Author Topic: Discuss - Ep #0750  (Read 3289 times)

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0750
« Reply #15 on: July 13, 2009, 02:14:12 AM »
Thanks, Midnite!


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Re: Discuss - Ep #0750
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2009, 03:40:33 PM »
I always thought that Beth started to question Quentin's motives for wanting her to go with him because she's bothered by his lack of remorse (at this point) over killing Jenny. His "I had to kill her before she killed me" exclamination to her clues Beth into the selfishness of Quentin's character and his feelings for other people. Jenny WAS his wife regardless of what she as going to do to him, I think Beth was disappointed that he hasn't acknowledge the whole tragic situation as it was.

[spoiler] However, when Jenny's ghost comes back later to help Lenore, Quentin has grown up quite a bit by now, and DOES show the remorse that is absent during this period. [/spoiler] Too bad Beth wasn't there.

Despite her reservations and against her better judgment, she's decided to go with him. I always wished that Quentin treated her
a little bit better than he did especially after [spoiler] Angelique forces him to agree to marry her and after Amanda Harris comes into the picture. [/spoiler] Beth was so devoted to him even when he doesn't deserve it.

Magda was just as bad as Angelique when it came down to laying her curse, not only cursing her victim, but dooming innocent people as well. In this case she was cursing people who weren't even born yet. I don't think just because you're a descendant of Quentin you should have to become a hairy beast every full moon every month of the year. [spoiler] Poor Chris, having to suffer a fate he himself did NOT deserve because he was a distantly blood relative of Quentin's. [/spoiler]

This episode demontrated how much disdain Judith had for Beth. It was pretty cold of her to tell Beth if she had had her way, Beth wouldn't have gotten a nickel and would have been kicked out with only the clothes on her back.