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Today's Eps. - 7/24  
« on: July 25, 2002, 03:35:27 AM »
I was less than thrilled with today's episodes, but I've seen far worse. Maybe it was that I had to watch the show at work and really couldn't concentrate on them wholeheartedly.

Okay, does anyone really believe that Willie sleeps in his pajamas? Apparently he does but I'd've pegged Willie as the kind of guy that sleeps nude. (Wishfull thinking I suppose - YEAH BAYBE!!!)

Willie's "conversation" with Nicholas cracked me up one side and down the other. I think any other character, or actor for that matter, would have played the scene with a trance-like voice. But no, not our dear Willie Loomis. He sounded almost childlike, which I must admit worked very well with those PJs.

While I'm on the subject of Willie...Did you catch Maggie's reference to Willie as being "obscure"? She was speaking to Nicholas, who added that he thought Willie was a little "odd" up here (as he pointed to his own head). I was thinking that Willie is one of the only normal people in Collinsport! Poor Willie never catches a break.

Did anyone find it odd that Willie would go to Maggie to talk to in the first place? I just starting watching the show on Sci-Fi regularly a few days ago so I am wondering if I should really find it odd or not. I think I did catch an episode a while back where Willie tried to ask Maggie out on a date, but I can't be sure it was her, as it appears that she is still dating Joe. If someone can help me out on this I'd appreciate it.

And why Nicholas just didn't wipe out Willie's complete memory of the "conversation" I will never figure out. My first thought after Nicholas told him that he would remember it as just a weird dream was that Willie will eventually mention it to Julia or Barnabas, helping to cement their suspicions about Nicholas. I have seen these episodes before but honestly, I don't remember all the details. Time will tell I guess.

If you would have told me that Roger Davis had a chin to rival that of Jay Leno I never would have believed you.

I rather enjoyed Nick & Angie's scene today when he was explaining to her the whole Barnabas/Adam thang. I admit it was kind of corny but I loved Angie's looks of hopefulness that she might be the woman to give life-force to Eve. And her looks of disappointment when the Nickster kept shooting her down by mentioning other notorious women. When he mentioned some woman's name (that I didn't recognize as familiar) and Ange said, "I hated her!" (or something to that effect). I laughed out loud. It was a priceless quip. And that smug look on her face when he mentioned using the most evil woman that ever lived (sorry I don't remember the exact line) and she was so sure that he was speaking of her. Too much!!!

I had to roll my eyes twice today when both Nicholas and Angelique had to have the meaning of "life-force" explained to them. I mean really. You'd think if anyone would know what a life-force was it would be a witch and a warlock!

You think Maggie got over Joe like real quick or what?

What a treat to see Thayer David as Professor Stokes today. I relished every line he spoke in every scene he was in. I most enjoyed his conversation with Vicki (yes, today I am spelling it with a "c"). I really should try and locate my MPI tapes so I can start quoting lines and conversations. The chatter between Stokes and Vicki about Barnabas' refusal to accept today's modern conveniences was fabulous. And superbly executed.

Jeff Clark is a prick.

I found Joe's stubborn resistance to Angelique quite refreshing and very in character. I love it when characters act as I think they would in a given situation. I get very distracted when what's going on doesn't make a lot of sense to me in the context of the show.

Robert Rodan is quite menacing as Adam, don't you think? That voice! That posture!  Those stitches!!!

I hate Adam.


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Re: Today's Eps. - 7/24  
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2002, 03:53:22 AM »

Did anyone find it odd that Willie would go to Maggie to talk to in the first place? I just starting watching the show on Sci-Fi regularly a few days ago so I am wondering if I should really find it odd or not. I think I did catch an episode a while back where Willie tried to ask Maggie out on a date, but I can't be sure it was her, as it appears that she is still dating Joe. If someone can help me out on this I'd appreciate it.

Hi Dom - I really enjoyed reading your comments. RE: Willie and Maggie - Willie has been suffering from a case of "puppy love" for Maggie for quite awhile now. When he was first released from Wyndcliff he made a beeline to her door, hoping to explain that he had not been the one responsible for her kidnapping/memory loss incident, as everyone assumed (including her). Later, he stole Josette's earrings from the cache of hidden jewels in the Old House basement cell room where Adam was imprisoned and anonymously slipped them into Maggie's purse. This served to awaken repressed memories in her, and later she felt oddly compelled to visit the Old House.

At that point she realized Willie wasn't the man who had kidnapped her, although she still couldn't put her finger on who was responsible (Duh, Maggie, who else lives in the Old House?) and realized Willie had come to warn her she was in danger that fateful night he got shot by the police and wound up in the sanitarium. Willie asked if they could be friends and she replied "Yes." I think Willie pinned a little too much hope on this casual friendship; Barnabas has chided him about his unrequited love for Maggie, and he still dreams of being with her some day.


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Re: Today's Eps. - 7/24  
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2002, 06:14:37 AM »
Willie asked if they could be friends and she replied "Yes." I think Willie pinned a little too much hope on this casual friendship; Barnabas has chided him about his unrequited love for Maggie, and he still dreams of being with her some day.

Well said, Chris.  I am always touched by this side of Willie -- a credit to John Karlen's brilliance in developing an unlikely dimension of his character.  He  believably infused a childlike innocence into a ne'er-do-well petty thief.  

Karlen's sensitivity also made me feel sorry for Willie during earlier storylines when Barnabas was especially condescending toward him.    :(


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Re: Today's Eps. - 7/24  
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2002, 07:51:17 AM »

Thanks for clearing up the Maggie/Willie relationship for me, Chris!
