Author Topic: Robservations 7/24/02 - #574/575 - Ang Formulates Her Own Agenda  (Read 1369 times)

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574 - (Lara Parker) - The night is silent and seemingly peaceful. Those who live in the great house at Collinwood are unaware of the drama that is unfolding not far away. In a majestic old house by the sea, an evil woman, curse to live only by night, waits for a man she has summoned-- and in a cottage on the other side of Collinsport, a young woman will soon make a heartbreaking discovery.

Blair House - Angelique gazes out the window, waiting impatiently for Joe to arrive.

Evans cottage - Nicholas turns on the light, and Maggie sees that Joe is gone! "No, no," she mutters.

Nicholas comforts a crying Maggie. She doesn't know what else to do--everything seems to be falling apart. He suggests Joe went for a walk. He seemed so anxious to stay here last night, sobs Maggie, seemed almost afraid to leave--why did he leave? Where did he go?

Angelique spots Joe heading towards the house and opens the door to meet him. He looks sick. She hugs his shoulder--she's been waiting for him. He knows, he says, but he didn't want to come here. But you couldn't resist, could you? she asks. He tried. She says he's where he belongs now, with her. She takes his hand and leads him into the drawing room.

Nicholas continues to comfort Maggie. He asks what makes her think something is wrong with Joe. There has to be, she says, he never behaved this way. It takes time to change, suggests Nicholas. Maggie said it began soon after he left the hospital. She thought the concussion could have caused it, but he insisted her questions upset him, as though she implied he had permanent brain damage.
I'm not a doctor and can never know the truth, says Nicholas, perhaps Joe is fearful of going to the hospital and finding out--I feel sorry for him. Maggie says Joe is allowing it to affect his health, his job, and he isn't being very kind to her--she wants to help him. Nicholas says it might be terrible stress because of something or someone. Someone? Maggie wonders--perhaps he's interested in another woman and can't tell her. Joe doesn't sound like that kind of person, says Nicholas. He hasn't been himself for two weeks, says Maggie, and there must be a reason--and if he doesn't tell her the reason soon, she adds, it will be too late.

Ang observes how unfriendly Joe is, and he says he doesn't want to be here. You can't resist, she says, so accept it. He asks her to let him go back to Maggie. She refuses. She needs him. What for? he asks. I like you, she says. You're just using me, says Joe.
That isn't true, she says, and even if she weren't what she is, she'd still like him--she wants him to try to like her just a little. He refuses. She reminds him that she could force him to like her. He knows that, but she says she'd rather let him decide that for himself. He gets up--it's time for him to leave. SHE will decide when it's time for him to leave, says Ang. He points out the sun will be rising soon. She agrees--you will be waiting for me tomorrow night when I wake up--won't you? He doesn't know. Perhaps this will help him not to forget, she suggests and, her face filled with lust, she approaches him, mouth wide open, her fangs exposed.

Joe sits in his room with a bottle of booze. Maggie knocks, but he doesn't want to answer the door. He reluctantly does, and she sees how terrible he looks. He isn't in shape for talking, he says, and asks her to go home. She demands he tell her what's happening, but he can't. Why? she asks--you aren't making sense. Joe says little has made sense for the past few weeks. She opens the shade, and he begs her to close it, covering his face. He doesn't want the shade up, the sun hurts his eyes. She closes the shade and asks if there's something wrong with his eyes. She wants him to go back to the hospital, but he's in such bad shape, he rubs his unshaven face and can't even pay attention to her. Is there someone else? she asks, another girl? He never thought the time would come she'd ask him something like that, he says, but she persists--is there or not? He swears there isn't. If he's afraid to tell her. . .what's wrong? she begs. He asks her to leave him alone and starts to pour another drink, which she takes away from him. Why did she have to come to him? he asks.
I can't go home and just forget you, she protests--your boss called me this morning--he wanted to know if I knew where you were--he couldn't reach you on the phone. She was very upset to hear how many days Joe had missed in the past two weeks--you must go see him. I can't, protests Joe. Maggie says his boss threatened to fire him if he doesn't report to work or at least call him--you would be saving your job, she says. Joe says he can't speak to his boss anymore than he can speak to her--he doesn't know what to say. You won't even call and tell your boss you're sick? asks Maggie. No, says Joe. This really upsets her. "Not as sorry as I am," she says, "not nearly as sorry as I am. Goodbye, Joe." She takes her purse and leaves Joe sitting on his bed, his forehead pressed against one of the four-posters. (This was very, very sad. Ang and Nick suck!)

Maggie has wrapped up Nicholas' painting and has it ready when Willie knocks at her door. He just stopped by to talk to her. She is expecting someone, she says, so she has little time. He asks to come back tomorrow, and his sad demeanor makes her pull him by the hand into the house. They could both use the company, they agree. Willie needs to get him mind off things. He can't explain, things just aren't going the way he'd hoped--he came back, he thought all would be OK, but it's all going wrong--so many weird things at the Old House, sometimes he thinks everyone is going crazy, including Barnabas and Julia. She asks what he means, but before he answers, Nicholas stops by. She introduces Willie to Nicholas, and Willie nervously says he'd better be going--he'll come by tomorrow. She agrees. At the door, Willie says, "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Blair," as though he doesn't mean it at all. Maggie tells Nicholas she has his painting ready. He asks if that wasn't Barnabas' servant, and she says yes. Nicholas met him once at Collinwood. Maggie wonders why Willie didn't remember him, and he suggests Willie is (touching his head) "an odd one." Maggie chuckles at this description, and says Willie has a tendency to be obscure--he just told her things were going wrong at the Old House. Oh, asks Nicholas, pretending indifference. He asks about the painting. He wants to get it back to his house before dark, and disappoints her by saying he can't stay for coffee. He has company coming at 8, and wants to have the painting on display by then. He grins, big, suggesting she might have a new market for Sam's paintings. She tells him she hopes to find a way to thank him, and he says he should be thanking her--for this, and for the pleasure of her friendship. Now that their business transaction is over with, he asks her to call him Nicholas. She agrees, and grins at him as he kisses her hand and promises to see her again soon. He leaves, hat, gloves and painting clutched in the same hand, and Maggie smiles as she closes the door behind him.

Nicholas and Angelique at home - Ang notes that he's looking at the clock a lot. He has an appointment shortly, he says, and she asks if he needs her help. Not tonight, he says. How are your plans going? she asks--they aren't going badly, are they? (don't you get the feeling that she's delighted at the prospect that things aren't going Nicholas' way?) They aren't progressing as quickly as he'd hoped? He wonders about all this curiosity, but she says she was thinking about the experiment, remembering Lang's tape--they never found out the meaning of the message on the tape--is that the reason why Barnabas' plans aren't progressing? He grins and suggests she tend to her own business and let him worry about it. The clock chimes and he tells her to go to her room. She complains she gets so bored, but he opens the door and ushers her out. Nicholas looks in his magic mirror, "Cast your reflection away from this room, away from this house." He finds Willie sleeping in his room and awakens him. "Tell me what I wish to know." Willie hears a voice and asks who it is. Nicholas orders him to stay where he is, answer his questions and relax. Nicholas questions him about the experiment, and Willie sleepily reveals they've been having problems down at the lab--Barnabas, Julia and Jeff Clark. Nicholas asks what role Barnabas and Julia played in the first experiment, and Willie says Barnabas provided the life force for Adam. What does life force mean, asks Nicholas, but Willie doesn't know--they strapped Barnabas to one table and Adam to the other, then drained all the life force from Barnabas and put it into Adam. That's how Adam came to life, explains Willie from Dreamland.
So, Nicholas realizes, they need a life force for the second experiment, but they haven't found anyone yet. No, says Willie. Nicholas sends Willie off to sleep-- when he awakens, he'll remember it as nothing more than a curious dream. [spoiler](Willie is sleeping in the same narrow brass bed in which Catherine and Bramwell will later conceive their child.)[/spoiler]

Nicholas turns away from the mirror, triumphant. So that's how it's done! Draining the life force from someone into the body of the creature. Well, now, that changes the picture entirely, says Nicholas, smiling. Angelique, who has been listening to the entire episode, covers her mouth as though this has huge meaning for her, too!

NOTES: Both Ang and Nick now know a life force is needed, and we can bet they have entirely different ideas of who should serve as that life force--opposing ideas! This battle should prove fascinating.

Maggie has more or less severed her ties with Joe--she tried her best to help him, but he wasn't accepting her help, and now it looks like Angelique has him, at least through their blood bond if no other. He's miserable and still wants Maggie, but it's as if his Ang's lust for him is stronger than his own feelings for Maggie. Pity, too!

Poor Willie, interrupted in his sleep by Nicholas, fishing for information. He got everything he n needed, but then again, Willie never was good at keeping secrets--except for the biggest of all--Barnabas'!

You'd think Nicholas' charm would be enough to entice Maggie away from Joe, but he has to make sure the odds are totally in his favor and knock his competition right out of the ring. I detested watching the breakup of this sweet, genuine pair.

575 - (Alexandra Moltke) - Those who live in the great house of Collinwood are unaware that their collective fate depends upon the success of a strange experiment soon to be conducted in the Old House. Not far from Collinwood, in a house by the sea, a man has just learned of a way to insure the experiment's success. He does not know that a woman has also learned the secret and will try to use it to her own evil advantage.

Angelique joins Nicholas and asks if she can stay with him, for a while. Sure, he says, he wants to speak to her anyway, about his plans and why they weren't moving as rapidly as he wished--he knows more than he did before, as in why her curse on Barnabas failed, and how he survived it.

Angelique is anxious to know, of course, and he explains about Lang's taped message--if the experiment succeeded, Adam would drain Barnabas of his affliction, which is exactly what happened. That's what Barnabas did--he provided the life force. Angelique doesn't understand. In the strictest sense, says Nick, Lang put together a human body, which in itself was incredible, except he needed to imbue that body with the spark of life, which is one thing he couldn't do alone. He found the way to take the life force from a living human being and place it into the inanimate human body he created. The experiment succeeded, Barn was drained of his affliction, rendering him immune to her curse--that's why Barnabas and Adam can't survive without each other. That's incredible, comments Ang. Nick realizes the second experiment has been delayed because they must find someone to be the life force. Nicholas doesn't want them to find just anyone; he's going to provide them with the life force himself. Why? she asks. He still has difficulty controlling Adam at all times, he has a strong mind and willpower, but if he, Nicholas, had been in control of the life force he received, he would be his complete slave now. So that's why you want to provide the mate's life force, asks Ang. Yes, says Nick, if he controls her, he will let her handle Adam--the question is, who shall I choose? Angelique asks what kind of woman he wants. The most evil woman that ever lived, he says, and Ang seems to take that as a compliment to her. Someone like Lucrezia Borgia, says Nick, smiling, deliberately insulting her, but she asks if he doesn't want someone living. The spirit of evil can be made to live again, he says. He could bring Lucrezia back to life, sure, just long enough for the experiment to be completed. She says he seems to have it all worked out. Ms. Borgia isn't exactly what he wants, says Nicholas. She anxiously asks who he DOES want. He suggests the Countess Elizabeth Bathory. Ang, again disappointed, says she was a vile woman, and Nicholas says ambitious, conniving, devious, cunning, decadent-- and beautiful! Angelique says she'll leave him to his little games; she's going to her room--what's happening here has nothing to do with her. It could have everything to do with you, says Nicholas, and you know it--Remember, you, like Barnabas, could benefit from this new experiment-- get rid of YOUR affliction. He grins, knowing she's already thought of that. Why shouldn't I, she asks, I want to be free. Find some other way, he orders. She says if he uses her as the life force, he won't have anything to worry about, to which he retorts, "Angelique, with you, I ALWAYS have something to worry about!" (LOL!)
He says she is to have nothing to do with the experiment--is that clear? Yes, she says, floating off, but she pauses in the hall, in the light, looking very pissed indeed.

Old House basement - equipment is blinking reds and greens, the closest we'll ever get to Christmas. Jeff leads Stokes down into the basement and Stokes admits Barnabas didn't know he was coming. Jeff realizes he shouldn't have brought him here. Stokes tells him to relax--he knows about the experiment's "whys" and that Jeff is involved--Julia told him, one of the few things she has in recent months. Looking at his eye in a magnifier, Stokes asks how the electrical stuff functions. Jeff explains they installed a generator. Stokes comments on Julia's wonderful job, and notes that Jeff doesn't sound enthusiastic. It's a matter of life and death, says Stokes, as Jeff comments how disgusting it all is. Stokes looks under the sheet at the body. Truly incredible, he remarks, that on that table an inanimate body will be brought to life. Adam comes downstairs and demands to know what Stokes is doing there. I came to see Barnabas, says Stokes. Adam tells him Barnabas isn't there. Jeff looks at the big guy with horror. Why isn't Barnabas here? asks Adam. Adam recognizes Jeff as Vicki's friend, and Jeff explains Barn and Julia went to Collinsport. And left you alone? asks Adam. Yes. Why isn't Julia here working? demands Adam. Jeff, gazing in amazement at Adam, says HE is conducting this portion of the experiment. He tells Adam he still finds it hard to believe that what Lang put together they actually brought to life--and that he helped him. This news surprises Adam. Jeff says he was his graverobber, and Adam asks him to explain. Jeff, amused, asks if he doesn't know where his parts came from. An angry Adam demands an explanation as Stokes snaps at Jeff that he's said enough--I already told Adam how he came to be. Jeff thinks Adam should know how revolting and disgusting he really is. Adam insists on hearing.
Jeff tells Adam he robbed graves, dug up dead bodies, arms, legs, and brought them to Lang, night after night, and Adam is that rotten collection of death. Adam asks Stokes if that's the truth, and Jeff screams that he sure is--he didn't take a nice clean slab of flesh and carve him out of it. Adam looks miserable to hear this. Jeff takes a sharp knife into his hand and says there are lots of ways it can be undone. He attacks Adam with it and they struggle. Adam takes it out of Jeff's hand and holds it on him. "You wanted to kill me? Now YOU will die!" cries Adam. Stokes tells him to stop, but Adam orders him to stay out of it. Julia and Barnabas need Jeff's help, warns Stokes, and if anything happens to Jeff, the experiment may be delayed. This gets through to Adam, who pushes Jeff away from him and down to the floor. Jeff knocks down some stuff with a lot of noise and nearly knocks down a lit candle. Jeff, rubbing his head, says he should thank Stokes. And the latter suggests he remember what's at stake. Yes, I should, agrees Jeff, who grabs his jacket and says he's going to Collinwood, but will be back. Infuriated, Adam asks Stokes what else has to be done here. Stokes doesn't know, but they still have a long way to go. Adam wants Stokes to go to Collinwood and demand that Jeff come back. Stokes tells Adam to be reasonable, and, growing bitter and sad, Adam asks who's been reasonable with him? "Who cares for me? If I died tonight, who would say a kind word for me, cry for me? No one, Professor, no one." Adam looks at the draped body and says that someday soon, a body will come to life who will. "I want her. I need her and I will have her," he says determinedly, and asks if Stokes will go get Jeff or does he have to drag him back? Stokes doesn't answer, but he heads upstairs. (You have to feel sad for Adam, who does have a valid point. And Jeff is simply a doo-doo head.)

At Collinwood, Jeff paces the foyer. Stokes comes in and asks Jeff is he's seen Vicki? We're getting ready to go out, says Jeff, but Stokes tells him what Adam has demanded. Too bad, says Jeff, but he hasn't seen Vicki for days--go back and tell Adam he's done giving Vicki excuses. Stokes tells him he's in no position to make Adam angrier. Jeff promised to come back, but not until after he takes Vicki out. Stokes tells him Adam might be hovering near the house and if he doesn't come back, he and Vicki might be in grave danger. Jeff calls it insanity, but Stokes says the pressure will be off once the experiment is finished. If Adam gets the mate he wants, he'll go away. Jeff says there's no guarantee he'll keep his word, but Stokes feels he will. Jeff asks Stokes what happens if the experiment fails, and Stokes advises they all think in terms of success. That's great, says Jeff sarcastically, except there's one final thing he's forgetting--Lang is the only one who understood the experiment. Dr. Hoffman finished the first one, points out Stokes. Yes, but after Lang set up all the groundwork, replies Jeff--Julia just pulled the right switches. Vicki comes downstairs and warmly greets Stokes, who claims to have come to see Barnabas. Stokes wishes Barn would get a phone, bur Vicki doubts he'll succumb to modern conveniences. Jeff, who has been standing and thinking over what Stokes said, turns when Vicki calls him. He tells Stokes to go along and asks to speak to Vicki. Adam glares in through the window, watching what is to transpire, and Jeff spots him.

When Vicki joins Jeff in the drawing room, Adam hides. Jeff tells Vicki he must cancel tonight, puzzling her. Why did he change his mind? She asks. He says he's tired, shot, but she says he was feeling fine when he came in--you were too busy last night and the night before, she reminds him, wounded. Over Vicki's shoulder, Jeff spots Adam beginning to crawl through the window. I was working, says Jeff quickly, and I'm tired tonight.
She asks if something else is wrong; they aren't seeing much of each other. He assures her all is fine, he really loves her, and he kisses her lengthily to prove it. He promises to get lots of sleep tonight--he'll call her in the morning, he loves her, and he gazes at Adam defensively over Vicki's shoulder before he leaves. Vicki looks dejectedly after her departed fiance.

Angelique enters the living room at Blair house, looks for Nicholas. then leaves the house. Jeff checks the body and looks at a clipboard he has in his hand. We see Angelique reflected in a small round mirror above the table (blooper alert). "Good evening," she says to Jeff. Startled, he asks how she got in and who she is. She says her name isn't important, she's here to help with the experiment. She knows he's Jeff Clark from Adam's description; she promised Adam she'd help him when his mate is ready. Jeff says she looks familiar, but she assures himthey've never met. He doesn't understand why no one told him she was supposed to help with the experiment, and he says they'll find out right now.
She stares intensely at him and he asks why she's looking at him like that. He seems embarrassed as she reaches out her hand to his neck, then darts forward and puts her special love bite on him!

NOTES: Roger Davis wasn't half bad today, one of his better performances for sure. He seemed more subdued somehow, but Jeff really was a fool insisting on riling up Adam, who doesn't need to be further infuriated. Jeff knows Vicki's life hangs in the balance, so why does he feel compelled to piss the big fella off?

Apparently Nicholas is right--he can't trust Ang and must worry about her constantly. Here she is, ready to "help" with the experiment, which we're sure means she's going to insist on being the life force so she can be human again. We can only imagine the trouble that would ensue if she is successful. She's already bucking Nick's orders as a vampire--and what will become of her plans for Barnabas if her essence is inside a different body?

As always, delightful, wicked banter between Ang and Nick. These two make quite the evil, satanic pair!

Love, Robin


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Re:Robservations 7/24/02 - #574/575 - Ang Formulates Her Own Agenda
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2004, 10:11:14 PM »
DVD episodes for March 30th and 31st.

The 1st and 2nd episodes on Set#10/Disc#1 (1st and 2nd episodes on MPI tape Volume #69)