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Messages - Maybellique

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Current Talk '05 I / Re: Worst Couplings/Would-Be Couplings
« on: March 20, 2005, 10:25:16 PM »
carolyn and adam...she was beyond clueless during this the very least she was harboring a murderer in her house with no regaurds to the safety of her own family.

I'm pretty sure this is b/c she was the only one who was supposed to understand him. It was kind of like beauty and the beast, in a way. I guess that was supposed to be its appeal. I just didn't see it, either. Didn't much care for them together. ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Worst Couplings/Would-Be Couplings
« on: March 20, 2005, 06:56:55 AM »
Seriously. Who did you hate to see together? What drove you to the point of fast forwarding YOUR tivo, dvd, vcr or just plain made you stomp out of the room? I know I'm gonna get it for this one, but Joe/Maggie. I love Joe. He's adorable. But the guy was dull. Plain and simple. My argument against them is that Joe never fought for her. To quote a line from my favorite movie, "I think a man should be strong... to protect the woman he loves... don't you?" By GOD yes! But he never seemed to lift a finger, as many other soap opera men for their ladies have, to find her or ride in on his great white steed when she was in danger. And I've gotta admit, I love the hero act. It just makes me melt.

I also think Maggie's too fiery for Joe. I don't know how this coupling worked out in the first place. Even Quentin would have been preferable in his place.

Now, another blah couple I refuse to watch are Jeff/Victoria. Vicky's awesome. Can't say she's invulnerable to my quips, but I like her. But Jeff... What was he trying to do when he kissed her? Suck the blackheads out of her skin? Maybe he was actually trying to taste the back of her throat. I don't know. But I do know that hoover couldn't have done it better.

Another one on the no-no list is Joshua/Naomi. Now they were a nice couple. I'll even say they were sweet together. But having seen those two actors play brother and sister beforehand, I just feel like I'm watching "Passions". The implications are just so incestuous. It's not bad enough to the point where I can't look past it, though. They're great actors.

K. Who do YOU despise together?? ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: maggie's memories
« on: March 20, 2005, 06:43:45 AM »
My criticism is of the use of Maggie's returned memory.  It didn't make sense.  There was no way for her to prove what had really happened.  No matter what she told the police, all Barnabas had to do was show up in daylight and be his usual imperious self.  What small town cop would take her seriously?

Sad to say that even you, me and a lot of other fans can think of a million other ways to extend what could have been a great storyline while the real writers of the show seemed to just want to get the whole maggie's memory ordeal over with. :shakes head: ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Sad Scenes
« on: March 20, 2005, 04:35:29 AM »
I just saw that scene today and I was in tears, too! I really felt sorry for Sarah. ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Characters you care about.
« on: March 20, 2005, 04:32:41 AM »
I do believe that was explored in a fanfic somewhere.  :) ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Favorite Couples/Would-Be Couples
« on: March 20, 2005, 04:29:34 AM »
Okay, everyone knows who my favorite would-be couple is! Who are all of yours? And what about those who WERE actually coupled on the show?

I loved Barnabas and Josette. I was a huge Barn and Josie fan during the painfully short run of the '91 series, and now that I'm finally getting to see the 1795 storyline from '68, I'm adoring them just as much. You can tell how much they loved one another and just why Barnabas went so insane having to live with the thought of never being close to her again. Too bad he made my two most favorite characters suffer the greatest for this loss. :p

Alright, who are your faves? ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: maggie's memories
« on: March 20, 2005, 04:21:45 AM »
BB, THAT is what I've been trying to explore in a fan fiction. ;) ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: maggie's memories
« on: March 20, 2005, 04:16:46 AM »
Rainey, you're giving Willie too much credit there. Even though you, as the viewer, have the chance to sit there and reason what would have been right or wrong to do, Willie was thinking on his toes. And even though I love the guy, he wasn't always the brightest bulb in the box. He was thinking with his heart, not his head, in this case. For all he knew, Barnabas was about to use the one he loved in an (imo) inane experiment which in effect could very well have cost her her life. So, he panicked! He did the only thing he felt he could do in this situation and stole her away. Although the mausoleums secret room was the last place anyone should have taken her who was trying their damndest to keep her memories from resurfacing, Willie merely thought of it as the best hiding place to keep her away from Barnabas. His fears had him constantly paranoid, so high-tailing it out of town was certainly out of the question. He was too afraid Barnabas would track them down.

The issue wasn't whether Barn was still a vampire or not. It was that Willie felt that Maggie's life was threatened. Even though he did the wrong thing in taking her to the mausoleum, that was still a noble gesture, imo.

Maggie could have told the police. Willie also could have gone with her and reported all the other crimes Barn committed. Why didn't he let her? Because Barnabas was his "friend".  As he told Maggie, "Friends are very important to me." I think it's b/c he didn't have anyone he could call a true friend. In his minds eye, I think he fancied thinking that he and Barnabas had grown close. In essense, he was making excuses for his tormentor/abuser. Nothing says it better than "stockholm's syndrome". Look it up. A friend mentioned that a while back on the Willie Loomis List and I think it fits Willie to a "t".

I do totally agree, though, that they should have dragged this on a bit more. This was, after all, what started DS's upward climb to greater recognition, so why just drop it? I guess b/c the writers didn't want any one of the main good characters to dislike Barnabas. Maybe they felt it would ruin the image they were trying to present to the audience of him. Bad writing, I tell ya. Never much cared for the way they handled this, myself.

And what happened during this so called more prominent story with Eve? I wouldn't know. I couldn't keep my finger off the fast-forward button. ~DJ

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Trouble With Avatar
« on: March 19, 2005, 04:49:46 AM »
Oh, you'll see plenty of 'em from me. I adore Willie! ;) ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: dark shadows movie
« on: March 18, 2005, 10:02:13 PM »
Rainey, I just joined netflix. They have a 2-week trial period, so I'm going to take advantage of that to see a few DS dvd's. Don't think I'm gonna wind up paying for their service, but it's a good deal, I think.

And as for the potentiality of a DS movie... only if I get to write it and star in it. :P

Current Talk '05 I / Re: Hottest Kisses on DS
« on: March 17, 2005, 04:47:44 PM »
    I haven't seen any "hot" kisses on Dark Shadows. Then again, I'm biased. Being from a generation of "90210" and "Melrose Place", how can I consider anything but the slutty, salacious kisses exchanged there "hot".

    I always wanted to see John Karlen kiss, and when I finally did, I'm sad to say I was disappointed. The kisses I've seen thus far that he had with Nancy Barrett were very awkward. It's like they weren't on the same page. One of them even seemed as if Nancy was taking it a lot further than JK was willing to.

    I haven't seen Barnabas and Josette kiss, but I'd like to. :) They could have been sweet as man and wife... if he hadn't cheated on her.  :P ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: My Avatar
« on: March 17, 2005, 04:42:47 PM »
   I agree! I think that's what drew me to him. He really deserved someone to love. Even though I'm not sure Maggie would have ever given him a chance, I still like the idea of them. What can I say? I'm just a hopeless romantic!

   I always wanted to be loved like that. He was willing to give up his life for her. I'm not sure when his obsession developed, but on numerous occasions he stood in the way of death's path to her. Joe never did that for her. If Joe and Maggie were meant to be such a solid couple on the show and they wanted to convince the audience of their love, why didn't they just have Joe be the hero every once in a while? Joe only "saved" her, i noticed, from Willie. And these, unbeknownst to him, were situations in which she didn't need any saving at all.

   Willie makes an adorable white knight, that's all I'm saying. :) Too bad he never found a princess who could appreciate him. ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / My Avatar
« on: March 17, 2005, 01:56:24 AM »
Now that my browser's not denying me the sight of my own avatar (stupid ie), I can tell you all about it!

I love graphic arts, not to mention Maggie and Willie. Huge MAWI fan here, if you haven't noticed. Have you? Of course you haven't! :p
But this image represents their feelings for one another. If you notice, Willie's leaning in, expecting something... anything. A glance, maybe, or even a word. But she's turned the other way. The look on her face indicates her quiet refusal of his affections. She doesn't want to hurt him, plain and simple. Here's a bigger version:

I'll post more of my splices as I make 'em. :) Btw, are there any other MAWI fans on this board? Anyone against 'em? Tell all. ~DJ

Current Talk '05 I / Re: The "Gak" Factor Of Roger Davis
« on: March 17, 2005, 12:15:34 AM »
Interesting. I probably wouldn't have despised him as much if he hadn't done what he did in "HODS". Then again...  >:D ~DJ

Testing. 1, 2, 3... / Re: Trouble With Avatar
« on: March 16, 2005, 10:57:48 PM »
Oh, thanks!! It's from paint shop pro. I guess photo shop is the more popular of the two? I used that for a brief while, but I grew accustomed to using psp after my hubby shared the program with me. I don't totally see the difference between the two, though. I think the two programs are like potatoes. Doesn't matter what kind you get. What really matters is what you do with them. ;) ~DJ

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