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Messages - Janet the Wicked

Fill in the blank:

Jason grinned wickedly when Vicki told him she had never __________ before.

Fill in the blank:

Jason always __________ when he had lemon peel with his coffee. It affected him that way every time.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0195
« on: April 22, 2012, 06:30:33 PM »
He's definately slick!

The Worcester Telegram & Gazette had a huge article on him. Not often that you see a vampire in the headlines.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0193
« on: April 19, 2012, 10:45:42 PM »
I must also add a personal welcome to Jason McGuire. He's thoroughly despicable, but when he's on screen you can't take your eyes off of him because he's so fascinatingly so. And a good deal of the fascination comes from the fact that Dennis Patrick plays him to perfection. One of the many examples on DS of a perfect marriage of character and actor is most definitely Jason McGuire/Dennis Patrick.  [thumb]

Some friends o mine had tee shirts made up with a picture of Willie with the slogan: "Got Willie?" Dennis Patrick loved it and requested one...

So sad. But he did have a very long, full life.

Yeah. Man. I'm running out of Kleenex.

From the Turner Classic Website:

The four of them...Frid, Selby, Parker, and Scott...apparently appear as partygoers during a scene where Barnabas holds a costume party. Rumor has it that Frid is dressed similarly to Depp in the scene...but anyway, there's at least one publicity still from the movie of Michelle Pfeiffer (who plays Elizabeth) at the party, and behind her and to her right can be seen Selby and Parker.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0193
« on: April 19, 2012, 11:50:28 AM »
Portia Fitzsimons  - incredible, the audacity this screwball has. This side plot, or whatever you want to call it, is completely ludicrous. This “monumental” of the art world comes to the teeny, tiny town of Collinsport, a sardine canning community, because she is familiar with Sam’s work. Come on!
Fame is like salt, she says, what's meat and potatoes without it?
What the hell does that mean???
I don’t know what the writers were spiking their brownies with when they came up with this crap, but I bet it was some good shit.

Jason! YAY!!

Sam & Roger are at it again. Although I would question Portia’s raving desire to make my name a household word, and think the whole thing had just been a silly dream, I can appreciate Sam’s want of those paintings and also Roger’s refusal to give them up. Heh…

exhaled pizza fumes her way!!

a marshmallow

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0192
« on: April 18, 2012, 06:12:56 PM »
So Roger was in town all night after putting Laura on the bus.

It occurred to me that whenever Roger is in denial about the weird happenings going on, he becomes really snippy and snobbish.

"I should have stayed here with him," he says regretfully, "I should have known he'd still be in danger."
Yes, you should have, you dummy.

It must be like two o’clock in the morning now. Everybody’s still up and Joe is keeping an eye on the fishing shack. Don’t these people have to get up in the morning???

Fill in the blank:

Mrs. Johnson: Hello? Hello? Is anyone there? Hmph! Why is it every time I mention that I’m making ______ for dinner, the line goes dead?

mess around with bleeder valves.

Roger’s spirits!