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Messages - Heather

Congrats, Midnite!   ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: A Stitch In Time...
« on: August 19, 2004, 11:48:38 PM »
Heather! you're ba-ack!  Trust me, sweetheart, we ALL bow before the Serene Throne of the infinitely darling Mysterious One...

I've erected a proper shrine (what a choice of words, huh?  lol)

And what a GORGEOUS drawing of Grayson as Pepe!  Congratulations!  You certainly do have talent!
sighing over the beauty of the Divine One,

Thanks all...I got an A on that (yeah!). And Sweetheart? [blushing] My, I didn't realize our relationship had come that far, Steve... (deep chuckle).  ;) And with our mutual love of Pepe...hell, bring Chris along and we'll make this thing a foursome.  ;D  A few other people should get in on this too.....

 :o   WHOOPS...cough...Sorry. LOL

I musta been having a flashback of a kinky round robin I was involved in a while back... almost every adult DS character was in that one. A part of my mind has been unapologetically and perpetually in the gutter since that point on...LOL.   ::) ;D



Current Talk '04 II / A Stitch In Time...
« on: August 19, 2004, 04:04:47 AM »
Hi y'all,

After temporarily being erased from the site due to my own confused/exhausted foolhardiness (and PMS-stricken computer - chuckle), I ask for a moment of silence in honor of thy moderators and our creator....MB.

::soft chanting and melodic music in the background:: *Thank you o' forum god, I am humbled and bow before you in divine tribute.* ;)



ANYWAY...  :D    I thought I'd share what I was cooped up doin' this weekend. Lordy, when I'm doing artwork I lose ALL track of time...scary!  LOL

The following is the result of a life-drawing assignment [sorry wenches, no nudity--male or female. Well, not this time. LOL (yeah, like I'd get away with posting that!)]   ;D

Yep, it's more Grayson...but it IS all about her, isn't it??  ;)  :-* She's a fascinating subject to draw. Very challenging; got to get that bone structure, hair, and exotic features just right...I added a few freckles too.  ;)

Well, I don't think this is great or anything but, what the hey, I thought I'd share. The only other portrait I've ever done that in any way resembles the subject is a drawing of the lead singer of U2 dressed in a deviish stage ensemble. But, that's another story for another day...  ;)

Yup, more Pepe. Too much is not enough (chuckle). I just love that character...[wistful sigh]   ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: DS Festival Group Photo
« on: August 17, 2004, 04:23:20 AM »
I need names to go with that top photo...   :D   I recognize a few fellow Juliaphiles, but that's about it. Wish I coulda been there...

Thanks for posting pics all.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Home page collages of Dark Shadows
« on: August 15, 2004, 06:12:46 AM »
Speaking of the collages, that's an interesting one up right can just feel and see the stress of immenent doom on all of the characters' faces... Even the ghosts look as though they need a sedative - LOL.  Nice job.   ;) :)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Fest Photo
« on: August 15, 2004, 02:52:28 AM »
Sweet... thanks!  Keep the pics coming, people....  ;)

Happy, happy belated Birthday, Midnite!   :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Who's been mowing??
« on: August 12, 2004, 04:13:49 AM »
It's easier to get grass stains off toes than sneakers.....definitely, flip-flops.

Not with the critters in our yard....long, long story.  LOL  :D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Who's been mowing??
« on: August 12, 2004, 03:23:22 AM »
LOL - mowing the lawn in flip-flops??    It's Head-to-toe coverage around here... lol

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas--Love and Lust list
« on: August 10, 2004, 12:05:56 AM »
Well.  ..he did give a little, i stress a little but only 'cuz of his own self-interest or lust. . .for Josette, Vicki or Kitty.  The only selfless things he did were for Vicki (not biting her and going back in time to save her from execution). ..all other actions were motivated to save his own sorry behind. . .not that i don't enjoy watching it but let's be real, Barnabas was a selfish son-of-a--you know the rest.  And that does not robe him (for his lusty admirrers) of his romantic aura. . if you look at the great romantic heros of literature .. they are mostly all in the same vein.  ::) :P :-*

You *know* you love it when I get riled up, doncha J99?  ;)  :-*

Yes, Barnabas could be a total ass sometimes...but then, what man have you known hasn't? [NO offense meant to any fellas on the board out there - just trying to make a point - you guys rock]  ;) The thing that I like about this character is that, despite his flaws, he has a heart underneath it all. A troubled heart, but it's there nonetheless. Throughout the series, he is in a constant struggle with good and evil...both external and internal. That continuing struggle (to maintain some semblance of humanity) is what makes the character attractive to all us nuts out here...  :D

And as far as his being selfish is concerned...and I won't deny that he IS many a time (yes, his treatment of Maggie and several other women wasn't too kind at times)...there are several instances when he could've just stayed bundled up like a warm cinnamon roll in front of the fireplace in the Old House Drawing room (now there's a visual - LOL), but he didn't. When things came up, he usually noticed and dealt with it as best he could...often with Julia's persuasion and help, of course (no naughty pun intended, you wenches out there... ;))

Even when he was first turned into a vampire, he cared very much what happened to his sister, his mother, and Ben. The changes he went through are part of what made the character so interesting; including that struggle to maintain an ounce of humanity, his rage, the joy in revenge, the fear of exposure, the need to control when he first reemerged. Once he was able to walk in the daylight again, the almost constant theme was how he was sticking his neck out and putting his buns on the line for someone else.

He did everything he could to keep the family safe and nearly died more than once because of it. [I know, one could argue that the Collins family was too much of a priority for Barnabas at times...I've thought that myself. But keep in mind that he was an 18th century guy--with all those notions of honor and what his priorities should be (including that inbred and post-tramatic tendency to go after all those SYT's :( ); trying to find peace in a time and worlds alien to him]

Tom Jennings almost took him out when he went to the crypt to stake him and save Julia.  If it hadn't been for the sun coming up, Barnabas would have been in deep trouble. Willie even said how Barnabas had changed. In the scene where he's been bitten by the bat again at the end of the dream curse, he and Julia are standing by the grave they dug and Willie says, "He was so different, ever since I came back this time." Later on, those three characters are like a family trying to keep their heads above water (okay, they were dysfunctional clan, but still...LOL)

Another example...If he only cared about himself, then why did he I-Ching back to 1897 to prevent David from dying?  Why did he risk his life to save Chris?  During that point in time, he was human and safe and sound living in the Old House.

Barnabas definitely had good in him. A lot of it. Could he still be blind as a bat and insensitive...YUP. He definitely deserved a nice slap upside the head on more than a few occasions...that thick Collins skull, ya know (LOL). ;)  Although it can often seem futile, patience is a virtue when dealing with Barnabas. And IMHO, Julia wouldn't have cared about and come to love a complete jerk - she had much better taste than that.  ;D

Okay, I'm a typical Gemini...Love Grayson and Barnabas (despite his eccentricities) all at the same time.  Are ya ready to whip me with my T-square at high noon yet...? ;)  LOL

Wait--I got a better idea. I'm gonna go make me a batch of de-luxe brownies[/b]...I feel calmer already (chuckle). Anyone want one?  I make em with extra cocoa (the baking variety, that is).  Tastyyyyy... ;)  :-*

Love ya you evil thing you,


Current Talk '04 II / Re: a real bummer(adam story)
« on: August 09, 2004, 03:34:11 AM »
It's a good thing Dr. Frankenstein never did lop Jeff Clark's head off to stick on Adam's body.  If that would've happened, even Satan would've turned down Nicholas Blair's offer to create a demonic race based on the subsequent creature.

LMAO, Gerard!  Funny and scary at the same time....   LOL   ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas--Love and Lust list
« on: August 09, 2004, 12:17:08 AM »
In my opinion Barnabas Collins' only deeply abiding love affair was with his own self-preservation.  In order to avoid either the stake-in-the-heart OR the chain-on-the-casket he was willing to, and often DID allow the death or misery of those around him.  Especially the women.

How many time did he ever say "I love you" as opposed to how many times he said "he/she/it MUST be DESTROYED!"?

With all due respect... I wholeheartedly DISAGREE. Watching the entire series with a fine tooth comb (like all of you out there), I know what you guys mean about Barnabas...he wasn't all sweetness and light by any stretch of the imagination...he could be a downright bastard when he wanted (or was driven) to be. However, That character is a lot more complex than one who wishes to destroy... sorry.

Back in my corner,


Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas--Love and Lust list
« on: August 08, 2004, 12:21:11 AM »
a fact recognized by Dan Curtis who wouldn't kill off Julia Hoffman even though Sam Hall suggested it as a way to continue the show when it appeared B&J had gone everywhere and done what they could in the family's past .. .

I remember this being discussed on the other list. Frankly, that would've been *terrible*.  Glad they didn't do that.

I mean (for all the pro-Julia fanfiction writers) many stories could you come up with involving Julia coming back from the dead?  LOL   ;)

Well, there's still that TV Guide article...thank god.   ;D

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Barnabas--Love and Lust list
« on: August 06, 2004, 11:55:05 PM »
you know i don't like to acknowledge this but i think as Julia later said  to Barnabas.. "oh you really do love Vicki. ."  or some facsimile of that. . . .so B loved
  • Josette (im including Kitty here),
  • Vicki,

I think he LUSTED after
  • Roxanne
  • Angelique--

Barnabas, ever the insatiable romantic, cared for many people (like Julia, I think he has a heart underneath that complicated fascade). But In the end, I think he was lusting after all those mentioned above (Josette, Kitty, Roxie, Angie, etc...). On the other hand, I do believe he loved the *original* Josette, that she touched his heart unlike anyone he'd met at that time, but beyond that...

Barnabas may have "believed" that he loved each of Josette's and [GAG] Roxanne's reincarnations, but I think if he would've hooked up with any of them, he'd NEVER be able to sustain that fantasy (or a long term relationship with said ladies for that matter). He (a product of his past, past hursts, and a splash of his own selfish tendecies) was desperately holding onto the life he lost in 1795. I believe that  only JULIA could've helped him embrace the possibilities of life in the present...and future.  Okay, I'll stop now.   :D

I also think on a deep level Barnabas loved Julia--what kind of love ..sisterly, somewhat, friendly, definitely, more than that--well that was never fully explored--cancellation interferred with best laid plans. . .

It didn't interfere with fanfiction, though...  ;)  :-*

Current Talk '04 II / Re: The Divine One Strikes Again
« on: August 05, 2004, 09:23:52 AM »
Wow--another post-birthday treat for me with this thread.  Heather, those snaps are GORGEOUS!  I agree about Intrator's use of close-ups--one of the *many* reasons why I adore this movie!

I'm so glad you liked them, dear... :-*  I loved this movie for a multitude of reasons as well. I had read (on another board) how some liked the movie but couldn't get over how weird it was. Maybe I'm floating on an odd wavelength, but I didn't think it was that goofy, per say...LOL. Pepe and her support team balanced out the chaos (or at least tried to) that surrounded them IMO...and each character's dialogue (especially Grayson's) was great. Witty, discrete yet wicked at the same time. It reminds me how much I appreciate certain films of this era, and older.  :)

There's a video kicking around fandom of an episode of an early 1950s TV show, Lights Out, in which she had a non-speaking role (but got some good close-ups).

I'd like to see that too (yeah, it's getting to be a long list...LOL)

She more than once described herself as a teenager "longing to play the ingenue but stuck with a whiskey-baritone voice... no boobs, no bottom" (I'm only half paraphrasing here).

Poor thing. I can sympathize... ;)