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Messages - michaelhacketttodd

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Calendar Events / Announcements '14 II / Re: Future Festivals
« on: July 04, 2014, 03:50:39 AM »
Sadly, it was not possible to attend the festival.  Not since 2011, Jonathan Frid's Last Appearance, have I attended, no connection in my opinion.  Expenses, personal obligations and just not watching the calender all contributed to my absence.   [ghost_sad]

Current Talk '13 II / Re: Depp's Dark Shadows
« on: September 06, 2013, 11:29:24 PM »
It is necessary to take exception with this post.  Granted, the movie was more of a spoof than anything else.  And it's true that the movie had far more to do with the eccentricities of Depp & Burton than anything to do with the original show.  They are truely an Odd Couple.

Still, my final verdict on the film is one of appreciation.  Although for a fleeting moment, it was Jonathan Frid's final film appearance.  And Depp/Burton, in my opinion, did their best to appeal to a new and far more fickle audience while trying to remain faithful to the original show and fan base.  It was a daunting and very expensive task.  My hat is off to all the people that worked so hard on this production. 

Sadly, Dark Shadows, The Series is, like The Beatles, a phenomenon of the 60's.  We will always feel its influence, but the past is gone and will never return.  Dark Shadows without Jonathan Frid as Barnabas is like The Fab Four without John Lennon.  Anything less will pale in comparison.  Let's be grateful for any effort to recapture the magic of Dark Shadows because it calls attention to the original show and its devoted fans the world over.   

Calendar Events / Announcements '13 I / Christopher Pennock
« on: January 14, 2013, 07:06:11 AM »
Christopher Pennock has very recently posted [snow_huh] a request for Prayers and Best Wishes to help them through a Major Family/Personal Crisis.  Nobody knows what has happened or is happening.  Does anyone out there know what is going on and/or what else, if anything we can do to help Chris and his family?  Please advise.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Best two-actor combination?
« on: December 31, 2012, 02:48:51 AM »
The Barnabas Collins, Julia Hoffman relationship was the Heart & Soul of Dark Shadows.  Storylines and other combinations would come and go, but when Barnabas and Julia "walked into television history" the show was doomed.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Mary Cooper as Josette in 1841PT
« on: November 12, 2012, 01:14:20 AM »
To the best of my knowledge, Mary Cooper was a Stage Performer and Friend of Joan Bennett.  The role may have been hastily cast because although the cancellation of the show was by no means assured, the writing was on the wall.  The Barnabas/Julia Hoffman relationship was at the Heart and Soul of Dark Shadows and it must have been very difficult for the writers to create a compelling storyline without these vital characters.  Mary did the best she could under very difficult circumstances and she did come across as a kind caring person, just like Josette Dupre.  She was my favorite character in 1841 parallel time. 

Current Talk '12 II / Re: Discuss - Ep #0277
« on: August 27, 2012, 12:16:46 AM »
Holding a Costume Party in a Mansion like Lyndhurst is a far more reasonable project than trying to create a Festive, Party Atmosphere in a Cramped TV Studio.  The Movie Set released Dan Curtis & Co. to tell the Dark Shadows Tale like never before. Dan had all the Space, Time and $$ that was never afforded him on the show itself.  He made the most of it and never looked back.

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: August 21, 2012, 01:44:51 AM »
There is no question that there exists an Anti Dark Shadows Bias in the Media.  And yes, it has been in existence since the 1960's.  But, there has also been a Powerful, Devoted and Loyal Fan Following.  And this Fan Base is the reason why we have the New Movie, the 1991 Revival Series, Decades of Fesivals, and Countless Publications.  Also, we can purchase and watch all 1225 Episodes, both Original Movies and Countless Specialty Videos.  The list is Endless.  Jonathan pointed out in an interview that it's about the Fans more than anything else.  He was right. [ghost_tongue]

It does not surprise me that the subject of Jonathan's Private Life would come up shortly after his passing.  It was always a subject of much curiosity on my part and obviously a very well guarded secret.  In my opinion, let's keep it that way.  It would be interesting to know the details, but far better to remember Jonathan as a cherished performer and a very good man.  He shared himself with us for 45 wonderlful years.  That is all we have to know and understand.

The part of Laura Collins was played by Diana Millay.  Does anyone have current information on her?  We met in 2005 in Secaucus, New Jersey.  She was at a Halloween Expo, along with Kathryn Scott and Marie Wallace.  Her health was failing even then (According to Ms. Scott) and she may be in an Assisted Living Facility in the New York City area.  Please advise.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: The Creepiness of Anthony George
« on: August 06, 2012, 01:57:55 AM »
There is no question that Mitchell Ryan was the Definitive Burke Devlin.  The character was his from the very first episode.  Anthony George did the best he could with what he had to work with...probably with very short notice.  There are very few actors on Dark Shadows that really disappoint me.  Perhaps the Rose Colored Glasses are to blame  [ghost_wink]

Current Talk '07 I / Re: Leviiathon question
« on: July 21, 2012, 12:23:58 AM »
In an interview attached to one of the "Collectors Edition" VHS tapes, Alexandra said Dan Curtis asked her to return to the show and she replied, "Only as a Demon" because she never liked playing the goodie-two-shoes Vickie Winters.  Curtis refused and that was the end of Vickie.  Perhaps he killed her off in the past to Spite Alexandra.  Curtis realized the fans would only accept Alexandra in the role of the Heroin Vickie and even Alexandra admitted to this fact in the interview, but she was adamant and so was Curtis.  It's all about the  [ghost_mad] Fans.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: The Creepiness of Anthony George
« on: July 21, 2012, 12:08:03 AM »
Didn't Mitch Ryan have a drinking problem?  Perhaps he was a loose cannon on deck.  Dan Curtis was very ambitious and there must have been clashes between the two.  As for Robert Gerringer, perhaps he decided to split when he learned his character was being killed off.  Even Dana Elcar  left around this time.  Dark Shadows was about to travel back in time and some of the characters were doomed, such as Burke, Dave Woodard and the Cemetary Caretaker.

Current Talk '12 II / Re: The Creepiness of Anthony George
« on: July 18, 2012, 04:58:33 AM »
In support of Anthony George, he probably was rushed into the part due to the sudden departure of Mitchell Ryan.  Even though Burke's Storyline was a "flop" he was on the show from the very first episode and had become a fixture, if not the central character, of the show since the very beginning.  Wasn't there an Actor's Strike around this time?  Other "expendable" actors were also cut from the show about this time, such as Robert Gerringer and Daniel Keyes.  And Dark Shadows Fans are notoriously intolerant of change.  Look at what happened to the role of Victoria Winters when Betsy Durkin replace Alexandra Moltke.  Burke was on his way out, but his part had to be phased out gradually.  And Anthony George, who probably knew his days on the show were numbered, did the best he could.   [ghost_wacko] 

Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: June 13, 2012, 03:50:47 AM »
In my opinion, the new movie was as good as it could be.  One has to consider that it would be impossible to follow the original series too closely.  That would have made the movie less appealing to the modern audience.  Depp and Burton did a fine job recapturing the spirit of the series without allowing the movie to appear dated.  It makes me proud to be part of the original hardcore fan base and this film would never have happened without the strong interest we show.  We keep Dark Shadows alive for ourselves and future generations. [ghost_wink]

Calendar Events / Announcements '11 II / Re: Happy Birthday Grayson
« on: September 18, 2011, 04:18:37 PM »
I "rediscovered" Dark Shadows around 1989 when it was re-released in VHS.  This was a Bittersweet Experience for me because it was also at this time that I learned of Grayson's Passing.  Happy Birthday Grayson and thanks for all the Wonderful and Memorable Moments on Dark Shadows.  You are Sorely Missed. 

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