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Messages - Karlenfan

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Yes, it truly has been a hard time for the DS Casts:  Elly was so excited to come, but her mother died about 3 weeks ago.  Condolences to her and her family.

Unfortunately, Roy Thinnes broke his hip.  He is obviously, unable to travel.  Get Better Roy!

no there's nothing "terrible" about this event...

I totally agree  [snow_smiley]

Thank you David...but that is not our goal.  Lyndhurst is having difficult times in this economy.  We truly love that Estate and would never want it to "go under".  That is why we choose to have the event at Lyndhurst, so we could charitably donate whatever we make to help perserve this Historic Estate.

I don't understand why it seems to be such a terrible thing to want to do something for the fans and for Lyndhurst Estate.  First of all, this is NOT for profit.  As in any event we will have overhead, but beyond that everything goes to Lyndhurst as a charitable donation.  Secondly, DS stars have the right to go to any event they choose.  Thirdly, these events have happened specifically I attended were the Ed Lambese parties and there was no problem with the official "Fest".  I too have attended Festivals...26 of them to be exact, a true fan since 1987.  A cruise was a wonderful idea, but Michael C., it is the Festival that has choosen to do smaller seperate events in the past few if you are displeased with that, you should contact them. 

Thank you to our supporters!  We are just trying to have a fun event that everyone can enjoy!

I give credit to the planners of the event planners for cancelling last year. They put in the work and tried to get an event together; it didn't gel. They could have kept the money and had the event.  When people showed up, they could have said, "Gee, we're sorry, none of the guests could make it, but we have a great weekend planned for you".

Thank you...we didn't think it was fair when things fell apart with the actors and even some of the staff, to continue.  We want everyone who attends to enjoy themselves.

Hi Gerard, we do not have a website..but if you have any questions or would like a copy of the flyer, please email

But as for this event, I really wish them luck, particularly because they come across as a group that's willing to celebrate/showcase many different versions of DS. And well, if it really is the case that they've advertised Monica Rich's attendance without having all the i's dotted and the t's crossed, well, that's really no different than the dozens of times the Fest has done similar things.

Thank you MB..that is exactly what we are trying to do, something different, where all of the DS incarnations are inlcuded.    As for Monica Rich...I can say we were dealing with her representative..and everyone knows how that can go.  Again, any real and related questions can be sent to

Being one of the Friends of 91 DS organizers:  I assure you, Michael C., this is neither "Hodgepodge" or a "Total Mess" .  The "B" actors you refered to are generously contributing their time and talents on behalf of charity for Lyndhurst Estates.  You are correct, we attempted this last year but all participants schedules were full.  I suggest you find out about the event before slamming it.  Any questions can be sent to

I just want to say this, Sunday I lost a friend. I layed in his bed with him on Saturday and spoke to him knowing somehow there would be a call from Joe the next morning. Yes, I know how brilliant he was, he was a great talent. He was also a great friend and pulled me out of more messes than I could count. He called me everyday when I had my hystrectomy and of course we know what he was going though. I still hear his voice in my head. I remember him telling me all about this great guy he meet named Joe. Craig touched so many people's lives by his work and I thank a Higher Power that his work will live forever. But you see my friend didn't last long enough to see 40. All these posts about Gay rights would mean the world to Craig I can hear him saying write people write! He was a boy when I first meet him. Hidding from the straight world of the mid-west  In NYC he became what he always was a proud gay man. Some of us here are putting thier hands on the keyboard and writing about Craig or gay rights. And Then shut off the machine and just forget it. How do I shut off my feelings of loss? how does Joe? or Craig's mother who lost a child as a mom myself I can't think of a greater pain.

I get into bed and talk to Craig. My child is 10 she may have memories of him there is video now. But he can't hold her.  You see people. to me Craig isn't a post he was my strenght when I was ill which I am right now. He made me laugh at myself, he made me brave, proud and grateful. I know somewhere near Joe is griefing for his partner also a pain I can't even think of. I am leaving him to that pain to work though for right now. For 4 years I held my breathe when Craig had to have yet another operation. If I called and heard Joe's voice I choked up for a monent.

There are people on this board who are morning a great loss that is to be respected. Without those people right now I would be out of control right now. So please remember Craig isn't just a post he was a proud gay man and I have to explain to my 10 year old what happened to him and where he is. So to people like Connie remember that when my phone rings it will never be Craig again. I cry, I laugh, I ask questions of God, but most of all I remember that boy that came off that plane 13 years ago and I smile. One day I will smile again when I think of the man he became here in my city, our city. My daughter will know who he was what he stood for 20 years from now. Connie, will you remember your post that long from now? Craig was about words, beautiful words of love and friendship. Love to my friends who have gotten me though this


i can't put into words how much my heart is with you..... and John and Peter and BuzzH and all the people that Craigs presence made a difference to.  He certainly touched my life, taught me to laugh more at myself, and was such a generous spirit to me.  Years ago he made me a shadowbox with everything that was important to me....Janet, DS, himself, just my whole world in one little box....I wish I could have taken that box and froze in time so that he would still be here.  Here to watch your daughter grow, Janet.  Here to make me smile.  We even had a song.... and when I get there my friend, we will do that stupid "tainted Love" dance...I promise....


I am so offended that someone who didn't know Craig would assume anything.... Craig would be the first person on this board defending what he felt was right.  Craig lived his life open and free.  Accepting of those who accepted him.  Everything that SG wrote about Craigs life was true...yet the most important thing...the thing that helped him live for the past 4 years with this horrible disease was left out... How can anything (his writing, his career, his publications) be deemed more important than mentioning the man who held him when he was sick.  

John, you know I love you and Peter very much.... Janet, you are a true friend for my entire life.... and rock my good friend.... I love you all so much....


I can't believe that SG did not mention the core of his life...Joe seems to me that a proper obituary (if that is what they were going for) would included the people left behind that he loved....but obviously they did not know this....why is the truth so hidden even after 40 years of DS.

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Craig Hamrick
« on: September 24, 2006, 09:55:44 PM »
Craig Hamrick was one of the most generous and genuine people I knew...  He was my friend for over 12 years and I can't express how painful this is...I'm so angry...I don't understand the rhyme and reason to who lives and who dies.... Joe and Janet....I am here for he's an angel....but then again....he always was.... I will miss you Craig....

Thank you so much for all the well wishes... ;D

Caption This! - 1897 / Re: Episode #0759
« on: May 27, 2006, 04:26:18 PM »
Barnabas: I don't understand Magda
Magda: Sigh....!  For dee last time Meester Bahnabas!  You put dee lime in dee coconut and meex eet all up!

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