isn't. He's thrilled. He grins, takes her face in his hands, kisses her; she responds. You won't be sorry, he promises.
Barnabas comes downstairs and finds them in each other's arms. His face registers shock and disappointment, and he turns away and hurriedly leaves the house.

Julia sits in a chair in her room, reading a book. She's exhausted. She places the book on a table and is about to get into bed when someone knocks at her door--Vicki. Julia invites her in. Vicki knows Liz didn't die and come back to life again, but she was as close to death as anyone could be, right? Yes, agrees Julia reluctantly. What about this catatonic state?--was Liz in it? Julia believes so, but has no idea what could have brought it on. Could it happen again? It will, says Julia. If it does, says Vicki, if she doesn't recover as quickly as tonight, how long will it take before they know if she's truly dead? Julia doesn't know. Vicki fears they might bury her alive if Julia doesn't know. Julia assures her they won't make that mistake, and Vicki demands to know how they will know?--how can they be sure?
They'll find out what's causing her fear--they will if they can. That's the only answer, asks Vicki. Yes, agrees Julia, noting how tired she is. Julia asks about Jeff, and Vicki tells her they're back together. Julia tells her she's happy for her and Vicki thanks her and bids her good night. Julia slips off her robe and climbs into bed. It's 12:30. At 3 AM, the Collinwood witching hour, Julia sleeps. She has a nightmare that begins with a recollection of her earlier conversation with Barnabas. Barnabas asks her if she's certain it will look like a natural death. 10 seconds, says Julia. Nicholas will be suspicious anyway, says Barnabas. Julia twists in her sleep. It's a mistake for you to go to Nicholas' house alone. A mistake she repeats, and Barnabas' voice says Nicholas will be suspicious. Julia hears a woman's screams filling the air. Her door opens. Julia! cries Barnabas. "Come to me, I need you! The camera takes us down the dark, creepy landing of Collinwood. "Julia, please help me!" Barnabas pleads. "Help me. Come to me! The woods, Julia, come to me. Hurry! Hurry! You were right, Julia, a mistake, I should never have gone to Nicholas' house!" Barnabas leans against a tree, but soon sinks down to the ground, obviously dead. Julia awakens, screaming, "BARNABAS!" She wipes the sweat from her face and neck, and repeats, softly, as a woman in love would, "Barnabas."

NOTES: Loved Barnabas' reaction to finding Vicki in Jeff's arms. Loved Julia's nightmare. Liz and her death problems I could do without, as I said earlier.

Tomorrow, we get to the GOOD stuff!

605 - (Lara Parker) - Last night a woman at Collinwood had a terrifying dream in which she witnessed the death of a man who lives in the Old House on the Collins estate. Soon Barnabas Collins will learn about the strange dream, but it will not prevent him from carrying out a plan which will lead to the most terrifying moment of his life.

Julia, terribly upset, goes to the Old House and tells Barnabas he must cancel his plans--Nicholas knows what they're planning--he's waiting for Barnabas to walk into his trap, and if he goes to see Nicholas Blair tonight, he'll kill him! Who have you spoken to? asks Barnabas.
No one, she answers--I saw it all happen in a dream. Barnabas finds this hard to believe (victim of dream curse though he once was), but Julia is close to tears as she describes how real and vivid the dream was. He called to her from the woods, and she found him there all bloody. He told her "You were right, Julia, I shouldn't have gone to Nicholas Blair's house." And then he died. Barnabas gently tells Julia it was only a dream. A warning, insists Julia. He's surprised at her, and feels her dream came because of their argument the previous night about his going to Blair's house--she dreamed something to support her fears (Freud, step aside!) Julia doesn't want him to dismiss it so easily when his life will be in danger--there are things they don't know about. Barnabas says it's too late to change; the plan is already in motion. She wants him to stop it, but he refuses. Stokes is on his way to Blair house by now. . .

Blair House - Nicholas brings in two small glasses and a bottle of sherry and checks his watch--Stokes is right on time. Nicholas says it's a pleasant surprise and offers Stokes "his drink"--sherry. Stokes finds Blair's knowledge of his drink preference a surprise, but Nicholas says he's discussed him with Carolyn, who said he was a connoisseur of sherry. They sit, drink. Stokes finds the sherry interesting. He invites Nicholas to Barnabas' dinner party that evening at the Old House. Nicholas ponders this, and Stokes explains it is spur of the moment plan.
Nicholas has no other plans this evening, and Stokes notices his indecisiveness. I'm puzzled, says Nicholas--Barnabas and I don't know each other well, and I feel he doesn't really like me, either. Stokes says not to worry, he got the same impression from Barn, but they've become good friends. What promoted the invitation now? asks Nicholas. Stokes professes not to know. Nicholas asks why Barnabas sent Stokes rather than phoning. Because Barnabas is eccentric and refuses to get a phone, says Stokes--dine by candlelight, because he has no electricity. Blair finds this fascinating, and Stokes calls Barnabas "unusual". Nicholas says he has an affinity for the past himself and admires this in Barnabas--perhaps he'll discuss it with him sometime. Stokes says it's a touchy subject with Barnabas, so discussion isn't a good idea. Nicholas says it would be ungracious of him to refuse. Stokes tells him to be there at 10--dining late is another of Barnabas' eccentricities. Stokes admires the period piece that is Blair's house, saying it has style, elegance and individuality. He asks to view it, and Nicholas says he would be more than happy to give him the complete tour. Stokes says he'd be delighted and they head upstairs. The tour completed, Stokes tells him his house is charming, but he's taken up enough of Mr. Blair's time and will see him at 10 sharp. Blair looks self-satisfied as he leans against the newel post.

4:30, Old House - Barnabas paces, Julia sits. Stokes shows up and greets Barn and Jul. Things went splendidly--he was with Blair three hours so as not to arouse suspicion. Nicholas asked him all the expected questions, but Stokes believes it was curiosity; his motives aren't suspect. Supernatural powers aside, Nicholas is an insufferable egotist, says Stokes--Nicholas doubts ordinary people like themselves would DARE to plot against him. Barnabas says they should go over everything. Stokes saw every last room, cellar included, and lays out a floor plan. He shows them the main staircase, the sleeping quarters on the second floor, where there are 3 bedrooms. He points out Nicholas' and says it's "depressingly over-decorated." (LOL!) There are two other bedrooms, one for Adam, one for Eve. He points it out to Barnabas, saying it smelled of cologne-- Nicholas claimed he had visitors. Barnabas must get past Adam's room without being heard. What if Adam is in Eve's room? Queries Julia. Most unlikely, says Stokes, he believes Eve didn't respond to Adam as Nicholas wished her to. Adam is the one danger, says Barn. The door to Eve's room opens in, and there's the bed, against the wall, says Stokes. Barnabas assures them he will review the floor plan. Now, the timing--Nicholas will arrive at 10. They'll be there to greet him. Julia is to leave Collinwood at 10:15, making her 30-35 minutes late getting there. Her excuse--she was detained because Liz took a sudden turn for the worse. They will all express their concern. Julia will say Liz wants to see Barnabas if he can get away--Nicholas will be gracious, of course, and not object. Stokes has left his car at the front gate, keys already in it. Julia and Stokes must keep Nicholas busy for a while. Julia wonders what will happen if they can't. Stokes notes her second thoughts. Julia points out there are dangers they know nothing about. Barnabas describes Julia's nightmare, calling it a premonition. Stokes says they are all in danger, especially Barn, but Julia is overreacting--if he felt Nicholas knew of this, he would put a stop to the plan--he doesn't suspect. (oh, dear, Professor, you are wrong here!)
As far as we know, persists Julia. Barnabas points out Nicholas doesn't know what they know about him, but Julia feels they should stop before it's too late. No, says Barnabas--after it's over, Nicholas won't even know what happened.

Nicholas is watching this scene in his mirror--his soap of the day--as Julia says, "I hate to think of what will happen if we are WRONG."

10:25 PM - Old House - Stokes asks Nicholas if he's been here before. Yes, says Nick, only briefly. Stokes offers to tell him the history of the house--over 200 years old, built in 1767 as a gift to Naomi from Joshua.  The house proved sturdier than the marriage that took place; it endured out of necessity for family honor and prestige. The house was occupied until 1796 when Collinwood was built, and since then remained intact but unlived in until the arrival of this Barnabas from England. Most of the furniture has been here since the house was opened. Stokes' ancestor, Ben, worked for Joshua Collins as an indentured servant. Barnabas, carrying in drinks, asks Nicholas if Stokes is going on about his unfortunate ancestor--the professor is the one to tell him--he knows more about the Collins than Barnabas himself does. Nicholas comments that modern conveniences would only destroy the atmosphere of an era he's preserved so well. Barnabas toasts to Nicholas' good health and Stokes wonders where Julia is--she's late, and usually so prompt. Barnabas answers the door--it's Julia. She tells him she's sorry she's late--she was detained at Collinwood--his cousin Liz has taken a turn for the worse. Nicholas asks if Liz has been ill. Mentally, says Barnabas--a growing fear of death. Julia says she'll be all right, but Liz asked for him. Barnabas says it can wait, but Julia insists Liz would feel much better seeing him now. Nicholas pipes up that he's fine with Barnabas leaving, host or not--his cousin's well being takes precedence.
Barnabas assures him Stokes and Julia will keep him company and he won't be long. Julia follows Barn to the door and gives him the filled hypo. Be careful, she says softly, holding his wrist. She returns to the gentlemen. Nicholas asks of the seriousness of Liz' condition. Julia says despite her fear of death, she doubts there's any danger of it--physically, she is healthy. It must be causing great concern for the family, comments Nick, and Julia agrees. Barnabas walks right into Blair's unlocked house and heads upstairs.

It's nearing 12 midnight; Stokes is talking of the Collins shipping interests. Nicholas tells them he feels he should have joined Barnabas; he never got to know Liz very well, but he and Roger are good friends, and perhaps he can help. (he loves toying with the mortals.) Impossible, says Julia, grabbing his arm, Roger retired just before she left--he was exhausted. Nicholas says he'll do that first thing in the morning. Stokes urges him to sit down and keep listening.

Barnabas enters what he believes is Eve's bedroom and checks the hypo to make sure it's ready for action. The room is blue-shadowed, dark. There is a figure in the bed, and he pulls back the covers to reveal--two pillows! He stares, stunned, but that shock is nothing compared with his face when he hears a familiar voice over his shoulder: "Hello, Barnabas." He whirls around. "ANGELIQUE!" he shouts, staring in stunned, total disbelief. She smiles at him, fangs bared.

NOTES: Oh, God, that was one of the most amazing cliffhangers on DS for me. You can only imagine Barnabas' fear, and you can almost smell the terror-sweat! Angelique terrorized him as a witch, she's really going to do a number on him as a vampire!

Don't you love how confident Barnabas is? He's sure this is all going to work out, and even Stokes is certain that Blair has no knowledge of what they're up to. It's so amusing that Nicholas anticipates Stokes' "unexpected" visit and is completely prepared for him! Julia is the only one whose instincts are right on the mark, and both men tell her she's wrong. Barnabas knows differently now!

Stokes can prattle on so brilliantly about Collinwood, his ancestors, etc., and Blair knows it's all a smoke-screen and plays with them a bit, pretending to be joining Barnabas at Collinwood. Didn't Barnabas find it odd that the front door was unlocked and so easily accessible?

Love, Robin


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Re:Robservations 8/14/02 #604/605 - Biting Into an Old Flame
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2004, 09:09:09 PM »
DVD episodes for May 11th and 12th.
The 1st and 2nd episodes on Set#10/Disc#4 (1st and 2nd episodes on MPI tape Volume #75)