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Messages - starruby13

Pages: 1
Current Talk '08 II / Re: Movie Cast Ideas
« on: July 20, 2008, 07:27:34 AM »
I've been at the convention all weekend. I posed this question to Lara Parker and Kathryn Leigh Scott. Lara thought she would like to see Charlize Theron in the role as Angelique. Kathryn Leigh Scott thought Kiera Knightly would be great for the part of Maggie Evans/Josette Dupree. Someone in the audience actually suggested Angelina Jolie play Maggie. Kathryn thought the suggestion rather humerous and made some cheeky comment that  if Angelina were to portray Maggie, her top would have to fall off at some point in the movie. As much as we would love to see Jonathan Frid on the big screen, he made it clear that he was not interested in appearing in the new movie. I think the ladies are right on with their casting choices.

With not much forethought, here's some of my ideas for casting thus far:
Barnabas: Johnny Depp (of course)
Alan Rickman: Roger Collins
Kate Mulgrew: Elizabeth Collins Stoddard
(2nd) Helene Bonham Carter: Crazy Jenny
(2nd) Susan Sarandon: Dr. Julia Hoffman
Edward Norton: Willy Loomis
Jayne Wisener: Carolyn Stoddard
Sacha Baron Cohen: Adam
Anne Hathaway: Victoria Winters
Val Kilmer: Professor Timothy Stokes

Pages: 1