Author Topic: #0023/0024: Robservations 06/04/01: Carter Investigates the Case+  (Read 8297 times)

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Episode #23 - On the surface at Collinwood, everything seems serene, says Vicki, normal, I am preparing to teach a young boy his lessons--there is an undercurrent, a tension that builds and waits to break free.

As Vicki enters David's room, he hastily hides a Crawlers comic book behind his back. Vicki, schoolbooks in her arms, smiles at him.

Roger is running upstairs when someone knocks. It's Mr. Carter, the constable, who says he got here as soon as he could--Roger knows how those county meetings are--everybody sitting around talking about the best way to enforce the law--I see your arm is out of the sling. It's much better, thanks, says Roger. I stopped on the way up the hill to check that car of yours, says Carter--you are one lucky man, that's all I can say. I hope you'll say a good deal more than that before we're through, says Roger--let's go inside. They enter the drawing room. Roger asks how he knows about his arm. Police report, says Carter, I stopped off at the docks, I figured if you wanted to see me about the accident, I'd better do some digging first. You think you could dig up a murderer? asks Roger, with an imperious shake of his head. Carter looks at him speculatively.

So you want me to look for a murderer, says Carter--who was killed? (Good point!) Nobody, says Roger, but I might have been. May I use your phone? asks the constable--I think what you're talking about is attempted murder--if that is a fact. It is, says Roger. Carter goes to the phone. Liz enters and greets "Jonas," asking how long he's been here. Couple of minutes, says the constable, taking off his hat. Liz asks Roger if Miss Winters spoke to him. No, he says. She got a letter from the foundling home today, says Liz, it might cause trouble for me (oh, what kind of trouble, Liz, something about her birth mother?)--I want to talk to you about it before she sees you alone. I can't be bothered with that now, complains Roger, I've got much more important things to talk about. Harry, I'll be at Collinwood a little longer than expected, Carter says into the phone--would you check that traffic light just outside the church?--right--(he hangs up)--well, faulty traffic lights and barroom brawls, that's what I usually get--so you say someone tried to kill you. The brakes in my car were tampered with, says Roger. Are you sure of that? Carter asks. Positive, says Roger, a valve had been removed from the car when it was in the garage. That's not exactly like a faulty traffic light, is it? asks Carter. Roger turns away in disgust. Carter tells Liz that her brother wants him to charge Burke Devlin with attempted murder. Well I never even mentioned Burke's name, says Roger. You didn't have to, says Carter, if you remember, I was on that case when you testified against Burke in that manslaughter trial--he's the one you mean, don't you? I can't think of anyone else who would want to harm me, says Roger.

David is reading from his lesson: "It had just started to rain when Lucy was found sitting under a giant tree and crying as though her heart would break--Mr. Johnson picked up his daughter in his arms and brought her back home--she never ran away again." Vicki praises his reading, but David calls it a stupid story--they don't even tell what happened to her (a portent for DS itself, huh?) I suppose she lived happily ever after, says Vicki. She ran away, didn't she? asks David--don't you suppose she got punished? I wouldn't know, replies Vicki, now suppose we do a little work on the history of Maine. When you were a kid, did you ever get punished? he asks. Who didn't? smiles Vicki. I mean REALLY punished for something very bad--I mean what was the really worst thing you ever did? Let's see, says Vicki--once I got into a fight with a girl and gave her a bloody nose. David's eyes widen. Did you ever try and kill somebody? he asks. I'm afraid not, she says. (Well I did--go ahead, confess, David, it's good for the soul!) Vicki asks him what state he thinks is the largest of all the New England states? Well if you HAD tried to kill somebody, he asks, what do you think they'd have done to you? Exasperated, not picking up his clues, Vicki tells him he has to keep his mind on his schoolwork. Would they send you to prison? he persists. Yes, she says, putting on a scary voice, they'd lock me up and throw away the key and let me get all old and gray by myself--now, let's get back to work. Do you think my father came back yet? asks David. I don't know, says Vicki--and you won't know a thing, Master Collins, unless you get your mind off crime and punishment and start to think about your lesson. David diffidently leans his head on his hand and says, "I wish. . ." What? asks Vicki. I wish I knew why my father never liked me, says David forlornly. (Oh, that is depressing!)

Roger and Liz sit on the drawing room sofa and Carter sits across from them. Roger explains that the brakes didn't fail until I was partway down the hill--that's when I went over the edge. They had been checked the week before, says Liz, they were in perfect condition. When did you find out about the missing bleeder valve? asks Carter.
About an hour later, says Roger--it couldn't have fallen off, it had to be removed by a pair of pliers or wrench. Is my phone out of order? asks Carter. I don't know what you mean, says Roger. You're a sensible man, says Carter--why did you wait 12 hours before you called me? I wanted to see Burke myself first, says Roger. Carter rises from his chair, smacking the arm. That's just great, isn't it? he says--nothing like giving a suspected criminal a little advance notice. Roger rises and says he didn't ask him to come here to deliver a lecture--he had his own reasons for seeing Burke, let's let it go at that. I'm afraid can't do that, says Carter--I work with facts, full information. I wanted to give him a chance, says Roger--if he agreed to leave Collinsport and never come back, I was willing to forget about the whole thing. I take it he didn't agree, says Carter. We never got to that point, says Roger, he denied having anything to do about it, and that's when I decided to call you. (Roger, you took the law into his own hands.) I'm afraid I'm going to have to give you another little lecture, says Carter--you say Devlin removed the valve from the main mixer on your brakes--you know for a fact that he had access to your car? (I suspect something was cut here, there was no lecture.) Yes, my son's tutor saw him in the garage, says Roger. When was that? asks Carter. We told you, Jonas, says Liz, Burke was here, he asked Roger to meet him in town, then he left--we thought he'd gone back to his hotel--but then Miss Winters saw him standing by Roger's car. I'd like to speak to Miss Winters if I may, says the constable. I'll bring her down, says Roger. Liz says no--wait--she'll get her. I told you not to worry about that stupid letter, says Roger. I'll get her, insists Liz, and leaves the room. As you wish, he says. My sister has a whim of iron, Roger tells the constable. She's a fine woman, says Jonas, clearly an admirer.

Did you know, Vicki tells David, that the very first Christmas tree in this country was here in Maine, back in 1604, in a French settlement--do you know where that was? He ignores her. David, I asked you a question, she reminds him. Did you hear someone coming before? asks David. You've got to stop thinking about your father and keep your mind on your work, says Vicki--now where was the first French settlement in Maine? I don't know, he says petulantly, leaning his head on both hands, elbows on the desk. St. Croix Island (wasn't that used in the first DS movie?) Vicki tells him--do you think you can remember that? Do you think my father went to the police? the boy asks. David, please! says Vicki. But I have to know, he says. Now looks, she begins. Liz enters and apologizes for interrupting the lesson. I'm afraid we haven't been making much progress, says Vicki, David's still pretty upset about his father's accident. David anxiously asks his aunt if his father came home yet. Yes, he's downstairs, says Liz. I told you I heard the door! David says accusingly to Vicki--did he find out what made his brakes stop working? Right now, says Liz, all I want you to think about is your schoolwork. But...says David. Your schoolwork, young man, insists Liz, pushing him back into his chair. Liz asks Vicki to come downstairs--the Constable wants to talk to her.
The police! cries David, horrified--they're in the house? Yes, says Liz, and you concentrate on what you're doing and Miss Winters will be right back. David sits there, shivering, terrified.

David walks across the landing and slowly downstairs, looking like a condemned man. He opens the drawing room doors a crack and listens as Vicki tells the constable that Mr. Devlin was standing next to Roger's car, and he had a wrench in his hand. A wrench, says Roger--that's pretty conclusive, isn't it? Did he give an explanation for the wrench? asks Carter. I've already told Mr. Collins, says Vicki. Mr. Collins doesn't wear this badge, Carter reminds Vicki--I'd like you to tell me. He said he'd found it on the front seat of the car, says Roger--well, I had driven the car earlier that day and I hadn't left any wrench on the front seat. Mrs. Stoddard, asks the constable, do you think you can tell your brother to let Miss Winters answer my questions, please? We're wasting time, says Roger, annoyed, she told you she heard the engine hood slam shut and then she saw the man holding the wrench in his hand--what more do you need? (Vicki said she heard the car DOOR slam shut; Roger amended it to suit his own needs.) Carter says he didn't hear anything about an engine hood, she said she heard the car door slam. That's what I thought I heard, says Vicki. It could have been the hood, points out Roger. Could have been is hardly fact, says Carter--what did he do then? Vicki explains that Burke said he was looking at the car because he was thinking of buying one like it--and then he left. With the missing valve in his coat pocket, insists Roger. Roger could have been killed, says Liz. I know, says Carter, rising from his seat--you think Devlin would have killed you? asks Carter. You just heard my sister, says Roger, you saw the car, what do you think? I'm talking about pre-meditated murder, says Carter--cold, calculated, pre-meditated murder--did he have reason to hate you so much? He seemed to think so, says Roger. Mrs. Stoddard, he was in this house shortly before the accident, Carter asks Liz, how did he act? He was friendly enough, says Liz, too friendly, I thought. Did he make any threats? asks the constable. No, says Liz. Did he ever threaten you? the constable asks Roger. I told you he was very charming, says Roger, he also asked me to meet him in town, knowing I would have to use my car to get there--don't forget that. Carter asks Vicki if Burke ever threatened Roger in her presence. No, she says, after some thought. I don't see what this has to do with anything, says Roger. We're talking about motive, says Carter--we all know what happened 10 years ago--but 10 years is a long time. The brakes were tampered with--doesn't that speak for itself? asks Liz. I always figured Devlin to be a hot-tempered man, says Carter, but I never figured him to be insane. No one's accusing him of being insane, says Liz. But you are, says Carter--you all know he had a grudge against your brother, 10 years ago he went around here threatening, said he'd come back and kill you That's right, says Roger. That was said in temper, anger, says Carter--a man sits on that anger for 10 years and then comes back and tries to murder somebody, that isn't temper any longer, it's pure, old-fashioned insanity--when Devlin got out of prison 5 years ago, he could have come back then, is that right? All right, then, he was crazy, agrees Roger, what else can I say? You can say he didn't do it, says Carter. Oh, now look, says Roger. It's a possibility, says the constable--I just can't assume that Devlin is a calculated murderer. Neither can I, says Vicki, what I mean is, when he denied it, I was there with Mr. Collins, and I'm sure he was telling the truth. How could you tell he was? Roger asks Vicki. How could you tell he wasn't? the constable asks Roger--the only thing I want to do is think this thing over, that's all--it's possible, isn't it, that that wrench could have been on the front seat of the car? But there was no wrench on the front seat, says Roger, irritated, I already told you that! There was no wrench in the front seat of the car when you left the car, but between that time and the time Devlin went to look at your car, says Carter, isn't it possible somebody could have slipped in, removed the valve from the brake, and left the wrench on the front seat? Possible, says Liz, but not probable. Why, is your property so well guarded no one could get in here? asks Carter. Of course not, admits Roger. That's what I'm saying, says Carter as we see David peering into the drawing room (they're all so engrossed, no one has seen him yet?) That's what I'm saying, says Carter--I'm not saying that Devlin didn't do it, understand that--I'm just saying it's possible that we had better look to see if it's probably somebody else who might have done it.
David closes the double doors, his face frantic.

Carter is on the phone telling Harry to put a call through to New York and see what he can line up about Burke Devlin--I don't want to go through channels, it would take too long. Roger, sitting on the sofa, looks smug. Get in touch with Lt. Palmer in homicide, says Carter, he's an old friend of mine--Frank Palmer (Twin Peaks?), that's right, and tell him to call me back when he gets in--reverse the charges--that's right. He hands up and tells them he should get something back by this afternoon. What do you expect to learn? asks Liz. I don't know, says Carter, but every little bit helps. I'm no lawyer, says Roger, but you have enough now to make an arrest, don't you? Maybe, agrees Carter, but I can't take any chances--I've got to do a little digging first--I don't want to arrest the wrong man. Let's not start that again, says Roger. Do you have something against an open mind? asks Carter (zing!) Miss Winters, asks the constable, do you think you could pick that wrench out for me? I'll try, says Vicki, rising from the chair. Let's go to the garage, says Carter, maybe you can show me the exact spot where Devlin was standing. All right, says Vicki. I'll go with you, says Burke, and the three of them head for the door. In the doorway, Roger asks Liz if she's going to stay here. Yes, says Liz, closing the door. She walks to the middle of the foyer and says, "You'll never learn your schoolwork down here, David." He pops up from behind the chair in the corner, near the kitchen. I wasn't listening! he insists. Of course you were, says Liz kindly, and this is one time I can understand it--but you're not going to learn any of your--too much excitement for one little boy to ignore--but I think you'd better go upstairs now. (Something was cut out here.) She walks into the drawing room. David follows her in. She opens the window and gazes out. David joins her. I thought I asked you to go upstairs, she reminds him. I want to know something, he says--why does the constable keep saying it wasn't Burke Devlin that did it? He didn't say that, says Liz, he just says MAYBE it wasn't. That's what Miss Winters thinks, too, isn't it? asks David resentfully. It's very complicated, says Liz. She just wants to blame it on someone else, that's all! says David petulantly. Why don't we wait and see what happens? suggests Liz. What's "corroborative evidence" mean? asks David--what the constable said, about the fingerprints. (We did not hear any dialogue about fingerprints.) Oh that means somebody's fingerprints are on the wrench, and proves he held it in his hand--now out, young man! But anybody's fingerprints could be on there! says David. David! she chastises, shaking her head. He's not going to send somebody to jail just because he picked up a wrench, is he? asks David. No, but it might be important, says Liz. (As intuitive as Liz is, she, too, isn't picking up on how obsessive her nephew is with this subject.) But they... The front door opens and the trio returns. That didn't take long, remarks Liz. Not much to see, says Carter, holding the wrench in a handkerchief, except this--hello, young fella, he greets David, what's your name? When David doesn't reply, the constable asks him if the cat's got his tongue. Annoyed, Roger asks David what he's doing down here. He's probably just impressed with the dignity of my badge, says Carter (?) The phone rings. Liz answers it. It's for Carter. He places the wrench on a nearby table and hurries to the phone. Roger is examining his bandaged hand. Hi, Harry, says Carter--did you reach him? Great, what did he say?--he's going to check?--I see--how long did he think it would take?--what else did he say?--that's all I can expect--we've got something here, a wrench with some fingerprints on it. While the law is on the phone, David is eyeing the wrench, obviously plotting. Vicki stops him just as he's about to touch the tool, grabbing his wrist. David, don't touch it, she warns!

You just sit tight, Harry, advises Carter, right--I'll be bringing it back to the office in a couple of minutes--right, OK, goodbye. He hangs up and says there's nothing else for him to do around here. What are you going to do now, see Burke? asks Roger. David continues to stare at the wrench. I sure am, says Carter, meantime, think about what I said--think of anybody who had a grudge against you--no matter how wild the idea might seem. David deliberately knocks the wrench and handkerchief onto the floor. David! cries Vicki. Don't touch it! warns Carter. But it's too late, David had already picked up the wrench in his bare fist. I knocked it over by mistake, says David.
DAVID, YOU STUPID...! yells Roger. The constable assures him it's all right, he didn't know. But he's got fingerprints all over it now! says Roger, exasperated. Here, David, says Carter, taking the wrench back into the handkerchief. I'm sorry, says David, it was an accident. You know what you did with that accident? demands Roger. I said I was sorry, says David, tears and fear in his voice. All right, says the constable, just add it to the couple of prints we've got--at least we'll know how his got here. (And David cleverly accomplished his mission. This kid should be working for the FBI!) Well, says Carter, I'd better be going--and he leaves, shaking his head. Vicki looks thoughtfully at David, who is staring straight ahead.

NOTES: This might just be the longest DS episode I've ever synopsized! Whew! And I think some bits of dialogue were cut out of it, too, by Sci Fi, which probably found the episode went on for too long a time to accommodate their commercials.

David is smarter than the adults around him, or so it seems, but the way Vicki looked at him tells us she might just have gotten wind that he is involved in the tampering of his father's car. Who else has more motive than even Burke Devlin, but the son who fears his father is going to send him away from a home he is growing to love? Also, even Liz, as preoccupied as she is, should realize David is behaving oddly, even for him!

Constable Carter, this laconic lawman, is terrific. I like his clear-headedness and determination to do the right thing. This is the Collins family; he could just as easily have arrested Burke immediately, but he wants there to be clear-cut evidence--and now David has messed with the fingerprints on the wrench, leaving Burke the only clear suspect. I don't quite understand how we get from a constable to a sheriff, but we do, down the line.

Vicki is an intelligent gal at this point in the show, and surely she has connected David's constant, fear-filled questions about the constable and his father's accident and the "accidental" touching of the all-important wrench.

Good stuff. Henesy is wonderful, isn't he, an amazing talent for one so young.

Episode #24 - Shot of the Collinsport Inn, followed by Maggie serving coffee in the restaurant. Carolyn enters,, laden down with boxes of clothing and hats from local stores; she places them on a table then returns to the lobby. Maggie greets Constable Carter, asking how the police force is today. Its feet hurt, he says, and she laughs--what can I do for you? she asks--we have a lunch special--lobster roll, cole slaw, fried potatoes... But the Constable is looking for Burke Devlin; he hasn't seen him since he returned to town and wants to say hello. This wipes the smile from Maggie's face--did you try his hotel room? she asks. He isn't there, says Carter--you haven't seen him, have you, Maggie? A couple of hours ago, not since--and he didn't say where he was going---do you always go around chasing people just to say hello? If he comes in, asks the sheriff, tell him I'm looking for him--I'll be in the hotel lobby. Maggie stops him before he goes, asking if this has anything to do with the car accident. I'll be in the lobby, is all he'll say, and Maggie looks perturbed.

Two minutes, Carolyn says into the lobby phone--I'll hold you to it--I'll order for you--a medium, right?--see you soon. She hang up and leaves the booth, then goes to the counter. See that table over there? Carolyn says to Maggie. You mean the one that shows where you spent all your money? jokes Maggie. The girls laugh together. I want two hamburgers, medium, two coffees, says Carolyn. Are you eating for two these days? asks Maggie (is that a pregnancy quip?). Very funny, says Carolyn--you I don't need (sounds like a Jewish American Princess!). Maggie calls her name. More jokes? asks Carolyn. No, I wanted to ask you something--who are you meeting here--is it Burke Devlin? Where did you get that idea? asks Carolyn. I know you were with him last night, begins Maggie. Does everyone in this town know everything I do? asks Carolyn. My Dad told me, says Maggie--but the constable was here a while ago, looking for Burke--I don't know what it's about. I know what it's about, admits Carolyn, adding, remember, medium on the hamburger. Realizing the other girl didn't answer her question, Maggie goes over to her table and calls her name. Maggie, says Carolyn, what would you want me to do?--tell Burke to run?--what are you so interested in him for, anyway?--I didn't think you knew him that well. I don't know, it's just my father, says Maggie. You lost me, says Carolyn. It doesn't matter, says Maggie. Wait a minute, says Carolyn--what's the connection between your father and Burke? He used to pose for my pop when he was a kid, before he went to prison, says Maggie--as a matter of fact, he just asked my Pop to do a portrait of him. Carolyn is surprised--oh, she says--he's not meeting me, but Joe is, and he doesn't have much time for lunch. In the row between your uncle and Burke, asks Maggie, was my father's name every mentioned?
Carolyn, busy transferring the packages from the table to a chair, turns and asks why it should be. No reason, I was just wondering, says Maggie. Joe enters and says, here I am--where's my lunch?--Let's get this show on the road, I've got exactly 45 minutes. My fault, says Maggie, I was gabbing--coming right up. What was all the important talk about? asks Joe. Burke Devlin, says Carolyn (the smile drops from Joe's face) and the constable. He doesn't look at all happy.

Burke enters the Inn's lobby, where the constable waits and immediately pounces. How are you? asks Carter. Jonas Carter! greets Burke affably, it's good to see you again. They shake hands. How you been--still keeping the peace? asks Burke Not much to do except sit behind a desk, says Carter--how are you enjoying your stay in Collinsport? Having a ball, says Burke, and invites the cop to join him for lunch. Carter takes a raincheck--he would like to talk to him. Oh, says Burke, knowing, and suggests he come into the restaurant and watch him eat. Carter prefers to talk in his room. Sure, agrees Burke, I'll just go check on my mail and get a sandwich and container of coffee--sure I can't get you anything? No, just a little talk, says Carter.

Maggie brings over Carolyn and Joe's lunch--took awhile but worth waiting for, she says. When did your uncle decide to call the police? Joe asks Carolyn after thanking Maggie. This morning, says Carolyn--I am hungry--and she bites into he burger and chews. Joe asks her if she thinks Devlin was responsible for the accident. Let's not talk about it, begs Carolyn--I'm sick and tired of the whole thing. Including Devlin? asks Joe. Especially Devlin, says Carolyn. Good! says Joe, smiling, maybe you'll talk about us--I was looking at boats this morning. Of course you were, she laughs, you work at the fishing fleet. Not your mother's boats, says Joe, a boat--I got up at 6, went to the yard, there's a honey there, about 20 years old, in great shape, needs some work, but it's just what I've been looking for. Can you afford it? she asks, sipping her coffee. That's just it, he says, I may be able to afford it in a couple of months. I thought you said it would take at least another year before you have the down payment, she says. Maybe it can happen sooner, he says, there's another fella down at the plant, Jerry Herse--he's got the same idea I do, to get his own boat--we got to talking, and if we go in on this together, pool our money, we'll be able to get a boat in a couple of months. That sounds marvelous, remarks Carolyn--if you can trust him. Jerry is a great guy, you'll like him--he's a lot like me, he says--there's only one difference--he married his girl. Look, Joe, begins Carolyn. I know, he says, you don't want to talk about getting married. I can't even think about it, she says, especially with all that fuss going on up at the house. That's between your uncle and Devlin, points out Joe--what's it got to do with you? I've asked you not to pressure me--please don't, she says. I'm getting a little fed up with it myself, says Joe. Burke enters the restaurant, a paper in is hand. He goes to Maggie and asks for a ham and cheese and container of coffee, black, to go. He's reading something on the paper. She tells him the constable was looking for him. Probably wants to sell me a couple of tickets to the bazaar, suggests Burke. I don't think that was it, she starts to say, but he interrupts--let's have an agreement--you stick to fixing my sandwich and I'll take care of my life of crime. She nods. Burke spots Carolyn and Joe at the table. Butter and mustard, (yuck) says Burke, who goes over and asks Carolyn and Burke, "How's the good life?" Joe firmly informs him that if he wants to join them, the answer is no. That's not very friendly, says Burke. Didn't mean it to be, says Joe. How is your uncle this morning? Burke asks Carolyn. What do you want, Devlin? asks Joe. I just wanted to know how long you two expected to be here, that's all, says Burke. Why? demands Joe. Joe will be going back to his office in half an hour, says Carolyn. What about you? asks Burke. I'm going home, she says. Half hour, huh? asks Burke--OK, thanks.
He goes over to the register, and Joe, infuriated, tells Carolyn that someday, he's going to punch that guy right in the mouth. Carolyn, dismayed, looks at him, concerned. Burke, knowing he caused trouble, grins.

Up in Burke's hotel room, he offers to split his sandwich with Constable Carter, but the cop refuses, commenting that he doesn't think they've changed the furniture in these rooms in 20 years. I wouldn't know, says Burke, sitting down and opening his wrapped sandwich--when I left town, I couldn't even afford a broom closet in this hotel. Carter sits down and says Burke has done pretty well for himself, hasn't he? You want to talk about the accident, says Burke, don't you? That's right, says the constable. I had nothing to do with it, you know, says Burke. I don't know anything yet, says Carter, I'm going to find out. If you talk to Roger Collins, he'll tell you I tried to kill him, says Burke. But you didn't, says Carter. Look, I'm a peace-loving man, I came back to Collinsport for a visit, not to tamper with someone's brakes, says Burke. You've changed your tune from 10 years ago, says Carter. You remember, huh? asks Burke, with a rueful smile, biting into his sandwich. That's what I get paid for, says Carter--I remember a man committed for attempted manslaughter, I remember what he said when the jury brought in their verdict. I really blew my top, didn't I? asks Burke. Quote, says the constable, "I'll get you Collins, no matter what I do!--you'll be sorry you ever took that witness stand"---etc., etc.--you threatened to kill him, Burke. And I would have done it 10 years ago, agrees Burke, not today. No grudges? asks the constable. I wouldn't say that exactly, admits Burke, but I don't want to kill him. Carter rises from the sofa. You know what happened to Collins' car? asks Carter. Yes, I do, says Burke, somebody removed the valve from the master cylinder. That's right, says the constable, used a wrench to do it with, your fingerprints were on that wrench. You mean my finger prints were on *a* wrench, says Burke, don't you? All right, says the constable, why don't you tell me what happened? I went up to the house, saw Roger and his sister, had a very pleasant talk, then I left, outlines Burke. After asking Roger to meet you in town, says Carter. That's right, I wanted to discuss a business deal with him, says Burke. How did you figure he was going to get into town? asks Carter. Drive, of course, says Burke. After inviting him to drive into town, says Carter, you left the house--then what? I went into the garage--I've been thinking about buying a car, says Burke, I knew Roger had a car and I wanted to look at it. That's going to sound mighty peculiar on the witness stand, says Carter. We'll never get to the witness stand and you know it, says Burke. I don't know anything yet, says Carter--go on. I was looking over his car, even opened the door and got behind the wheel to see how it felt--that's when I noticed the wrench. So you just picked it up, just to keep Roger's car neat and clean, huh? asks Carter. Have you ever sat on a wrench? asks Burke--sure, I picked it up, then I got out of the car, closed the door and was about to throw it on the workbench when the girl came along--the kid's tutor--we talked for a while, then I left and that's it. Collins said there was no wrench on the seat of that car, says Carter. Then maybe you'd better find out who put it there, instead of wasting your time with me, advises Burke. Don't worry about my time, says Carter, that's what I get paid for--what next? I came back here, changed my clothes, had something to eat, then I went to the Blue Whale to wait for Roger to show up. Who couldn't make it because he was being dragged out of that wreck, says Carter. Burke gathers up his lunch paper and twists it into a ball. He tells Carter he's taken lots of risks since he left this town--that's how he made his money--taking risks--he wipes his hands together--one thing I never did was place a bet on a dead horse. I'm just a country boy, says the constable, you'll have to translate that one. Burke grins. Do you think I would jump into a river if I knew I couldn't swim? asks Burke--think about that--suppose I wanted Roger Collins dead--suppose I tampered with his car, which I didn't, but suppose I did--and there I was, standing in the garage with a wrench in my hand, and someone comes along and sees me--you think I'd be stupid enough to go through with it? There wasn't much else you could do, says Carter.
Come on, Constable, says Burke, you aren't that much of a country boy--I know that--I'd have told Roger not to come into town, found some way to put the valve back--but one thing I wouldn't have done was come back here and wait around for you to ask me questions. Do I worry you that much? asks the constable. You don't worry me at all, says Burke, but I'm up to here with all these accusations!--I didn't come back to Collinsport for that. What did you come back for? asks Carter. Certainly not to commit a murder, says Burke. That's no answer, says Carter--you told me why you didn't come back--I want to know why you did.

Coffee shop - Back to the old grind, says Joe. Carolyn apologizes, and he asks what for. I think I spoiled your excitement a little--about the boat, I mean, she says. That's an old story and I'm used to it, he says, it's the new ones that needle me. Like what? she asks. Like a fella named Devlin, says Joe. You're letting him bother you too much, protests Carolyn--he's not hat important, believe me. Maggie comes over with change. Carolyn is saying right now, she doesn't have much use for Burke. Maggie hands Joe his change and asks if they were just talking about Burke. What about him? asks Joe. Nothing, says Maggie, but he just phoned--said he'd like to have Carolyn drop up to his hotel room for a few minutes. He what? demands Joe. Don't worry, laughs Maggie, there's a chaperone--Constable Carter.

Burke's room - Carter tells Carolyn that having her stop up here was Burke's idea, not his--I see no reasons involving you in any of this. Burke says they all need their evidence--the constable has his fingerprints, he has Carolyn. I don't understand, she says. Mr. Carter and I were discussing the reasons I came back to Collinsport, says Burke, I told him it as a pleasure trip, nothing to do with harming her family--as a matter of fact, I didn't expect to see her family at all. You were there, points out Carter. Sure I was there, say Burke, but the idea wasn't my own--ask Carolyn--she's a member of that family I'm supposed to be planning to ruin--do you think she would lie for me? Would you, Miss Stoddard? asks Carter. Certainly not, says Carolyn, playing with her necklace. Just before you took me up to Collinwood, asks Burke, did you come up here to see me? Yes, she says. Had I asked you to come? he asks. No, she admits. She just walked in, unplanned, uninvited, isn't that right, says Burke. Yes, agrees Carolyn. At the end of your visit, asks Burke, how did you get home? You drove me, she says. At whose suggestion? Asks Burke. Mine, says Carolyn. Why don't you tell the constable what I said when you made that suggestion, asks Burke. You said you didn't think it would be a good idea, she says, my family wouldn't want to see you and you felt it would be better if you stayed away from them while you were in town. But I did go up to Collinwood with you, says Burke, didn't I--as Mr. Carter says, I was there--why don't you tell him why I went with you. I insisted says Carolyn, resigned, I said I wouldn't leave unless you went with me--I wish I'd never asked you. At the moment, so do I, says Burke--no master plan, Carolyn insisted I go up to Collinwood and that's the only reason I went--not to try to harm Roger Collins. It's all very neat, says Carter, but doesn't prove a thing. neither does anything that you have! points out Burke--look, I came to Collinsport for a visit, period--and right now, I wish I could get out of here as fast as I could. I wouldn't go away for a while if I were you, advises Carter. Are you going to arrest me? asks Burke. No, but I wouldn't take any sudden, long trips, cautions the constable--are you coming, Miss Stoddard? No, I want to talk to Burke, she replies. Burke gazes at her, puzzled. The constable leaves. Thanks, says Burke, I'm sorry I had to use you in that way. Use me? demands Carolyn, angry, you're lucky I didn't tell the constable how you did use me. What are you talking about? he asks. I'm glad you asked me to come up here, because I wanted to have this out with you anyway. Everything you told him was the truth, says Burke.
How about you? she asks, how much truth did you tell him? You think I caused that accident, states Burke. I don't know whether you did or not, says Carolyn, but you sure played me for a class A idiot--all that talk, that big, nice talk--you were only here for a visit, no grudges against the family, you were leaving in a couple of days--I swallowed it, Burke, every bit of it--and that's why I brought you up to the house. So? he asks. So, I spoke with Maggie Evans a little while ago, and she told me her father was going to being doing a portrait of you. Oh, he says. That's right, oh, she says--you told me you were leaving town in a couple of days--how were you planning to have your portrait painted--by long distance? My plans changed, he says. Did they? she asks. Believe me, everything I told you was the truth, he said. I wish I could believe that, she says, sounding lost. You can, he assures her, staring into her eyes. She retrieves her coat and purse and heads for the door--tell me the truth, she says--did you try to kill my uncle? I did not, he says. She smiles gratefully and leaves. The phone rings. Burke answers--Bronson--where are you calling from?--you certainly did make it fast--no, I don't want you to come here, might be too risky--check into a hotel in Bangor and I'll get down there as soon as I can--did you bring everything I asked you for?--he smiles--all right, check in and I'll meet you in about an hour and a half--we might have even less time than I thought--right...right.

NOTES: Who is Bronson and why is he so important to Burke? What did he bring with him? Burke thinks his plan, whatever it is, will have to be speeded up--why? Is it the investigation that's making him nervous?

Poor Joe, he always seems to be last on Carolyn's give-a-crap list. Despite her anger at Burke, she is clearly still fascinated by him, and Joe knows it and is already planning to resort to violence--he wants to punch him out! As for Carolyn, it seems Burke has once again impressed her, and she is as sure as Vicki that he's innocent of the bleeder valve crime. It's ironic that the two youngest in the house (aside from David), Vicki and Carolyn, both believe Burke to be innocent.

Carter sure is a man who inspires respect. I think he knows that Burke didn't do it, but must go through the motions--it is the wealthy, powerful Collins family after all, and they can put him out of a job if they want to.

Maggie is worried about her father, and knows all of this involves him somehow, so she did her best to ask a few questions, but came away dry. She also has a fondness for Burke (or is it that she fears losing that big commission on her father's portrait of Devlin)?

Many people wonder if the folks on DS ever ate food or drank anything but booze. Here you see them scarfing up burgers and sandwiches and drinking lots of coffee. Once Barnabas joins the cast, it seems all anyone, including him, ever does is drink. : )

Love, Robin

Offline VictoriaWintersCollins

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Re: #0023/0024: Robservations 06/04/01: Carter Investigates the Case
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2010, 11:11:24 PM »
Goof: A crew member can be briefly spotted in the mirror behind David Henesy.

Enter Constable Carter, wonder what this guy's story is.

Roger can be quite patronizing towards his sister at times.

At this point, DS is ripe for the drinking game with all the repetitive dialogue.





That David is a slick one, adding more of his prints to the wrench.

Then again Carter is a tad bit CLOWNish, leaving vital evidence unattended to take a phone call.

"It's alright, he's probably just impressed with the dignity of my badge."

Oh yeah, he's an idiot.
My name is Victoria Winters, my journey is just beginning.

A journey that I hope will open the doors of life to me and link my  past with my future.  A journey that will bring me to a strange and dark place.  To the edge of the sea, high atop Widow's Hill, to a place called Collingwood.

Offline VictoriaWintersCollins

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Re: #0023/0024: Robservations 06/04/01: Carter Investigates the Case
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2010, 11:51:55 PM »
Episode 24...

Appears that the light bulb has finally gone off in Carolyn's brain, where Devlin's concerened.
Yes he's innocent when it comes to the accident, bu still up to no good.  Curious to see how "Bronson" figures into his plans for
the Collins family.

Note: Sorry that the previous post is wide spaced, wasn't able to go back and edit. But will type my future comments like this one.
My name is Victoria Winters, my journey is just beginning.

A journey that I hope will open the doors of life to me and link my  past with my future.  A journey that will bring me to a strange and dark place.  To the edge of the sea, high atop Widow's Hill, to a place called Collingwood.