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Discuss - Ep #0243
« on: February 28, 2007, 06:00:52 AM »

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0243
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2007, 04:34:53 PM »
Well, will you look at that!  Interweaving!  First a bit of B-plot, then some J-plot, then more B, then a J-ending!  Mind you, it won't last.

I noticed that each time that Dr. Woodard knocked on the Old House door, he knocked 9 times in rapid and even succession.  Did the sound of the knocking come from a tape, and did Robert Gerringer practise knocking in time to it before the actual performance?

I always love how Barnabas comes across to the people as Collinsport as sane and civilized while Willie comes across as crazy and rude, when in fact Willie's got a better grasp of reality and kindness than does Barnabas.  I also have the understanding that in real life at that point, Jonathan Frid was more nervous than John Karlen was - but Willie is a nervous wreck and Barnabas is smooth.

Barnabas's treatment of Jason is perfect.  Always polite, but ostentatiously taking care of more important things while he talks with Jason.  And, at the other house, Elizabeth shoving the violets back into Jason's hands was also perfect.  But when Jason started talking about Barnabas, she should remembered that it takes a villain to know a villain.  I wonder how many times, in how many places Jason has tried the "cousin from Ireland" trick!

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0243
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2007, 05:44:32 PM »
Doctor Woodard is certainly a different kind of doctor. He not only makes house calls, he makes them against the patient's will, without being called first! So I wonder, who does he send the bill to? Can he force Willie to be examined, have a blood test AND pay for it?

<edited by mod.> Barn is always leaving Willie to look like the unreasonable nervous nit while he looks like the helpful one, when the problem is his own doing. I didn't like how Dr. Woodard asked Barnabas to use his influence with Willie as though Willie were not a grown man capable of deciding for himself. Supposedly Barnabas is only his employer, not his father and would have no right to tell Willie to do something this personal. He hypocritically says he can't force Willie to do this, and while we know just the opposite is true, it seemed to surprise Woodard that Barn doesn't exert this much jurisdiction over Willie's life. The nature of their relationship to the outside world is of employee/employer so why are others surprised that Barn would say Willie will decide this himself?

Oh, how romantic, Jason brings Liz flowers bought with her own money! He smoothly tells her he understands that she can't give him any more money and you know he has something else in mind. What a dirtly snake!

<edited> I guess Dr. W does not see Willie as an adult but as a kid who needs someone to tell him what to do. <edited> Liz says Barnabas should order Willie to do it, and I disagree, this goes beyond the employee/employer relationship unless it was a drug test and it isn't that.

Dr. Woodard is a good doctor though, he cares about Maggie and has to be going above and beyond the call of duty to work this hard on her case.

<edited> Barnabas' story of how he and Willie met concurs with Willie's but my question is, where is Barnabas' car? If Willie had fixed it there should be two vehicles at the Old House. Willie probably drives a truck since he is always having to pick up supplies in Bangor for his work on the Old House. Are we to assume Barn drives himself to and from Bangor every day? This could be easily checked out.

Jason asks a few more questions, makes a few more observations, and as he leaves, Barnabas looks after him, and I think he's wondering how much longer he will allow this inquisitive man to live.

<edited> They are going to get married! This is not a proposal or a suggestion but a done deed by his words!



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Re: Discuss - Ep #0243
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2007, 05:50:29 PM »
In Barnabas' case at least he didn't [spoiler]stay a villian. Not saying he became a saint, but more humane and sympathetic than Jason was or ever could be. Jason stayed the same greedy, money-hungry creep he was all the way to the end. I don't think he ever wanted to change.[/spoiler]

Willie did have a better grasp of reality than Barnabas, but as far as being more kind than him, the jury's still out on that one. I won't deny Barnabas still acted like a selfish ass at times even after he became human, but so did Willie. [spoiler]Like when Willie taunted Adam with the chicken leg. I know some will argue it was because Barnabas and Julia unfairly burdened him with the responsibility with taking care of Adam, and while there may still be some truth to that, it doesn't justify him taking out his resentment out on the big lug.

Also as far as Maggie went, I won't deny Willie went out on a limb for her more than once, but he still had a trace of the old Willie when it came to her and Joe. He wanted to kill Joe at one point, then wanted to give Joe up for dead after Joe was attacked by Adam just so he could move in on Maggie.[/spoiler]

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Re: Discuss - Ep #0243
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2007, 09:45:51 PM »
The show was great. The writing was superb.! Very well done Ron! The expressions in this show was so subtle. Very well done, JF, JK, DP, and JB. This is what actors ask for. If it was just the dialog the show would have been a winner.

This episode was great when it came to implying things or making us think. Are people starting to get the info and put it together. This is still when they still had the original plot line in mind.  As said before I think Jason wanted to get info as part of his blackmail, not to help his friend or the family.

When he said that Willie was no longer his friend, that was his own self protection.  Barnabas was doing what people expected, but planning something else entirely.
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Re: Discuss - Ep #0243
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2007, 12:59:52 AM »
I loved the scene when Dr. Woodard, Liz, and Jason were discussing the similarities between Willie and Maggie's symptoms.  It's about time!  [bigok] Too bad Barnabas stole Maggie's blood from Dr. W's office.  At this point, I was confused that Barnabas was being so encouraging about Dr. W's drawing Willie's blood.  But I soon found out that   [spoiler]Barnabas switched Willie's blood sample!
[/spoiler] I enjoyed the banter between Liz and Jason.  I applauded Liz for getting a backbone. [clap] But, of course, Jason had something else in mind... marriage! [shkdg]  Poor Liz! [cryg]

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