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Messages - joesalvatore

Pages: 1
Dear Friends:

I am writing with updated information about the memorial for Craig Hamrick.

The celebration of Craig's life and work will take place on Saturday, November 18, 2006 at 10:30am.  The location will be Greenberg Lounge in Vanderbilt Hall, 40 Washington Square South in Manhattan.  Vanderbilt Hall is part of the Law School at New York University, and the entrance is between Macdougal Street and Sullivan Street.

The easiest way to get to the site is to take the subway to West 4th Street.  Exit the station at the downtown end, and the building is a block and a half away.  Washington Square South is actually West 4th Street, except for the few blocks that it borders the park.

For those of you that are driving, there should be a parking garage on West 3rd Street between 6th Avenue and Macdougal Street.  You are then only two blocks from the site.

I would also recommend visiting for more information about location.

If you cannot attend the memorial but would like to share some thoughts about Craig, please send them through to me by November 11 (  I will work to compile them and have them read or displayed as part of the tribute to Craig. 

Thank you all for your continued support over the past few weeks.  Craig's absence in my life has grown more pronounced with time, but I hope that this memorial will allow all of us to celebrate the joy and happiness that Craig brought to so many people while alive and all the fond memories that still remain, even though he is not physically with us.

As always, with much warmth and thanks,

joe salvatore

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick
« on: September 28, 2006, 06:23:27 AM »
Dear Friends:

I am writing with the information for the organization that I have named as the recipient of any donations that people would like to make in remembrance of Craig Hamrick.  Craig and I adopted our first cat Buster in September 2003 from the Brooklyn Shelter and Adoption Center that is part of New York City Animal Care & Control, Inc.  I think it's only fitting that donations should go to this organization, as Buster (and later his brother Dusty) provided Craig with comfort and companionship during his illness, and both cats are now providing me with the same in the wake of Craig's recent passing.

Animal Care & Control is a nonprofit organization (501(c)(3)), and all donations are tax deductible in accordance with IRS guidelines.  Your contributions will help to:
* Care for and find loving homes for homeless pets
* Offer low-cost spay/neutering services for all adopted pets
* Rescue injured or abused animals
* Advocate on behalf of animal welfare

To make a contribution, please send your donation and indicate that it is in memory of CRAIG HAMRICK to the following address:

Development Department
New York City Animal Care & Control
11 Park Place, Suite 805
New York, NY 10007

Thank you in advance for helping to make a difference in the lives of animals here in New York City, and for helping to keep Craig's memory alive by contributing to a cause that he truly believed in.

With much warmth and thanks,

joe salvatore

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick
« on: September 26, 2006, 12:22:58 AM »
I wanted to thank everyone in this chat forum for their kind words about my partner, Craig Hamrick.  I hope that you understand how difficult this time is for me and for our families. 

Having said that, I would ask that donations to any specific animal shelters be held until I've named the place of Craig's and my choice.  I am currently researching possibilities, and I intend to post the final choice by Wednesday of this week.  Other than to post that shelter information, I will not be responding to any other questions concerning Craig's passing or his memorial at this time.  Information about the memorial will be distributed when a date, time, and location have been set.

Thank you for your patience and understanding and your love for Craig.  I'm sure he is happy to know that he has touched so many people.

Joe Salvatore

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