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Messages - Heather

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Monday Makeover!
« on: July 17, 2004, 04:18:05 AM »
Our very own Steve, er, Gothick has written fan fiction wherein Grayson's character Pepe, from SATAN IN HIGH HEELS, has left New York, moved to Collinsport and opened a beauty salon which Julia frequents. :D

I know this this an old topic, but I've been wondering about something since I read this thread... is the above mentioned story available anywhere?


Heather (who reads ALL kinds of fanfic...)   ;)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Thing on Madam Finlays head. . .
« on: July 16, 2004, 09:13:29 PM »
Is that a rat. . a gerble. . a small mink? That Fall has got to goooo!!!!!!

Chortle, snigger, chuckle, snicker, guffaw... LOL!  Thanks for the laugh J99--needed that!  :-*

That was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!  ;D

Hey Heather, I'm impressed .... considering that you weren't born yet when that movie came out.  <wink, wink>

What can I say, I was raised on the classics...   ;)  :P

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Grayson Question
« on: July 16, 2004, 08:55:57 PM »
Dr Julia Hoffman was 180 degrees from Grayson Hall. . .which is a testament as well. . .I believe Grayson called Julia "a straight ass" now would Julia say that about anyone? No, she seems a bit too proper. . .shall i drone on more. .okay .. i'll stop

PT[/i] Julia might say that...  at least in my mind.  ;D

Hey--I'd like to hear you drone on more...

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: A Question About My Profile
« on: July 16, 2004, 01:41:33 AM »
Apparently it went unnoticed that a cousin recently posted only once, and it was on this board, yet their posting total remained at 0.  ;)

I noticed that...but I thought I was just seeing things.  LOL  Love the PT comparison, Connie...  ;) 

That was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!  ;D  Very Creative. Thanks for the link, Shane!   :)

Oh yeah, you have to see END OF THE ROAD!  One of the major reasons Grayson lost interest in making feature films... the scene for which she did the movie wound up on the cutting room floor!

Oh yeah...I read about  that   ;)

I love how she shows up being excavated from the sand with a party-gal "HI THERE!"  and how you can see the freckles on her back.  (Yes, she had freckles on her face too--she covered them with makeup most of the time.)

I can sympathize...I gots freckles everywhere (another fair-skinned Pennsylvanian)  ;D

As for her shocking boudoir scene with Keach, I think the dialogue is a scream, especially when Grayson says "Veddy Noel Coward" and Keach ripostes "Private Lives... or Brief Encounters" as his hand wanders towards a certain titian-haired actress', um, WOMANHOOD.  (I once wrote a review of this where I speculated that Grayson's thoughts during this scene ran along the lines of "Get me back to Collinwood, PRONTO!  Tom Jennings was NEVER like this!")

Wowsie...what dialogue!  LOL  Although Steve, who KNOWS what sweet-nothings Tom whispered into Julia's mind during their vampiric telepathic link...chuckle.  Nothing as provocative as that, I'm sure...  :o  ;D

Of course I had to buy it on eBay, and if it ever comes up for sale on DVD I'll have to get that as well.  There's a closeup of her at the start of the boudoir scene, removing her sunglasses provocatively, that dazzles me...

Sigh... I GOTTA see that!  Okay, I'll stop now... :D

Thanks for the info!  :-*

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Am I Allowed???...***TEST ONLY***
« on: July 13, 2004, 07:57:28 PM »
Did people actually 'vote'?

I did...just for the heck of it.  LOL  ;D

I couldn't even sit  thru the whole thing once. . i FF that catatonic scene at the beginning Keach laying in bed (doing only lord knows what to himself) I stopped it when he was crawling on the beach on top of Grayson .. of course then i was in shock for the next 5 to 7 minutes.. .GOOD GOD how could she?? Well i know why she did it .. to get around her type casting but still . .wow .. i still blush when i think about the places Stacey Keach's hands need not have been .. .

:o   :o

Thanks for the warning. I'd still want to see it, though (don't hit me)...

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas' green dressing gown
« on: July 12, 2004, 03:42:18 AM »
IIRC, wasn't that same gown worn by Tony Blair (NICHOLAS!  I meant Nicholas!  ;D ) or Evan Hanley?

Good question, Nelson. Was it a different color, though? Grey/black print instead of green? Hmmm...

I liked Barnabas' dressing gown too...that would really come in handy during a cold northeast winter day.  :D  And that smoking jacket...oh yeah baby.  ;D

-Heather (who can't stand the humidity right now. *Think cool thoughts, think cool thoughts...* LOL)

p.s. Welcome, Angelina!  :)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Oh Joe, Oh Joe
« on: July 11, 2004, 12:03:23 AM »
Good lord--someone help that boy quick!  LOL  I get a kick out of all the characters expressions in these montages...makes ya think.  ;)

And in the upper right hand corner, poor Barnabas looks confused (or something - LOL). Julia better take him back to the Old House for a little chat...and more.   ;)  :D  ;D

I can't remember too much because I've only been able to sit through that godawful movie once. I seem to remember lots of nudity and weird behavior. The only good thing about that movie was the wonderful close-up of the glorious Grayson.

Oh, and the fact that she shed the top half of her two-piece bathing suit in front of Stacy Keach before she applied her tongue to his face.   :o

Somehow, someday, I  gotta see *that* scene.   :o   ;D  Thanks for the info, Bette!  ;)  :-*

And many thanks Castlebee for sharing the site with us! I enjoyed that...nice work!  :)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Jamison
« on: July 09, 2004, 04:15:25 AM »
Why's my name on **THAT** mirror???

yeah let's bring it back to me . . .

Because you're one adorable Evil Woman J99... :-*  ;)  ;D

Maybe it's a premonition of things to come (all those great DS stories - your creative brain and deft typing fingers will determine the fate of the Collins clan...snicker). Spooky!  LOL  :D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Grayson Question
« on: July 08, 2004, 05:00:49 PM »
Many Thanks Steve and Connie...  :-*  And thanks for answering my question! :)
Call me silly, but that's something I really admire. I remember one time when Catherine (PT 1841) was supposed to be crying...I was sitting there thinking, "phhht--you call those tears??"  LOL   It was obvious they werent--very shiny and a bit too perfect.  ;)

Current Talk '04 II / Grayson Question
« on: July 07, 2004, 05:10:01 AM »
Well, I could've posted this on that other list I belong to but... what the hey.  :D
Okay, I'm slowly sifting through the collection of DS tapes I've accumulated over the years. I'm rewatching the series from the beginning, but once in a while I start going into Grayson/Frid withdrawl so I pop in a later tape...LOL.  Anyway, I've been watching some of the more emotional question is, did Grayson really cry during some of those moments (when she was playing Julia, I mean -- or any of the other characters she played for that matter)? I read once that she summoned a few tears when she played Magda, but I swear I saw tears in her eyes the other day (I think it was during the famous episode when Grayson was basically the only character; alone in the house during a thunderstorm). Excuse my enthusiasm but...I just LOVED that!  :-*  ;D

-Heather (who's been known to cry at the drop of a freakin' hat...chuckle)   ::)  ;)