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Messages - MysticScribe

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Calendar Events / Announcements '16 II / Re: Daughters of Darkness
« on: June 26, 2016, 02:26:29 PM »
Daughters of Darkness is a great, early 70's arthouse flick. The story takes place in Ostend, Belgium and it's explained that the hotel is empty because it's the off-season. Delphine Seyrig is divine in this; so beguiling. And yes, you do see John Karlen in the all-together and I do mean the all-together; nothing is left to the imagination. Are you watching the Blue Underground DVD? If so, watch the movie again with the Karlen commentary, it's both informative and funny.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Disturbing DS Episodes
« on: April 24, 2013, 04:13:12 PM »
Because the tone was so different than what we'd seen on the show before, the scene when the original Willie Loomis cornered Carolyn in the drawing room was a bit jarring. It went beyond a garden variety masher annoying someone.

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0432
« on: April 10, 2013, 10:04:43 PM »
Abigail was always smugly adamant that she could spot evil-doers, witches and the devil possessed, but when confronted by Barnabas, she refused to believe. No doubt she was a repressed, vinegary spinster and perhaps her zealotry wasn't just an outlet for her repression, but a mantle to cloak decades of bitter disappointment. Maybe facing something truly unnatural and evil tore that mantle off (made all the more shocking as it was her own kin) and her final moments involved some major reassessment of her beliefs. Probably not, though. I wasn't sorry to see her go, she was an annoying quidnunc.

I've always liked the scene with Trask and Daniel. When Daniel told Trask that he was the one who looked like the devil, Trask's smile conveyed a lot, at least to me. I don't know if it was scripted, direction, or accident, but Trask seemed genuinely amused and able to laugh at himself. During most of the conversation with Daniel, Trask came across as a more traditional minister, patiently and quietly attempting to teach a child about good and evil. Of course, that didn't last long and he was right back to the usual foaming-at-the-mouth fanaticism. I loved Naomi comforting Daniel and taking Trask to task.

Dress up like a nun and seduce you!

Current Talk '13 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0431
« on: April 10, 2013, 03:16:07 PM »
I watched this episode over the weekend, so I've forgotten some things.

Abigail confiscating Daniel's list, she just can't stay out of people's business, even a child's.  I liked how Daniel persuaded her to give it back. I really enjoyed the scene when she was asking him about Vicki. Although we never see Vicki tutoring the children, we learn a couple of things. 1) Given the situation, she's none too bright in having told them about life in the future and 2) you can understand why Daniel and Sarah liked her so much. To them, her fantastical stories about the future were entertaining compared to the usual dry lessons.
Daniel's curiosity about the future appealed to his imagination, but I think it also showed that he was like his cousin Barnabas; open to the possibilities. Daniel eagerly reaches forward, whereas Abigail stubbornly clings to the past. Abigail has a line (paraphrasing) "If the good Lord intended me to fly, he'd make me an angel." Watch it, Abigail, some demons have wings, too.

Ben's line about Abigail getting what's coming to her was priceless.

Games / Re: Collinsport Yellow Pages
« on: April 03, 2013, 10:49:11 PM »
Collinsport Guns & Ammo

Featuring a large selection of revolvers, rifles and antique dueling pistols. Silver bullets in stock. Everything you need for nuisance trespassers, prowlers, romantic rivals, artificial creations and lycanthropes.

I drew Desmond. I got him a top of the line Kevlar vest.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0203
« on: May 03, 2012, 04:39:53 PM »
To me at least, the energy level was low again in the first scene with Jason and Willie. It was almost painful to watch, being so leaden. Things pick up though, when Mrs. Johnson enters. We get a glimpse of how Jason and Willie probably worked together in the past on whatever cons or scams they pulled. Jason knows how to get on Mrs. J's good side, raving about her cooking, and Willie doesn't miss a beat in reinforcing the good will. Hall's performance wasn't bad during this exchange. When Mrs. J mentions her late husband was a seaman, J&W know how to work that commonality to their advantage. The info also reveals Sarah's partiality for seafaring men; married to a sailor and her unrequited love for Bill Malloy.

Willie: Is the food really good here?

Jason: It's atrocious. The woman burns everything to death.

How does Mrs. J keep her job if the food is that lousy? The Collinses are either very forgiving, order take-out or have damaged palates.  After Jason, acting like he owns the place, sends Willie to the study, he employs the sleazy tactics with Liz. A nice contrast to what we just saw with Mrs. Johnson. With Mrs. J, it's honey, with Liz, vinegar. Poor Liz. I kind of wish Bill Malloy was still around, I'd have loved to see Bill and Jason square off.

In the study, Willie's in full-on masher mode. Vicki had a pretty good sized, hard cover book in her hand, but I guess it didn't occur to the sweet ingenue to bash him in the face with it or jam a corner of it into his eye.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0202
« on: May 02, 2012, 10:15:56 PM »
I would love to have seen what John Karlen would have done with this stupid dialogue.
While watching these episodes, I kept distracting myself, imagining JK's line readings. So much better.

Hall, here and there, has curious pronunciation; "that's my mot-TOE" and "don't get exci-TED." As if there's extra letters or emphasis on the wrong sy-LLA-ble.

Sam Evans - Cheers

Richard and Frank Garner - The Defenders

Prof. Stokes - In Search Of

PT Will Loomis - Kolchak: The Night Stalker

Dr. Hoffman - St. Elsewhere, Emergency, The Doctors

Nicholas Blair - American Gothic

Quentin and Chris Jennings - The Dog Whisperer

Angelique - Tabatha, Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Cassandra - Nightmare Cafe, Freddy's Nightmares

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0202
« on: May 02, 2012, 08:41:16 PM »
I think my hesitation in believing Willie to be a real danger in a fight is because, so far, there's been nothing to back it up. We've seen him leering and mashing on a couple of women and threaten/challenge a couple of men to a fight, with fisticuffs always being avoided due to Jason (because it serves his own interests, granted). Perhaps the writers opted for a more subtle approach, but I still see it as bravado. I would have liked to have seen something. We know Willie is volatile; trying to win some money in an impromptu poker or craps game on the docks and busting up a guy when he believed he'd been cheated or something like that. Even if Jason and Willie just talked about the incident. That being said, there's definitely a creepy, predatory rapist vibe in Hall's Willie. There's no doubt in my mind that, given his temper, Willie would abuse a woman. I get disturbing images of him beating a prostitute in a dingy motel room because of a quibble over payment.

But I'm not sure Jason has Willie under control. He could do nothing to prevent Willie from joining him at Collinwood. Willie had the upper hand there.
Perhaps I didn't think through or express the thought well enough. Willie's a brawler and Jason's denied him the opportunity to do what he likes and does best, fight, by metaphorically neutering him and that may be why I see Willie as posturing as a tough guy. And maybe Willie is starting to think that's how people perceive him and he resents it. Jason, by preventing his friend from fighting and withholding info about the 'big job' has, in a couple of ways, emasculated Willie. Not being fully aware of the plan, what's going on at Collinwood and stuck in a lousy rooming house, Willie had to adopt another tack, taking a page from Jason's playbook and using it against him. Willie's turned the tables and gotten the upper hand by using his brain, something Jason hadn't bargained on. He underestimated him, probably believing he always had control over Willie, until this critical mistake.

I'm starting to wonder if any of that made sense.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0202
« on: May 02, 2012, 05:06:30 PM »
We start off with some bad dancing at the Blue Whale - Elaine Benis bad. Willie zeros in on Maggie and gives a first rate example of being a masher. Maggie handles herself well in trying to fend him off, but since she refused a drink before he walked over, you'd think the bartender would be watching for trouble. Maggie and Sam are regulars, whereas Willie is a stranger. Willie doesn't take the hint when Joe shows up and only backs down once Jason arrives. Despite his seeming eagerness to mix it up, Willie reeks of bravado. His crossed arms and hunched shoulders have the feeling of someone who's been chastised. It's interesting how Jason is able to get Willie under control. Is this

[spoiler]a foreshadowing of what's to come in the Barnabas/Willie relationship?[/spoiler]
Jason and Willie converse. Maybe it's just me, but Dennis Patrick's energy seems low during this bit. Hall's delivery is often halting and pause laden, as if he's thinking. I don't think it serves the character or the Jason/Willie relationship. Jason is a fast talker and thinker and it seems he'd partner in crime with someone who runs a little more at his speed. I can't help but imagine how this episode might have played with a certain other actor. Regardless, Jason is sleazy and Willie is skeevy. Quite the duo.

Back at Collinwood, Jason plays to the manor born and helps himself to Roger's cigars. This is curious, since we've never seen Roger smoke one or even mention it, unless I'm mistaken. When talking to Carolyn, Jason opens his mouth and, true to form, spews some gilded blarney about Paul. Willie worms his way into Collinwood. His approach was rather clever; knowing Jason didn't want him there, he says Jason invited him. The gravy is in having a witness, Carolyn.

Willie introduces himself as "Willie Lowmiss," which is conclusive proof to me that this is not the real Willie Loomis.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0200
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:37:01 PM »
Well, at least part of bellowing Burke's Unfair Manslaughter Conviction!™ story line has been resolved with Sam coming clean to Burke. Interesting comment by Sam to Maggie about going to Collinwood; since Roger never believed he'd have the guts to tell Burke, it's worth going to see the look on Roger's face. I suppose Sam thinks that if he's going to do a stretch in stir, he'll have the satisfaction of having stuck it to Roger before hitting the hoosegow.

Jason is loathsome. Sprawled out, brandy in hand, with his feet on the sofa, like he's lord of the manor. Smug, demanding, manipulative, arrogant son-of-a-b—h.

Current Talk '12 I / Re: Discuss - Ep #0199
« on: April 29, 2012, 06:22:07 PM »
I liked the initial awkwardness between Maggie and Sam after she returned from her walk. Sam affecting a forced, optimistic tone when announcing he hadn't had a drink and was going on the wagon, in an attempt to avoid that 800 lb gorilla in the room. How long before Sam finds that seat on the wagon uncomfortable and bails?

Hmm, a slight time ripple here. Last seen, Burke was in the Blue Whale with Vicki. How did he find out about Sam's call? Does the Collinsport Inn have a designated Burke Devlin runner?

Prototype Willie Loomis. It does make me laugh when he refers to Liz as "the Stoddard dame."

Frid's Barnabas was such a haunting figure of mystery... those eyes ... that voice.

Whether it was Frid's innate talent or classical training (or a combination of both), he accomplished so much with nuanced expressiveness in the face/eyes and use of his voice. In the latter especially, he could move from sorrow to growling rage in a second (Astredo could do the same, suave to fury in the blink of an eye and all in the voice). Frid's Barnabas had gravitas.

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