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Messages - BluePhoenix

Pages: 1
Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Yo, Midnite!!! :)
« on: May 04, 2002, 06:47:51 AM »
HA!! another convert!!!  ;)

you'll find a TON of their music online, i think i started with the first of their Hits CD, then got the second Hits CD, then backtracked and started getting all the other albums/CDs... some if it just hits me in an odd way, and i love the music, arrangements, emotions, voice(s), lyrics, all of it!

okay, how old is this son who's handling the Net for mom? mine are 8 and 11.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Yo, Midnite!!! :)
« on: April 29, 2002, 05:43:49 AM »
the diff between "read only" and "locked" is that, i can set the thread/topic to "read only" and only allow mods and/or admins access to editing, moving or replying to a thread (for instance, one that we have archived and i'm already quite happy with the posts and don't want it added to or tampered with) or i can "lock" it, so that no one, even an admin, can inadvertently add another post or edit it or move it. of course, any admin can unlock it and lock it again, but it's a matter of courtesy to NOT interfere when another admin has made a decision like that...

and i'm like whoever it is in your family.. i love music!~  ;D

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Yo, Midnite!!! :)
« on: April 26, 2002, 04:33:23 PM »
It was comfortable until, well, it became painfully obvious that the PTB at SciFi couldn't care less about what was happening at their boards

ah, our stories are somewhat similar, then. i began on a very large, commercially run Transformer board (cartoons with an impressive toy line) and had a great time meeting people and talking TF until we became extremely bored (the cartoon was between series) and started talking about other things, or just plain cutting up, but nothing bad of course. well, the moderator in charge didn't like that, and started editing posts, then deleted them, then started temporarily banning people, then permanently banning. mind you, i never heard of one person who talked to this guy, either on the board or email. you would come back and posts would be changed or gone. it was alarming to see someone with so little courtesy or common sense.

a large group of us, who had already become friends, decided we wanted a place with less restrictions and more caring, and one found EZboard. well, that caused a mass exodus! ...and suddenly we had ALLLLL this freedom to talk about whatever subject we wanted, have food fights in virtual reality, ride roller coasters that went up the sides of trees, ANYthing we could think of to entertain each other!

i was elected an admin, *boasts proudly*and had a blast greeting people and enjoying friends while learning the technical aspects of running a board. Since then i've branched off to my own board (a friend created it for me as a surprise, naming it after a play on words where two posters went to a blues club to have some fun) and broadened out. one of my admins loved to write, and began a science fiction story where all our members were in a spaceship instead of on a board, and the adventures we ran into. later, he began allowing them to role play between his own posts, which we all loved!

when a friend asked if he could begin a Dungeons & Dragons game and we drew a ton of posters who loved SF, D&D and RPGs, i decided it would be a good theme for the board. we now host several different RPGs (all SF related in one way or other) as well as all the other forums we've accumulated over time...

it's knowing that fans are enjoying themselves that makes it all worthwhile.  And despite the fact that it can be trying, most days it's a breeze and a joy.  I know you can relate.

yup. i'm here because i enjoy people, and i love hostessing a SAFE place for them to come.

this Testing board (which actually is supposed to be for forum questions or testing features... and here we are, oops?

ooops. feel free to move this topic to the CT forum if you have a way to do that. i'm sure i'll find it!

Haven't had to use our "read only" forum feature yet.  The name for it is "locked topic"; same thing.

we have locked topic too. read only sets the forum so only mods or admins can post or edit. another frill!

I saw how you handled someone on your board that was irate and I was totally impressed with how you listened and eventually talked him down!

hmmm... i'm trying to think where that was. do you recall the topic or poster?

i consider them ALL my friends, and guests in my home. if someone is upset, they usually just want to be heard; if they're being rude, i find that most people will be respectful and listen to my requests because i always offer the same to them.

here's the link to the entire song.  

I apologize for taking so long to get back to you!  I tried to play the midi this morning but couldn't, and then tried again tonite with no luck.  Ah well, but thanks for the info and at least I got to read the lyrics for the entire song.

i guess i need to work on posting MIDIs then... sorry about that! try going to EZboard and clicking on my profile (just click on my name at the beginning of any of my posts) and you should be able to hear the song. it's just a fragment of the song, anyway; i haven't been able to find it, so i'm considering learning how to build my own MIDIs for the songs i love!

actually, i've had good luck passing MP3s to friends over AIM, MSN and even ICQ (but i rarely turn ICQ on, lol). if you'd like to hear the real song and you don't go to Napster replacements such as Kazaa or Bearshare, come find me and i'll send it to you myself!   :)

we were considering moving off EZboard for our own board like this, so were the AllSpark Classic team; i'd like to learn more about how to handle a board like this sometime, but i'm very pleased with how EZboard handles so much for us, and the ease of having literally thousands of posters who can bop around the boards and keep their IDs and profiles, so they can post at a new board at will! did it take you long to learn the controls here? and can you do any of the coding yourself?

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Yo, Midnite!!! :)
« on: April 25, 2002, 07:46:07 PM »
ah, forgot your question about the quote! it's a song by The Alan Parsons Project... a wonderful friend of mine left the board suddenly, and i was feeling sad.

here's the link to the entire song.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Yo, Midnite!!! :)
« on: April 25, 2002, 05:52:33 PM »
on to the fun stuff...

EZboard gives you a lot of options for adding image backgrounds instead of just colors, if you choose, as well as your own custom buttons, banners, and all kinds of frills. you have to find the images yourself, or create them, however. that can make the page hard to load for people with 56k modems, so i try to be considerate.

we have a huge general chat forum, but as posters suggest more interesting things, like a scifi forum, or a Transformers forum (that's where we started out) or midis and lyrics, we branched out. several of the posters liked the idea of role playing, and some had tried it before, so we did a few small ones and decided we liked it! i have some hugely creative people over there... now it's a major emphasis, and since i'm a creative type too, i think it's great!

please feel free to stop over and say hi to us, it only takes a few minutes to register a name. and if you have any specific interests that we cover, jump in and ask questions; all of us are friendly there or i smack them personally  ;D  ;)

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Yo, Midnite!!! :)
« on: April 25, 2002, 05:47:15 PM »
i thought i'd start a separate topic here, if you don't mind!

Just a quick note... I visited your forum (always anxious to see other sites) and wanted to say 2 things.  First off, it's GORGEOUS!  Am curious to know the source of your quote.  Okay, so technically that was already 2 things, but I'm not done yet:  My hat is off to you-- you're a heckuva moderator!

thanks, you're very kind! i've been with EZboard for 2 1/2 years now, and watched it grow tremendously. i've even spoken by email with the owner when we had some serious problems going on. it's a wonderful alternative to setting up your own board system, like this one, and i'm afraid i just couldn't handle all this yet! lol... so my hat is off to you and the rest of the staff here for their tech knowledge.

i think our terms are different where i come from, and i'm getting confused... for instance, any one who wants to can create a "board" at EZboard. within that board, you can create as many "forums" as you like, each for a diff subject, like general conversations, recipes, music, role playing, etc. and if the posters like only certain subjects, that's where they head. within a forum you can have 400 "topics" or "threads" before the ones that are oldest fall off the back of the board to oblivion. and if you have some real keepers in the forums, you can move the topic/thread intact to a new forum that you've created just to showcase them, where you can choose between allowing people to continue to comment within the threads or make them "read only".

Also, i think the staff titles and abilities are different. you have one EZop/owner, who can add on as many administrators as she likes, each with the ability to edit, move, and delete things across the entire board (the EZboard has a few more powers above the admins, btw) as well as access the controls of the board too; then you have Global Moderators, who have powers across the entire board, but can't get backstage to the controls; then we have Moderators who are assigned powers for specific forums(s) that interest them, and those forums are the only places they have more powers than regular posters do.

So, at Blue's Club, i'm the EZop, and i have two admins who have 99% of the power that i do; then i have some global mods who enjoy floating across all the forums helping with all the subjects, and who came in REALLY handy when we had attacks from another group who spammed and porned and made fools of themselves; then are the forum-specific mods who prefer to concentrate on just one subject/forum. together with the regular posters, we make up a pretty nice family!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Hi! About Barnabas.
« on: April 25, 2002, 05:14:46 PM »
thanks muchly, Midnite! i appreciate your comments, and i've started another thread for us to get to know each other, and to tell you more about my board.

Josette, i think those sites and this one must be set up very differently from the ones i use at EZboard, and i think the terminology we're using is not the same. Vindicator, the EZop (our term for owner) of AllSpark Classic, is well versed in both your type of board and the EZboards, he's a real brain and a heck of a nice guy too, but me? i don't have much experience with the independently operated boards like this one, so forgive me if i give you the wrong info sometimes...
more on that in my thread/topic with Midnite!

i guess the first season of a new show is most difficult, they have to establish so much! after all, it's a whole new world... and when it's a world the viewers are already aware of, like with all the Trekkers out there, the new shows receive even more scrutiny. Hey, we have what, 30 years worth of fans and MANY shows that came before. any new ST show really has to hit the ground running!

i especially like that they are just discovering so many technical ideas and pieces of advanced equipment that we already know about, it adds a nice twist to the stories. but you're right, many of the characters could be stronger and more fleshed out by now, and the stories could be stronger too. it's like they're 3/4 of what i had hoped for, and it's good, but you still know something is missing... maybe by the second season they'll take off. as i remember, when i first saw the "Farpoint" episode that began ST:The Next Generation, i didn't think it was all that great. now that i go back and view it, knowing the characters, the meanings behind what they were doing, etc, i seems great! one of my favorites!

hey, if you guys started out on the scifi boards, how did you end up specifically as DS fans on a separate board?  you tell me your story, and i'll tell you mine!  :D

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Hi! About Barnabas.
« on: April 25, 2002, 07:05:20 AM »
regarding Barnabas giving you a rose: well, "thank you" is always nice  ;) and i'm jealous! i've never gotten a flower from him...

on your old stories, you can't save them some way? on the boards that i go to, you can always create one more forum to hold the best of the best. it's a shame that you're losing something wonderful that took time and creativity to make.

and although i loved Scott Bakula in Quantum Leap, i don't think he was right to play a captain on ST. it's sort of nostalgic to watch this show and see how so many of the races and equipment we took for granted in the other shows got their start. kinda fun!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Hi! About Barnabas.
« on: April 25, 2002, 04:35:09 AM »
scifi boards? cool! that's another huge interest of mine too! i love to watch SF movies and shows, i even write a bit. which are your favorites, if you have any? i always watch Enterprise, the new Star Trek series, but mostly i enjoy the movies. anything from Alien to The Mummy Returns to Stephen King's movies...

DS was great because they had a whole new slant, with the gothic horror soap opera idea. it went over big with myself and my friends! while mostly the story seemed to evolve VERY slowly, the characters came alive and the story lines were interesting. it had a lot going for it!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Hi! About Barnabas.
« on: April 24, 2002, 05:33:54 PM »
thanks, Josette! pleased to meet you...

gee, i don't have to ask you who your favorite character is, huh?  ;)  she always seemed the more delicate heroine to me. i kind of like Vicky myself, trying to figure things out and get in the middle of all the mysteries. ...not like she had a choice, being flung into the past...  ;D

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Hi! About Barnabas.
« on: April 24, 2002, 06:29:57 AM »
that's a shame that you limited role playing here, Midnite. Barnabas is great at catching people unaware when there's a subject going on and he puts a whole new twist on it as the star of DS! also, from what i've read, that policy was instituted due to some problems with a couple of bad posters in the past. i can only hope that this policy gets better in the future; my board has a lot of fun by suddenly going off on tangents and keeping interest up in the forums. you never know WHAT you'll read, so you read them all!

Mysterious Benefactor, it's really okay, i've seen the email you spoke of and Barnabas understands what was happening now; it seems to have been a series of unfortunate misunderstandings that occurred after seeing Midnite's original post that just seemed a little strong. he wouldn't have invited me here if he thought this was not a good board. let's all start over, kay?  :)

sooooo.... what else do we want to talk about now? DS perhaps?  :P i've been a fan forever, i watched the original shows! they were funny as well as mysterious... a girlfriend would always call me to laugh about anything that went wrong with the filming, like an overhead microphone in the shot or someone tripping or missing lines... it was great stuff!

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Hi! About Barnabas.
« on: April 23, 2002, 07:43:16 PM »
oh, it will all blow over, i'm sure, Hector.

hi, everyone! i'm Blue from a neighboring board (several boards, actually) and Barnabas told me about this new chat board he found. Dark Shadows! yay!  ;D

i plan to spend some time wandering around and getting to know people here. nice board!

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