Author Topic: Robservations 7/11/02 - #556/557 - Adam's Ultimatum  (Read 1689 times)

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Robservations 7/11/02 - #556/557 - Adam's Ultimatum
« on: July 10, 2002, 08:29:58 PM »
556 - Angelique sits up in her coffin, opens her gorgeous eyes and stares around, realizing what has happened to her. Upstairs in Nicholas' house, looking stunning in black and white, she asks him why he made her a vampire. You were a nuisance as Cassandra, he answers, smirking--but may be useful to me this way.
You can't be this cruel, she says, I'd have preferred death to this. Nicholas, grinning wickedly, says Barnabas Collins probably felt the same way a number of times. She's pissed at him for the grin, chastising him for torturing her, but he says he enjoys the irony of poetic justice. She was so anxious to make Barnabas revert to what he was and now she has his affliction--that's poetic justice. He tells her she may stay as she is indefinitely, and is irritated when she begs him, "Please!" He finds begging so boring. She says this isn't fair, but he says as Cassandra she never helped, she was always a hindrance who disobeyed him. How can I redeem myself? she asks. Follow my orders, he says--you are totally my slave and will do only what I tell you. She agrees. He will choose her victims, and she won't attack anyone unless her tells her to. She must resist the blood craving, he warns--she is to stay away from Barnabas or suffer the consequences. He's concerned about Barnabas because of Adam, because of his plan. When she asks about his plan, he informs her slaves aren't supposed to ask questions. Angelique apologizes. He decides to share it with her because even thinking about it pleases him (such ego!). He's going to create a race of superbeings who will serve his master and control the world. He knows where the power is. Adam came to exist as a human being created by another human being, just as Adam was the first of his kind. Nicholas uses a scale to show her what he means. He will set the balance on his side. The original Adam had sons, borne to him by Eve. All of HIS Adam and Eve's children will be controlled by their master, just as Adam is controlled by Nicholas. Angelique points out that this Adam exists alone. True, says Nicholas, but Julia Hoffman does know, and Barnabas will persuade her to go ahead with another experiment. If they refuse, asks Angelique. They will agree, Nicholas assures her confidently, because control is mine, the power belongs to me--Victoria Winters. He dumps the remaining coins on one side of the scale, sending it plunging down on HIS side.

In the room, Vicki bangs on the door, crying for help, and finally sinks to the floor in depair, crying.

Angelique answers a knock at the door. It's a really cute member of the Collinsport Police Force, asking to see Nicholas. She invites him in, explaining how busy Nicholas is. She tells the cop she's Nicholas' "secretary", and he says he has questions about Thomas Jennings. Oh, the fellow who was attacked, says Ang, she read of it in the paper, and it was dreadful. She knew him slightly--he did some work for Mr. Blair, some electrical wiring and was working there the night he was attacked. (Angelique is checking this guy out like a box of chocolate, her eyes huge and hungry.)
He notices her scrutiny and mentions it; she apologizes. She says she was doing so because he's so handsome. She sits on the sofa, and he tells her she's the best looking secretary he's ever seen. She invites him to sit next to her, pointing out that they're obviously attracted to each other. He sits, she reaches a hand up to his shoulder, then another, and is going in for a bite when Nicholas interrupts. Like a teenage girl caught making whoopee on the sofa, Angelique hastily covers her mouth while the cop explains he came to ask about Mr. Jennings, who is still alive, in a coma, but not expected to live. Nicholas says he's sorry to hear that, and Ang looks uncomfortable. The cop asks what time Tom left the house, and Nicholas says 8:30, quarter to nine. He didn't mention meeting anyone and left alone, saying he'd return the next day. The cops thanks him for his time, and Nicholas assures him he's at his disposal if necessary. The cop leaves and Nicholas tells her what she was about to do would have been a bad mistake. I didn't do it, she says, Bart Simpson--like, and he points out that's only because he stopped her. The temptation was overpowering, she complains, but he reminds her of the rules. He tips up her face and says, "You disobeyed me the first chance you got." She asks what he's going to do, and he says he could deny her her coffin, forcing her to face the sunrise, but he won't do that--he'll forgive her, but only because he has something for her to do, and if she EVER disobeys him again. . .she says she'll do whatever he asks. He orders her to go see Vicki--and make it a terrifying experience!

Vicki lies on the bed, sobbing. The door opens and Angelique, dressed in 18th century garb, enters the room. "So we meet again," says Ang. You aren't real, assets Vicki. Ang assures her she is quite real. It isn't possible, you're dead, protests Vicki. Ang giggles--she isn't a ghost, and asks Vicki to touch her and prove she's made of flesh and blood. She takes Vicki's hand, proving her ghost is flesh and blood. You are real, says Vicki, but you died in 1795--is it possible?--have I gone back in time again and am living in 1795. It's possible, says Ang, and might be true. Ang can't tell Vicki why she's there or who is keeping her. It must be a dream protests Vicki, but I can't wake up. Ang says it's no dream, she really exists in this place--perhaps you're lost in a void in time suggests Ang, caught between present and past but belonging to neither.
Vicki refuses to believe this. Ang says she's come to help her escape. Vicki wonders why, considering how vicious and cruel Ang has always been to her. Huffy, Ang starts to leave, but Vicki says she'll accept anyone's help. Angelique demands Vicki's engagement ring; she'll take it to the man she loves, and through it, he will find her. Vicki refuses, and Ang says she can't help her--and she's the only one who can. Vicki asks where she's going--why would Ang take her ring if she isn't trying to help her? Angelique explains she doesn't exist in time, and wordily possessions mean nothing to her. Vicki fears she wants it because it's her last link with reality, and refuses to give it up. So be it, say Ang, turning to leave. She won't come back, and neither will anyone else--Vicki will face eternity in the room because she refused her help. She bids Vicki goodbye and says she pities her. Vicki tells her to wait, and says that while she still doesn't trust her, if there's one chance in a million she's telling the truth. . .reluctantly, she drops her cherished ring into Ang's hand. The man you love will find you, Ang assures her. Yes, give it to Jeff, begs Vicki, so he'll know I'm alive. This name is strange to Ang, who tells her Jeff Clark doesn't exist, only Peter Bradford. Ang takes the ring, leaves, and locks her in. Vicki bangs at the door, begging her to explain--tell me what you mean--you have to explain it to me! She hears only Angelique's cruel laughter, mocking her.

Nicholas walks through the woods, calling for Adam, who appears beside him. Nicholas orders him to go to Barnabas, tell him he's holding Vicki, and he must go ahead with the experiment or Vicki will die. He gives him the engagement ring as proof they are holding her--once Barnabas sees it, he will surely go ahead with the experiment.

Barnabas sits at home, reading, wondering where Vicki is and what's happening to her. Is she still alive? She's got to be! Adam appears in the room and tells him they'll talk. Barnabas demands to know where Vicki is, and Adam assures him she's safe. He won't tell him where she is, but he gives him her engagement ring, proving he knows her whereabouts. She's still alive, for now, says Adam. You can't hurt Vicki, protests Barnabas, she's done nothing to you. But you have, says Adam, by refusing to do as I ask. Barnabas says it's impossible, he can't create a mate. "You made me live," points out Adam. I had very little to do with it, says Barnabas, Lang created him, Julia completed the experiment that gave him life. Then Julia can do it, says Adam, but Barnabas says she won't even think about it. Then Victoria Winters will die, insists Adam. Barnabas argues with him--he can't do that, Vicki is innocent. "You love her!" accuses Adam, and Barnabas retorts, "You can't kill Vicki simply because you hate me. Kill me." No, says Adam, he wants him to be lonely always, and if refuses to create a mate for him, Barnabas, too, will be lonely always. (I guess Nicholas hasn't mentioned that a man can love another if the first love dies, a definite blank in his education.) Barnabas tells Adam he cannot do this.
Decide, orders Adam, by tomorrow night, or Victoria Winters will die. "Adam!" calls Barnabas. "Adam!!" But the big guy leaves Daddy alone, contemplating Vicki's engagement ring.

NOTES: Nicholas isn't very smart, and it appears that Angelique already is easily fooling him, apologizing for being bad, but still fully intending to be bad. His trusting her AGAIN, giving her guidelines under which she must live as a vampire, will prove to be the worst mistake he ever makes.

Adam is so obnoxious now. I liked him innocent, yearning for Carolyn.

Clever way to get Vicki to give up her engagement ring, huh? Send in Angelique to confuse the already-confused girl, then get the proof they need that Adam is holding her. The ball is in Barn's court now.

557 - Barnabas soberly gazes at Vicki's ring, then calls to Adam to come back. Adam does so. Barnabas asks if he knows where Vicki is. Adam will only say the ring proves he is holding her. Barnabas says he can't give him an answer now, and Adam follows him into the house and slams the door. He asks him if he loves Vicki, to which Barn replies of course--that's why you kidnapped her--what you're doing is monstrous, adds Barn. Adam feels it's fair. Barnabas loves and can be loved, and Adam wants the same--what would Barnabas' life be like without love, asks Adam, to be alone and lonely, and not wanted by anyone--"then think of Vicki, and you will give me what I want or never see her again!"

Barnabas sits in his usual chair, miserable. Julia stops by and says he looks exhausted. I've been up all night, explains Barnabas, who tells her that being rid of Cassandra hasn't ended their problems; they're just beginning. He tells her about Adam's threat--he has Vicki and will kill her if they don't create a mate for him. They have no choice, insists Barnabas, but Julia says they can't. She knows he's worried about Vicki, but another experiment is out of the question. You did it before, points out Barn, but Julia says she merely finished what Lang had started. Barn reminds her she has Lang's journals, but Julia says she wouldn't do the experiment if she could. Look at what Adam has done--the thought of a mate for him is frightening, says Julia, they'd be responsible for creating a race of monsters.
Then you are willing to let Vicki die? asks Barnabas. Julia wants them to learn who put Adam up to this. Who? Stokes or Nicholas, suggests Julia, but Barnabas doubts Stokes is responsible. Julia knows they took Adam in, protected him--but why? They should visit Stokes and check it out. Barnabas wants Julia to take care of other problems--such as Tom Jennings--while he goes to see Stokes. Barnabas tried to visit Jennings in order to look at the wound on his throat, but wasn't allowed in. They both know what the man is suffering from, but Julia says the thought of a vampire is too terrifying to contemplate. When that man dies, says Barnabas, he will become a vampire, which will result in the whole town being in trouble. Barnabas figures with Julia being a doctor, they will let her see Tom, so he sends her on her way. There is a knock at the door before Julia leaves. It's Jeff, who insists Barnabas speak to him--about Adam.

Barnabas admits to knowing the name Adam. Jeff comes in and Barnabas tells Julia to go on. Jeff wants her to stay, but Barnabas says she must go. It will only take a moment, says Jeff, who is staring at him. He wonders why they aren't asking about Vicki. Jeff explains that early this morning, one of the sheriff's men saw a man resembling Adam running through the woods. Jeff knows of Adam and some of what he's done, but it has occurred to him that this Adam could possibly be Lang's creation. That man was superhuman, as Adam is reputed to be, and when Lang died, there were no accounts in the papers of a body being found in his lab. Either someone took the body or someone finished the experiment for Lang and brought his creation to life. Jeff knows they were involved in the experiment, so. . .?
Barnabas denies they finished the experiment. Jeff says if Adam is Lang's creation, he could be the reasons Vicki's missing, making them responsible. Barnabas says Jeff's first theory is the correct one--they disposed of the body after Lang's death, burying it in an unmarked grave. Jeff says it's weird Adam fits the description of the man Lang made. Jeff reminds them Adam escaped jail, leaped from Widows Hill, survived a gunshot wound, killed Sam Evans and nearly killed Joe Haskell--quite a track record for an ordinary human being! screams Jeff. Barnabas again assures him Adam isn't Lang's creation. Jeff says he has no choice but to believe them, but his tone belies what he says. He must see Adam himself, says Jeff, one good, close look, and he'll know if the man is Lang's creation. Jeff leaves Barnabas and Julia staring at each other in concern.

Stokes is reading, monocle in his eye, when someone knocks at the door. "Go away, go away, there is no one at home," he mutters (LOL, love this man!), then, when the knocking continues, says, "Damnation." It's Barnabas. Stokes knows he'll come in even if he says no. Stokes wishes Barnabas had called; he detests unannounced visitors. We need your help, says Barnabas, which has a familiar, unpleasant ring to Stokes. Barn tells him of Vicki's disappearance. Stokes is surprised. Do you know what's happened to her? asks Barnabas. Stokes suggests he's taken leave of his senses. Barnabas wants to bring everything out into the open, and Stokes demands to know what he's talking about. Vicki has been abducted by Adam and is being held prisoner, reveals Barnabas. This stuns Stokes--why? Barnabas asks if he knows, but Stokes assures him he doesn't. Barnabas says Stokes could be poisoning Adam's mind--he did hide him and teach him, after all. Stokes doesn't deny this, he felt sorry for Adam, and more important, he had faith in his potential for learning. His aim was to broaden Adam's mind, not poison it. Stokes confesses he did tell Adam of his origins, and Barnabas informs him that Adam now expects Barnabas to provide him a mate. Stokes asks Barnabas if he didn't have some basis for thinking Barnabas created him, but Barn says it's too complex to explain. Stokes says that's usually true in matters concerning Barnabas, who is very miserly with his information (get him, TS!). The point is, says Barnabas, that Adam has abducted Vicki and threatened to kill her if he doesn't meet his demands. Stokes says he never anticipated this, and admits he's partly responsible for what happened. There was no evil plot, but he did tell Adam the truth about his origins--because he felt he had to know. Why, asks Barnabas, but Stokes says he can't tell. Barnabas says he had better, but Stokes reminds him that considering his and Julia's lack of cooperation in the past, it's ungracious of Barn to demand answers from him now. Stokes is aware of the danger Vicki is in, and promises to see to it that she isn't harmed. Stokes admits to knowing where Adam is, but won't tell--I have a better chance of getting through to Adam than you do. Barn will go to the Old House and wait for Stokes to speak to Adam.
Stokes adds to bear in mind that if he and Julia were the only ones involved, he'd allow them to stew in their own juices, but he does want to help Vicki. If the situation has gotten too far out of hand, warns Stokes, his best may not be good enough.

Collinwood - Stokes goes to Adam's room. Adam asks what he wants and Stokes says he must speak to him. Stokes asks him where Vicki is, but Adam denies even knowing her. Stokes tells him not to deny it, he knows what Adam wants and what he's done to get it. He taught him it was wrong to lie, why is he lying now. Adam denies lying, but Stokes says he doubts Barnabas would fabricate such a story and told him everything. "Barnabas will be sorry!" says Adam through gritted teeth, but Stokes reminds him that hurting the innocent is wrong. Adam feels getting what he wants is all that's important, and Stokes asks him if the end justifies the means--he never taught him that. There are many things the professor didn't teach or tell him, accuses Adam. Stokes asks where Vicki is, but Adam refuses to tell him. He assures him she's safe. Stokes says sooner or later the police will find Vicki, and Adam asks him if he's going to the police--he'll hurt him if. . . Use your head, begs Stokes, remember what I taught you. He can't go to the police, or he'll be placing Vicki's life in more danger than it is now. Adam admits that's true and tells Stokes to leave. Stokes notices a remarkable change in Adam--what caused it? Stokes himself, by what he told him, says Adam. No, says Stokes, I didn't make you depressed or embittered, and don't believe what I told you would have turned you into a cynical, scheming person--who else has been guiding you, telling you things that will harm you? He's only talked to Carolyn, says Adam, but Stokes accuses him of lying again. "Goodbye, Professor!" roars Adam. Stokes says that perhaps what he wants from Barnabas is right, he can't pass judgment on that, but what's wrong is using Vicki, an innocent person, to get it--Vicki had nothing to do with this and isn't responsible for his loneliness. Barnabas loves Vicki and will give me a mate because he fears what will happen to her, points out Adam--if it's wrong to hurt innocent people, then why did Barnabas hurt me?--once, I didn't exist, then Barnabas gave me life, now I exist and am nothing. "I want to be something--I want to be loved!" rages Adam, nearly sobbing.
"And I will have a mate and she will love me or Barnabas will be punished by seeing Vicki die!"

NOTES: In a way, you can see Adam's point. He feels Barnabas betrayed him in many ways, and now is refusing to give him someone he can love the way Barnabas loves Vicki. But Adam is also aware that Vicki loves Jeff, not Barnabas, so can't he figure out that love isn't necessarily a two-way street and a mate created especially for him might not love him?

Stokes is fabulous, kind, reasonable, intelligent--so much better than Barnabas' bull in a china closet approach. Stokes listens to Adam, to Barnabas, pieces the story together the best he can. You can see he's on Adam's side here, but he doesn't want Adam to get into trouble for kidnapping/murdering Vicki in order to get what he wants. Both Stokes and Barnabas know someone else is working on Adam, and have a pretty good idea who it is.

When Stokes baldly informs Barnabas that if this problem didn't involve others, he wouldn't help, and you've got to love the man for that. He's so honest it hurts, but both Barnabas and Julia deserve that kind of honesty, given that they're so closed-mouthed themselves.

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 7/11/02 - #556/557 - Adam's Ultimatum
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2002, 09:49:39 PM »
I think today was one of my favorite Prof. Stokes episodes.  His scene with Barnabas featured some truly wonderful dialogue.  I've remembered the "three rousing cheers" line since the first time I saw this episode a few years ago; it made that much of an impression on me.

I also admired the way that Stokes held his ground when Adam was threatening him and ordering him to leave.  Anyone else might have fled in terror, but the professor continued to probe into Adam's motives and attempt to reason with him.  Though they only filled about the last ten minutes of the show, I really think that Thayer David's scenes were the highlight of the episode.


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Re: Robservations 7/11/02 - #556/557 - Adam's Ultimatum
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2002, 10:17:37 AM »
I am so excited by the prospect of Angelique as a vampire!  I am sure she will prove to be most ruthless and cunning, as she was as a witch.  Great to see her back again - she has such presence. :)


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Re:Robservations 7/11/02 - #556/557 - Adam's Ultimatum
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2004, 06:40:23 PM »
DVD episodes for March 3rd and 4th.

The 3rd and 4th episodes on Set#9/Disc#3 (3rd and 4th episodes on MPI tape Volume #65)