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Messages - Gerard

That sounds like it was a lotta fun.  It's good to hear that the current owner of the Evans Cottage is open and receptive to DS fans wanting to take a peak at the outside.  It reminds me of the time I visited the Carey Mansion (the original Collinwood) in Newport when it was still a music school for the local college.  The staff inside had no problem with DS fans dropping in, allowing them to take a look around and to walk the grounds.  A photo I took, from the spot where the series photographed the house for the opening narrative scene, is my wallpaper. 

And Jim Fyfe is a history teacher!  Yahoo!  So am I!  Even though I now work as a substitute teacher. 


Current Talk '15 I / Re: The Month of Victoria's Arrival
« on: June 29, 2015, 05:37:41 PM »
there's no "cliffhanger" and the next day they can all go back to lying to, hating and backstabbing each other.

Michael, I hate to correct you, but that's not The Bold and the Beautiful that you're watching.  It's Congress on C-Span.


Current Talk '15 I / Re: The Month of Victoria's Arrival
« on: June 29, 2015, 02:58:13 AM »
And don't forget that sometimes it was the dead of winter and characters would run around outside in sleeveless dresses.  Soap opera time, even though it's suppose to coincide with our own, regardless of the show, always has weird parallel-time going on.  As Uncle Roger pointed out, children age rapidly but pregnancies can last longer than an elephant's and other such sundry time-passage stuff.  It has to do with the story and plots.  On I Love Lucy, Little Ricky aged normally for the first years (yes, I know it's not a soap).  However, when the Ricardos and Mertzes went to Europe, he was three and in nursery school.  When they returned, he was almost six and a first-grader.  DS was great at just ignoring the passage of time.  When Vicki went to 1795/96, it was 1967.  In current time she was gone for just a few minutes but when she popped back it was 1968.  The writers didn't face that problem with having Barnabas (and Julia) travelling back to 1897; the plot coincided it day-by-day when it moved from past to present.  Parallel time did the same thing.  The 1840/41 plot did provide a coinciding problem when Barnabas, Julia and Eliot returned to the present, but some sloppy covering of it by having Elizabeth ask them (paraphrasing):  "Where have you been?" tried to keep the monkey-wrench out of the works.


Current Talk '15 I / Re: The Month of Victoria's Arrival
« on: June 28, 2015, 03:47:20 PM »
Having episodes coincide with air dates, when some episodes cover just one day, has always been a problem with all soaps.  They deal with it by ignoring it.  On an episode of The Golden Girls, Blanche makes reference to the daily comic-strip soap-opera Apartment 3-G.  Dorothy states she hadn't read it since 1961.  Blanche replies:  "Well let me get you caught up with today's strip.  It's later that same day..."


Best wishes to Mary Lacy!  My goodness, 97! 

I'm waiting for The Best of Hallie Stokes DVD.  I guess I'll just hafta wait.  And wait.  And wait.  And wait.


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0933
« on: June 27, 2015, 07:04:42 PM »
Eliot:  "Mr. Stoddard, pull yourself together.  Just take the suit back to Sears and tell them it had lousy stitching.  You still have the receipt, don't you?"


Current Talk '15 I / Re: The Month of Victoria's Arrival
« on: June 26, 2015, 12:02:06 PM »
There are quite a few episodes that reference dates through various methods, such as newspapers, etc., having the date coincide with the one on which the episode initially aired.


Current Talk '15 I / Re: The Month of Victoria's Arrival
« on: June 26, 2015, 01:52:00 AM »
Since the series was suppose to be aligned with current dates, Victoria arrived in late June (the 27th, to be exact).


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0932
« on: June 20, 2015, 10:56:57 PM »
Quentin/Grant:  "I'm sorry, Dr. Hoffman, but when it comes to coats, I'm afraid chinchilla beats wool."


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0931
« on: June 20, 2015, 02:48:20 AM »
Barnabas:  "Holy-moly!  Those commercials are right!  Even after being exposed to a monster,  the watches take a lickin' and keep on tickin'!"


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0930
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:13:43 AM »
Preternatural Hotline:  "I...didn'  Please...say...again."

Megan:  "I said:  'I need to update my credit card expiration date.'"


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0929
« on: June 13, 2015, 02:04:27 AM »
Todd:  "I don't care what you say.  These are the ninety-sixties, not the twenty-tens.  I'm gonna spank your dupa like it's no tomorrow.  Megan, stop fighting and get me a belt, or else I'll use it on you, too.  There's no Opah - not yet."


RIP - He and his talent will be greatly missed.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 31, 2015, 07:18:16 PM »
It was one of the reasons, Michael C.  I thought it was fantastic to meld the characters of Maggie and Vicki.  The back-story of Maggie being haunted by the ghost of Josette (who was reincarnated into her) was, to me, brilliant.  I also loved setting it back to the early 70's, when the OS ended.  It was fun and nostalgic.  And as I stated before, Barnabas dealing (with a great deal of fumbling) with 20th century culture and technology was far more realistic than all other previous adaptations, from the OS to '91 and '04.  You've been out of the grave for - what? - two days (or nights) and you can completely comprehend things like fashion, cars and the latest TV hit?  Angelique hanging around, "reinventing" herself as her own descendants, was also imaginative.  The movie kept the love/hate/lust relationship between the two.  Was it a perfect film?  Heavens, no.  But, again to me, it was a wonderful tribute to the OS, much better than the other two remakes.  I could nit-pick the failures of them (and I have).  I can nit-pick the failures of the film.  We can all nit-pick the failures of the OS (and we all have).  But I loved the movie.  I'm grateful Depp/Burton were so appreciative of this classic series to place it on the big screen.  They did their homework.  Unfortunately, Curtis - whom we all appreciate for his work - didn't.  Trying to turn the OS into some updated Count Yorga would've been a disaster.


Current Talk '24 I / Re: Depp/Burton DARK SHADOWS Is In Release!!
« on: May 31, 2015, 03:11:42 AM »
Good question, Michael C.  What I was trying to say was how so many fanatics ("fans") of the OS hated the movie was that it was not "DS" according to the OS.  It was more of the OS than the other reincarnations.  Burton stuck to the original and paid homage to it.  Dan Curtis couldn't even do that with his '91 version.  Concerning Maggie vs. Victoria as the reincarnation of Josette, that didn't even exist in the OS; Barnabas decide to go after Vicki only because his attempt with Maggie (who was the real thing) failed and Vicki was sloppy seconds.  Vicki being Josette didn't even vaguely occur to anyone in fandom until Curtis decided to cut corners and have it happen in '91.  What was he thinking?  When I saw the '12 version in the theater, DS fans all around resounded, in the scene on the train, when the young woman started to say:  "I'm Maggie Eva..."  They all said in glee, including me,  "Oh, my god, she is Maggie Evans!"  Fans did care.  They knew.  They remembered.  So did Burton and Depp.
