Author Topic: Robservations 8/5/02 - Carolyn Risks Her Life - #590-591  (Read 1658 times)

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Robservations 8/5/02 - Carolyn Risks Her Life - #590-591
« on: August 04, 2002, 12:51:02 PM »
590 - (John Karlen) - While some sleep a quiet sleep in the great house of Collinwood, others in the Collins family face great danger, for in an Old House on the estate, there is a mysterious secret laboratory, and in it, a doctor prepares for an experiment which, if it succeeds, will save many lives.

Julia labors in the lab, working on the female creature's body. She sets up instruments, removes her rubber gloves. Barnabas comes downstairs and asks if she can leave now. Someone has REMEMBERED, he says, agitated--Maggie remembers what Julia hypnotized her to forget, and now wants to go to the police. Barnabas wants Julia to stop her using hypnosis again. But I'm ready to start the experiment, protests Julia. Barnabas suggests she imagine the police showing up now that he's free of his affliction, of having to pay the penalty for those first months--I can't, and won't--if you won't silence Maggie, I must!
Julia is perplexed; Maggie's memory shouldn't have suddenly returned--perhaps Willie is exaggerating? He was hiding her in the mausoleum, says Barnabas significantly. Julia realizes Maggie saw the coffin, stirring up memories. When Willie comes downstairs, Barnabas orders him to tell Julia everything. Willie sees no point--besides Maggie could escape, as she almost did once before--what'll we do? asks Willie, panicking. Julia calms him down and requests details. He asks her not to treat him the way she did when he was back at Windcliff--Maggie remembered about the music box, thinking she was Josette, and about Barnabas and how he frightened her. Julia insists there's nothing incriminating about that, but Willie tells them she said "I know what Barnabas Collins is."
Julia asks what will happen with the experiment while she's seeing to Maggie, who she doubts is in a receptive mood. Barnabas says he can't be effective help with this hanging over him, and Julia says she isn't sure what she dreads more, or which is more dangerous to them--seeing Maggie in the tomb or Carolyn here. Barnabas orders her to go; Willie will accompany her--he'll tell Carolyn something is wrong with the equipment. Julia says no, that'll scare her, but then she changes her tune--she doesn't care, perhaps Carolyn will begin to have some doubts about the experiment and change her mind about doing it. Barnabas thanks Julia for her help and after she leaves, Willie plaintively asks Barnabas if Julia can erase Maggie's hatred of him, too. (poor guy!) Barnabas says he can't concern himself with Willie's personal problems--you did something you shouldn't have, and brought me to the edge of disaster--I must find a way back. Julia calls to Willie to come downstairs. The front door opens. A hand snakes in. It's Adam, who asks where Julia is going, on a case?--no, you're not going anywhere, he says, barring the door.

Adam orders Julia back inside. She refuses, but she can see he means business, so she obeys. She must leave, she says, I have an ill patient. He refuses to let her go--she has responsibilities to HIM. Willie comes in, spots Adam, and screams for Barnabas. Adam thanks him for kidnapping Maggie, and offers to shake his hand, confusing Willie. Adam keeps his hand outstretched--he's happy!--I'll have my mate the way I want. Adam says Julia's patient must find another doctor. Barnabas enters the fray and Adam says now they can all go downstairs and begin the experiment. Julia says she tried to explain to Adam, but the latter sarcastically says it's hard to explain anything to him. Julia must go, says Barnabas--she can't concentrate on the experiment otherwise. Adam makes his Vicki threat. Willie starts to head upstairs, and Adam demands to know where he's going--Willie was going with Dr., Hoffman, accuses Adam--why did Willie lie? He gives Willie a push, and Willie races upstairs. Adam tells Julia Willie won't be much value to her patient. She says she was just dropping him off in town. Adam calls this a lie, too, and Barnabas tells him to wait one hour--this is no stall!--they want to get it over with. Barnabas says Carolyn isn't ready, she needs more rest. Julia agrees. Always something new, says Adam--new rules, and he doesn't believe them--he will go get Carolyn! He heads upstairs, ordering them, with a "please," to come with him--Stokes told him that's a sign of a gentleman who doesn't forget his manners during a crisis, and he wants his mate to think of him as a gentleman. On the landing, Willie appears with the house gun. He orders Adam to stop, he isn't going anywhere. Willie tells Julia to go. Adam orders Barnabas to make Willie drop the gun. Willie says no one is telling him anything, but Barnabas advises Willie to do what Adam says. No, says Willie, I've been wanting to kill him since the moment I met him. Julia begs Willie to think, and not shoot Adam. Willie says he IS thinking, he isn't scared now--all he must do is pull the trigger! "And Barnabas will die," says Julia, taut-lipped. Adam chimes in, "You forget, Willie, there's some connection between Barnabas and myself." Adam advances on Willie, who orders him to stay away. Willie cocks the gun and warns him not to get closer. Adam accuses him of bluffing--you care too much about Barnabas. Adam wrests the gun from Willie and Barnabas tries to shoo Julia out, but Adam, holding the gun on them, tells them that the first one out that door is going to be his mate, and he will follow her!  Adam holds the gun aimed on them and says they must get to work. Willie says he isn't needed down there, and Barnabas agrees, but Adam doesn't trust him and wants him there. Barnabas says he and Julia won't be able to concentrate and Willie should stand guard in case someone shows up. Barnabas tells Julia to go start the equipment, Barnabas will join her shortly. "NO!" barks Adam, but Barnabas tells him gun or no gun, he can't tell him what to do in his own house--he has to give Willie instructions. Adam makes fun of this--Willie has to be told even that. He points the gun at Julia and they head down to the lab. Willie asks Barn not to tell him what he should have done since he already did it, and Barn agrees. Willie doesn't know why everything he does turns out badly. Because you don't think, chastises Barnabas, ordering him to the tomb. Willie is afraid Adam will come after him, and wonders what he'll say to Maggie. Keep her quiet and don't let her out of your sight, demands Barnabas. Willie reminds him Joe is searching for Maggie, but Barn says he'd never think of the mausoleum. Willie begs him for something to say--he did treat her so badly--and he feels sorry for her. Those days are gone, and should be forgotten by everyone, says Barnabas--make sure Maggie doesn't get away from you! After Willie leaves, Barnabas gazes worriedly upstairs.

Julia has set the equipment in motion and it's making lots of little noises. Adam is staring at the body on the table. She tells him he must follow her orders, she's in charge. He starts to look at the body, but she tells him firmly not to touch anything and to sit down. He asks if it will work, and she responds that it did before. That isn't what he wanted to hear, tell him it WILL! I said the only thing I could, admits Julia. You don't care, he accuses her. She tells him she just wants it over. But a success, adds Adam desperately. Julia complains his talking is making her nervous. She orders him to go upstairs and wait, but he won't, so she tells him to be quiet. He asks Julia not to scare the new creation with a needle, not to hurt her, but Julia says she'll do whatever is necessary--she did what she had to in order to calm him down! Julia doesn't understand Adam--she can't hurt the creation, but it's OK to hurt Carolyn. Julia smiles bitterly as she informs him giving life force is painful--she watched Barnabas, heard his screams when Adam was brought to life.
No drug will be strong enough, she tells him. She doesn't know how he talked Carolyn into this. She's doing it for me, he says. Julia doesn't understand what right he had to ask her. I saved her life, he retorts. She tells him if he has any affection for Carolyn at all, stop this now! Adam says Julia doesn't want him to have his mate at all. Barnabas comes downstairs and tells Adam they're doing what he wants at some cost to themselves--remember it if he can. Adam sits back down like a sullen child. Julia tells Barnabas to attach the straps on the creation. Barnabas is waiting for the last minute to see Carolyn. Julia finds something wrong with the gauge. You must hurry, says Barnabas, we can't have more problems. For once, Barnabas is right, agrees Adam. Julia gets it fixed. They're ready to begin after one more check. Adam rises, goes to the head of the table to his intended mate. It will happen at last, he exults. Barnabas reminds him of his part of the bargain--take his mate away immediately after the experiment. Adam asks if she will be as he was, knowing nothing, unable to speak. Yes, says Barnabas. Adam wonders if he'll be able to teach her all she needs to know, to which Barnabas stoically replies, "You will have to." Julia tells Barnabas to go get Carolyn, but his forehead creases as he wonders how Liz and Roger would feel if they knew about this. Adam tells them HE will go get Carolyn, but before he goes, before Carolyn comes down, he tells them if anything happens to Carolyn, THEY will be hurt even more--do you understand?
He leaves after a final glance at the creation. "Soon you will breathe. You will hold out your arms, you will walk. You will smile at me." Adam starts to reveal the creature, but Julia warns him she's still bandaged. He orders them taken off, but Julia says they already explained that she's bandaged so she will be beautiful, and unscarred. "She will be beautiful, as beautiful as Carolyn," he says. "At last, I will have my Carolyn."

NOTES: The scene with Willie, Julia, Barnabas and Adam on the landing was really good. For those of you who wish someone would just put a bullet into Adam, sorry! : )

I still feel sorry for Adam. He can't have Carolyn and he knows he's different, so he wants someone like himself to love. That he's going about it by force and threats is something that Barnabas used to do all the time, so like father, like son. It's understandable that Barnabas and Julia are fearful about using Carolyn, but I can understand Adam wanting his mate to be like the girl he already loves.

591 - (Nancy Barrett) - The great house of Collinwood is quiet. The wind is as soft as a whispered secret. But in an Old House nearby, a secret is about to explode into reality. A body lies waiting to come to life, waiting to become the mate of a man in love with the girl who will provide the life force.

(Adam's makeup looks a lot uglier than usual. Some days he seems less scarred than others.)

Adam looks goofy, imaging how glad he'll be when this is over and he sees two Carolyns and one is his. Julia hesitantly tells him the creation doesn't look like Carolyn, infuriating him. Barnabas tells him that was impossible, there were no qualifications. Julia promises Adam he will like the way his mate looks, but Adam in unsure. Trust us, asks Julia. Adam asks if she will be like Carolyn, and Julia says she will if they use Carolyn for the life force. Adam says THAT is definite! He warns her not to try and talk Carolyn out of this, grabbing her arm for emphasis, and Barn forces him to drop it. The equipment is ready, says Julia. Adam again asks if the mate will be like Carolyn--or like him, as different from the life force as possible? (there are more similarities than you realize, Adam.) Julia doesn't know, and Barnabas is stoic. Julia says Lang believe it possible to bring one's personality, "?lan vitale," into another body--that was the purpose, so they have to hope Carolyn's spirit is in this one. Adam warns Julia that the mate had better be like Carolyn, and Barnabas asks if they are never to be free from his threats--they're doing as he told them to do! Adam asks Barn why he isn't more like him, and Barnabas responds perhaps because they both are alive. Carolyn must be alive, too, barks Adam, and Barn reminds him Carolyn is his relative and friend--if he believed this equipment would cause her death, he'd destroy the equipment. Adam accuses him of loving Vicki more, but Barnabas reminds him he threatened everyone at Collinwood. Barn wants to get the experiment underway so Adam can take his mate and leave, as he promised. Adam gazes at the draped form and wonders if he'll like her. You won't know until she's alive, says Barnabas cruelly, heading up to get Carolyn. Adam asks Julia if she understands his concerns, and she says yes, in a way she does. He feels she knows more about love than Barnabas, but Julia says she understands Adam's kind better--but she knows Barnabas is capable of great love, she's seen it. Adam observes that she's frightened, but she says no, not now. He can tell she is, he insists, but she says she just has to push the proper buttons and trust the equipment--nothing to fear. She suggests he's afraid, and he looks at the creation on the table and fears what will happen if she doesn't like what she sees. What will he do then? WHAT?

Josette's room Barnabas tells Carolyn he fears she doesn't know what she's about to do--he wants to tell Adam she's ill, and he'll have to accept it. He get someone else, he pleads, anyone, somehow. She appears not to have heard him, and says it's absurd--she owes Adam, he loves her.
She smiles at him--love, not friendship, the kind of love she felt when she was very young, without reason or knowledge--he loves her without knowing who she really is. She feels he'd worship her no matter what. Carolyn, you've been hiding him, accuses Barnabas, and she tells her cousin he wouldn't ask her that if he's been listening to her. Then Barnabas says, "You are in love with HIM." (indubitably) Carolyn doesn't answer that one. Adam enters and says Julia's waiting. Carolyn says she's ready and Adam tells Barnabas to go on. GO! Carolyn nods, giving Barn permission, and he shoots Carolyn a long look before leaving the room. Adam asks Carolyn if she feels all right. Yes. She's not frightened, or she doesn't think so. She should be, it's a new thing, but. . .he hugs her, knowing she is frightened, caressing her hair. He never wanted her to be scared, but she pulls away. It's the waiting, she says. He's pleased she let him hold her, for the first time ever--he's imagined it so many times.
She admits she has, sometimes. She wants to get it over with, she tells him, as if changing the subject, but he says not yet. They sit together on the bed and he asks if she's ever thought of going far away from Collinsport. Adam, please, she protests, but he continues, and asks again, if she could go away and live her life, not her family's, not her friends--Stokes once told him people often live lives expected of them, and he doesn't understand. Carolyn can't explain. She has thought of living her own life, she admits, and he asks her to come away with him. She didn't want to have this conversation, there's no point. There is, he insists, he wants her to think. She admits he's right. He suggests she stop thinking, but she says she's thought about him, but. . .he wants to know WHAT she thought, but she can't tell him. When the experiment is over, he's leaving, he reminds her, this is the last time they will have to talk--tell him now! She gently says she's thought about how dear he is, how attractive, scars notwithstanding--she doesn't see them anymore. They should go downstairs, she says, but he insists he finish. She says he sounded like Stokes just then, or others who have taught him things. He seems annoyed that she thinks of him as a child, but she confesses she thinks of him in other ways, too, which pleases him--he wants her to admit that to herself. He takes her by the arms and tells her he wants them to leave this room, go downstairs, go somewhere, they can be married, he'll work for her, there's no need for the experiment, he can make them happy. Upset, Carolyn tells him he can't make them happy by himself, no one person ever can. She leaves his arms. "Carolyn, please," he begs, but she says they've waited long enough. He begs her to wait, takes her in his arms, kisses her hair passionately.

Down in the lab, Julia tells Barn she wishes it weren't Carolyn. "Julia, please!" be begs. He tells her Carolyn understands the risks, and Julia says she feels bad worrying about the dangers to themselves. He assures her nothing will happen, but Julia reminds him this is only the second time for the experiment, and it didn't go according to plan. It went well, he says. Yes, by chance, she says--who knows this time? Barnabas says it's perfectly natural for her to be apprehensive, and she orders him not to try to "handle" her. He denies doing this, and she retorts, "Yes you were!" They realize they're both upset and Julia says such situations can turn allies against each other. Adam comes down and tells them Carolyn is coming; she wouldn't change her mind at the last moment. Barnabas says he hoped she would, and Julia concurs. When Adam warns Julia that both creation and Carolyn must live, he sees fear in her eyes, and tells her she must not be nervous and make a mistake. Barnabas tells Adam he's making her more so. Carolyn comes downstairs and touches the table on which she'll be lying. She surveys the creation and asks to see her. Adam says she won't be as beautiful as she is, which bothers Carolyn--of course she will be, and Adam must think so. She demands he say that to her--judge her fairly. She forces him to say it as if he means it, and he response, "I will," as if in a wedding ceremony. Carolyn gently tells Julia she's glad she's doing this. Julia tells Adam to leave, but he wants to stay. She refuses, it's terribly difficult to accomplish; she wouldn't allow him in a hospital during surgery. Barn agrees. Carolyn begs Adam to do as they say, but he refuses to leave her. Another reason, says Julia, you're emotionally involved. Adam points out both Julia and Barn are emotionally involved, but in a different way. Barnabas argues they have more knowledge than Adam, and Julia says Adam will interfere with her concentration, which could mean the difference between success and failure. Adam says stubbornly, "I will stay." "You will NOT!" responds Julia. The camera focuses on Carolyn during this, who is growing upset. Barnabas asks Adam if he doesn't have faith in them, even now--they won't try to get out of this. Carolyn begs them to stop; she can't just stand there--what difference does Adam's presence make? She wants to start now. Julia tells Carolyn to lie on the table. Adam lifts her up himself. She holds onto him with both arms. He leans in and touches her hair, gazing at her with love. She gazes back, looking equally smitten. Julia orders Adam to stand at the arch and neither move nor speak, no matter what happens.
She tells Barnabas to fasten the straps, and gives Carolyn something to help fight the pain (Adam demands to know what it is). There will be discomfort, warns Julia, and asks her not to be brave. (I'd leave now.) Julia says she'll hopefully feel only a slight shock or tingling. Julia turns on the juice, looking at Carolyn, Adam and Barnabas, who all seem anxious and unhappy. Lights go on and off. Julia fiddles with dials and Carolyn begins to moan, twisting from side to side. Barnabas has his hand on Adam's shoulder, both to stay and to comfort, one hopes. Carolyn cries out, sobbing with pain. Adam wants to go to her, Barnabas prevents it. More power, Carolyn is screaming now. Adam is beside himself. Julia tells Barnabas to watch a scope; if the waves begin to collapse, it will mean Carolyn is in danger. Barnabas tells her they are beginning to change. Carolyn is sobbing with agony, then screaming, "ADAM!" ADAM!" "She's calling me!" cries Adam, but Barnabas orders him to get back and let Julia do her work. Adam notes she isn't breathing, and Julia, frantic, asks how the scope reads. It's flatline! Julia tells him to keep watching, goes to Carolyn and listens for a heartbeat. She looks horrified and backs away. "JULIA!" Adam screams. Julia tells Barnabas Carolyn's breathing is weak--if the mate doesn't come alive in 60 seconds, Carolyn will die.
They turn agonized eyes to the clock's second hand as it sweeps towards life. . .or death.

NOTES: Is Carolyn going to die? We doubt a main character can perish on DS, but who knows whose contract is up at this point in time?

Oh, very good stuff there, if a tad melodramatic. The lab scenes always seem like silly medicine to me, and quite unbelievable, but it's still fun, if you can suspend that disbelief.

Adam and Carolyn really do seem in love here, but poor Carolyn certainly can't love a CREATION, can she? More's the pity for her; Adam's proposal was kind of touching and sweet, and he was clearly trying to save her pain. Will Adam get his mate but lose Carolyn?

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 8/5/02 - Carolyn Risks Her Life - #590-591
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2002, 06:12:22 PM »
It was good to see the old adversarial chemistry between Julia and Barnabas again, if only for a few seconds.  I do wish Julia hadn't lost her edge!



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Re:Robservations 8/5/02 - Carolyn Risks Her Life - #590-591
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2004, 09:08:36 PM »
DVD episodes for April 21st and 22nd.
The 7th and 8th episodes on Set#10/Disc#2 (2nd and 3rd episodes on MPI tape Volume #72)

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Re:Robservations 8/5/02 - Carolyn Risks Her Life - #590-591
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2004, 09:13:45 PM »
Wow, what GORGEOUS snapshots of Julia here.  Only Grayson could look that elegant in a lab coat.

Wonderful work from Nancy, too, in these shows.


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Re:Robservations 8/5/02 - Carolyn Risks Her Life - #590-591
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2004, 08:47:05 PM »
Wonderful work from Nancy, too, in these shows.

Agreed. In particular, the scene between Carolyn and Adam in Josette's room before the experiment is incredible.