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Messages - Craig_Slocum

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Things not in 1795 i would miss most!
« on: April 06, 2002, 12:58:18 AM »
There's so much that I would miss, but a few things would be photographs, electronics, appliances, bathrooms upstairs and downstairs, and my wardrobe which consists mainly of Dickies pants, t-shirts, and tennis shoes.

I am considering John Wayne/Orange County Airport. Long Beach Airport is also 30 minutes away. Ontario Airport is 45 minutes away. Whenever I fly to California, I try to avoid LAX as much as possible. Other airports are easier to get in and out of. At least they used to be!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: PICK A CHICK
« on: April 05, 2002, 03:08:59 AM »
Since I am a woman who likes men I can't consider physical attributes and sex appeal. No clue on that! Also I think the word chick is degrading, but just my opinion. Here is the order I chose, notice the red heads get high scores.

10. Donna Wandrey
 9. Marie Wallace
 8. Nancy Barrett
 7. Kathryn Leigh Scott
 6. Lara Parker
 5. Terry Crawford
 4. Joan Bennett
 3. Kate Jackson
 2. Alexandra Moltke
 1. Diana Millay

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Favorite Spell-Caster
« on: April 05, 2002, 12:20:15 AM »

Nicholas Blair gets my vote.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: PICK A VAMPIRE
« on: April 04, 2002, 10:35:20 PM »
Angelique gets my vote here. Since she as a witch brought about the vampire curse, how appropriate that she also should become one!


Thanks to her biting Barnabas Collins, Harry Johnson stumbles upon him lying in the woods in pretty bad shape, and brings him back to Collinwood, the one right thing he did according to Mrs. Johnson.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: HAVE A HUNK
« on: April 04, 2002, 08:13:56 PM »
Everyone in the Dark Shadows world knows Craig Slocum is my hunk of choice, like someone else said it all depends on who attracts you. Given this list, I voted as follows:

10. Jonathan Frid
 9. Michael Stroka
 8. James Storm
 7. Joel Crothers
 6. Humbert Allen Astredo
 5. David Selby
 4. Chris Pennock
 3. Don Briscoe
 2. Roger Davis
 1. John Karlen

You can take either the Super Shuttle or Airport Bus, here are the phone #'s

Super Shuttle (714) 517 - 6600

Airport Bus (714) 938 - 8900

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DARK SHADOWS HISTORY
« on: April 03, 2002, 05:08:27 AM »
Dark Shadows went off the air a month before my 7th birthday. I really missed the show. Never occured to me that I would one day have the entire saga on video, and be going to Dark Shadows Festivals and other events, meeting the actors, acquiring a huge Dark Shadows collection, and of all things having Dark Shadows websites! Since so many of you posted weather reports, here's mine. Here in the best place in the world, Las Vegas, NV it is getting hotter. I will be heading out to the pool soon. The desert rules!

Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Odd Couple
« on: April 02, 2002, 11:32:29 PM »
Craig Slocum played 2 roles on Dark Shadows, Noah Gifford, helper of Nathan Forbes in the 1795 Flashback, and Harry Johnson, son of Mrs. Johnson, the housekeeper at Collinwood, in the Adam storyline 1968. Here's a list of the tapes and episodes he is on. The first 5 listings are Noah Gifford, all the rest are Harry Johnson.

Ep.#        Video Volume
439          V. 42 #2
443          V. 43 #1
444          V. 43 #2
455          V. 45 #3
456          V. 45 #4
472          V. 48 #5
542          V. 62 #4
543          V. 62 #5
552          V. 64 #4
578          V. 69 #5
601          V. 74 #3
610          V. 76 #2
612          V. 76 #4
613          V. 76 #5
615          V. 77 #2
631          V. 80 #3
659          V. 85 #4

Current Talk '02 I / Re: The Odd Couple
« on: April 02, 2002, 07:55:28 AM »
I am very much looking forward to the soon arrival of Craig Slocum! He is my favorite actor. I like him best as Harry Johnson. Mr. Slocum was given small roles with very few lines, and not much action. He did a pretty good job considering what he was given to work with. He was not given the opportunity to display his talent. He has done a lot of television roles. A complete list of his acting credits can be found at:

Mrs. Curtis is a very smart woman. She must have seen some good acting ability, otherwise she would not have had her husband cast him in Dark Shadows. Chris2, you have mistaken Craig Slocum for Edward Marshall, who played Harry Johnson in one episode.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: Worst Dressed Characters
« on: April 02, 2002, 02:50:11 AM »
I will vote for Buzz Hackett's biker look, Carrie Stokes wore a hat that looked like a lampshade, and Maggie evans wore a brown, checkered dress that looked like a maternity dress.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: HANDY MAN OF THE YEAR AWARD
« on: March 30, 2002, 11:09:21 PM »
Can I vote for Harry Johnson?! He was a handy man too. Guess I will have to vote for Willie Loomis. I always felt sorry for Willie with all that he had to endure from Barnabas.

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Notification of Removal!! SORRY!!!!
« on: March 30, 2002, 09:01:49 PM »
Well, since everyone added their 2 cents worth here, I may as well add mine! I received my message in my Hotmail account that I had to get for this forum since I am on AOL (Always On Lunchbreak). A friend of mine got the message a couple of days ago and told me about it, but I figured maybe she got deleted because she never comes here anyway, never logs in. Today, I came here and read all this. Had I not known anything, I would have just assumed it was a mistake, and e-mailed Midnite. I'm too quiet to offend anyone, and since Mr. Slocum is on my posts, and I use his name, I will try to be as prim and proper as can be!

I have had too many experiences to not be a believer, and have known people who have had experiences too, one of whom was actually with me at the time when something happened and heard it too, nobody else in the room. There is a spirit world. I believe there are good and bad spirits, not all demons, like I was taught in the church I was raised in.  I was once told that "visitations" usually happen to people who are more emotional and sensitive. Somebody here mentioned "weird feelings". Recently, fairly often I have been sensing a warm feeling surrounding me, that comes out of the blue, lingers for a few moments, then goes away. I don't know what to make of it. I don't mind it. It's rather a nice feeling, comforting. My family and I saw actual photographs a couple of weeks ago, that had visible apparitions. While my daughter, her father, and I went out to dinner, there was a car club, old car show going on in a big lot near the restaurant we were going to. There were lots of neat old cars. We saw a 1969 Hearse with a coffin, and my little girl's father took pictures of us standing next to it. The coffin was open and propped up against the back of the hearse, which was open. Amusingly, my daughter and I were both wearing Dark Shadows t-shirts. I don't know if the pics will come out because they were taken at night. Anyway, we found out something really interesting. The couple that owned the hearse, showed us some pics that were sent to them by some people like ourselves who had pics taken with the hearse. The people were standing by the hearse almost exactly like my daughter and I had been, and there in the photos, you can plainly see some apparitions that could not have been added in there. You can see a torso and a face. I never saw anything like it. There must have been some left over energy there, from the hearse. We haven't got our pics developed yet. What a trip if something like that comes out in our photos! I really think though when something like that happens, it is meant for a certain person or persons. I have heard of it happening to other people, apparitions appearing in photos. Never thought I would get a first hand look at such photos. That was a neat experience.

Current Talk '02 I / Re: DS ACADEMY AWARDS
« on: March 27, 2002, 09:33:26 AM »
Best Actress -  Nancy Barrett
Best Actor - Jonathan Frid
Best Supporting Actress - Clarice Blackburn
Best Supporting Actor - Craig Slocum
Best Director - Lela Swift
Best Writer - Sam Hall
Best Costume Design - 1795 Flashback
Best Scene
Sam Evans and Burke Devlin go to Collinwood late at night to see Roger Collins, and the whole truth comes out about the car accident, in the presence of Elizabeth Stoddard, when they are all in the drawing room, and Roger is forced to confess that he was guilty of manslaughter, in front of all of them. Burke grabs Roger and forces him to say that he sent an innocent man to prison for 5 years. Burke's final words were, "I thought I wanted to see you rot in prison, but people like you rot wherever they are."