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Messages - Gerard

Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0966
« on: September 04, 2015, 03:17:20 AM »
Jeb:  "My credit score is what?"


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0965
« on: September 03, 2015, 01:31:13 AM »
Julia:  "I've cured him of vampirism.  I've stood by him in thick-and-thin.  I've told him how much I love him and he's rejected me.  But I'll be damned if I'm gonna clean that candleabra for him."


Current Talk '15 II / Again In the Top 50
« on: August 26, 2015, 10:31:53 PM »
Go to 14:55.  You'l love the photos.  But also enjoy the entire video; it'll bring back memories for many of us and provide history for the other of us.


Current Talk '15 II / Re: Best of Angelique
« on: August 23, 2015, 09:12:20 PM »
I called MPI once an inquired how much it would cost to purchase the entire series in one-fell-swoop.  The guy said he didn't know; no one had ever requested purchasing the whole kittenkaboole.  He put the receiver down (I don't think they even had "hold") and I could hear voices in the background.  He picked it up and told me that they would do it for $1,000.  I told him I'd have to think about it.  Of course, I never did it.


Current Talk '15 II / Re: Original 1897 timeline
« on: August 22, 2015, 09:31:37 PM »
Go for it, Joeytrom!  I actually did something like that for fun.  I wrote a whole synopsis about what originally happened before Barnabas went back in time to prevent it.  Of course, there was no Barnabas, no Julia, no Angelique.  There wasn't even a Petofi (since there was no Barnabas to encourage Magda to find a cure for Quentin).  The events unfolded rather quickly, culminating in the death of Quentin and Beth and the family covering it up; I won't provide any details so you can compose your own version.  Do it!  It's fun!  If you do, let me know what you came up with we can compare.


Current Talk '15 II / Re: Best of Angelique
« on: August 22, 2015, 09:23:37 PM »
I, too, was never interest in The Best of Whatever-Character tapes (boy, tapes - are we ever aging ourselves - VCR's and all that).  But I did purchase The Best of Dark Shadows tapes.  I believe there were two of them; I can't completely recall, I'd have to crawl in a closet to see.  Those were actually worth it.


Games / Re: The Collins Mausoleum McDonald's Happy Meal Game
« on: August 17, 2015, 02:31:56 AM »
Big Macs with Mrs. Johnson's mayonnaise instead of special sauce, along with a figurine of Vicki wearing sleeveless dresses in winter and heavy woolen coats in summer.


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0957
« on: August 17, 2015, 02:27:49 AM »
Julia:  "What a night.  Six Harvey Wallbangers and four Black Russians.  And somehow I drove back home. I think."


I remembering reading, a long, long time ago, while the series was original airing, that on a very rare blue moon, a few select fans were permitted to watch during a taping; maybe not the whole episode, but at least part of one, if they swore absolute silence (during and after taping).  So, I guess in a way, there was an occasional "live studio audience." 

But now I'm trying to envision a live studio audience.  Would there be an "uh-oh" lady, as in the audience during the taping of I Love Lucy?  Actually, the "uh-oh" lady was noneother than Lucille Ball's own mother, who attended quite a few of the tapings.  A recording of it was kept by CBS studios for other sit-coms that had canned laugh-tracks, including The Munsters and Gilligan's Island

I'm surprised that on various musical/comedy/variety shows at that time that there never were any spoofs of DS.  The Carol Burnett Show could've done a great one, with Ms. Burnett playing maybe Julia or even Elizabeth (or both).  Of course, her show was all done before a live studio audience, bloopers and all.  Oh, god, the bloopers that the network aired because they were so hysterical!  Remember the horse peeing?  And Tim Conway starting to ad-lib about the Siamese elephants during a Eunice and Mama skit and they just kept the cameras rolling and aired it in its entirety (except bleeping out one word that Vicki Lawrence said during it who refused to crack up and was determined to make Tim Conway crack up and succeeded)?  What would an audience do during DS bloopers?  Like the window pane falling down when Charity/Pansey waltzed into Tate's studio?  Adam and David knocking over bushes with Christmas-tree-bases?  Stuck doors?  Entire "brick walls" ready to collapse? 


The seller didn't "sell" and closed the bids.  In this stagnant economy, it's a buyer's market.


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0956
« on: August 07, 2015, 03:09:12 AM »
Quentin:  "I know it hurts your feelings, Maggie, but you need to know that this is 1970 and that Laura Ingalls Wilder look you're sporting just doesn't work."


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0956
« on: August 07, 2015, 03:03:55 AM »
Willie:  "Mrs. Stoddard, I know this is late notice and all, but my tenth-year high-school reunion is coming up and, um, if you're not busy on Saturday, would you consider..."


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0956
« on: August 07, 2015, 03:00:31 AM »
Elizabeth:  "'You've got to climb to the to pf Mr. Everest to reach the valley of the dolls.' What trash.  And they wanted Judy Garland and then Susan Hayward in this?  Why didn't they ask that Bennett actress to do it; not that Constance one, but the other."


Caption This! - Leviathans / Re: Episode #0953
« on: August 06, 2015, 12:09:50 AM »
Nicholas (adding onto MB's hysterical comment):  "Did you hear that? Squish, squish, boom!  If only we'd tape that, we could've won $100,000 on AFV!"


Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Slowly I Turn...
« on: August 05, 2015, 08:24:24 PM »
Wow, Patti, reading all this just blew my mind.  What's wrong with technology today?  I mean, really?  It's suppose to make life "easier," but it's all so "user-unfriendly."  I had to have my phone system upgraded (ATT) because it was old and wouldn't support how "techno-advanced" it now is.  Okay, so I did.  A guy had to come and put in new wiring for my phone (land-line; I'm one of those single-digit people who doesn't have a cellphone and won't get one) and internet.  He was done in a half-hour.  The good thing was that my monthly bill was decreased by 40% and I got more "features," such as having automatic voice-mail instead of using an answering machine (some of you under 30 might not know what those are).  Fine.  I had to spend an hour on my phone "programming" it by pushing these numbers and the pound sign; those numbers and the star sign.  Okay, fine again.  One thing it did was automatically set my phone to go to voice-mail after four rings.  That wasn't enough - I needed more.  But there was nothing on the on-phone instructions to tell me how to change it.  I went on-line but found nothing on ATT on how to change it.  I called ATT.  I spent four hours with "representatives" (including being disconnected) trying to get it changed.  After the last disconnection, I - now totally frustrated and enraged - went back on-line and googled "how to change the number of rings before ATT voice-mail responds."  I found a totally different site, not connected with ATT, on how to do it.  Boom, done.  It's website can't tell you; it's phone directions can't tell you; its representatives can't tell.  A non-ATT website could. 

I understand your frustration, Patti, with all this "technology."  Try what I did by "going around" the "experts" of your phone service and Windows to see how to download your Windows service properly.  It couldn't hurt and you just might find an easy, non-geek way of doing it.  Just google "how do I..."
