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Messages - Heather

::Cheering ecstatically::

Way to go, Jean-Claude!  :D   So, is it safe to say the quality's okay?  ;)

And she does handle a phone well, doesn't she?  ;D

Nice shots (and great close all smooth and sleek. That was a treasured wig, was it not? ;)).
Many thanks!   :)

Sighing contentedly,


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Awesome Dark Shadows Site!
« on: August 27, 2004, 02:20:16 AM »
What a great site! I just love your Time Magazine cover of Julia and Barnabas.   :D

Yeah - what Bette said!  OMG, what a magazine cover for B&J (chuckle)!  Love it...thanks for sharing!  :-*

p.s. Midnite is right...with Netscape/Mozilla the site comes up okay...hmmm.

Current Talk '04 II / Re: Screen Caps From Episodes #654 & #673
« on: August 26, 2004, 12:02:43 AM »
Don, when I come to your pad, I'll definitely bring my jar of Crisco with me...
for culinary purposes, *of course.*  Why, whatever else did you think it was for?

*batting eyelashes innocently,"


Hehehe... keep it up, darling; keep it UP.  :o  ;D  ;)



::Cheering from W. PA::  Great job!! I'm proud...sniffle. ;)  I was just watching some of this movie yesterday...chuckle.

What? No, I'm not obsessed...  ;D  Ya can't get enough of Pepe (or Grayson) as far as I'm concerned.   ;)

Hugs for a good job,


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: OT - MY PLANT BLOOMED!!
« on: August 25, 2004, 12:52:38 AM »
Wow - NICE picture! I've never heard of this flower either. :)  And Connie...don't fret...I have pictures from an abundant Strawberry crop a few years ago...  ::)  ;)

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: DS Sightseeing
« on: August 25, 2004, 12:40:48 AM »
WOW... nice photos, Midnite!   :)  Since I wasn't able able to go :'( these are nice to see. Just a couple comments  ::cough::

One of the things I find intriguing is that whenever I see pics of fellow DS friends, yunz remind me of people I interact with on a daily basis (chuckle).  J99 - you're just adorable  :-*  Midnite, you kinda look like of one of my cousins on my dad's side of the fam.; Bette - you remind me of my aunt Betty (not a joke) on my mom's side; and Steve...forget about that pitcher; you're a spittin' image of my writing prof.!!   [eerie Twilight Zone music playing in the background]    ;D   LOL

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: A pic of VictoriaWintersFan
« on: August 24, 2004, 03:35:12 AM »
Hey - another youngin'!   LOL   ;D

Nice pic VictoriaWintersFan.  8)

I'd post a pic of myself but yunz might be blinded by my paleness...  ;)

Hey Heather, do you worship at the shrine of Mrs Peel?

Absolutely, darling...   :-*  ;) She was sexy yet headstrong at the same another lipstick thespian I adore (how 'bout those goofy play on words, huh?  LOL). ;)
[spoiler]In fact, whenever I see the epi. where Mrs. Peel's husband comes back (funny that he resembled Steed - chortle) and she leaves, I feel a tear run down my pale face....  :'([/spoiler]

I also have a thing for Honor Blackman.  Her very first episode, done live on film in 1962, "Mr. Teddy Bear,"  has to be one of the best things The Avengers ever produced.

That IS a good one! My sister and I love that show... it's not on the Mystery Channel right now (it was nice because they showed it 5 times a week, no commercials - I think), but it is on BBC America I believe, on Friday (one episode per week). By the way, Is Avengers on DVD? Might be something I'd consider purchasing one day in the oft-distant future...   :-

I'm curious as to how many fans of DS are also fans of The Avengers.  Both shows really broke the mold of what television was supposed to do back then, and both featured very strong, even aggressive women characters.

I'm curious too. Both have a great mix of characters and action; intriguing scenerios; stimulating...intellectually and otherwise.    :D

The person behind the NG website is upset because Universal is using the remastered versions that were produced for the Mystery Channel, rather than creating a new set of remasters specifically for the DVD.  However, the site also includes a rave review of the quality of the episodes as they appeared on the Mystery Channel. 

Thanks for the info, Jean-Claude ( it kosher for me to call ya that?  LOL)

I have the Mystery channel, and can validate that the quality of the Night Gallery episodes were excellent... quirky, intriguing series and some nice samples of creepy film noir pop up there once in a while. I also loved when they were airing The Avengers, but that's another subject altogether... ;)

Take care all,


Ugh...sigh.   :-     :-[    :(

Just wanted to let you know that Season 1 of NIGHT GALLERY will be released on DVD this Tuesday.  Among the episodes included in this set is "Certain Shadows on the Wall," featuring a certain Divine One... ;)

[squealing excitedly]  Cooool. Thanks John!  ;D

p.s. get the capture button ready, 'kay...   ;)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: A Stitch In Time...
« on: August 22, 2004, 04:08:06 AM »
Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent Heather, how long did Grayson's close up take to complete? excellent drawing.  I give you an A+  :D

Thanks. :) I scanned this drawing at home...shoulda done it at school (*huge* scanner in the library). I tried to crop the most important part, but you can't see the whole thing (some of Pepe's suit is missing - for shame!  LOL). It's actually a 14" x 17" picture... it took about 3-4 days, in between working on other things, I think.  ;)

Current Talk '04 II / Re: A Stitch In Time...
« on: August 22, 2004, 02:51:26 AM » talented lady...are you taking an art class?i

Thanks Patti :-* I always wanted to draw Grayson or Frid...some of my first attempts are pretty pathetic, let me tell you...LOL.

And si senora, I am. College... enough art classes and critiquing to choke a pig.   :D   ;)   It's funny I caught this post - I just had my life drawing but stressful. People breathing down my neck as I'm trying to capture the finer points of the model...heck, I'm just drawing what I SEE...can't help it if i'm the only one who had view of...*down there*, if ya get my drift. What? Was it male or female? Wouldn't you like to know... ;)

Exhausted wench,


Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: DS Festival Group Photo
« on: August 22, 2004, 02:36:49 AM »
Nice pic, Midnite. :-*

But, how come RJ...I mean the only one who has their *exquisite* T-shirt? I woulda had mine on baby...  ;)  ;D

Calendar Events / Announcements '04 II / Re: Well, how scary is...
« on: August 21, 2004, 12:20:47 AM »
OMG -chuckle- I love it, CastleBee!  Both pictures, that is... ;)  Nice.  ;D