Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0967  (Read 2194 times)

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0967
« Reply #15 on: April 22, 2010, 12:48:25 AM »
Oh god.  What a mess.

Wardrobe discontinuity-- Jeb did the reshoot minus his jacket.  ... And whatever was outside the carriage house door is gone now. ... One of the cameras has color issues; Carolyn's room was a sunny yellow in the previous ep, but here the walls are almost beige.  Other colors are washed out too, til the camera angle switches and then they're fine. ... The passionate kiss that Jeb laid on Carolyn gave her a bloody lip.  She noticed right away but there wasn't much she could do but wipe the blood from his mouth after they kissed again.  Nowadays, no way would an actor kiss someone who has a bleeding lip.  ... Why would a vampire need a scarf? ... The marks on Philip's neck are visible before he's bitten.  (They should have put the scarf on him!) ... Styrofoam rocks on Widow's Hill, or Jeb is really strong when he's flailing.

Peter to Jeb:  "You're going to die the only way you can-- by drowning."
Jeb cornered on Widow's Hill by a werewolf-- I believe that's known as win-win.

Wait a minute... how did he get to Little Windward in his true form if not by swimming?

We're told that since Peter is not flesh and blood, he must use a human surrogate to push Jeb off the cliff.  And yet, the ghost can move the clocks of a hand with his finger, put Jeb into a deep sleep, open doors and windows, control lights, slip a rope around Bruno's neck, make a book go flying and set it on fire...  ??

Philip:  "I'll get him. I'll get them all!"
I guess he's not just plain scared anymore.

It's Carolyn's turn to use the little blue suitcase.

Bad Philip Todd VO.

Unfortunately, it was Bernau's only voiceover.

Where was Carolyn when all the zombies were roaming the house?

In Bangor with Roger, David and Amy.

Megan bites Philip and immediately after Megan leaves the cell, Bradford pops in.  Ever have one of those days.... when you're just sitting around in your cell waiting to be tried for murder, and your dead vampire wife appears and feeds on you, then an 18th century ghost pops in, even though he has nothing at all to do with you in any way?


Yes Jeb, strange and frightening!!   Strange and frightening!!!!!   If you say so!!

I was thinking that strange and frightening could describe the pairing of Chris Pennock and Roger Davis, cuz trying to keep up with one line mangler is bizarre enough, but any effort to follow a conversation between two of them is doomed.

When Carolyn said (without laughing) "Let's synchronize our watches," and said it was 1:30, I thought surely she had to mean 1:30 in the afternoon, but I knew it had to be nighttime.

Jeb said it-- after she fed him the line, "You'll be here in two hours."  I wondered if the synchronize comment was an improvisation after messing up.

Wonderful screen cap, MB!