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Messages - jes61356

Pages: 1
Current Talk '02 I / Re: MPI DS DVD problems
« on: June 13, 2002, 06:30:27 AM »
I had all kinds of trouble with my Zenith dvd player. And it was a high end model. Zenith to their credit tried their best to fix it but after 4 times in the shop and waiting over 6 months for their newest software upgrade I gave up and demanded my money back. Every time they had a new software upgrade I hoped it would stop my dvd player troubles but it never happened and my player spent more time in the Zenith service center then with me. The D.S. Highlights dvd released by MPI was one of the many it would lock up on.

I received a full refund on the money I paid for my Zenith dvd player because I kept the original receipt plus all repair correspondence. I then bought a high end Sony player and have not had 1 dvd I have had problems with since that time.

I would really love to see both "House of Dark Shadows" and "Night of Dark Shadows" restored to their original length and on dvd. Right now I have the 2 laserdiscs MGM released of those movies. They have no extras except the trailers. I won those with a laserdisc player in a TV Guide contest MGM sponsored. The first time I had ever won anything.

"Dark Shadows" definately has influenced me as an actor and filmmaker. I did Barnabas for PBS and their telthon drive to raise money to keep the show on the air at that time in the Quad Cities. I have pictures that were taken of my resemblance to Barnabas. It took me about 2 hours to do my makeup and I made my friend up as the "Werewolf" character for the telethon. I got a letter of appreciation from the studio for the authentic look of our costumes and the work we did to enhance their telethon. I enjoyed doing that and we raised over $8,000 in one 30 minute period and kept the show on PBS for another year at that time till they ran out of episodes.

As an independent filmmaker I am now working on my first feature film a Horror film titled "Unearthly Harvest" I'm sure that "Dark Shadows" inspired me in some way to do this. It's about a couple of eldery ladies who take in mysterious visitors and soon after people begin to die! It also has a interwoven love story between two of the characters. A college boy who is a border at the house an a mysterious girl who is part of the coven who comes to stay. Original music is going to be composed for it by a composer in California and I am going for a theatrical release. I have already put $32,000 into this film shot on 16mm film. We will begin editing in August. And it will cost me another $30,000 to finish it with all the lab costs. For those of you who would like to know more about it the movie web page site is Click on the big green title and your there.

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