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Messages - Ronny G

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Calendar Events / Announcements '08 II / Saturday's Fest Highlight
« on: July 20, 2008, 04:14:11 AM »
I just got home from today's fest. The highlight of the show was how they introduced Jonathan Frid. There was a black curtain onstage. They had a candleabra on stage. John Karlen came out in character as Willie and was talking out loud to himself  about getting rich. He pulled back the curtain to reveal...a chained coffin!!! He took of the chains and opened the lid and guess who's hand extended from within and choked Willie? Yes, it was Barnabas himself--Jonathan Frid!!!

Current Talk '07 II / Re: DVD Long-Term Availability
« on: November 19, 2007, 07:04:55 AM »
  (hint, tho:   if you fall asleep, just keep going!    dont' rewind!)

That is my problem. I keep falling asleep during the episodes. The next time I go to watch the show, I forget which episode it was I fell asleep during so I end up going back and rewatch the same episode again.

I think I'll follow your advice next time, and just keep going and don't look back!

Yes, Buzz is right. It's on Disc 4. I watched it the other night, but the only commercial that sticks in my mind is the promo for F-Troop, which I thought was cool.

I couldn't pass on this:

At the preorder price is $29.98 + $ 2.47 =$ 32.35

That's great news. I love this movie. I have the crappy video, so a dvd restoration will be a huge improvement. Good luck finding the 4 track stereophonic soundtrack. The dvd will benefit so much more if you do. Remember the scene when she's walking around the shopping plaza and she picks up a banana peel and eats it? Anyway, they play the soundtrack behind it and there are a bunch of different voices talking to her and demonic laughter, etc. : "Where are you going?" . Anyway, it would be great to hear that in stereo coming from different speakers.

Calendar Events / Announcements '07 I / Re: DS Actors Nude
« on: March 26, 2007, 04:09:31 PM »
i bought the dvd, "The Great Texas Dynamite Chase" with Claudia Jennings, and was surprised to see Chris Pennock in it naked (buns).

Calendar Events / Announcements '06 II / Re: Remembering Grayson Hall
« on: September 04, 2006, 03:08:52 AM »
How many DS stars were interviewed for the Grayson Hall bio? Was Nancy Barrett interviewed? Also, on the panel, did Nancy talk about working with Grayson years later on One Life to Live or keeping intouch with her after the show? Thanks.

Here's a link to Todd's Autograph Arena. I think you guys will enjoy this. He writes a nice column about his trips to the Autograph shows and his encounters with celebrities, and he doesn't hold back. Scroll down to the 7/10/02 journal entry for  Loretta Swit's incident.

Well, it's not Dark Shadows, but I did find the pamphlet for Bewitched at the following link. Thanks to Claude for the tip.

I need help, please! Does anyone know where I can find online a copy of this religious pamphlet that was passed out by the Southern Baptist church back in the 60s that said DS promoted satanism. I thought I read it somewhere online before. I want to show my friends. They don't believe me.

Calendar Events / Announcements '05 I / New Joan Bennett Autobiography
« on: January 21, 2005, 03:38:01 AM »
I did a search, but Couldn't find any topics about this, so thought I'd post because some people might not know about it.  I saw it at Barnes and Noble. It focuses on Joan and sister Constance.  I read some chapters on the last years of her life. Was surprised to find out that one-time controversial talk show host/big mouth Morton Downey Jr. was Joan's nephew. It looks very interesting and includes candid and revealing moments like when, where, and how she died. She really did enjoy working on Dark Shadows, but is quoted as saying that one of the actors "thinks he's Henry Fonda", but he can't act. Alexandra Moltke, Nancy Barrett, KLS, and Marie Wallace provide memories. She also had falling out with one of her daughters. She did not enjoy working on "Suspiria", but did it to please hubby and free trip to Italy.

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