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Messages - Heather

Current Talk '04 II / Re: On MSN..Great Couples
« on: July 07, 2004, 04:21:04 AM »
Kewl... it's wonderful they included DS. Who woulda thunk it?! LOL  :)
Although, I think that Barnabas' love for Josette transcended into a romantic delusion over time...JMHO, folks.  ;D  I think if Barnabas one day came to peace with his past, he'd always love Josette, but he'd realize that he could never recreate that first love... ;)

Another problem I have is that some of the webpages are designed to go with IE ... I mean, this is hard to explain.  Some of the pages look screwed up on Mozilla.  Got any advice?  How can I get around that?

I know what you mean, Cassie. Some web pages even say that it's best to view them using IE (sigh). At times, when I scroll down certain sites, the graphics overlap (hard to'd have to see it to believe it - LOL). That never happens when I visit this board though (great job MB).  ;)
But, like victoriawinters said, I try to avoid IE now. Over time, I've found the Mozilla-based web browers to be a lot more versatile. I hope you're able to resolve the problems and make the switch. :)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: on david collins
« on: July 07, 2004, 03:49:27 AM »
David had a DNA test and found out that neither Roger nor Burke was his father. His inheritance hinged on him officially being a Collins. When Collins family lawyer, Frank Garner learned the news, he conveniently found a codicill to Liz's will that specifically addressed such an event. David was cut out of the will. At first saddened by the news, David eventually decided to leave Collinwood and Maine forever. To this day, he lives with his wife somewhere in the mountains of New Mexico.

That's a fascinating theory, Miss Winthrop! Although, it's sad to think that he'd be separated (or chose to separate himself) from the family he grew to love...sigh. :-
But that's what's great about speculating on the future of the Collins clan--the possibilities are limitless...   :D

Off course Darren all I want is Grayson. . more Grayson. . more Grayson. . . (no, we're never satisfied. .  .)

I'll drink to that... I know, I'm a nut.  ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Maggie and Joe
« on: July 03, 2004, 08:21:34 PM »
while willie was at wyndcliff who was treating him?julia was running around doing her own thing.what prevented willie from remembering everything about barnabas and julia and spilling the beans on the whole thing?

Good questions, mscbryk...keep those gears turning.  :) Could be some interesting fodder for future fanfic...ya never know. ;) I'm slowly going through my DS tapes...Oh, how I wish I had more time to relax {weak chuckle}.  :( Anyway, as I recall, they did kinda skim over his treatment [spoiler](after he recovered from the gunshot wounds, his sanity was waining)[/spoiler]-- but they didn't explain anything in detail (well, the only thing I can remember is Julia mentioning that she'd make weekly trips to the hospital, check up on her patients. I would assume that she may have been hypnotizing him behind the scenes, but it's up for debate I suppose. At one point Barnabas arranged to have a visit with Willie at Wyndcliffe...[spoiler]he convinced Julia to release the young man early to help with the Adam experiments, although Willie was still a tad anxious to say the least). Other people sent to Wyndcliffe at various times include Barnabas himself (after Angie bit him), Amy (after Tom was killed, but of course she escaped and ended up living at Collinwood where she was reunited with Chris), Chris (because of his lycanthropy--ya know what i mean), Joe of course, Elizabeth (hmmm... she escaped eventually too -  LOL), David, Hallie Stokes, Maggie....etc.[/spoiler]

Julia was really raking in the bucks after she became Collinwood's favorite live-in doctor, wasn't she (or at least she should have, considering all the stress she was put under--no wonder she kept mega-doses of sedatives on hand. LOL) ? You go girl...  ;D

{cough} Chris Jennings says: I hope you're feeling better realllllllll soon Jennifer.... ;) {cough}

I'm wishing you a speedy recovery too.  :-*


Thanks Patti!  :-*

I hope everyone on the board has a blast this more ways than one.  ;D  ;)  :-*

Hugs from the Steel city,


Current Talk '04 I / Re: Origins of I Ching Storyline
« on: July 03, 2004, 03:28:39 AM »
Thanks for the additional info. on the I Ching Steve, MB, Aristia and MsCriseyde (and everyone else who commented)...  :-*

My mom and brother will be fascinated to hear some of this...they went out and bought some I Ching books after seeing 1897 too (in my house, DS is a family affair ;)). LOL  And I always wondered how they may have come up with that particular time-traveling scenerio. Fascinating stuff!  :)

Current Talk '04 I / Re: machen in sleeveless
« on: July 01, 2004, 04:20:27 AM »
heather, i love the doll! but somehow,i felt strangely sedated while viewing it. :P

LOL!  Intriguing critique, mscbryk. Was it the huge hypo that did it? Or was it her medallion, or the dress or... ;D
You can't see it in the picture, but she's also got some spiked heels on too--Julia's ready to go out on the town. :o  ;)  LOL

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re: DS Forums' FIRST God!
« on: July 01, 2004, 04:12:24 AM »
You know what would be just adorable...smileys to represent our favorite DS characters (I know, in my dreams...LOL).  ;D

If only!  8)

I wish...although you'd probably have to have multiple smileys to represent everyone. Or certain symbols--like, a cane for Barnabas; a hypo (or medallion) for Julia; a brandy snifter for Quentin (or Roger); pearls for Liz; a slingshot (or transitor radio) for David; a paintbrush for Sam; dollar signs for Burke (or Roger - chortle); a boat for Joe; a frisky kitten for Carolyn.....etc, etc.  ;D

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Governess Wanted - Anyone Need Apply
« on: June 30, 2004, 11:00:06 PM »
I recently purchased the first 20 DS tapes. :D  I don't watch it every day, but I am enjoying watching them. 8) I never saw the pre-Barnabas episodes. :( David was a bratty kid in the  beginning. :o He was hateful and mean to his dad and Vicki. :(

Have fun watching those episodes...I know I did the first time I saw them. :) Some of it is night and day compared to how things are later, but I find it refreshing at times (providing a good background for many of our beloved characters, IMO). I agree about David, but I don't me a nut but I still feel for the kid. Sigh.   :-[

Current Talk '04 I / Re: Dr. Woodard and others
« on: June 30, 2004, 10:44:45 PM »
Dr W #2 and GH did have good chemistry that would've been particularly poignant had RG continued in the role.  RG was convincing in heralding Julia's brillance .. .and you felt he had affection for her as well and she him . .not so with Bunnie (Dr W #3).

I agree with that wholeheartedly; in fact, I even wrote a scenerio where Dr. W is an integral part of Julia's mysterious backstory. Well, that's another subject for another day....

Judith needed to take a dip in that ocean and unbutton her blouse a bit .. . she was bound to be cranky with her buttons all done in that humid mexican heat! :P

Well, that too...  ::)  :P ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 I / Re: DS Forums' FIRST God!
« on: June 30, 2004, 12:56:42 AM »
Yeah...what Gothic said.  lol  :D

That's some feat...I bow before your greatness, MB.  ;)  :-*

p.s. Love the montage that's up today...a little sumthin' for everyone.   8)  You know what would be just adorable...smileys to represent our favorite DS characters (I know, in my dreams...LOL).  ;D

Current Talk '04 I / Re: on cassandra collins
« on: June 30, 2004, 12:42:50 AM »
Cassandra was off the charts. Definitely a fave of mine. Her storyline with Barnabas and the Dream Curse gang brought my older sister to DS in 1968, and 38 years later, the madness continues. Thanks, Lara. Thanks, sis.
I always gave Cassandra 10 extra points for being the first to actually blurt out, "I think she's (Julia) in love with him (Barnabas)," and the wigged witch had only been a resident of Collinwood for one day when she made that comment!

I gotta agree with ya Sandor. Great episode.... but one of my favs, of course, is when Julia can take no more and so rightly offers the back of her hand to Cassandra's not-so-innocent face. One of the best slaps in history (hehehehehehehe)!!  ;D

Did Angelique, as Cassandra, actually have to... uh, er... "make love" with Roger during her masquerade, or was she always able to drug his nightcaps and prevent unwanted, amorous advances? Love her or hate her, the girl made major sacrifices in the name of revenge.

Hey--good point. Sandor you wench (just kiddin')'s a wonder I didn't think of that.  LOL
Yeah, did she or didn't she--curious minds are dying to know.  Chortle...  ;)[/color]