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Messages - deron

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Current Talk '02 II / Forget the past; no one will notice.
« on: August 15, 2002, 01:43:25 PM »
Well, when I saw the scene between Julia and Barn when they were talking about the drug to kill Eve and how it works, I was thinking to myself... wouldn't it be easier for Julia to say...

We'll be using the same thing I used on Dr. Woodard, Barn.  Nuff said.

They talked about it like it was something new.  Barn was asking questions about it, when he should have known all about the effects, considering he had a hand in the Woodard murder.

One other thing... how many times do we have to see Angeliques reflection in a mirror?  She's a vampire, right?

Whew... got that off my chest.


Current Talk '02 II / Re: another count
« on: July 18, 2002, 02:21:59 PM »
I've noticed that too, tripwire.  Usually after he kisses her, she wipes her mouth on his shoulder farthest from the camera.  Sometimes it looks like she is in pain having to kiss him.

On the other hand, he seems more than willing to kiss her quite often.

This alone makes their love for each other hard to believe when I'm watching this story line.


Current Talk '02 II / The game of life.. and chess
« on: July 01, 2002, 07:08:05 PM »
After watching these episodes today, I realize that though I don't really like the story line as a whole, some of today's dialogue was top notch.  I think the chess match between Julia and Stokes(both literal and symbolic) was a highlight as well as Blair's manipulation of Adam.  In it's early stages it is so right on the money.  It reflects real life, and how people use and play other people for their own gain.

Some of the individual episodes in this story line is very entertaining, but as a whole I think it becomes a little drawn out.

Also, I've said it countless times... If Julia would just tell Stokes the truth,  he could have really helped them out.


Current Talk '02 I / Another side of Angelique
« on: June 20, 2002, 04:23:52 AM »
I'm really enjoying these most recent episodes with Nicholas Blair.  Not only is his acting very enjoyable, and he has some great lines to work with, but his interaction with Angelique is great.  It's obvious he is the more powerful, and treats her as such.  

With that, we see flaws in Angelique that adds another interesting dimension to her character.  Even with Nicholas telling her that her dream curse is petty and not worth bothering with, her love/hate of Barnabas is so strong that it blinds her and makes her ignore how Blair thinks she should conduct herself.


It will eventually cost her, and Blair has bigger fish to fry anyway.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: Vampire/creature movies?
« on: June 14, 2002, 12:49:20 AM »
I guess the one movie that I remember liking the most was Salem's Lot.  It scared the crap out of me when I was younger.

I know that it was a TV movie and the production values weren't that of a major motion picture, but just the thought of that kid floating outside his brothers bedroom window asking him to let him in gives me the chills.


Calendar Events / Announcements '02 I / Re: What is "good horror"?
« on: June 06, 2002, 09:19:27 PM »
I think suspense is an element to good horror, not to be confused with shock.  

Hitchcock once explained the difference between the two.

Shock is suprising the audience without warning.

Suspense is letting the audience know something is going to happen, but not letting them know exactly when.

The gory movies with shock doesn't do anything for me, but give me suspense and that's what I think true horror is.   Also mix in elements that actually scare you in real life.  When I see a movie like The Haunting, it doesn't do anything for me, because it doesn't look real and everything is shown.

I think, when making good horror, the human element, namely true fear and fear of the unknown or unseen, is crucial.


Current Talk '02 I / And in this corner... Prof. Stokes
« on: June 06, 2002, 07:47:41 PM »
Though the current storyline is my least favorite, I really enjoyed the battle between Angelique and Prof. Stokes in the dream.  I always loved the character of Prof. Stokes, and wished Julia and Barn were more up front with him on things.

He never seemed like the type who would run to the police immediately and tell on Barn.  I think he would have done everything possible to help.  And like I said before, he did always seem to know more about what is going on than he let on.

Round 1 goes to Prof. Stokes.  On to round 2.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Torture
« on: June 05, 2002, 04:00:27 AM »

Just wait until he starts talking.  With talking comes threats.  This is only the beginning.


I tape Passions every day for my wife to watch.  Sometimes you can go weeks without watching and still not get lost, because the storylines move sooooo slowly.

I think the main difference between Dark Shadows and Passions is that Dark Shadows seemed to assume that the viewers have some intelligence, but Passions seems to treat everyone like they are eight years old.  Also Passions is a lot more tongue-in-cheek, and doesn't take it's stories that seriously.  

I haven't seen Port Charles, but maybe I can catch a little of it soon.  For now, I'll stick to my DS tapes!!!


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Songs for our Fav Characters
« on: June 03, 2002, 12:06:32 AM »
I have two for Angelique....

Witchy Woman by the Eagles and Devil Woman by Cliff Richard.

Every time I hear either of these songs, I imagine a montage of scenes of Angelique doing her dirty work.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Was There Bad Acting on DS?
« on: May 30, 2002, 03:34:00 AM »
While sometimes the acting was bad, there were times that it did work well.  I think we can all remember a number of episodes that everything clicked.  The acting was good, the writing was good and everything flowed well.  These moments are always worth the over the top acting that happens sometimes.

I admire these group of players.  It was practically live TV, because there were very rarely any retakes, and with the little time they had to learn their lines, I believe some of them did a wonderful job.  Also take into account that they weren't doing the same ol' kind of dialogue that the other soaps were doing.  They were dealing with subject matters that no one else in daytime was doing.  

Were there some bad actors in DS?  Of course.  Even the best TV shows and movies will have a few bad actors in it most of the time.  It was the flaws in the regulars on DS, though, that gave them character that I will always remember them with.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: Adam's brain
« on: May 22, 2002, 03:52:53 PM »
Just remember you guys started this.  Cassandra finally confusing to Roger about her relationship with Barnabas.


I was thinking the same thing while watching yesterdays episodes.

Just imagine Barny and Adam tap dancing to Putting on the Ritz.


Adam tap dancing with Barny... just the visual is cracking me up.  Good one, Birdie.


Current Talk '02 I / Adam's brain
« on: May 22, 2002, 04:15:10 AM »
After watching today's episode, I can't help but think of another way it could have played out right after Adam was sedated by Julia...

Barnabas:  Julia, sit down.

Julia:  What is it Barnabas?

Barnabas:  Tell me, what is the name of the person that Clark got the brain from.

Julia: Abby.  Abby somebody.

Barnabas:  Abby Normal?

Julia:  Yeah, that's it.

:P I couldn't help myself


Current Talk '02 I / Re: am i a nerd?
« on: May 22, 2002, 03:58:59 AM »
I think the bottom line is that if you take all these things we talk about such as the bloopers and the messed up lines and combine it with actors who do look like real people and act like real people, and mix that in with a revolutionary approach to daytime TV, it is just plain fun.

It's fun to see these characters going through these storylines whether they are bad or good.  All these elements allow people like me and everyone on this board to talk about the show and have fun.  I don't see that happening with very many shows these days.  If Dark Shadows wasn't intriguing or entertaining Sci-Fi wouldn't be showing it over 30 years later and we wouldn't have a forum like this.  I think the fact that fans are still this enthused about a show that has been off the air this long is a testimony of it's appeal.


Current Talk '02 I / Re: am i a nerd?
« on: May 21, 2002, 07:49:12 PM »
In this day and age of computer generated special effects and short attention span acting and writing, I find Dark Shadows to be an oasis in today's state of TV.  It is great to see real actors interact, and carry a good storyline over the course of months and don't treat the viewer as if they were 6 years old.


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