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Messages - The Doctor and K9

TLATKLS? I assume the KLS is Kathryn Leigh Scott, but what do the letters before siginify?

After rereading David's post, I think I would seriously consider "unfriending" anyone who supported even in jest, the assassination of the President, any president.

Unless someone is supporting violence against a particular group, I leave politics at the door when I'm into fannish things. I don't even want to discuss it. I say let's agree to disagree and watch DS or whatever. My wife and I don't even agree on many of the topics that were mentioned.  Her views on illegal immigrants are much more negative than mine. Emphasize the word ILLEGAL. She has no racial prejudices against people who come to this country via the prescribed way, through customs. I'm on the fence about gay marriage; she opposes it. I'm anti-death penalty, she's pro.  I voted, reluctantly, for Obama; she didn't.  I love DS, and she thinks it's boring. The relationship still works.

I wasn't allowed to watch DS because I was only 6 in 1969.  I did steal glimpses of it though. My cousin scared the hell out of me when he drove us by Seaview Terrace. He told me Barnabas really lived there. I didn't quite believe him because we drove by the front which was not as familiar to me.  He evidently did not want to brave trying to drive behind the house on that dirt road. The hedges were probably too high then to see it any way, come to think of it.

I didn't get to really watch it until it ran out of Boston. It was fringe reception but watchable.

Yeah the van was like DS memorabilia from the cartoon series that never was. Can you imagine Barnabas, Quentin, Carolyn, and Maggie travelling around in that van looking for ghosts?  Maybe they'd meet up with "the Witch" that was part of the Groovy Horror Heads series. The only thing I could think of when I saw that pillow was [spoiler]the old visage that Sam painted onto Angelique in the Dream Curse.[/spoiler]. Those two are the DS collectibles of which I have the least interest.

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 II / Re: Fest Banquet
« on: August 16, 2011, 05:42:23 PM »
There should be tiered pricing. Those who get to sit at a star's table get a bargain. Those who sit in the back hardly get their money's worth. I usually go becuase I figure that I've flown the length of half a continent, I might as well get the full experience. Usually Marie and Donna make the rounds. There should be some sort of equitable pricing.

I'm going to Newport tomorrow! We've been staying in Portsmouth since June 29th.  We'll be in Newport for 3 weeks.  My 30th reunion is on the 16th.  Rogers High is about a mile from Seaview,also on Ruggles.  PM me if you want to meet us. Joe

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Re: Ode to NJN
« on: July 02, 2011, 03:06:59 AM »
NJN solicited pledges with the fraudulent promises that DS, The Uncle Floyd Show, and other programs that did not fit into a new vision of ivory tower programming. They got more than they bargained for with the fans of the Uncle Floyd Show. They filed a class action lawsuit and forced the network to return almost $15,000 of the wrongfully obtained funds. Unfortunately, as I recall, they got off easy. The lawyers were asking for punitive damages, which they didn't get. I think they also asked that funds from the other shows be returned, but that did not happen either.

Made Possible By...: The Death of Public Broadcasting in the United States
Letters To The Editor Uncle Floyd

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Re: Ode to NJN
« on: July 01, 2011, 10:27:20 PM »
Let's not forget that they also solicited pledges for DS even though they had already decided not to pick up the final year.  I sent them a check, even though I lived in TX.  I was quite angry when the announcement of the cancellation of DS came before my donation barely had time to clear.  I tried to put a stop payment on it,but it was too late. 

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 I / Re: DS Story Digest
« on: June 22, 2011, 05:14:39 PM »
It is reprint of a text story with illustrations that Gold Key published circa 1970.  It's worth reading if you are a completist with regard to DS.  It's on par with the comics.

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Celebrity DS Fans....Who are they?
« on: June 18, 2011, 09:44:31 PM »
One of the Madonna bios stated that she went to see HODS on her first date.

Current Talk '11 I / Re: Celebrity DS Fans....Who are they?
« on: May 31, 2011, 01:28:19 AM »
Stephen King stated in a TV  interview that he loved the show.

I was hoping, briefly, that by some stroke of luck Martin Landau would replace Cross. I was planning to see him and Humbert Allan Astredo in Dracula in the '80s. I wound up studying in the UK for a semester and was unable to go. After seeing Landua in Ed Wood, I was crossing my fingers. Barbara Bain was also in at least one LA Theater Works production.

I suspect that the Quentin picture is a capture from the DVD.  Has anyone else seen this picture before?

Halfway through "Sucker Punch" I decided, unless the ending was unsatisfactory, that I was going to purchase that movie. The ending did not disappoint, and I'm eagerly awaiting it's release on DVD.