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Messages - Sandor

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KINKY JOE: Hey, babe, you still have that brunette "Cassandra" wig laying around somewhere? You do?! Well, would ya put it on before you bite me this time? Or we can go completely crazy and "I'll" wear it while you bite.... Dan Curtis owes me one.

Luciaphil's Idle Thoughts '04 / Re: Before I start these up again
« on: January 28, 2005, 06:54:39 AM »
Bring it on, Luciaphil. Great insights, plus fun comments on DS hair and fashion... which was often scarier than the actual proceedings at Collinwood. Particularly enjoying your feedback on those early episodes that established the characters of Elizabeth, Roger, Carolyn, David and Vicki. Summer of '66.... ahh.... life's never been the same since.

JOE: (in his best Marlon Brando voice) I coulda been a contender...

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Amy Jennings
« on: January 28, 2005, 12:58:11 AM »
And Sandor...when you put in on your sight...."Given the age difference between Amy, Tom & Chris, thr parents obviously kept up an active sex life."...I laughed so loud, well I was glad that there was nobody here except me.

Could you imagine the front-page obituary?: "Amorous older couple crushed in back seat of car at Collinsport Drive-In, during a screening of "Satan In High Heels" starring Grayson Hall. The victims, Mr. and Mrs. Jennings, still frisky from one of them inheriting the Quentin-Collins-Insatiable-Libido Curse, were attempting to give their young daughter Amy a baby brother or sister. " No wonder the guilt-ridden tot ended up at Wyndecliff!

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Amy Jennings
« on: January 27, 2005, 08:50:49 AM »
Favorite Amy storyline: how Amy could see the sign of the pentagram on the face of the werewolf's next victim(s). Interesting how Chris, as the werewolf, could attack his girlfriends (Sabrina, Carolyn) without hesitation, but never laid a paw on Amy.

Direction of Amy's character: if she had stayed on, we wouldn't have been subjected to.... Hallie Stokes!! Then again, how many times can the same kid become possessed (David wins at 3)!? Wished Amy had burned more of brother Chris' shirts, so we'd have more shirtless Don Briscoe moments to cling to.

Amy's parents: not sure how they died, but they apparently never knew of their Collins ancestry, or chose not to share it with their children. Given the age difference between Amy and Tom & Chris, the parents obviously kept up an active sex life.

Amy stops cancellation of DS?: perhaps if she returned to Collinwood as a giant blueberry, forcing Barnabas and Julia to travel to Wonka-land, and vent revenge on the Oompa Loompas. Seriously though, I lost interest in the show after Amy, Chris and other old-time characters vanished from the plot. She was a talented young actress.

Current Talk '03 I / Re:Worst Hair on DS?
« on: January 26, 2005, 09:54:54 PM »
Has anyone noticed the odd strand on the head of Chris Jennings?  He always has this odd piece of hair that looks like it should go up or down but does niether.  It's just out of place ready to poke him in the eye or something.
Personally, I find his hair the most annoying.

I beg to differ: with that face, voice and bod, Chris (Briscoe) could be wearing the Sabrina fright wig and still be hot! Hubba, hubba... lend me a comb... I'll take care of that odd strand of hair....

Dom, I was watching Perry Mason today too - THAT was Dr. Guthrie? Wow, I did not recognize him.
I missed much of the "Laura vs. Dr. Guthrie" storyline, so I'll have to re-visit those episodes. Life was exciting at Collinwood even before Barnabas showed up... but even then, the supernatural took no prisoners. Poor Dr. Guthrie.

Thanks for the link, J-C,
and what a nice tribute from Briscoe's school chum. The more I learn about Don Briscoe's life, the more fascinated I become. My hope is that his passing will encourage some of the DS actors (who tended to say little or nothing about Don at the conventions) to recall and share anecdotes about acting with the heartthrob.

The episode is in color (from "Jeannie"'s 2nd season). I just hope Don's scene isn't edited out so TV LAND can add more commercials!  If such a travesty plays out, hopefully they will release the "I Dream Of Jeannie" series on DVD soon, so fans can grab a clear caption of Don Briscoe in his form-fitting NASA uniform.

Now the hunt is on for the episode(s) of "Jericho" and "Iron Horse" that feature the dreamy Briscoe. Anyone ever seen these? Anyone ever seen Don's tan line?

GRAYSON: Why didn't I simply fire my press agent and hire Heather?! She'd have gotten me out of this tweed and fright wig faster than you could say, "Where'd you like the hypodermic inserted, Dave?"!

JULIA: Poor Barnabas. He still believes he might win the Publisher's Clearing House Sweepstakes. Look at him, out there all day, waiting for Ed McMahon to come a-knocking.

TOM: Look, Joe, I have no problem with your cross-dressing fetish, but how're you going to explain it to Maggie?

JOE: It's too late, Tom. She's already caught me wearing her old waitress uniform from the Collinsport Diner. Including her short blonde wig! She called me a jerk.

NURSE: (to Maggie) Honey, you're wasting your time. Dr. Hoffman already gave this young man his sponge bath today. Funny thing is, we're out of sponges.... wonder what she used instead?!

WILLIE: I tell ya, Barnabas, I'm goin' up to Josette's room, and I'm settin' fire to that afghan!

BARNABAS: Touch that afghan, Willie, and I'll put you in charge of potty-training Adam!

Polls Archive / Re: Three Most Favorite Grayson Hall Characterizations
« on: January 22, 2005, 06:32:52 AM »
The results are in and really no surprises here. On a personal note, though, I'm happy to see that Carlotta got six votes because she's definitely one of my favorite GH characterizations.  :)

I still cherish my CARLOTTA button - and I shed a tear when I remember my original Carlotta T-shirt that, days before the DS convention, got messed up in the washing machine. She went from "colorful Carlotta" to "Carlotta in kinescope!"  

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