Author Topic: #0305/0306: Robservations 01/08/02: What's in the Coffin?  (Read 1305 times)

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#0305/0306: Robservations 01/08/02: What's in the Coffin?
« on: January 07, 2002, 06:47:18 PM »
305 - Sarah, wearing her cap, appears to David, who's playing in "their" spot in the woods. He asks where she lives and she says she can't tell him, it's too hard to explain. (I guess grave would sound kinda creepy.) He likes her because of all her secrets, David claims.
Well, she has a doozie to share with him, then. He says he has to go home, but the lonely little ghost girl begs him to stick around. She's going to take him to a special place to play--Eagle Hill Cemetery!

Barnabas hobbles up from the basement and sinks wearily into his favorite chair. He's feeling strange, he tells Willie, and ponders if he should remain Dr. Hoffman's guinea pig if he's going to feel so terrible.
He's also worried about Sarah and what her presence means. When Julia arrives, he apologizes for not rising, but he isn't feeling so swift. She says she'll perform some tests to check for progress, and he warns her that there had better BE progress. She heads downstairs to prepare. Barnabas tells Willie he doesn't trust her and wonders if the injections she's giving him are doing him harm (he should have thought of that before allowing it, shouldn't he)? If she is doing something bad to him, destroy her, Barnabas orders Willie, who says, "I understand."

Sarah pops out when David is calling her, teasingly telling him she was behind him the whole time. He's surprised to hear she plays in a cemetery alone, and even more shocked when she takes him to the Collins family tomb.

Julia tells Barnabas she's pleased with the test results, but he says he doesn't believe her--she'd lie to protect herself and continue her experiments whether they were helping him or not.
The good news is real, she assures him, borne out by facts--she has changed the cell structure of his blood. It's working! Everything she believes is at stake, she tells him. "So is your life, doctor," he warns her. "So is your life." Julia tells him to stop threatening her all the time (go, Julia!) How can she gain his trust? He vows that if he feels any further weakening, he'll end the experiment--he's got to deal with Burke, and he needs all his strength to do so. Julia realizes he's thinking of killing Burke again, and begs Barnabas to allow her to handle Devlin without violence. Do it, he says, for both her own sake and Burke's. I guess that warning not to threaten her hasn't sunk in yet.

Mausoleum - Sarah has David stand on her mother's coffin in order to pull the ring in the lion's mouth that opens the secret room. Once they're inside there,
David is fascinated, but when he sees the coffin, even he's taken aback. She tells him to open the coffin, which horrifies David. When he sees her struggling to open it herself, he helps her. They open the coffin and stare inside. We don't know what they see. . .

306 - David and Sarah open the empty coffin, and she tells him that whoever was in it went away. Dead people don't walk away, asserts David, and Sarah replies that sometimes they do! David is creeped out and says he has to go home, but Sarah is upset--he promised to play with her in this neat secret place! He assures her he won't tell anyone.

At the Old House, Julia questions where Barnabas is going. He curtly reminds her that she doesn't own him,
and he finds her domineering and meddlesome (ouch!) HE'S going to handle this Burke Devlin crisis, he says, and far better than she handled the Maggie business. All it takes is a little finesse, something this new world has little of. Julia is concerned, and probably kind of hurt, too.

David returns home, late, and Vicki chastises him for not coming home before dark, like he promised. He was with Sarah, he tells Vicki, and remembering that the little girl knew Maggie was alive before everyone else, Vicki tells David she'd like to meet the child who dresses like they did for Barnabas' costume party.
Then Vicki recalls the imaginary little girl she saw at the top of the stairs, and another light goes on.

Barnabas comes to Collinwood and expresses his apologies to Vicki for his reaction to her engagement. He just isn't quite sure Burke will give her all the joy she deserves, is all. He then tattles, in a very gentlemanly way, about how Burke is having him investigated--questioning everyone, having him followed, etc.
Vicki is aghast to hear this. Burke is wrong to have done it, and she will make sure he knows about it. Oh, but he doesn't want to wreck their relationship, says Barn suavely, and thanks her for her efforts. (He is SOOOO smooth, this vampire man, you've got to admire him. Finesse, indeed!)

Julia comes in and Vicki tells her and Barnabas that David got home late, but was all right--he was hanging with his friend, Sarah. Vicki says that Sarah is "mysterious." Barnabas is surprised to hear about the little girl.

On the landing, Julia questions David about Sarah. He's curious as to why everyone wants to know about her, and why Julia in particular is asking so many questions. Sarah's answers to most questions don't make sense.

Barnabas goes to the cemetery and hears the sound of Sarah playing her flute. We see Sarah in the tomb sitting on one of the coffins, pretending to play the flute, but when Barnabas enters the mausoleum, Sarah is gone. Barnabas begs, "It's your brother, Barnabas, come to take you home. I love you. . .I need you."
But Sarah has disappeared, leaving her brother to sadly run his fingers over her plaque.

NOTES: How sad is that? This poor man/vampire loves his little sister and wants to take her home, where she belongs--but she doesn't want to be with him. Why? Why won't she appear to her own big brother?

I have to admire the way Barnabas handles the Burke problem. He might even get a fight between Vicki and Burke out of it--a nice dividend! Barnabas was just too cool!

Love, Robin