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Messages - Heather

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Happy Birthday, Gothick!
« on: August 05, 2004, 09:19:26 AM »
We had wonderful weather and I cooked a lasagna dinner, with chocolate cake for dessert, for a lovely group of people I adore.  It's a Philippine custom to cook dinner for your friends on your b-day--I'm not Filipino but I have fun with this custom on certain years... I ended the evening in a romantic, HOT (in EVERY sense of the word) wood sauna with my hunky boyfriend... mmmrrrrrowrrrr... (happy contended purring from Gothick).

Now *THAT'S* what I call a BIRTHDAY!!   ;D

Heather, you should write the Judith/Pepe story!  I LOVE IT!!!
And I want to see it SOON... you know what I mean, Missy... DON'T MAKE ME TAKE STEPS...
cackling yet again with delight,  Steve

[gasp] You're not gonna whip me with a wet noodle are ya?  LOL   :o
Missy... You're one of a select few who's called me that (chuckle).  Other popular choices include young lady, kiddo, ensign...and my favorite, wench. ;)

But seriously, now that you've mentioned it, perhaps (hmmm)... Might take a while, though (collegiate projects are driving me cuckoo at the moment). But since you asked so nicely, I can't quite resist.  ;)
On one think of a title.  "The Erotic Awakening of Miss Fellows," "Judith Gets Her Groove Back," "Happy Days are here Again," "Birds of a Feather,"  "Bright Lights, New Hairdo" or "Chic and Chicer [is that even a word? LOL]" sounds a bit too much somehow... chortle.

Stop rolling your eyes at me - LOL  ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: favorite "moment"
« on: August 04, 2004, 02:08:55 AM »
*When Vickie rescues David from the blazing inferno (and Laura) in 1967...what a climax!  ;D

*The day when the family has to evacuate Collinwood and traipse over to the Old House (right before 1897). The way the camera panned across the empty rooms in Collinwood, playing Quentin's theme in the background...then showing the handsome devil himself laughing his etherial keister off---powerful  and spooky.   :D

*Oh--any and all Barnabas and/or Julia scenes too (especially the rare moments when he comes to HER rescue instead of the SYT's ["sweet young things" for you layfolk...chuckle]). In fact, one of my eccentric wishes is to have a tape in my possession with nothing BUT B&J scenes on it. Well, just for variety's sake, it could also be a tape with J&B scenes and some splashes of Julia interacting with her 'other' men too (chortle).  Sigh--I can dream, can't I?   ;)

I know, I'm a nut.  ::)   ;D  LOL

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas and Burke
« on: August 04, 2004, 02:00:57 AM »
don't you remember...sarah warned carolyn and david that someone was going to die...they heard it in the one would cause it and no one could stop it...then vicki heard the wailing of the gave me chills!

Yeah...that's right. I had almost forgotten that too - LOL. Very sharp, mscbryk...  ;)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Incongruities (gee, ya think!!)
« on: August 03, 2004, 06:04:38 AM »
All those graves were moved to make room for the Collinsport Walmart, which opened in 1993 >:(

LOL... even Collinsport wasn't spared!   ;D  Although, knowing Collinsport, if they did that, one day you'd see reports in the Collinsport Gazette of eerie etherial figures rading the food section...or something.  ;)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: August 03, 2004, 04:33:30 AM »
Heather, wow-- thank you so much for posting the info!  :D

Your very welcome Midnite, and everyone else--glad I could help.  :)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: August 03, 2004, 04:17:57 AM »
Grayson was 39 in 1962. .born in 1923

But wasn't the movie made the year before? Released therafter...  So technically... ;) Anyhoo...she's a goddess isn't she? She NEVER ages.  LOL  ;D

now as to did she ever look young. .how about this?  I posted this a few months ago--

And what a lovely picture that is indeed. Thanks again, J99!   :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: August 02, 2004, 05:51:43 AM »
Hey Heather those are great shots. . .i too have thought wouldn't it be wild if Barnabas came home and saw Julia perched atop a desk with a cigarette a la Pepe. . .wonder if she did that privately for Sam?  :-*

Perhaps--ya never know.  ;)  And I dare ya to put that little detail into a story--Julia tells Barnabas (while on the desk) that they need to talk... or something. ;D

Hey girl . .send me those captures --you know where. . .

Thanks - Coming right too, Bette.  :-*

Am I the only one who **doesn't** like the hat?

Chortle--I think it's one of those things that's so bad it's good...well, not really bad, just over the top (very curvey).  You certainly knew who was in charge in that sequence.  :D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: August 02, 2004, 05:17:42 AM »
Glad to know there's yet another convert to the SIHH/Grayson-as-Pepe cult, which is, of course, a subsidiary of Grayson's Legion!  ;)

LOL, John!  A cult you say? Are vodka shots part of the initiation ceremony?  ;D  Good lord, I've been on a Pepe kick lately...wanting to pair her up with other interesting characters [I could really use a devil smiley here - LOL]

Heather, if you wouldn't mind, could you send me a personal message regarding the program you used to do screen captures?  I've tried using the "Grab" feature on my iMac, but it won't allow me to use it with the DVD player.  Also, will it allow you to print the caps?

I'll try to help, if I can. And since Midnite's also wondering, I'll post it here too. :) First of all, what system are you running on your iMac? Is it OS 9 or OS X (and higher)? I'm just asking because I have an eMac, which, oddly enough, has both systems installed (but you can't run both at the same time - chuckle). The DVD capture software I downloaded is for the Mac OSX operating system. It's called DVD Capture[/i] and you can get it at:


The great thing is that it's completely free. No money or info required to download it. The catch is that you have to have the right system, and a Mac DVD player (version 3.0 and higher). I know exactly what you mean about the grab think you could capture anything on the screen, but it doesn't do ANYTHING when a DVD is playing. I was almost pulling my hair out one day, wondering what I was doing wrong - LOL.

I know that there's other software one can download--for PC's, Linux, Unix, Windows, etc...some of them costing some moola to acquire ;) but I'm just going over what I have.
*IF* what i mentioned is compatible with your computer system [crossing fingers], you intall it fairly easily, and then a gold DVD icon appears in a window, along with additional info to read. Once you get it going, it's used as a companion to your DVD player. Now, when i insert a DVD, the standard DVD player comes on, but you can use the 'DVD Capture' controls to operate everything instead.

You're presented with a metallic-looking window that has the controls (fairly self-explainatory) and a few options. First of all, I'd set it up so there is NO capture delay--easier. ;) I can send you more info privately, but basically--after you find a nice shot to capture, you click on pause then click the capture button (the fast-forward and rewind buttons come in handy to find just the right shot, as well as the step feature--steps through a scene frame by frame). You'll know it's working when you see the the desktop fade to black, with the "normal size" DVD frame in the center of the screen. You'll hear a little snapshot (as long as the volume is turned up - lol), then the screen goes back to normal. You have a choice of saving it to the clipboard or a PDF file--I find it less confusing to just save it to the PDF file.

Okay--open up the PDF file you've just created and click "select image" in the toolbar. Position your mouse next to the picture and then drag the little cross-hatch marker until it creates a little marquee around the part of the photo you like best. Realease the mouse--the area you circumvented should turn into a negative image. Now, position your mouse into the center of the negative photo and click. Holding down your mouse, drag the pointer beyond the PDF window frame. When you reach the desktop, let go. Now, close the PDF file. Click on an open space in the desktop--the photo you've just highlighted should appear as a .pict file on the desktop. Double click on that to view the image, full size. If everything looks okay, click on *file* in the toolbar and select *export*. Now you can save the image in a file/folder of your choosing, and most importanly, change the format (click on format in the little window--they list different file extensions. Just choose .jpeg -- it's easier, and greatly reduces the KB's  LOL)

Now you have a .jpg image.  [a grinning, clapping smiley would be appropriate here]  ;)

Oh yes--once you make the capture--you can indeed print it out. The PDF file will print what's in the file, but you can also print the image once you convert it to a .pict or other file. :)

Some of this came to me through trial and error, but eventually you get the hang of it.

Whew--enough detail for ya?  LOL  Is your brain hurting yet?  :D

John (who often dreams that a long-lost Douglas Sirk melodrama starring Grayson, Lauren Bacall, Lovelady Powell, and Carol Channing is discovered in a vault somewhere...)

LOL... you guys are too much!  :-*

Take care,


Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: August 02, 2004, 05:08:41 AM »
"My ears are burning..."   ;)

I've never seen the movie, but I'll bet the character was never meant to be merely "pretty".  "Exotic" or "sophisticated"  perhaps....but never so boring as "pretty".

Chic and sophisticated....with an ounce of zing.   ;)  Hard to tell in B&W, but I actually like her makeup in this movie--it accentuated the character, IMO (plus, if you look real close, you can see some of her freckles... I don't know, I think that's cute. LOL)

Whatever gripes were had with the director, he sure made use of those close-ups...   :D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: August 01, 2004, 10:03:44 AM »
Your very welcome Josette...just thought I'd share.   :)  :-*

Regarding the screen captures--it's not actually a device hooked into my computer (I use a Mac that has a CD/DVD drive built right into the computer; no tower or anything). One day I found a program I could download that's compatible with my system...with a few mouse clicks you can play the DVD, fast forward or rewind, step through each frame...and take captures. It took a while for me to get the hang of it, but overall I like it because it has more features than the regular DVD controls had (chuckle).

Then again, I'm no expert by any means. I assume that PC's (and other computer systems) have different programs/devices for all I know.  LOL   :D

-Heather (who's been around Apple/Macs since Kindergarten...AppleII's are where I got my computer-literate wings, baby.  LOL)  ;)

Current Talk '04 II / The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: August 01, 2004, 06:04:52 AM »
Hi folks!  I just got my Satan In High Heels DVD in the mail the other day.  Turning the lights low, I enjoyed a juicy bit of campy film noir...  :D   What can I say? Fantƒ¡stico, mis amigos!  ;)  I just adore Grayson's hair, clothes, and dialogue in this film.

I happen to have a screen capture thingy (yeah, nice technical term - LOL) on my computer, so I made a couple pictures [crossing my fingers this posts okay]. These are just a few of the gorgeous Grayson moments  (say that 5 times fast!  LOL).

I love this sequence...and that HAT!   ;D

Can you imagine Barnabas' reaction if he caught Julia in the library doing this?  LOL   ;D

I just like look on her face in this picture...chuckle.

"Sing for me AGAIN, Judith darling. We have MUCH to work on...tonight."   ;)

Sorry J99, couldn't resist!   :-*

This is very cool news.  Of course, I am now counting the days until the Julia doll is released.  Personally, I'd love to see the company go all out and give us a Julia doll product line that rivals Mattel's Barbie line.  Imagine a line of Julia doll clothing and wigs, plus accessories, a carrying case, and such items as a sports car, townhouse, office, laboratory, and a camper van.   ;D  An entire "World of Julia" for fans of all ages!

I second THAT!  Wouldn't that be just...heavenly?  <wistful sigh> :)  :D

Hey Heather....

Actually, if they made Jeff Clark with interchangeable heads, they could have the aged Charles Delaware Tate head and have it fall off completely!  :o

LMAO... [wiping moisture from eyes]  Lordy, how could I forget that ?  Good one, Connie.  ;) 

Wait...I thought of something else (yeah, here I go again):

If they came out with a (cough) Jeff Clark doll...and he had an interchangeable could have the dolls engage in a literal head-to-head match.

If the Jeff Clark action figure is acting a bit too whiney--touching his hair constantly (BTW, ya know how they used to have Ken dolls with the plastic painted hair? Well, Jeff Clark would HAVE to have the more *realistic* hair; some real poufy angular locks), crying about Vickie and how Dr. Lang mistreated him or whatnot, the Julia or Barn  figure (or maybe even a Willie doll...yeah, how could I forget Willie. Geeze!  LOL) could smack him upside the head and watch his hair fly clear across the room...  ;D

It could also be fun to reinact the Julia slaps Cassandra scene too (snicker). We'd have a lot of fun with that at my house. Acting out agression through's a good thing. Just kiddin'...   LOL   ;) ;D

Here is the story on the figures from what I was told direct from Majestic.  There will be possibly be 4 initial figures released in fall 2005. Barnabas, Quentin, Angelique and Dr Hoffman. Barnabas and Quentin are already in prototype stage, and you can see them at the the link below.  Barnabas comes in 2 versions. In his 1795 and present time outfit. There will be 3 changeable heads for Barnabas, including one with fangs, and the "Old Barnabas" from 1967.   Quentin comes in his 1897 outfit, and will have an interchangeable Werewolf head!!  Thanks for the info. :)

They look adorable, I must say--the interchangeable heads are too cute (snort)!  :D

Will Angelique have an extra head too (ya know, reflecting her Cassandra period)?  Tripwire and Connie are right--they should have accessories as well. Brandy (and a brandy snifter) and portrait for Quentin. A little clay doll for Angie (or something). A little black bag, amulet, and hypo for Julia.  A cane, sherry bottle (or claret cup set--he has to entertain somehow ;)) for Barnabas. it just me, or does Barnabas have BLUE eyes in that picture?  ???

And yes Connie...a set for the Collinwood (and Old House) Drawing rooms would be fabulous! (I know, I'm getting waaaaaaaaay ahead of myself here.  LOL)

But anyway, the MOST pertainent question for me is--will Julia have interchangeable heads as well?? LOL  Ya know, she had at least 3 different hairstyles during the series. You could choose which style you like best and all...each face having different facial expressions.  ;)  Ohhhh...I wonder what outfit they'll put her in? The traditional green tweed or the royal blue number?  And of course, if I ever got my hands on a couple of those, Barnabas and Julia "ACTION figures" will take on an ENTIRELY new meaning... ;)

Intrigued Wench,

Heather  ;D