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Messages - collinwoodgoverness

Pages: 1
Glad to be here Midnight, I've been hearing such great things about this board I just had to join. I figured it was about time I said hello:-)


Ok, I'm choosing this thread to make my first appearnce here at the board. I joined some time ago but just haven't had the time to post. Here's my take on the question... Now, I may be in the minority here but I thought Barnabas was very sexy when he kidnapped Maggie and the whole "You will be Josette and marry me" type of thing. I've never really thought of him as physically attractive but in those scenes I did catch myself breathing harder and rooting for Barnabas and not Maggie. There have been a few other times in the series when I did, for a moment or two find myself attracted to him. Such as that moment in 1840 when he [spoiler]almost bites Julia.[/spoiler] What can I say? I think vampires in generally are incredibly sexy, and Barnabas did have that fabulous vioce and manner about him that was very sexy even if he appearance may not have been.


P.S. I'm much more of a Quentin girl,lol. :)

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