Author Topic: Robservations 8/8/02 - #596/597 - Adam & Eve & More Problems  (Read 1568 times)

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Robservations 8/8/02 - #596/597 - Adam & Eve & More Problems
« on: August 07, 2002, 08:39:24 PM »
596 - (Thayer David) - The people who live in the great house of Collinwood rest unaware of the drama which is taking place in another house on the great estate, for an experiment is ending, an experiment which, in a previous attempt this night has already caused great suffering. An experiment which is successful this time will provide a mate for one man and remove his perilous threat to the entire Collins household.

The creature looks at the three people surrounding her, and Julia gasps with astonishment. "She is alive!" cries Adam. The redhead with huge eyes on the table stares at them. Adam notes she doesn't look like Carolyn. Barnabas reminds him they SAID she wouldn't. "But she is beautiful," concedes Adam. Julia seems in shock, upset they've killed an innocent woman. She wanted to take part in the experiment and was dying anyway, Barnabas assures her. Concerned, Adam wonders why his mate isn't moving, why her eyes aren't seeing him--why? Julia tells him not to panic. Adam's annoyed, Julia is worried more about a dead woman, when his mate should be her concern. Adam is sure something is wrong with her, but Barn says they can't expect her to have the same reaction Adam did. Perhaps this is what Lang expected, says Julia. There must be some trauma in being brought to life this way; she might be in shock. Julia starts to examine her. She takes a pin and is about to test her sensations, but Adam doesn't want Julia to hurt her. Let Julia do what she thinks best, insists Barnabas. Adam insists there are other ways and orders Julia to get away. Go ahead and try his way, says Julia. Adam talks to Eve, introducing himself, promising not to let them hurt her--we are the same, he says--I came to life on that bed and struggled. He knows she doesn't understand words, but if she can hear his voice, she must know there is something in his voice that makes her want to respond. "Eve, answer me, move your eyes to mine," pleads Adam. Eve, however is unresponsive and he is upset. She breathes, but that's all notes Adam, and says Julia made a mistake. Julia says she did everything as outlined, and Barnabas says they couldn't guarantee success. They must do more insists Adam, but Julia asks how much can she do if he won't let her touch Eve. Barnabas tells Adam to let Julia examine her, and Adam reluctantly agrees. Barnabas finishes unstrapping Eve. Adam tells her she's free, she can stand. Julia finds her pulse normal. Adam doesn't like his lifeless doll.
Julia pronounces her heartbeat normal, but wants to measure her brain waves--she'd like to send her to Windcliff. No, says Adam, he will make her all right. How? demands Julia. Eve moans, startling them. Adam takes her hand and asks her to make the sound again. She moves her fingers, clutching his, opening and closing them. Adam is grinning. "I have been asleep for so long," says Eve. She can speak! cries Adam triumphantly.

Eve looks at him. Of course I can speak, she says. She's wearing a sexy black dress and black high heels and who the hell shopped for this outfit, anyway, one must ask? LOL! Adam notes that he couldn't speak. She wonders why he's so surprised she can. He introduces himself and she declares it appropriate that the first man she sees is named Adam. She asks where she is and what all this is, and who are these other people. Adam introduces her and she wonders why they're staring at her. Julia explains they were concerned because she was still for so long. It's been a long journey, says Eve, from another time. Barnabas asks about this. Another place, adds Eve, and Barnabas, agitated, demands she answer him. (slipup, Even!) She can't, she says, she doesn't know why she said that. Adam orders Barn to stop quizzing her, but Barn insists he must know. Eve turns to Adam and asks him to make the man stop talking to her that way. Adam takes her hand and promises he'll stop, giving Barn a look of death. Dazed, Eve says it's not her fault she can't remember. Julia asks if she remembers opening her eyes for the first time in this room, and hearing their voices. She heard voices, so far away, it was like she was watching a dream. Julia is wondering how she knows about dreams, how she can speak, know what she does? Why ask me? demands Eve--you brought me here, you tell me. Barnabas tells her she hasn't lived until now, and Eve again talks of the far away voices--it was as if she could do nothing--where did I come here from, she cries, "Tell me!" Barnabas says if she has a memory, she couldn't have lived until now. But I have, she declares, but doesn't know where or when. Upset, she accuses them of knowing--they brought her here, they know. Barnabas calls for Julia to do something, and she starts to give Eve a shot. "How could I not have lived until now?" asks Eve--she's fully grown, knows they are men, Julia a woman--this is a basement.why can't she remember how she learned them? Eve refuses Julia's shot--"I know about pain! You will not touch me!" Julia tells her it's for her own good. She steps down from the table but can't stand; Adam picks her up and places her back on the table. She's unresponsive again.

Someone knocks frantically at the door upstairs--Stokes. Barnabas goes up to greet him. Julia listens to Eve's heart. Stokes says he hopes he's here in time, thinking they haven't started the experiment. Adam tells him it's over--the mate is alive. Julia says she just fainted. Stokes tells Barnabas he must speak to him alone. Adam knows it concerns himself and Eve. Barnabas tells Adam to take Eve to Josette's room. Adam lovingly lifts her and carries her upstairs. Stokes tells Barn to come to the drawing room to see his proof. Barnabas says he isn't sure he cares about what Stokes discovered--she's alive and she's Adam's problem now. Stokes nods.

Josette's room - Julia tells Adam that she feels Eve's fine, she probably just stood up too quickly. As Julia moves to leave, Adam tells her he's coming with her, but Eve wakes up. "No," she says, beckoning to him.

While Barnabas isn't in the mood for games, Stokes has a magnetic board and letters with him, and he shows him an anagram: LEONA ELTRIDGE becomes DANIELLE ROGET. (how did he ever figure that?)
Julia joins them. Danielle Roget didn't die for the first time, explains Stokes, re-arranging the letters before their eyes. Barnabas repeats the French name and asks who she is. The most evil woman produced in the 18th century, says Stokes, murdering at least 12 men. She escaped France and was hung here in America. What does it mean? asks Barnabas. Stokes expresses disappointment in him. Don't they understand? Who is Leona? What about her? No answers. But, if Nicholas Blair learned about the experiment (and Julia says it's not possible), and provided a life force, where did he find it? From the depths of hell, says Stokes--he conjured up Danielle Roget. Barnabas accuses him of a vivid imagination, but Stokes calls it reality. What if Stokes is right? Asks Julia. Barnabas doesn't believe it.
Julia asks Stokes for more proof than an anagram, but Stokes says waiting for proof could be dangerous--if the woman upstairs has the life force of Danielle Roget, no one in the village is safe. Stokes advises them to destroy her, now, tonight. Julia and Barnabas look at him, and we again see the name "Danielle Roget" on the chalkboard.

Adam, obviously smitten, asks Eve if she's feeling all right. She asks if he's going to leave her; he says he should go downstairs. She smiles seductively--they're simply discussing her, but do they care what they say about her? I care, says Adam. She says he shouldn't--come and sit on the bed with me, she offers. He does, staring at her cleavage. She looks at his face, cupping it in her hands. "You are kind," she pronounces. He says she doesn't like his face. "Yet, you are strong," she says. "Kiss me." She pulls him into her embrace and goes in for a kiss, which he seems reluctant to accept. They kiss for a while, her arms laced around his neck, and Adam seems to be enjoying it. (he learns quickly, but I am sure he wishes he was kissing Carolyn.)

Barnabas thanks Stokes for his sincerity, but Stokes says it isn't something he prides. Barnabas can't accept his supposition, too many ifs. Stokes didn't think him so practical, but Barn says he's learned to be--he wants Adam to take Eve and leave this house. Adam comes downstairs and says as soon as Eve is rested, they will go. Stokes gets upset--they can't, they have no place to go. We'll find a place, insists, Adam, but Stokes begs Barnabas to make Adam understand he can't be alone with Eve. Adam demands an explanation. Stokes reminds him of the affection he feels for him, but Adam expects him to feel the same for Eve. No, says Stokes, I have an intuition about her, a feeling she is cruel and not the woman for you. She is, Adam says. Stokes insists he has done research on this, and his feelings are that that woman is evil. Adam points out that she's just been brought to life, she hasn't done anything. Stokes tries to explain, but Adam won't let him--he believes he's no longer his friend.
Stokes explains to Adam that the woman upstairs is the reincarnation of the world's most evil woman who lived in the 18th century and committed every crime. Adam demands Stokes stop it, you are talking of someone else, not my Eve! Adam is sure, and he stubbornly sits down, refusing to listen.

Up in Josette's room, Eve hears a sound and rises from the bed. The curtain is blowing even though the window is closed. The door bursts open of its own accord, the chandelier sways. Eve stares around herself, puts her hands on her hips, smiles, and says, "I remember you, yes I do. You have come after me. No, no mon petite, I will not go back with you. I am alive, I am alive, I will NEVER go back!" And she lifts her head, her face a study in triumph and cruelty.

NOTES: I love Marie Wallace, but this storyline got on my nerves, too, and continues to do so whenever I see it again. I feel so badly for Adam, stuck with a killing bitch like this, and how Nicholas ever expected Adam to hit if off with her is a mystery. Poor Adam! I bet he's in love after that kiss (and who knows what else took place between them?), but she is definitely not the kind of gal you want to bring home to mother! Her imperious manner is fun to watch, and she turns into quite the wildcat.

I understand Barnabas' urge to ignore what Stokes told them and just allow Adam to go off with the newly-born creation--let it be Adam's mess! But if Eve murders Adam, that's the end of Barnabas' human existence. Eve, with Danielle's life force inside her, is evil personified, and can probably wreak worse havoc than Adam. She did swear, when still Leona, to kill all of these people!

597 - (Grayson Hall) - Peace at Collinwood on this starless night is an illusion, for in an old house on this estate, a miracle has occurred--a body has been brought to life--and one man is convinced that only tragedy can result if she is allowed to live.

Stokes continues to try convincing Adam; he reminds him he's never advised him incorrectly. Barnabas agrees, and Adam asks "Daddy" if he believes him about Eve. Barnabas explains he has no reason to discount what Stokes says. Adam says Julia and Barnabas made the body with their own hands, but Stokes says he's concerned about the life force. Why does Adam become annoyed at being questioned about this? Adam says he just wants to be with Eve, and Stokes has no proof. Stokes asks to be allowed the chance to get proof. Adam says he can't stop him from trying. Stokes wants to question Eve again, and Barnabas adds that Adam owes it to Stokes. Don't tell me what I owe, Adam insists. Stokes wonders at Adam's objections, unless he's beginning to doubt, too. You're making me feel stupid again, complains Adam sadly, like I did when I first came to your house. Stokes promises he'll come to him and admit he's wrong, if he is. Adam insists on seeing her first, but Barnabas doesn't want him to prepare her. Adam points out she isn't as worldly as they are (oh, if only he knew!) Barn says that what Eve is, no one really knows, but Adam still wants to see her first--and threatens them that they are responsible for whatever happens to her when they are with her. Adam heads upstairs and Barnabas laments letting him go to Eve. Stokes knows what he can and can't stop; they know he'll warn her. Stokes says Adam is frightened, which Barnabas doesn't believe. Stokes knows Adam better, and Adam knows Stokes is more often right than wrong. (Ima Fly buzzing around.)

Eve tells Adam she shouldn't be left alone; she doesn't like it. He asks if she's afraid, and she says if it pleases him to think it, then yes, she's afraid. (LOL!) Adam says it's not a matter of pleasing him, but a matter of truth--does she know the truth about them? Does she have to? She asks. Yes, he answers. She sits down, looking sulky. It's important, he says--they were created the same, different from other people. She smiles, liking this. He finds this curious--it bothered him when he first heard. You still do mind, she says, not sounding too pleased about it. He doesn't think so, he has changed since she came into his life. She tells him she almost remembered something while he was gone. Adam is anxious to hear it. He calls her Leona and she asks about that. Leona Eltridge. She calls it a funny name. Adam asks if she remembers. She asks if she should. No, he supposes not.
He asks if she's ever heard of Nicholas Blair, and she says no--I don't like questions, she says coldly. He sits beside her--he must ask them, because others will. Your friends? she asks disinterestedly, and tells him he can stop them--If Adam insists, they will leave her alone. She puts her arm around him. They know so much more than I do, he says, I thought you would understand, but you are different from me--but not what they say. She asks what they say, but before he can answer, there's a knock at the door. He must let them in, he says, or they will think that she isn't as good as he knows she is. He takes her shoulders and tries to kiss her, but she recoils. "Don't turn away from me," he demands. She wants Adam to make them go away. And, as the knocking continues, she says, with a sneer, "I don't kiss men who are weak." (Oh, Adam, this is NOT the sweet, sensitive gal for you!)

Adam again tries to kiss Eve, but she refuses, and he tells her she must forgive him--he has to let them see her. Will I? she asks him, and he responds, "Sometime." Stokes and Barnabas join them. Eve asks what her name is. "Eve," supplies Adam, and she says she wouldn't have chosen it. Obvious, perhaps, says Stokes, and he suggests she's startled by all that has happened in the past hour. Barnabas suggests she must be as curious about them as they are about her. I'm a woman, says Eve, and accept what happened to me. Barn asks how can she?
How can I not? she counters--I have no choice--I open my eyes and I'm here, in this house. Stokes refers to her as "Mademoiselle," and she asks what he means by that. Stokes asks to be left alone with Eve. Adam assures her it will be all right--and remember my warning, he says, exiting. Stokes and Barnabas sit down. The latter explains that the experiment that produced her was responsible for the creation of only one other person. "Adam," she guesses disdainfully. (Mike R Phone in shot.) Barnabas says they're curious as to why she isn't as Adam was, and she asks if they would prefer her helpless. Not at all, says Stokes, but they are interested in her claim to come from another time and place. She doesn't remember saying that, and Barn insists she must. Eve asks how can she remember when she has no memory or existence. Barn asks how she can speak without a memory. Stokes suggests English isn't her native language--he thinks French is. Eve doesn't know what that is. Barnabas wonders how she understands everything they say, yet doesn't know one of the world's principal languages. Stokes offers to provide a few names to jog her memory. I'd like that, says Eve. Barn asks if she's remembered anything since coming into the room, and she says no. Stokes says, "Guillotine. Marie Antoinette. She thinks the name is pretty, but it doesn't ring a bell. Danielle Roget, says Stokes, getting down to business. Eve gets annoyed and says they'll be asking her next about Leona Eltridge--Adam seemed to think the name would mean something to her, too. She finds them and their questions strange. Barnabas thinks it odd SHE has so few questions. She asks if she will stay here. Stokes turns to Barnabas, and there is no answer. When will it be decided? she asks. Stokes asks if she wishes to leave--and where she would go? She's pissed they aren't answering her question. "I am used to my questions being answered!" she says. Barnabas jumps on that, demanding to know WHEN she was used to that? She doesn't know, she says, suddenly upset--what do you want me to say--tell me, I'll say it!--you gave me life, you must have a reason--tell me what to do and I'll do it, but I want to talk no more.

Julia sits in the drawing room drinking a cup of tea while Adam paces around her. She asks if she can get him something. Trust us, she urges. I used to trust Stokes he says sullenly. You must still, she says. No, says Adam, he's Barnabas' friend. No, says Julia, Stokes is concerned about the mate because he cares about you. Adam finds Stokes' suspicions without reasoning. Julia doesn't know what to think, but Adam feels she always has an opinion. Not this time, she says softly. Adam wants to take Eve away where it won't matter. "What she is?" queries Julia.
Adam denies it--he didn't mean that--he wants to take her where no one knows them, where they can live as others do--they must leave before Barn and Stokes ruin everything--she isn't what they say, he's sure.

Upstairs in the hallway outside Josette's room, Stokes tells Barnabas that Eve's memory blanks were most curious. Barnabas, twisting his ring, agrees. Barnabas doesn't believe everything she said, and yet he doesn't know why. Will you let her leave? asks Stokes--what evil might she remember?--what evil might she do? Almost anything, says Barnabas, and yet I have no reason to think so. Stokes says his own intuition is enough, and the pair must stay until they know more.

Stokes and Barnabas come downstairs. Adam tells them they must have learned Eve isn't what they said. Barnabas says they must speak to him about her. Are you still suspicious? asks Adam. Stokes says they must discuss Leona Eltridge--how did Adam find her? She came to me, as Lang's friend, to be the life force, says Adam. Barnabas demands to know how she found him, and Adam accuses him of making everything out to be a crime--I refuse to answer anymore questions--I supplied the life force and I'm taking my mate away. Barnabas wants them to stay for the time being, but Adam refuses--when Barnabas thought Eve couldn't speak, he was willing to let them leave; why the change? asks Adam. Because, explains Barn, the experiment didn't work out as expected, we want to keep Eve under observation. Adam accuses him of wanting to keep her locked up in his former cell downstairs. Barn denies this. Adam demands he not lie to him. She can stay in Josette's room, says Barnabas. Stokes suggests Julia run some tests in the morning. Now Adam accuses Stokes of lying. Julia calmly agrees about examining Eve, considering this experiment didn't match what happened with him. That woman downstairs is dead, after all. Adam forces Stokes to admit he still believes what he told them earlier--nothing happened upstairs to change his mind. He didn't expect the woman to be stupid. Adam demands to know what Eve will think if he allows her to stay there and be watched like an animal? Stokes says if she's innocent, she'll think nothing, but if she's Danielle Roget. . .the doors and windows blow open, the candles blow out. Stokes says someone else is in the room, he can feel it--I'm always right about such things. Who is it? asks Julia--why is it happening now? Stokes asks the spirit what it wants.
The chandelier begins to sway. Stokes asks the spirit to speak, or show him--lead him to what it wants. The basement door blows open. They all head down there, Stokes, Julia and Barnabas. Leona's body is gone! Who took her? No one passed by us, says Julia. Don't expect the logical, says Stokes, when dealing with spirits. Where's Adam? They wonder. They head back upstairs. The camera pans on the straps of the table.

The trio go to Josette's room, but Eve, too, is gone. Stokes says they must get them back, and he knows of one place where they might be.

NOTES: So where did Adam and Eve go? Nicholas Blair's house, probably, so they can start fornicating and producing the strong, brilliant, murderous brats for Satan. That's if Eve is interested in this scarred, odd man she has already called weak.

Adam only knows that Nicholas supplied the life force for the experiment, he has no idea where she came from or what kind of woman's essence has been imbued into his new mate. I doubt Adam would want to pursue a relationship with this beautiful but cold, murderous woman, if he knew the truth about her origins; nor would he if he knew what kind of man Nicholas is and what his intentions are for Adam and Eve.

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 8/8/02 - #596/597 - Adam & Eve & More Problems
« Reply #1 on: August 09, 2002, 05:08:13 AM »
"She's wearing a sexy black dress and black high heels and who the hell shopped for this outfit, anyway, one must ask?  LOL!"

Also, who put the black pantyhose on her or the blue eyeshadow and false eyelashes.  Unless the original dweller of that body was buried that way.


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Re:Robservations 8/8/02 - #596/597 - Adam & Eve & More Problems
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2004, 09:32:48 PM »
DVD episodes for April 29th and 30th.
The 3rd and 4th episodes on Set#10/Disc#3 (3rd and 4th episodes on MPI tape Volume #73)

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Re:Robservations 8/8/02 - #596/597 - Adam & Eve & More Problems
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2004, 10:01:26 PM »
Gorgeous work on the photos, MB!

I especially cherish Julia with the teacup (one of my favorite moments) and the gorgeous shot of Stokes in between the two letterboards.
