Author Topic: Robservations 6/25/02 - #536/537 - Separate Sets of Mourners  (Read 1797 times)

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536 - Why does Barnabas think Willie can "find out what happened?" If you were Barnabas, would you go outside after hearing a knock at the door?
Carolyn, flaming lantern in hand, returns to the root cellar to find Adam grasping his neck and rocking with pain. Hurt, he tells her, hurt! She checks the place where he's clutching at his neck, but there are no marks. She wants to leave to get a doctor, Julia, but he doesn't want Barnabas' friend. She is afraid, unsure of what to do, and asks him when it started hurting. Just before she came, he tells her, crying, "Barnabas"! She asks if Barnabas hurt him, but he isn't articulate enough to tell her. She says Stokes is on his way, but Adam keeps calling Barnabas.

Julia finds Barnabas lying on the ground, his throat gushing blood. "Angelique has won," he says. "The bat. . ." Julia calls for Willie, and Barnabas moans he'll be as before-she knows what to do. Willie hears Julia's call. Barnabas passes out, and when Willie sees what has happened, he's upset-he'll be like he was before. He kept expecting it laments, Willie, and now they'll hear the dogs howling and Barnabas will be out prowling around. Julia says Barnabas must die before that happens, so they must keep him alive, but Willie says they won't be able to. Willie vows to protect Barnabas, who will need him even more than he did before. Willie is acting very vacant, reminding her of what Barnabas told them to do-just last week he gave him a stake and hammer, and if this happened. . .Julia demands he help her, and he asks if she will end it. All she wants is his help, but he refuses to help her stake him, because Barnabas has been so nice to him (?) Selective memory. He agrees to help her carry Barnabas into the house and together, they lift him.

Adam tells Carolyn to go, and she says she'll return with a doctor. Adam wants to go to Barnabas, but when he struggles to his feet, he falls on the makeshift cot. Again he calls to Barnabas and lies there, moaning. Carolyn tells him not to get up. He lifts his head and says, "Carolyn, good," then passes out, scaring the crap out of Carolyn.
Stokes shows up and she tells him Adam was fine, and when she came back, she found him in pain, clutching his throat. Nothing Adam said made sense, but he keeps talking of Barnabas, yet tried to go to him. Stokes explains that Adam hates Barnabas, which puzzles Carolyn. She asks him what they're going to do.

Julia listens to Barnabas' heart. He's, dead, she pronounces, and Willie bursts into tears. He had to die before becoming the living dead again, and Cassandra has won. She begs Willie not to cry, but he can't help it. (This is too sad.) They kneel on either side of Barnabas and Willie sorrowfully asks Julia what they're going to do--he can't decide. They lived through this before, together, Willie reminds her, and Julia says Barnabas warned her that if it happened again, no one would be safe. Willie asks if she's going to end it, and she says she doesn't know. She can't bear the thought of Barnabas living throughout eternity, craving blood, unless THEY do something.
Willie doesn't want to be a party to this, but Julia remembers the look on his face when he asked her to destroy him. Willie climbs to his feet with a moan, asking if she wants him to get the hammer and stake. No, she says, although she must.

Carolyn tells Stokes Adam is dying and they aren't helping him. She can barely feel his heartbeat. She begs Stokes to help him, her voice shrill.

Julia rocks back and forth as Willie brings her the stake and hammer. She asks for them, not really wanting the instruments of her loved one's destruction. She sets the stake against Barnabas' heart, but can't go through with hitting it with the hammer. She gazes at them, drops them, steps away from Barnabas, shaking her head. "I cannot do it," she cries, and Willie grabs her shoulders with joy, pressing his head against her shoulder. They both know. . .she thanks him. She can't do it! He'll turn into a vampire, Willie reminds her--should they get his coffin set up in the basement or secret room? Willie reminisces about discovering Barnabas in the tomb-he never should have taken him out of there, he knows it now. (an understatement!) They can't put him back there; too many know about that place, says Julia, including Angelique. Julia tells Willie she promised Barnabas he'd never live as a vampire, and she'll keep that promise-they'll bury him in the woods. He's dead, they must face it. She orders him to dig the grave. They can't do it alone, protests Willie, but Julia says they can because they must.

Stokes tells Carolyn Adam's heart has stopped, and she grieves, crying, "No!" She says he made a mistake, but Stokes feels no pulse. She can't understand him dying, he was so strong and healthy earlier-how could he die? Stokes is perplexed, but says he feels it isn't true. Carolyn says someone should go for the police.
Not yet, says Stokes, he isn't ready to give up his intuition that more is happening this night than is happening here. They must wait a few moments longer, he insists.

Julia and Willie stand over the hole containing Barnabas' coffin, wondering if this is what he really wanted. It's what he told them to do, says Willie. They'll never see him again, says Julia, and Willie says he knows. Julia tearfully wishes she had never met him, then says no, that isn't true, even when they were against each other, she knew he only did what he was driven to do. If that curse had been placed on either of them, how would they have behaved? "He was so different, ever since I came back this time," remembers Willie, smiling. He's about to start shoveling dirt over the grave, but Julia stops him-they can't just bury him like this! Willie suggests they pray for him, and Julia agrees. She kneels and takes a clump of dirt in her hands, closes her eyes, and drops it on the coffin.

Carolyn and Stokes mourn over Adam's still body. She tells Stokes Adam is dead, she doesn't understand his waiting-a person's heart doesn't stop beating and start again! she cries. (this is DS, and you're wrong!) Stokes is equally puzzled by his feelings. She asks how long Stokes will sit there, and he stands, saying he must accept it. He says he'll see her home, but she says they can't leave him here like this--I can't leave him, she says, he saved my life. She tells Stokes to go to the police, but he reminds her there will be a lot of questions. They need to find out what happened to Adam, and Julia can help them there, he says. He asks Carolyn if she's afraid to stay alone with him, but she says no, she owes him that much. He's going for Julia, and strangely, he expects a miracle, something he's never believed in before.

Barnabas is buried, flowers atop his grave. "So, it is over--the end," says Julia sadly--"The end." Willie, leaning on the shovel, tells her she'd feel better if she cried. She's past crying, she explains; if she could imagine life without him, she could cry, but she can't, she can't. Willie says he can't, either.

The music swells and we wonder-is this the end for Barnabas and Adam?

NOTES: Sad little services, two odd couples mourning people they cared about. Carolyn and Stokes, perplexed and saddened, mourn over the end of a big man who died under mysterious circumstances. Elsewhere, Julia and Willie have their own funeral service for a man who tormented them-and who, each in his or her own way, loved him. Barnabas changed both of these people, for the better in some ways, for the worse in others. They agree they will never forget him.

537 - Graveside - Willie asks Julia what they're going to do now. He never thought of a life without Barnabas, and always thought Barnabas would return for him when he was at Windcliff-all he had to look forward to. Willie kneels by the grave, leaning on the shovel. How could somebody hate Barnabas so much, he wonders, that Cassandra? What will they tell Roger and everyone at Collinwood, he asks. Julia doesn't know.
What will they tell them, persists Willie. That he went away, she says. Where? asks Willie, they'll want to know, and won't believe we don't know where, and might call the police. If the police find out that they buried him, it's against the law. Julia realizes Willie is right, but she can't very well tell the family they buried him before he could rise as a vampire. No, he kept his secret and so must they. How? asks Willie. We must, says Julia. Willie is afraid, he wants to leave before the questions start. He has no reason to stay there anymore. Julia agrees Willie should leave tonight, and he's surprised she isn't convincing him to stay. She, too, will go, with no reason to stay. She tells Willie he can come with her, to Windcliff. Willie doesn't want to go, but she says she'll give him a job there, he won't be a patient. He's touched, pleased. He can be a gardener or attendant, she says, because Barnabas would want her to do this for Willie. Not because of the police? asks Willie.  She assures him that's not it. He hopes to work himself into a real good job, gain respect, and Julia says he can if he wants. She sends him to the Old House to pack and tells him to close up the house. What about Barnabas' clothes? says Willie. Pack a suitcase, says Julia-it was bright of you to think of that. They agree to pack and meet in an hour; they will leave before dawn. Willie walks away, but Julia lingers, staring down at Barnabas' grave.

Evans cottage - Maggie pulls a book off a shelf and peruses it. Someone knocks at the door. It's Willie, who wants to talk to her. He was afraid she was asleep, but luck was with him. He blathers about luck for a moment, then turns to her. He was wondering about her. She assures him she's fine. He tells her he's getting another job out of Collinsport, a potentially good one, and she grins and says they'll miss him--Barnabas will miss you very much, she says. Willie says he hates to leave, in a way, but there's only one reason why. She asks if he's done something he shouldn't, and he promises he hasn't. We're friends, he reminds her.  She asks if he's fought with Barnabas. No, he tells her-I have to make something of myself he explains, do you think I can? Sure I do she assures him. Then I will, he says, pleased. He isn't quite sure, it's late to be starting out, but this chance came up. She asks if he's afraid to take it, but he says it was just unexpected. He wanted her to know she'd be hearing from him, perhaps seeing him sometimes. She expresses pleasure. Friends mean a lot to him, and he considers her a friend-especially now. She realizes something has happened, and Willie says Barnabas went away, on a long trip, he doesn't know where. This puzzles her. He told Julia, not him, and it's none of his business. Maggie accuses Willie of being angry at Barnabas, and Willie suddenly bursts into tears. She notices he's crying, but he denies doing so.
She tells him not to make any rash decisions, and says she can't believe Barnabas just disappeared. He has, says Willie. She asks him what's wrong, but he says he can't tell her. She asks if he trusts her, and he says more than anyone. She offers her help. "Barnabas is dead," he bursts out-"it happened tonight." She is stunned, disbelieving, and he says she can't tell anyone. It's true, he assures her. People will know, she protests, but Willie says they won't, and that's it. She speculates Adam murdered him, what else can she think? He had the dream, he explains--and he died. She can't tell because it's a curse. She insists there should be an autopsy, and Willie tells her Julia examined him and declared him dead. Growing increasingly frantic, Willie insists not telling isn't against the law, and if Maggie tells, she won't give him his chance because he spilled the beans!--what will happen to Willie Loomis if he doesn't get his chance. Maggie tells him not to get excited, but he says he IS, she can't say a word! She again reminds him that people will know, Barnabas' death won't be a secret. He says if she likes him, she had better promise, and she says she won't tell until after he leaves-he hasn't done anything wrong so there's nothing to fear. "Barnabas dead-I don't believe it," she says, staring into space. It's true, says Willie. It's true.

Julia returns to Collinwood looking haggard, and walks aimlessly around the foyer until Cassandra comes out and says, "I was wondering about you." You can at least be honest, says Julia angrily-you were wondering about Barnabas. "Why should I?" asks Cassandra. Through clenched teeth, Julia says, "I'll tell you, you can stop worrying-you have won. You have FINALLY won! You have won at last." Cassandra feigns: "I don't understand." Julia spits out, "I expect you to admit nothing to me, as you admitted nothing to Barnabas." Cassandra asks Julia if she's "been with" Barnabas (odd choice of words), to which Julia retorts, "Yes, I've been with him-aren't you going to ask me how he is? I know how curious you are. What an effort it must be for you to not demand what I know!" Cassandra feigns innocence. Spits Julia, "I'm talking about you, and your powers, and your evil and that dream you started." Cassandra accuses her of spending too much time with Barnabas, of sounding just like him. She then accuses Julia of being in love with him, and Julia, voice full of venom, says, "Not nearly as much as you are." "How dare you?" demands Cassandra. Julia tells Cass Barnabas is dead, and if not for her, there would be a man in the Old House who could finally savor the life she denied him all these years, find the love she was determined he'd never see.
Cassandra turns away, insisting she had nothing to do with Barnabas and won't listen any longer. Julia pursues Cassandra to the window: "You want to be alone to enjoy your triumph," says Julia, and Cassandra calls her mad, and says she'll speak to Roger; he was wrong to send Liz to her sanitarium. "Speak to Roger, speak to Carolyn, speak to the entire population of Collinsport," invites Julia, "speak to anyone you like-nothing will stop me from knowing what you are, and nothing will stop me from doing whatever I can about it." The cat fight is interrupted by a knock at the door. It's Prof. Stokes,looking for Julia. He is glad to see her, and says he was playing chess with a friend of his, and the friend was taken ill. He wants Julia to come with him. He notices how upset she is, and she says he must find someone else. No, he insists, I can't. She says she's just come in from a case, she'll find him someone else, she says distractedly, and Cassandra tries to plead exhaustion on Julia's behalf-she's been saying incredible things to her tonight and she thinks Stokes had better not bother her. "Yes, and you know that exactly, don't you?" Julia says as Stokes gazes back and forth between the two women. Cassandra tells Julia to get some sleep and heads upstairs, telling Stokes she's sorry she can't help him. Stokes and Julia go into the drawing room and he closes the doors. He is perplexed, and she says she's had enough. He tells her the patient is Adam, and she must come. He's had a strange attack-I think he's dead--think it, but don't believe it-you must come.

Julia goes to the root cellar and examines Adam. Stokes tells Julia he felt cruel leaving Carolyn alone with Adam, but he couldn't help thinking the big guy wasn't dead. He should have taken Carolyn home, he wants to go after her. Julia corroborates it-Adam is dead. Men die, mutters Julia. Not without reason, protests Stokes, and Julia responds, tears in her voice, usually without reason. Julia says she'll arrange for an autopsy, if he wants, and Stokes says Carolyn found him clutching his throat as if fighting something. He got weaker and weaker, kept calling Barnabas, and finally, it was as if all strength had been drained from his body. Julia asks for a time frame (around 11), and she appears upset-she must go. He feels she knows more than she's revealing, but she says he brought her there to find out if this man is dead, and he is. Suddenly, Adam stirs! Stokes is thrilled to see this. "He's alive! A miracle!" he exults. Adam calls Barnabas, reaching up with both hands as if pushing something off him. Julia realizes Adam can't breathe. "He's suffocating!" says Stokes. Panicky, Julia says she must go. Stokes demands she help him--you knows what's wrong! Julia may know why, although it's impossible--they are the same. . .the experiment--perhaps Adam's why, she mutters.
Stokes has no idea what she's talking about. "Barnabas! I've buried him alive!" cries Julia.

We see the tamped down earth on Barnabas' grave, and the few lonely, wilted flowers.

NOTES: Gotta love this stuff, high drama, high melodrama, and weird science. And the Julia-Cassandra catfight-one of the very best in series history!

Will Barnabas live? Has he already suffocated, since he was obviously buried human? Couldn't he, if he'd become a vampire, dematerialize outside the coffin? DS always did make its own rules, but this is especially odd!

Stokes must think Julia's crazy, muttering about the connection between Barnabas and Adam, but it sounds like she's finally figured out what Lang left on that tape recorder, even though she's never heard it. Next ep, Stokes is gong to prove what a truly good friend he is!

Love, Robin

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Re: Robservations 6/25/02 - #536/537 - Separate Sets of Mourners
« Reply #1 on: June 25, 2002, 06:55:00 AM »
These really were striking episodes as far as the dynamics among the characters are concerned.  It was very touching to see Willie and Julia sharing their pain, (even if their memories of Barnabas's character were flawed) and comforting each other.  I can't remember when Julia was ever so kind to Willie, but I suppose that he's all that she has now without Barnabas, and they are partners in crime.

I do think it's cute that Willie's first concern upon learning that Barnabas will again be a vampire is not for Barnabas's future victims or even for himself, since Willie will undoubtedly have more dirty work cut out for him.  No, the first thing Willie says is, "Aw, man, now we're gonna hear the dogs howling again!"  ;)

There may not have been much action except for the last few minutes of the last episode, but I'd say that there are some pretty nice scenes here.


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Re: Robservations 6/25/02 - #536/537 - Separate Sets of Mourners
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2002, 05:15:57 AM »
I do think it's cute that Willie's first concern upon learning that Barnabas will again be a vampire is not for Barnabas's future victims or even for himself, since Willie will undoubtedly have more dirty work cut out for him.  No, the first thing Willie says is, "Aw, man, now we're gonna hear the dogs howling again!"  ;)

If ever I had to chose what my favorite delivered line of the entire series was, I'd have to say that one Willie quips about the dogs howling has got to me in my top three!! If not, it heads the list!

Like you said ProfStokes, he just lost his dear friend, and he's whining about the dogs!! LOL!!! Love it.

Karen #2
"The Collins blood always had a rather....persistant strength"                       Barnabas to Elizabeth  1967

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Re: Robservations 6/25/02 - #536/537 - Separate Sets of Mourners
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2002, 06:39:34 AM »
I agree ;D
Willie's line about the dog's howling is one of the best lines of DS :D


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Re:Robservations 6/25/02 - #536/537 - Separate Sets of Mourners
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2004, 08:10:26 PM »
DVD episodes for January 29th and 30th.

The 3rd and 4th episodes on Set#9/Disc#1 (3rd and 4th episodes on MPI tape Volume #61).