Author Topic: Robservation 6/21/02 - #531/532_533 - Barnabas Offers Himself  (Read 1481 times)

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531 - Barnabas stands over Joe's unconscious form. There's a knock at the door-it's Julia, who asks him if he had anything to do with Joe's current condition (Julia's being kinda mean here, isn't she?). Barnabas tells her that they both are responsible--and fills her in on their son's doings. She checks out Joe--he isn't dead, says Julia, but right now, I'm not certain if he'll live. Barnabas doesn't understand how Joe met Adam but he now knows that Adam is completely out of control and that they must find him. Julia is convinced that Adam is getting help from someone because no one has seen him for a week. That person is probably dead, says Barnabas soberly, and she is forced to agree. She tells Barnabas that Joe needs to go to the hospital. Barnabas tells her that he will have Willie take Joe there-Julia's got another task--find a way to prevent Vicki from having the dream. Julia tells him that she doesn't know if there's anything she can do.
Barnabas tells her that she must do something-if I have the dream, I will die and Angelique will have won.

Later, after Barnabas tells him what's been happening, he instructs Willie to take Joe to the hospital in Julia's car. Willie says that it looks to him like Adam is trying to frame Barnabas. Willie doesn't want to help Barnabas even after Barnabas tells him to just do as he is told. Willie says that Maggie likes him and with Joe out of the way he might have a better chance (LOL!). Barnabas doesn't believe a word of this. Willie tells Barnabas that he can prove Maggie wants to see him again. Totally annoyed by Willie's refusal to listen to reason, Barnabas says that he will leave the body where it is and have the police find it-of course, Barnabas will make sure that the police understand that Willie had a good motive to hurt Joe (that's just nasty, Barn, reverting to your old ways!). He gives Willie 10 seconds to make up his mind about what he's going to do.

In her room at the Evans house, Vicki fights sleep.
Julia arrives. She tells Julia that she hasn't slept well the past few nights and doesn't think she can hold out much longer. Julia suggests that Vicki spend the night at Windcliff. Vicki tells her that she knows Angelique's powers are terrifying, she can't fight her.

At the Old House, Barnabas returns to find Julia waiting. He tells her that they took Joe to the hospital and that the police seemed to believe their story of finding Joe wandering in the woods. He asks about Vicki; Julia tells him that Vicki has no will power to resist Angelique. Barnabas sighs-I'm not surprised, I've been fighting Angelique for almost two hundred years-perhaps I should give up. Julia suggests that they leave and volunteers to go with him to protect him. (she's so sweet-but rest assured she has ulterior motives.) Barnabas immediately refuses her suggestion and reminds her of the torture that a person who has the dream but is unable to tell it goes through--I would rather stay than do that to Vicki, he insists.

Asleep, Vicki hears the knocks. She tries to ignore them but eventually answers the door. It is Barnabas. Vicki urges Barnabas to go away, but inevitably, he leads her to the room with the doors.
She begs Barnabas to help her, not for her sake, but for his. She hears Josette's music and opens the three doors to see: glow-in-the-dark skull, guillotine, skeleton bride. Opening the fourth door, she begins to follow a blazing light to the Old House. Vicki enters the Old House and begins to shriek as she sees Barnabas on the floor with bloody wounds on his neck.
NOTES: Barnabas and Vicki are so much alike, aren't they? Both self-sacrificing, each refuses to hurt the other. She is prepared to leave town to save him, he insists she stay so she won't have to suffer the torture of the recurring dream. They remind me of the couple in GIFT OF THE MAGI. Barnabas is all set to give in to Angelique- he's been fighting 200 years (actually, it's a lot less when you subtract his time in the coffin, but that was the end result of the curse she placed on him, too). Julia is all set to go away with him (and hopefully convince him who he really SHOULD love-but Barnabas won't hear of it. Barn and Vicki are so noble, it almost makes one sick-but I'd sure love to have them on my team, if I were battling a witch's curse!

532/533 - 6:00 AM, Evans Cottage - Vicki sits in bed, still trembling after having THE dream. A worried Maggie paces around the living room. Vicki joins her. Maggie explains that she's been up most of the night hunting for Joe--he went to Professor Stokes' house to try to find Adam and she hasn't seen him since. She notices that Vicki doesn't look too happy. Vicki explains that she had the dream, which ended with Barnabas lying on the floor of the Old House, looking like he'd been "attacked by a wild animal"--he was dead! Maggie tries to comfort her with the thought that it was only a dream, and doesn't mean Barnabas is really dead. Despairing, Vicki says he will be, and she'll be responsible because she told him the dream. Maggie's sympathetic, but skeptical that having the dream would actually kill Barnabas. Vicki reminds her how desperate she was to tell the dream to Jeff when she had it, but Maggie seems to have forgotten how terrible it was. Maggie answers the phone. It's Barnabas--Joe has had an accident and is in the hospital. While grabbing her coat and purse, crying, she explains to Vicki that Barnabas and Willie found Joe unconscious in the woods. Too frightened to stay alone, Vicki decides to accompany Maggie to the hospital.

Collinwood, 6:15 - There's a knock on the door. Nicholas, dapperly dressed even at this odd hour, opens it to Barnabas, who dashes in demanding to see Cassandra. Nicholas comments that it's rather early for visiting-- Barnabas replies that he's always kept irregular hours, and he expects Nicholas probably has, too. How did you guess? grins Nicholas. Barnabas pointedly states, I didn't, and insists that Nicholas go wake up Cassandra-I have something urgent to discuss with her.

Collinsport Hospital - Joe lies sleeping, a bandage wrapped around his head (another shot to the skull?). Maggie and Vicki arrive. Maggie is grateful to learn he's all right--the doctor says he has a concussion, but he's going to recover. Joe guesses he owes his life to Barnabas (if only he knew!) The sheriff shows up, explaining he has permission from the doctor to talk to Joe for five minutes to find out what happened.
Joe describes finding Adam at Stokes', Adam running away, Joe cornering him in the woods, and Adam with his unbelievable strength taking the rifle away from Joe and hitting him over the head. Joe is exhausted. The sheriff departs after assuring Maggie that if Stokes doesn't give him some answers, he'll be in bad trouble.

Barnabas is still waiting in the foyer when Nicholas escorts Cassangelique downstairs. She wonders whether they couldn't talk at a more normal time of day, but admits he's aroused her curiosity (and what else?) She and Barnabas go into the drawing room, where Barnabas tells her he's almost reached the end, and he's willing to admit she's won again. She goes through her perpetual routine of "I don't understand, my name isn't Angelique, I'm not pretending," then accuses HIM of spouting nonsense and turns to go back up to bed. He says if she leaves, she'll regret it--he's going to say something she's wanted to hear for a long time. She probably knows Vicki has had the dream, but she doesn't realize that her strength of character and feelings for Barnabas won't allow her to tell him--she'll just continue suffering day and night, and he won't allow it. "I am willing to submit to you. It is I you have always wanted. You may have me. I give you my solemn word that I will always try to be what I was to you in the beginning in Martinique. If you stop Vicki's suffering, I will do everything in my power to love you and to be faithful to you for all time." She turns away, probably not daring to hope he means what he said. When you've reached a decision, he says, you can find me at the Old House.
He leaves the room. Cassangelique slowly turns back around, her eyes bright with tears and a happy/sad grin on her face. "Could you ever really love me, Barnabas? I wish I could believe that. You don't know how much I wish I could believe that!"

Birds sing outside as Maggie enters the front door of Collinwood to check out the foyer and drawing room, checking around. She assures Vicki, who is lurking outside, that it's safe to come in. Vicki says she's just going to go up to her room, but Maggie's reluctant to leave her alone in such a terrified state. Vicki already feels guilty for taking Maggie away from Joe this long. Nicholas shows up with cheery greetings for Vicki, who just flees upstairs with her suitcase. He asks Maggie what's the matter with Vicki, and Maggie replies Vicki's not herself. Nicholas begins staring Maggie up and down, liking what he sees very much.  He introduces himself. She reciprocates, and he comments that Maggie is far more beautiful that he could ever have imagined. (LOL, Barn and Nick like the same chick!)
He continues to stare at her as he says he hopes the will become friends. She assures him they will be if he indulges in that kind of flattery. She excuses herself to go back to the hospital to see her fianc?. Nicholas smoothly feigns horror that he has delayed her--the only remedy is that she let him drive her to the hospital in his car--and he absolutely won't take no for an answer! He barely manages to keep the lust out of his gaze as they exit.

Maggie arrives back at the hospital to see the sheriff once again leaving Joe's room. He tells her that Stokes corroborated Joe's story, but claimed that he didn't know Adam--he just felt sorry for him and gave him some food, that's all. Patterson doesn't believe it but can't prove otherwise. He wants to find Adam--and whoever has been protecting him.

Cassangelique is gazing at Barnabas' portrait when Nicholas comes in from a generic drive. He's surprised that Cassangelique hasn't been working on forcing Vicki to tell the dream to Barnabas. Eyes glowing with bliss, she tells him it's not necessary--she's won after all these years!--Barnabas has promised to love her and be faithful to her! Exceedingly pissed off, Nicholas reminds her that he helped her return for one reason--to get revenge. He's disgusted that she's "cooing at the first sound of a long-lost love". You've got a job to do, he says, and an alliance between you and Barnabas is out of the question-you're going to see this through to the end-- is that quite clear?
Yes, quite, she replies, barely hiding her resentment and disappointment. Have a chat with Vicki, the warlock orders the witch. At this inopportune moment, Vicki comes downstairs. Cassangelique asks Vicki how she's feeling. I think you know the answer to that, replies Vicki bluntly. Ignoring the other woman's tone, Cassangelique tells her that Barnabas was there earlier looking for Vicki. "You're a liar!" cries Vicki-"and evil, and selfish and wicked!" (go, Vicki!) "How dare you talk to me like that? exclaims Cassangelique. Your plan isn't going to work, says Vicki viciously-I'll never tell Barnabas the dream-I'll die first! She stalks off. Nicholas comes out from eavesdropping in the drawing room proclaiming that he rather likes Vicki. Cassangelique tells him that Barnabas warned her Vicki would react this way--her willpower is too great--she won't go to Barnabas. Nicholas has a simple solution--they'll bring Barnabas to Vicki. He orders Cassangelique to sit down at the desk, then hands her a pen. You're going to write Barnabas a note, he says gleefully--written in Victoria Winters' handwriting. The witch lowers the pen to the paper and begins to write.

NOTES: You have to feel kind of sorry for Angelique. All she seems to want is Barnabas' love, whether given freely or under duress. She is ready to chuck her entire Dream Curse plan out the window because he offered himself to her like some two-bit whore. It makes you wonder who really wants this to happen-Angelique herself or darker powers that are forcing her to do it. Nicholas was sent to keep her forging ahead, to make her plan a success, and he's not going to let her deviate from it. You have to be amazed at the depth of Barnabas' feelings for Vicki-he's willing to tie himself to a woman he loathes at this point in the story to make her end the Dream Curse and free Vicki from its torment.

Everyone's lying to the sheriff, including Stokes, Barnabas and Willie, but I suppose revealing the truth about Adam would stir up more problems than it solves. I'm glad Joe is OK, but one senses Nicholas' lusty interest and I suspect he is going to want to get the luscious Miss Evans for himself-which can bode nothing but ill for Joe.

Love, Robin


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Re: Robservation 6/21/02 - #531/532_533 - Barnabas Offers Himself
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2002, 09:44:00 PM »
Dream Curse recap:
#1- Maggie Evans   -ep478- skull
#2- Jeff Clark     -ep482- guillotine
#3- Dr.Eric Lang   -ep484-headless man
#4- Dr.Julia Hoffman-ep486-skel.bride
#5- Sarah Johnson  -ep492- bats
#6- David Collins  -ep497- giant web
#7- Willie Loomis  -ep502- growling wolf
#8- Carolyn Stoddard-ep507- headstone
#9- Prof.TE Stokes -ep508- confronts Angelique-temporary break.
#10-Sam Evans      -ep517- Maggie at his coffin. another break at his death.
#11-Vicky Winters -ep531- Blazing lite & Barnabas dead? at OldHse.
Is this the last recipient, or can Vicky hold out? The final Dream Curse is to restore Angelique's Curse on Barnabas. See you again, at episode 535!

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Re: Robservation 6/21/02 - #531/532_533 - Barnabas Offers Himself
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2002, 11:38:01 PM »
I'm happy that there was something different going on. I liked how they did the lights and how it matched up with Vicki's face.


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Re:Robservation 6/21/02 - #531/532_533 - Barnabas Offers Himself
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2004, 03:02:10 PM »
DVD episodes for January 23rd and 26th.

The 9th and 10h episodes on Set#8/Disc#4 (4th and 5th episodes on MPI tape Volume #60).